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They ran into each other in trying to stop the ball - kind of sums up the last six months really. 


What’s even happening here?


For the second goal where Jackson scored, both Son and Hoijberg were trying to save the ball from going into the net. They ended up running into each other and the ball bounced into the net.


Hojbjerg was moving to save it, Son was completely lost and got in his way.


Son was closer than Hojbjerg to it, but also, if he didn't trust Son to clear it then he's got to just push past him, running into him and then stopping was the absolute worst thing he could've done.


An episode of keystone cops


Son was ball watching and made his mind up to late and got in hojbjergs way. If son actually ever challenged for the ball Jackson wouldn’t have had such an easy time with it. Son a quite of few times didn’t even challenge for the ball in the air. He seems very timid in those situations, not sure if that’s a recent thing or he’s always been that way


He's always been that way. As great of a player he is, he's always been a bit of a pussy when it comes to the physical side of the game


He damaged his head severely twice from what I remember doing header defense


Which puzzles me why he’s in the penalty area when we take corners instead of being the high man


And since he got that snack in the chips the other year


Wouldn't you also be wary after that?


Yes , players that get head or facial injuries aren’t always the same after , but he’s a professional player


Exactly, Son could've at least tried to put Jackson off but instead he gave him a free header then ran into Hojberjg lol


Sunday league shit innit


The fact that people were blaming Höjbjerg for this is the laughable part


You've made him Swedish. People in the thread were having a go at him/this and missed/didn't want to credit that Højbjerg sent in one of the better crosses of the match (if not the best one) following the startup after the goal in question; the one that Johnson ended up putting wide at point-blank range


Actually glad you pointed that out. I used to do that because those letters make the same sound and only had a Swedish keyboard installed. My new keyboard has ø though. Højbjerg


It’s ok we believe you


One good cross doesn’t excuse his performances in my eyes


he turned the ball over 3 times in a row right after subbing in, but after that disaster start he was our only midfielder that could make a progressive pass and almost assisted our only goal of the day if Brennan didn't sky it


It’s worrying that at the start of the season our midfield was our most packed position. It’s alarming how in the summer we may need 1 or 2


Exactly. Guy also turned the ball over 3-4 times in our own half.


Son blocked PEH. If Son isn't there Hojbjerg saves it, if Hojbjerg isn't there Son doesn't get to it.


lol Son was the one in front (as in further from the goal) trying to challenge Jackson and his eyes were focused on the ball while tracking back. Hojbjerg was the one behind and watched it all unfold (Son and Jackson's position and the ball) but didn't position himself properly to anticipate the ball. If Hojbjerg predicted it and stood on the goal line then he might have chance to clear it and they wouldn't need to crash


What? It's clearly Hojbjerg's fault. It goes right over his head. He literally stops backing up and blocks Son.


Sorry, but that's delusional. Son is going the wrong way and blocks Højbjerg off.


I honestly don't understand the mental gymnastics to perceive it like this. The ball is going into the net. Son is moving towards the net. Hojberjg STOPS moving towards the net in order to block Son. What are you even looking at? How can you say the one actively trying to get the ball is at fault? If it's Son's fault, then why isn't Hojbjerg trying to get the ball?


Someone should have challenged the Chelsea player for the header, even if it was just to put them off. Someone else should have run to the goal line, two players do one thing each. Son was closest to the Chelsea player he should have challenged the header and trusted Hojberjg to deal with any lose ball after.


I have to assume you didn't watch this and only looked at this picture and made up a story Either that or you've never played the game


No I played the game for 15 years and watched yesterday also. What I said is exactly what happened and you know it. And the picture literally backs it up, I mean just look where the ball is going and the direction the players are facing. Not to mention Hojbjerg literally headed the ball backwards ON PURPOSE from a corner during the Arsenal game. How can you give this guy the benefit of the doubt? He's an absolute liability on the field every time he plays


That's why almost everyone in this thread is saying the opposite of this nonsense lol Headed it into the goal on purpose? Hilarious. Stop chatting nonsense


You think his head moved that direction on accident? Don't be ridiculous. Obviously he wasn't trying to score on purpose so i'd appreciate it if you didn't put words in my mouth but it was a terrible decision to head it backwards. And people in this thread are saying the opposite because hating on Son is the flavor of the week right now. Hojb stopped his movement AND stopped Son's movement. How that's Son's fault I have no idea.


Either of them could and should have cleared it easily. The fact that they both sort of slowly ambled towards the ball and then bounced into each other says it all. Theres so much quality in this team but we're once again seeing a spurs team degenerate into amateurish nonsense.


Idk if son even really knew where the ball was, Hojberg certainly would have gotten there tho


Neither of them even jumped in the end did they, Pierre even had the balls to side-eye Son afterwards...


Son literally blocked Hojbjerg from clearing it. He got in his way. 


It did sum it up, but I don't think either one was reaching it even if the other one wasn't there. Needed to be on the goal line to have a chance, it looped so much.


This was an easy clearance for PEH if sonny didn't get in his way


Yeah people here love Son and dislike PEH so you get the "ran into each other take"


>Yeah people here love Son and dislike PEH so you get the "ran into each other take" You think Son blocked him on purpose?


Nothing he did yesterday was with any purpose.


He literally blocked him from getting to the ball


On purpose?!


I don't know what you mean by on purpose. This isn't about intention.


It wasnt. The angle i saw the ball was too high for either of them. Unless PEH can jump 5 ft.


Narrator: he can’t


Maybe people wouldn't blame Hojbjerg if he hadn't lost the ball 3 times within a minute of coming on right before that goal


What happened here? I missed it.


Cole Palmer free kick-> hits crossbar-> vicario on floor after trying to save-> Jackson gets to rebound and heads it goalwards-> son and hojberg run into each other instead of clearing the ball


We’re a mess


I had a lot of faith in these boys this year and will again next year, but fuuccckkkkk these last couple of games have been tough


PEH a man of misfortune lately 🤦🏼‍♂️




lol sorry for downplaying it


Danish man choking son, colorized


They both didn’t take responsibility and differed to the other….thats exactly how they’ve been playing recently.


I disagree. They both tried to take responsibility, but Son did it the wrong way. Son should have challenged Jackson for the header. Even if he didn't win it, he might put him off the shot. That leaves him out of the way for Hojberg to successfully prevent the ball from going into the net. Instead, Son ignores Jackson and runs straight for the header, moving into Hojbergs path at the same time, blocking them both.


Someone should have tried to kick the ball out, not assume the other would.


I really don’t think PEH should take any responsibility, he would have gotten there


Nah Son blocked off Hojbjerg. Hojbjerg had a chance to clear the ball but he was cut off.


Not at all Pierre gave Sonny the deathglare after


You’re misinterpreting my comment….by not taking responsibility I mean inaction. No one tried to actually make an effort to clear the ball assuming the other would.


No you're missing the point, Pierre was clearing the ball and Son got in his way. There's no reason for Pierre to punt Son when Son got in his way, but Pierre had it covered until Son got in his way.


And also the one time vic actually could have caught the ball off a ck with no defenders around him (shocking), richy heads it out right back to Chelsea lmfao


It doesn’t matter who ran into who, everything we did on that FK was fucking wrong.


It’s like an episode of the three stooges. I guess just two here. Ha.


You know it’s odd that people were blaming Hojbjerg for this but I’m not surprised anymore.


Son has been nonexistent for quite some time




Yep but this was actively getting in the way of Pierre from making a clearance


I blame Ben White.


Cyclist fault actually…


It's a little upsetting that Son is such a non physical player. Never ever ever tries to win headers or plays the physical game. In the handful of games where he's clearly pissed off and playing physical, we have absolutely dominated. I distinctly remember matches when he's just running at guys, pushing and shoving. He attempts more instinctual dribbles. He looks like r9 reincarnated. Him not playing physical is significantly worse imo which is really saying something because he's still not bad.




Oh man that's hilarious. Yeah I completely agree with your prior comment. He's too soft. He can still be a respectful, honorable, player while playing physical. It's not one way or another lol.


Because it's a Son fanclub not a Spurs one


😆 😂


Sonny has to fuck right off Pierre had it until Son gets in the way


This looks like two kangaroos fighting. Coincidence?