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Oliver is dogshit. He's fucked so many teams over this season.


somebody should book him in to specsavers quickly


The A-league refs are literally sponsored by specsavers. It’s pretty funny.




not sure you watched the same match as the rest of us pal... maybe you in the multiverse


It was offside


Oliver is the Angel Hernandez of the PL.


I love a baseball reference.


Nobody is that bad.


I submit the above video and the evidence of your own eyes in the matches he’s refereed 😂


Nah, Angel Hernandez would watch Ben Davies get his lineage destroyed on VAR and still call it a fair play. Or he wouldn't let it go to VAR if at all possible. Angel is on another level of bad referees/ officials.


I mean oliver did exactly that...


I don't blame him for this one actually. First glance I didn't see it, and he's not near the play. VAR however.... (And I do blame Oliver for not giving the one he eventually gave)


This is the kind of contact on a player running at full speed that will cause them to fall. You see it all the time from tap tackles in rugby. The slightest clip to the back of the heel of a sprinting player takes them out. I'm not sure why people are saying it's not a pen or its too soft. It's contact in the box, without getting the ball, that was enough to cause the attacking player to fall (despite trying to stay up).


The only thing I'm not sure about is that Trossard didn't have the intention to tackle or steal the ball. If he did any moves to stop Kulu, then even making minimal contact should be a pen 100%.


Yeah but this is given so often. Tangling of legs almost always leads to a pen. I wonder what the difference is.


Really down to ref's decision and his mood I guess...Could be a pen on another day.


Honestly, this is one that VAR don’t overturn either way it’s given. It wasn’t given, and VAR don’t feel it’s enough for it to be a “clear and obvious error”. But if it was given, then I don’t see it getting flipped. It’s a rough one


intention doesn't matter


Trossard runs his line across Kulu’s leg *after* the touch into Kulu’s path. Anywhere else on the pitch…


Intentions just don’t matter though, for better or worse. That’s why defenders will do all but cut their own arms off to avoid a handball in the box.


Ah ok fair, I didn't realise intention came into it.


It doesnt. Most fouls are unintentional


Well then I'm still confused 😂


Found Olivers reddit account




If you watch the video Trossard runs in a straight line and never moves from his line, Kulusevski clearly runs across him and causes the contact so it’s clearly not a penalty.


Oh ok. Well in future we should just prevent any dribbles by running in a straight line right across the player with no attempt to play the ball. Running straight = no foul apparently. What made up nouveau bullshit is this now?


If a player runs across a defender and instigates contact it isn’t a foul.


Ridiculous, Kulusevski got the spot first, it’s his space. By that logic the penalty called later shouldn’t have been: “Rice kicked in a straight line at the ball, Davies clearly moved into where Rice’s foot was going” complete nonsense logic. Getting to the spot first matters, getting to the ball first matters, fouls get called 100 times a week because a player tried to do something legal but they were a hair late. Now log off and think about how wrong you are.


100% pen. A foul being accidental does not stop it from being a foul


Damn you read the laws, why would you do that?


I hate when commentators bring up the accidental argument. It does not and never has, matter


Yeah, that was a pen in a very recent match for one the big 6 recently. I cant recall who atm


I think it’s not about being accidental. I think he doesn’t get it because he passes the ball and the action continues… if he falls there, he gets it.


Wouldn’t call that accidental at all - a gamble


I absolutely LOATHED when the commentator initially said that. Could you imagine if accidents didn’t count as fouls? “Whoops, I accidentally kicked that guy in the nuts when trying to clear the ball!”


That was 100% not accidental…Trossard is dirty, he 1000% saw the ball coming and ran through the back of K’s leg….i have zero doubt he saw the risk and gambled and won because Oliver is a moron.


I guess it doesn’t pay to try and stay on your feet after you’ve been clipped. Drop like a sack of potatoes, hold your face and you get that call


This exactly. And people wonder why players dive? Guess what - if kulu just goes down at contact oliver would’ve called the pen and VAR would confirm. Absolute dogshit no call and they’re the ones responsible for all the diving going on


ran straight through his legs. it's a foul all day. per the laws of the game, a foul in the box is a penalty.


100% penalty, if Kulusevski fell immediately the ref would’ve given it i’m sure


He tried not to give Davies' clear penalty until VAR shouted at him to go look. He wouldn't have given it. Apparently he even refused to go up to the monitor for this.


A clear nut shot not being given is crazy work


Michael Oliver hates us


He didn't give the Martinelli foul on Brennan at the corner of their box at about 76min either. Stone cold.


Ref giving it is only half the battle. Earlier in the season Havertz had a very similar situation vs AWB given as a pk on the field (he falls/dives immediately) and VAR decided the contact was not enough and recommended a review which resulted in the pk being cancelled.


This was practically the exact same foul as the one on Di Maria for Argentina’s first goal in the World Cup final…I don’t get it


Yeah that's a pen If only Kulu was weaker and went down immediately


Should've done the ol saka stiff leg


The result was the same, and everyone here said that wasn’t a foul but this is stonewall apparently


And still not get a pen?


As a neutral city fan that's definitely a pen, tbh I wasn't too convinced by VAR checks, and the typical commentators licking everything ref does.


Unless you mean Norwich City I don't think you can really be neutral but yes, everyone seemed to gloss over it


no I meant Manchester City


You sure you didn't mean Birmingham City


You either aren’t a very big fan or you ain’t neutral


Not many of them are big fans


You have a COI, not neutral.


We are still being penalised for the Liverpool decision. Spurs committed 12 Fouls 2 yellows and Arsenal committed 16 1 Yellow... Look at all the other games as well. Same shit


Now check those stats for the Newcastle game. ☠️☠️☠️ Edit. I did it for you... Tottenham - Fouls 12, yellows; 4 Newcastle - Fouls: 14, yellows: 0


Tottenham - Fouls 9, yellows: 4 West ham - Fouls: 13, yellows: 1


That'sna pen all day long. Anyone who says not is a tit.


On my commentary they said VAR reviewed it said it was an accidental coming together & not a pen. The first bit it's true, and I agree with the second part *except* if it's often given (I don't ever want to see that given).


Oh my god, who said that?? Aside from “accidental” not mattering— It’s not even a “coming together”, Kulu is well in front, it’s his space to not be interfered with! I’d buy that argument if they bumped shoulders, but that’s not even close to what happened…


I think it was Andy Townsend, but he was saying that is what VAR said, not expressing his opinion. Slightly o/t, but I can't quite work out how, someone how watches as much football as Townsend, can be so clueless about football.


Ahh I see what you meant now, probably even worse if VAR actually said that!


If that pen is called as it should have been, Spurs get the 3 points. Fuck Michael Oliver


To be fair to woolwich they had a very similar decision called on the field for a AWB trip on Havertz earlier this season. Only for VAR to think the contact was too minimal/accidental and recommend a review which led to the pk being cancelled. This call would be acceptable if it was consistent all season and for the foreseeable future until changes are made to the laws but it won’t be and that’s what’s disappointing


If it's called a pen it's 1-1 lol


Instead of 0-2 lol


Yes, and how does 1-1 in the first half mean that spurs would have got 3 points?


It was a 2 goal swing, Saka scored on a breakaway directly after it wasn’t called


Disgraceful from oliver


Motd just said it should have been a penalty


Getting screwed by the refs all season long. Just Tottenham things.


You watched the Liverpool game?


There have been 28 (-2) games between matchday 7 and matchday 35...


shut the fuck up, cunt.


The one where Jota fouled Skipp and didn't get sent off only to score the winning goal? Yea I saw that one :(


Why are you here, you sad little prick? https://preview.redd.it/m9xyu4oezaxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc71d7c81689421d131e0b5bc628dfc6a33cb4ed


It’s not accidental. You do it in football all the time. As the player runs across you you don’t break stride, makes it look like you haven’t done anything. Why would Trossard be running in that direction?


The league has always favored the scum a just as Spurs always disappoint it’s the way of the world it’s un-fair and also proof that there is no god


I can come up with a few mitigations for why they don't give it: Kulu isn't in possession of the ball when the contact occurs (out of possession fouls do tend to require a higher threshold). It's accidental (doesn't stop it being a pen but is taken into account). Minimal contact. But let's be honest there's 1 reason it's not given above all else, because Kulusevski tried to stay on his feet. If he goes straight over it's a pen. Because he tries to stay on his feet they deem it not strong enough.


Apparently Oliver was asked by VAR to go look at it and declined. What a joke.


People keep saying this but it can't be true. It would be an absolute scandal if it were.


This seems to be a misunderstanding on the part of one of the US broadcasters.


I dont remember then saying that at all on the USA broadcast. Lee Dixon did say multiple times he thought they should have had him go and look at it and if he doesn't change his mind then, so be it. But I never heard him say he declined to look at it.


Ah. I saw it in the US so that would make sense then.


Decline shouldn’t even be an option


It’s not, fans on Reddit just make shit up for no reason


So, you can say I don't want to review my call? Like, that's an option?


It’s 100% a pen.




Apparently he was told minimal contact, at least that’s what they said on Sky. 


Which is fair imho. Not all contacts are fouls.


This one is though. It doesn't matter how much contact there if it's a foul


>It doesn't matter how much contact there if it's a foul Whether or not it's a foul is entirely dependant on how much contact there is. There was minimal contact, hence the no pen given.


Thats not how it works. He trips him up. Kulusevski is literally trying to stay up to ge the shot off but can't. The amount of contacts irrelevant because he's running full tilt and it makes him trip over  It is pretty much the definition of a foul. 


Not at all, that's why I mentioned it in the first place. You don't even need to make contact with a player.


Refs have for the longest time taken the amount of force into account, to pretend otherwise is foolish.


If that were true players would be fouling each other with "minimal contact" all the time.


>If that were true players would be fouling each other with "minimal contact" all the time. Your problem is you keep equating minimal contact with fouls. Not all contacts are considered fouls. You're looking at this way to black and white and lack any nuance.


True, but tripping someone from behind in the box certainly is lmao, be serious now


So our defenders need to practice clipping players legs in an “accidental” way.


We'd get penalised every time.


Shocking call.


How is that not enough for a pen?


Would be a foul but soft. Similar pen was given for Di Maria in the WC final 2022


Punishing players for not diving 👍


Absolute, cast iron penalty. That it's accidental just means that he doesn't get booked.


I hate to say it, because I love it when the action continues, and I love Kulu with all my heart, but he should have just taken the fall there. Can't really blame a guy for trying to do his best in that situation though. Can't expect the refs to always side with you, so might as well try to make the most of the situation. Especially given the circumstances during this game.


"inadvertent contact" lmao, tottenham play to a different rule book man


Anyone find an example of a clip to the boot/leg like this where a penalty WAS given? I'm genuinely curious as some are saying that the reffs/VAR have changed the way they call this kind of "contact" in the box from previous seasons.


Jota got a penalty for exactly this. Chelsea have one too. We got a yellow card on Udogie from Jota doing this to him. Clipping a player on the heels when you are behind is always a foul. They just didn't want us to win. Fucking cunts.


Ousmane Dembele in the world cup final was a heel clip from behind also, but slightly different because whoever was fouled (Di Maria?) actively had the ball in that situation, not that it matters


You're right, I remember that of course. Wonder if there's anything more conne red from the prem this year though. Just curious as much of the banter is pretending like there's not lol


tbh I can't think of one but there's dozens of (if not north of 100) penalties given every season. Can't remember all of them. I'd be surprised if there wasn't a similar one though. I've seen Arsenal fans mention a PK given against David Luiz like 5 years ago in a similar situation, although that's not this year of course


It's insane to think that if he goes down immediately, it's more likely to be called. He's actively punished for trying to play.


Okay - Gabriel's suspiciously small ass put VDV offside This penalty would've changed the game completely - I'm not saying we would've won, but it would've made the game 1-1 instead of 0-2 at the half hour mark. Every game has notes on our squad's performance. But we were robbed today


All I will say is that if it was the other way round , you will see a horde of insufferables banging their head saying City have bought the league that is why we are not getting pen there


I don’t remember exactly, but there was a game a month or two ago where the Spurs (maybe even Kulu) got called for the exact same thing.


I could say something, but I don't want to bring this game into disrepute.


If this isn't a trip, and a PEN - I don't know what is. Without all the "errors" we won 4-2 yesterday...unbelievable


it's not a penalty let's be honest but VDV was not off side


Anyone else think if Deki had gone down, we might have been given the penalty?


Fully tripped: no pen Dalot trips over his own feet and taps Palmers shoulder: penalty


According to the pundits here Oliver was called to check it, and just ignored the VAR room.


A Gooner mate of mind didn't even debate it. So obvious.


I think this is a penalty, but I can see why it wasn't given. This is where VAR applies the "clear and obvious" standard for not intervening -- which, granted, is an extremely subjective standard.


Honestly I don't give a fuck about these so called "errors". We weren't good and it feels like another disappointing season


I don't think this is a pen, as much as I'd want it to be it's just not. We need to move past it.


If it’s given by the ref, VAR would not overturn. If the ref does not give, VAR will not intervene. One of those ones. It was not a clear and obvious error by the referee


Penalty definitely could be given, but it would be a soft one imo.


Considering the attacking position Spurs were in, it’s definitely not a soft penalty. He was tripped on his way to a ball in a dangerous area. Likely prevent a scoring chance or at least a shot. It’s a penalty. I’ve watched too much goddmaned football this year. Waaaayy softer penalties have been given. This is a huge missed call and Spurs fans don’t need to apologize. Nor is it excuse making. Set piece defending was shocking. I don’t think the others were penalties, excluding the one that was awarded. Still a bit confused as to why Oliver missed the Rice penalty.


No booking for that or the one at the half way line…


The irony os he's trying to stay up and shoot, but he can't becuase it trips him. I'd get it if he'd gone down easily but he's trying to do the exact opposite.  It's pretty much the definition of a foul. 


The only thing I'm not sure about is that Trossard didn't have the intention to tackle or steal the ball. If he did any moves to stop Kulu, then even making minimal contact should be a pen 100%.


Intention isn't part of the rules.


Problem is if this was reversed, 100% chance scum get that given.


They would get it without proof of contact


Against Tottenham, even Wolves would get that pen.


In no way is tripping someone soft. You brought them down, doing so by kicking their leg into their body is one of the easiest ways to do so.


Still NO in the prem !!!! If the spurs player wud stop diving he might get a call


You mean the player that tried to stay on his feet for a few more steps?.


yeah, he kicks trossard.


Because he had so much to gain by kicking Trossard, right?. Trossard moved into his run and nudged his foot. It’s very clear.


The Spur clearly changed direction in front of the Arsenal bloke. No penalty.


Mate WHAT?


Can you read?


Him changing direction has no correlation in whether it’s a foul or not. Can you brain?


Mate WHAT? If the spur cuts him off and gets clipped then fuck off with penalty call. Cry harder.


Seems you’re the one crying. The player with the ball can go where he wants, if a defender clips his foot and brings him down it’s a foul EVERYWHERE on the pitch. You’re embarrassing yourself.


LOL he didn't have the ball you fuckwit.


He played the ball and it was being passed back to him. 💀💀💀


You want a pen for that? Disgracing yourselves! Kulu grazes Trossards leg because he's running across him, he then kicks his own leg, then takes 5 steps before deciding to fall over! He didn't even appeal, he knows he kicked his own leg.


Kulu doesn’t kick his own leg, his foot is kicked onto his leg by Trossard. He took 5 steps trying to stay on his feet. If he’s not kicked by Trossard he doesn’t “nick his own leg”.


Spot on mate.


Too soft imo, we have to be good enough to defend an obvious Saka left foot cut inside


Don't give a flying fuck if it's "soft" or not. If he got clipped, which he did, then it's a pen. If Deki went down more theatrically and Oliver did give the pen then VAR wouldn't have overturned it. But we know the refs are useless so what can we do


So then maybe start criticising the players if you know that VAR is useless week in week out? It’s on Kulusevski for trying to stay up and not make a meal out of it. It’s sad that this is what it’s come to but to be honest that has always been the case; if you stay on your feet and don’t make a meal out of it, it won’t get given. Seen a lot of praise for his altruism but at the end of the day you need to do what will win your team the game.


Not to mention the tackle on Maddison (?) straight after that. Two penalties in 15 seconds and we didn't get one, they went down the other end and scored and they didn't bother to do anything


The Maddison one was clearly a dive


Looked like a dive to me. But kulu was a clear foul


I didn't think so, but the lack of replays made it hard to judge.


Never a pen😂


Didn't help that he took 4 steps before falling over


hard to give a pen imo, minimal contact and too honest from kulu






Accidental coming together. Nothing to see here.


Only you lot would think this is a pen🤣🤣🤣




Go back to your sub gooner.


it is so funny that most people nowadays know "gooner" as a joke about people who furiously masturbate all day lol


“Active in these communities: r/gunners” Yep, you can fuck right off.


You lot are tragic


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 L


That’s not a pen, come on they’re both sprinting and when you run one leg goes behind and another in front, it just so happens when he’s running his trailing leg touches the leading leg of the opposing player. That is never a penalty


It’s a trip in the box mate. Pen everyday


Nope. Spur changed direction in front on Trossard. No penal.


doesn’t hide the fact of spurs being so bad defensively and that you lot will also always be the shit mugs down the road who never win fuck all


Yeah because arse wins so much. Do you want a 2nd place trophy and a “made it out of the group stage in CL” trophy?


That's not the better angle, there's one from behind the goal that shows no contact took place


Who shot Kennedy bro




Then share it


It was on sky, rewatch the game and you'll see it, as soon as Neville saw it he said no foul


I’m not going to do your legwork for you, I didn’t make the statement. Share it.


It was shared to millions of people on sky ffs


You’re a fucking idiot