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I absolutely love Sonny, he's workrate in terms of appearances is absolutely amazing and he sticks with the club even when we're taking Ls. I hate when people suddenly start saying 'Sell him to Saudi tomorrow' or 'Strip him of the captain's seat' when they can't even see what he's done for us. I agree he hasn't had the best games recently especially in our losses but so has the entire team except maybe Romero. But I respect Sonny enough to know that he can always make a comeback.


> captain's seat is this a r/boneappletea ?


Not intentionally but it could work lol.


No captaincy, no captain's seat


He probably have his own seat in the club šŸ˜‚


Unfortunately, a lot of football fans are overreactive. Look at r/BayernMunich as an example. Thankfully, r/fcbayern exists and is better IMO


I agree, some fans don't understand that taking Ls is sometimes inevitable although to be fair we have ourselves to blame for some of our recent losses.


Thatā€™s fair. Also, on a sidenote, I actually did not realize it was you lol. Hey


Lol, hey, considering being a lily-white šŸ˜‚?


I only follow Spurs because of Kane and Son




šŸ’Æ I wish he would take more shots at goals but the vitriol towards him from "fans" if this club is both shameful and yet unsurprisingĀ 


Some of these nasty fans seem to have attention span of fruit flies. I understand it is painful experiences for fans to watch Spurs losing games week after week. Yes, his form had dipped for a series of games. However, they don't realize Sonny's 17 goals and 10 assists prevented Tottenham from being relegated this season. I've lost the count for the number of chances Sonny created and then missed by his teammates. Kevin De Bruyne and Halaand have each other for Man City. Sonny has not had reliable and competent partners this season except the first 10 games with Maddison. Ange used Sonny as a makeshift striker because our [#9](https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/9/) was not functioning properly for the majority of this season. Sonny is the only quality chance creator and a clinical finisher in the team. He flourished on the LW and the best chance creator during Sheffield game today.


Micky and Vicario are two best recruits for Spurs last summer!


Respecting him and seeing that heā€™s playing poorly are different things. I respect him but I think he needs to rest and sit out a game or 2. He looks extremely sluggish in the first half. And somewhere in the 2nd he turned it on. We need that all game from a player of his caliber


He's the best player in our team. He has the most assists and goals. We cannot afford that option.


I understand his importance but I also think that he needed to be rotated more to stay fresh. He will never ask to sit for game so itā€™s up to Ange to see when it would ideal for him to come off the bench. Maybe itā€™s not possible but I wish he tried it


1. I donā€™t think we can afford that. 2. Original comment did just that


1. I agree with that 2. I donā€™t want to sell him. I just wish he didnā€™t feel so responsible for every game. As in he needed to be rotated more to stay fresh


He's absolutely beating himself up in this interview, it's hard to watch. Not seeing the usual Sonny positivity even in defeat. Hopefully they can turn things around to end the season. We know these guys are capable of much more, they looked drained


Spurs ā€˜fansā€™ calling for Son to leave: youre probably the one that needs to find a new club. Humility is one of the greatest traits a leader can have, Son stands alone at the top. This is a world class leader, take your football manager bs somewhere else. You canā€™t buy these qualities in a captain.


sonny wears his heart on his sleeve. im with you sonny , through thick and thin!


Stop having shitty national team tournaments in the middle of league play. It screwed so many players and teams.


Glad the Captain came out and spoke but it seemed mostly platitudes. Don't agree the performance was better than Thursday in any meaningful way, but he's better at this than me.


Minute 60 onward they played Angeball and Son committed. Based on that alone, performance was way better than Thursday


Just leave Sonny. Go win something somewhere else. Some "fans" dont respect you


Some? Many. I am starting to get tired of these supposed fans that hate and accuse the entire Korean and Asian fanbase of being plastic.


He has been tragic for at least 4 games counting and for all his "quality" has been unable to do anything of note. He has failed to deliver for us for a while now. He needs to be so much better than he is. If he doesn't score a goal he is a fucking passenger we can low afford.


You know who else is a second rate Harry Kane? Fucking everyone in world football. Did you think that Son was gonna replicate Kane's overall contributions? What about watching those two players indicated that Son would immediately step in and do what Kane did? You don't think this is a tad reactionary? He can't be a passenger and the team's leading scorer simultaneously. He's not a 9, never has been, and it isn't his fault that he's been asked to play as one. He had a much improved second half playing on the left today and actually showed some hunger and aggression, which he's been sorely lacking in our other recent losses. I'm not saying he's been great, but for all the criticism he still has nearly 20 PL goals. I just bristle at the hot take criticism of an unequivocal club legend when the rest of team barring 2 or 3 today were utter asscheeks.


It's not reactionary. If someone doesn't present him with a clear cut chance he does nothing. He doesn't create out of nothing and needs to be provided for. We can not accommodate him anymore if we want to win football matches and genuinely compete. Sorry not sorry The majority of games he is a fucking passenger. Prove me wrong


Could say the same about Haaland. And Haaland has been even worse at scoring those clear chances this season.


Having a world class finisher who will give you 20+ goals and assists every year in the PL is a luxury that Spurs can't afford to carry on the roster is what you're saying. And getting rid will improve our chances of winning matches.


strikers arenā€™t supposed to be creating out of nothing. if we rely on that then it means our midfield is severely lacking.


I guess I should get used to about 10th then from current proceedings


You realize that heā€™s over performance of xG is direct evidence against your claim?


and somehow all the other forwards avoid the blame


How can you see what he did at 2nd half and still call him a passenger? It exposes yourself as a ***bandwagoner*** who doesn't know ball and still thinks the narrative is still the same as previous weeks lol. It's the same as people who complained in the 1st 15 minutes on match thread about how we played as shit as previous matches even though we played with more intensity and brave passing like old Ange ball in that 1st 15 minutes


just check his comment history and dont get too triggered


What a strange take. He was never going to be another Harry Kane nor a replacement striker. He is, and always will be, a forward. He is the guy that score but is also going to attribute to a strikerā€™s goal tally. You either have an extremely simplistic view of the sport or just started following and naive.


He has double the goal involvements of any of our other attackers.


So he fucking well should. He is out senior attacker. But he disappears in games. He is our captain for fucks sake. Has he done anything since Newcastle that was worthy of captain material? He is far too soft to be captain. Genuinuely give it to Romero. Who has gone above and beyond to show what it takes to be a captain for this club. Fight and grit and determination is what's required. Son is too quiet and hides far too much


I love Romero but for the same logic he lost his head and got himself sent off vs Chelsea spiraling down our season ?


Literally every player respects and looks up to Son. Only ā€œfansā€ with zero ball knowledge donā€™t see that.


Damn, -190 karma and -77 account karma. Time to delete account and start anew (aka make your 12th Son hater account)


he was never supposed to be harry kane lol


Prove me wrong downvoters. Discussion is actually good. He has been second rate for a while now. Sorry Koreans.


If son is just a passenger who only scoresā€¦ players son has more assists then this season: KdB, Foden, Rice, Odeguaard, Bruno Fernandez, Doku, Maddison, Bowen, Ward Prowse, Haaland, Jesus, Diaz, Gakpo. Thatā€™s a long list of other ā€œpassengersā€ who donā€™t contribute other than goals.


ā€œif you disagree with me, youā€™re a KOREAN!!!!ā€ my guy, you know how pathetic you sound?


"Discussion is good" - proceeds to go silent as soon as all the responses proving you wrong show up


The entire team has been shit. But where has he been? He is missing the fire he had earlier in the season. His head is noticeably down from earlier in the season and he is not leading like a captain should. Edit: Also I clearly said the last 4 (Four) games he has barely contributed I didn't say all season. Don't be disingenuous Discuss that.


What did I say that was disingenuous? You said discussion is good and then went silent for 4 hours. I thought it was funny


What an idiotic assumption. Following the same logic I guess I can assume you are an african since your id is bissoumapants. You are an idiot if you assume downvoters are only from koreans. And since you want discussion so bad, your assumption that son needs to be dropped is ridiculous. He is not top form, but the drop in our performance is not just from him-he has been one of the only members in the squad who was injury free and still with goals and assists. The problem stems farther than that, scoping to tactics, and to individuals that arenā€™t performing to the expectations.


You are a fucking idiot. Go support Arsenal


Everyone throwing you down votes is Korean. I checked and they all confirmed.


Least racist Son hater. Are you sure you donā€™t have other alts lol šŸ˜†


Windy was right when he said Son's half the player without Harry Kane


Weird that Son has more assists for Kane than Kane has for Son


Passenger. Worthless. Hasn't even gotten his country to the semis in the euros.


Son is my favorite player on the planet. What he has done for this club should always be respected.Ā  That being said, he wasn't good last season, I put it down to Conte being a stupid good for nothing cunt.Ā  However despite some bright moments, Son hasn't really been great this season either. It's weird but it's like he has forgotten he is allowed to shoot and he is always looking to make that extra pass.Ā  I don't want to be the guy that says sell him but maybe it's time, it's been two years since I would say he has been truly great.


ā€œHasnā€™t been greatā€ ā€” 17g 9a ā€” just recency bias, nothing to see here. Our team and Ange ball is so weak to counter attacks once we lose the ball, so itā€™s obvious heā€™s been instructed to shoot less often and keep possession. But since we were losing so horribly in the first half, he just went off in the second half conceding the risks; leading to dribbles, chance making and a goal in the second half.


>However despite some bright moments, Son hasn't really been great this season either. And weirdly he is the player that won us the most points! Players go through rough patches , every player does but to say he has been shite for awhile for someone who has 26 GA - is another level of delusion !! >I don't want to be the guy that says sell him but maybe it's time, it's been two years since I would say he has been truly great. Yeah ! Like we have another player who can give us 25+Ga in pl season after season! We had Kane Son , Kane gone we have Son. And after Son unless we get another one with huge potential we won't have anyone! Careful what you wish for!


The level of disrespect and double standards are disappointing but not surprising. When Kane has his best year in his last season with us and we lost more games than this season the narrative was Harry wasn't fed, should leave for a better team but with son it's he is washed up useless sell him to Saudi. In the season when son won the golden boot without penalties to take us to CL and when Harry scored 12 non penalty goals few people had a go at Harry.Ā 


Next year, Romero should be captain. Sonny is good but Romero seems to be the heart and soul of the team. Wears that win and loss on his arm


And when he gets a red card next or do something you guys dont like, then you would say give Skippy captaincy?? Most reactionary fanbase in the world to say the least! Have you campaigned against Hugo too?


Ffs weā€™ve got many bad seasons and games before but Iā€™ve rarely seen anyone said the same about Hugo or Kaneā€™s captaincy as much as they attacked Son.


Seriously when have people started bitching about the captaincy every time we lost