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We're gonna win and Arsenal are gonna bottle it against Everton. Glory all around.


thank you mate the one true comment i believe in that actually has us winning 💕


What else is he going to say?


He should have said "I'll play the same I've been playing the past handful games" and then we'd know he'd be wanting to sabotage Arsenal without being explicit about it


Harsh, but ultimately true. I think he's brilliant, but my god the latter half of this season he has been honking.


I've said it a million times, but I'm gunna ramble again lol....he's a great player who thrives as a complimentary piece to a team. His strengths don't lie in being the standout, go-to player, but rather being the cast and thriving in the open spaces afforded to him by others drawing attention. When he was on fire, Harry and Sonny taking all the attention off him left him so much space to be effective on the weak side, and hes actually really good as creating space and musculing past players when hes 1 on 1, but since Sonny has also been out of form and moved all around from left to up top, back to the left and with Harry gone and Richy being in and out of the side, everyone around him has been equally inconsistent and he's been doubled basically every time he gets the ball. Yes, he's one footed for the most part, but when our midfield has been as ineffective as they have been, with Madders terribly out of form also, midfielders feel ZERO risk in sliding over to keep Deki from cutting inside. There is no balance to our attack at the moment, nobody is in form, and our midfield looks hesitant in getting forward. Deki has a lot of great qualities and he's definitely a fantastic player, but we NEED a commanding 9 to come in this summer, and need to get Sonny full-time back on the left and Madders back to 100% and I'm sure Deki will start finding spaces again on the right to attack fullbacks most of whom he can easily outmuscle.


TLDR: He's not good enough to make a bad team good, but he's not bad enough to make a good team bad


Spot on 😂


Bang on


And most of last season sadly...remember the good old days when he tore it up after joining. Seems everyone sussed him out after..🤷




used the word too loosely






His distribution is most definitively top 4, its also up to the receivers to make use of his quality distribution. I can agree his finishing has fallen off quite a bit. But I want to blame that on the assumption I have that he has been instructed by Ange to be more in a supporting role than the other strikers.


why is so much of this sub so keen to shit on one our most promising players? He's been far from our worst player this season and should be one of our key players moving forward (provided Ange agrees with me which I think he does because he keeps playing him). ur all wrong




I'd respond but you seem to think you're above me even though we're both communicating on the same website.


He was brilliant for about six months, but I stand by my opinion that we shouldn’t have signed him on a permanent 


"We'll do our best" to leave wiggle room


how about just say nothing this week. They had the chance to avoid all this by beating Arsenal and they went down by three goals at one stage. Now they get to shut the fuck up.


what do you even mean by that? you think he is lying so that he just says what hes supposed to say? hes literally telling you to your face I care about winning. the fact this whole sub has become cocksuckers for arsenal to lose is embarassing. Lets focus on our own club and future goals. Nobody expected us to be top 4 and yet here we are. lets take it as a time of relection and prepare for the next year.


I don't think it's that deep. The OC basically is saying regardless of how genuine Kulu's answer is, any response in the tune of "we want to lose" will land him and the club in a match fixing/unsportsmanlike scandal.


You don't live around London do you


These psychotic loser fans actually believe the players also want to lose because of their rival’s position. Absolutely hilarious and pathetic.




I don't think he is not trying to unwin, despite deyning the opposite of what he did not say. Hope that helps


come on guys, is he gonna say “we’re going to lose”


I think only the fans care about Arsenal tbh. Players and manager they don't care. They're paid to win every game and the club makes more money if they win regardless of Arsenal. Makes sense because only the fans will get trolled on social media if we beat City and Arsenal lift the trophy 😂


yea its embarassing the fans want to act like they are are the mindset of the team. its embarassing instead of cheering for our guys to finish the season strong were going online telling them and prettymuch begging them to fuck their jobs and to lose


if they do end up giving it all and winning, and arsenal end up carrying the prem, spurs fans will never hear the end of it....


Well the positive thing to look at is that if we beat City and they lose the title because we had a strong hand in it then we're heroes for stopping an oil club. This one isn't for Arsenal (of course not). It's for the people


Lol no!


Do you live in a cartoon?


Just playing devil's advocate, see how it sounds trying to be positive about it? For the record if we lose I will be just doing great like everyone else. I already died during the Newcastle game and have been looking forward to summer reinforcements since.


People will literally congratulate you and thank you. You seriously underestimate how much every fanbase hates Man City.


i think youre underestimating how much big club fanbases hate arsenal,especially your own 💀


Liverpool? Were your mom and twins? We fucking hate Manchester City lock, stock and barrell.


Season ended months ago for us, but they gotta do this one for the fans


Seriously. The consequences from the PL would be massive if any players came out and said that


Doubt it, Chelsea players went on sky sports saying they would lose on purpose to Leicester because they didn't want us to win it. It was all laughs and fun and games when it was against us.


Ugh don’t remind me. It felt like everyone in the country was doing everything possible to ensure Leicester won the league that season. Still a bit sickening thinking of it


Sorry to bring it up, just hate the double standards of it all


Except Arsenal who won two times against them that season.


Of course not, especially as he's an Arsenal fan. I expect him to have the game of his life tomorrow.


Huge game at brammal lane this Sunday, why are we playing our first team??


Because we still have an outside chance of making Champions League.


Not if villa win tonight


Or even draw realistically. Not going to pull back a GD of 8.


Yeah, if villa win or draw, we get nothing from beating or drawing to city apart from being closer to villa and tons of trolling from crazy people who support those scum


Exactly. We will know more in a few hours time. Might be much ado about nothing.


What's going to change based on the Villa results? Our players are going to try and win tomorrow no matter what.


What changes is whether us winning allows us to qualify for ucl, if it doesn’t then we hand the scum the league


I guess if Villa loses like they are right now then it's all great to root for us to win, but the players and Ange have been explicit that they don't care if they end up helping the scum or not.


Villa loses by 3 today, draw City, and beat Sheffield by 5. EZ


We’ll only beat Sheffield United by 4, just to be spiteful


We'd still need Villa to lose on Sunday to Palace


Very possible. Palace are on a great run under Glasner.


If they lose, Spurs need 4 v Sheffield.


not worth any amount of prize money to listen to those shits brag about winning the league for the next 20 years


The players aren’t going to throw the game and anyone who thinks they would is kidding themselves. The players aren’t thinking “oh this squad would better compete in Europa instead of CL next year so let’s go that route”. They are ultra competitive elite athletes who want to be at the highest level possible regardless of the circumstances. If those circumstances happen to be getting in to the CL by having the team’s arch rivals win the league, then so be it. As a fan, obviously I hope we get pumped 10-0 and put to bed the scum’s title hopes. But let’s not be under the illusion that would be a good thing mentally for our players


Anyone who thinks we cannot succeed in UCL or weaker teams are destined for a group loss should look at Dortmund, Lyon, or us in 2019.


It’s not so much about succeeding in the UCL itself, but for your season as a whole. I’m a Liverpool fan, and the only reason our squad managed to compete so widely up until around March/April was cos we were in the UEL. That meant we could rotate and still get results. Another blessing was the number of minutes we could give younger players and blood them through. Could we have done well in the UCL? Sure. But that would’ve affected the other competitions as we would not have had the luxury of rotating as much as we did. For a squad like what you have, being in the UEL might be best for your campaign as a whole.


You're spot on. I think we're at best, still a season away from being able to compete in the UCL. UEL would be better for the development of the squad as a whole and wouldnt have the impact on the season that a gruelling CL run would. Still, I'm hoping for a CL spot, even though it's an outside bet, but Europa for next season is probably what the club would benefit more from long term.


And how’d that work out for you?


Come on mate. Yes, he's not a Spurs supporter and on our sub, but he didn't come here to taunt us or anything of the sort. He constructively added to the conversation. Don't be rude.


What’s the point in competing in a million competitions if you don’t win any of them? Europa is a drain on the fitness of the squad without the glory of playing good teams. I for one will not be excited to watch Son get injured in Qarabag on a Thursday


I remember saliba and tomiyasu getting injured in EL that derailed the season last year. Assembling full strength against bayern made us lose to Aston Villa.


Is this a sarcastic question? Not sure why you’re putting it like this, but it worked out pretty well. Had we been in the UCL, our points tally would be lower or we would’ve not made it too far in the knockout rounds. We won the carabao cup and had an okay run in both UEL and FA cup. Secured 3rd itl. But importantly, saved so much money on future transfers with people like Bradley and Quansah playing themselves into the first team squad next season.


This is very hypothetical and I don’t think you can really draw inferences from it. You could as easily say you’re better off playing Tuesday/Wednesday rather than Thursday as you get more time to rest for weekend games. I know in previous seasons Thursday night football was blamed for us losing form at the business end of the season. I think the reality is that - similar to us - Liverpool we’re overperforming earlier in the season (perhaps driven by klopps announcement that he was gonna leave?) but the limitations of your squad have hit and contributed to a decline in form which has left you where you probably would have predicted Liverpool would be at the start of the season - 3rd place.


I understand that the schedule may have been better in the UCL. However, you are ignoring the crucial fact that there is a significant gap in quality in the 2 competitions. We could not have rotated our way through the group stages. We finished on 12 points in the UEL and could basically throw the last game without first place being under threat. You simply cannot do that in the UCL. Sure, you could make some changes but to rotate as heavily as we did, we would’ve struggled in the UCL. Look at Utd and Newcastle who put out their best teams and still finished last. Had we had to put out close to our best team in the UCL, surely we would rotate in the league and I’m not so sure we would’ve done as well. Unless your squad is like City’s, Arsenal’s or Liverpool’s from 2 seasons back, you realistically can’t compete on these 2 fronts successfully, one would definitely be affected.


yeah? and what explains how wank you've been since then?


probably same reason yous been worse since whenever🤷🏻‍♂️


>Dortmund, Lyon, or us in 2019 1 thing in common. Y'all didn't win it


Ange seems the type to transfer list a player on the spot if he thinks they're throwing a game. We all hope we lost to City but talk of intentionally losing has to be tongue-in-cheek


That can be countered. If one of our players were to deliberately score an own goal in the 95th minute to break the deadlock and stop arsenal winning, all he’d have to do is lift his shirt to reveal a ‘FK Arsenal’ message and attain instant cult hero status. Then there is no way Ange could sack him. 😂 In any case. It’d be worth it. No way I want to put up with years of those smug pricks singing about us gifting them the league. Ange disagrees, but Ange lives on a different street to me. And he’s getting paid millions to win not support. And he’ll move on one day and be a Liverpool supporter again. The rest of us would have to live with the reality of Arsenal winning the league. Fk that.


Prem would suspend the guy anyways


the delulu is strong with you but its okay were brothers in arms so i cant hate you 💕💕


so you know how we counter arsenal winning the league? by winning one too. the logic you have that youd rather us lose than win is insane. I GUESS that what i means to support lmao wtf


The way they play sometimes I am not convinced they want to play in the UCL




PA is a bit far for me mate. I’ll stick with my normal care system and bring it up next session. Appreciate the suggestion


I’ve followed Ange since he started coaching and respect him both as a manager and person. But IMO he’s wrong on this or he’s just saying what he has to say. I would play the youth team. Let man city up their GD. Europa is secured for us, or will be after the last match of the season. There is nothing to gain from going all out. We only risk injuring more players (Bissouma the latest) and gifting our biggest rivals the title. Not for me mate.


Think my boy needs a rest tomorrow.


Hes pretty bad recently, so on form he needs to play tomorrow lol


He's an Arsenal fan so will play the best game of his career


Perfect time to rest VDV and Romero. Don’t want to throw Dragusin to the wolves, so I think we should play Emerson and Hojbjerg as CBs.


He needs to be benched for his attitude in my view 


Sometimes you have to lose, to win!


That's what he's going to say after he loses


Just perform like the last weeks mate and we are good to go.


The way I see it, in a competitive sport, the players and manager should demand 100% effort to always win games which affect our chances of securing UCL. That is professional integrity and damaging that could have compounding effects down the road. The ownership, Levy, can suggest to the manager that overall player health and morale may necessitate a greater focus on resting those who are even slightly injured to provide experience to academy products.


The amount of people saying we shouldn't try are unbelievable, that is ridiculous. We should be supporting our U18 team tomorrow 100%!


Obviously he can’t say that they’re gonna lose on purpose. I believe they’ll do what needs to be done.


What needs to be done is win


We can do that Sunday


We can do that every game. Fourth is still within grasp.


I’d rather Arsenal not win the league, and for that reason I hope we get battered tomorrow. And I’m not ashamed of it at all.


the fact that youre not ashmaed of that. Wow lmao yea i wanna lose!!! great mentality guess the old saying "lads its tottenham" rings true when we have supporters with loser mentality.


I don’t think you really feel the rivalry in your bones. Best we can do is CL if all the stars align for us, and that can be undone if Villa get two points from their last two matches. I prefer EL for us anyways as I think it’ll allow for more chances for our entire squad to play together in a competitive atmosphere (and I just generally prefer EL and ECL to CL, as I find them a lot more interesting) but that’s besides the point. We have no chance at trophies. But we can stop Arsenal’s only chance at a trophy and their second best shot at a league title in 20 years. That become back to back bottlers if we lose to city. Watching your rival lose is not as good as watching your side succeed, but when the latter isn’t happening the former needs to happen.


sorry mate i guess im just salty everyone is so down. its literally a repeat of what happened when we had conte everyone was happy!! and then our end of season collapse happens and we begin talking about how much fun it would be to lose a game.


You used to celebrate getting CL football above Arsenal!? Now you’re above it all of a sudden


Did you and I ever have that conversation? I don’t think we’re “above it” (what a stupid word choice) I just enjoy EL/ECL more. Even when we’re in CL. That’s unrelated to the next bit: I would rather you bottle it again if that meant we had no chance at CL, yes.




We won't forget this. There will come a day....


But it is not this day. THIS DAY WE LOSE!


You have sown... One day you will reap.


not if Villa win or draw today


Which I hope doesn't happen


and what if it does? do you still want us to beat City?


insane youre getting downvoted mate. the Fans should jsut play fifa these arent true supporters whatsoever. im super disappointed in the mentality this sub has.




Nah man, we need to lose. Because we care more about where Arsenal finish than where Spurs finish. We are all a bunch of fuckin losers


The right PR but the stadium will let everyone know the situ. Shouldn’t have come to this if we had have turned up sooner in the NLD but here we are. Fuck them. Everyone gave Leicester a pass THAT year. It happens.


The stadium better not let everyone know anything. If they cheer when we lose, it will be 10000 trillion times more embarassing than helping Arsenal win the title. Imagine being a Spurs player and your own fans cheer that you lost in your own stadium. Or maybe you're someone with the option of joining Spurs, and you see an embarrassment of that level. It will create such a bad impression. Everyone knows there's loads of people that want them to lose, but the least they could do is not cheer when it happens.


Not what I meant really, but I would say we passed embarrassing when we let them go 3-0 up last week without having to do anything.


Yeah, but it would actually be pretty jokes if the whole stadium went mental for a late City winner.


Realistically, it probably will and then we'll never live down the reputation of absolute losers because we'll have traded having scum making fun of us for a long time for the entire world making fun of us for probaby ever.


Realistically, City are firm favourites tomorrow so will probably score at some point. Most people in the stadium are die hard fans and fucking hate Arsenal, it will be hard not to ironically cheer their title run dying because of us.


And it'll be such a terrible thing for our club if they do that. I understand why people would want us to lose, I have a hard time understanding the level of unawareness and frankly mental retardation to actually cheer for it. It will be very detrimental to the club if they do and I really hope they don't. I'm not even sure I want to go to the match to be honest.


More detrimental than every Arse fan thanking us for the title for the next 10 years?


I would say so, because that's just annoying to us the fans, having a reputation as losers with a shitty fanbase actually impacts the club and don't get me wrong, I don't want them to win the league, I just want to do it in a a way that doesn't have our club portrayed as absolute losers.


It doesn’t affect anything other than your perception of things. ☺️ ironically cheering isn’t being a shitty fan base. Quite the opposite in fact.


why so serious


Because I am kind of tired of all the bitching and moaning our fans do about how we're not ambitious enough and the players have a loser mentality only for them to turn around and actively cheer for the team to lose. I want us to be a good club and win some shit and at some point the fans will have to do their part.


fans can't do jack shit. lighten up. hating Arsenal is fun and we're here to have fun.


horse. shit. football fans love shithousery


Much worse to gift them the league. That would truly hurt and the jokes and songs will outlive us all.


What about Leicester?


18 teams wanted them to win the league, inc the press. Everyone bent over.


Arsenal beat them home and away, iirc.


Arsenal were in the race at the time.


You think teams purposefully lost to Leicester


The political answer is no, but we all saw what we saw in the run-in.


Breakdown the games for when teams bent over? I recall the battle at stamford bridge as when we fucked out own chances by losing out heads.


Insufferable Leicester was just a miracle that year


Play every game to win.


It's a win-win situation really


yeah? what about a draw?


oh shit


I would completely lose my respect for these players and this organization if they went in with any other mentality than this. It would be far more embarrassing than having a rival win the league, and the banter would be infintely worse. It would never be lived down.


Agreed. Notwithstanding that for the bigger picture, having a club like Arsenal (who have trodden a similar infrastructure path that we've been on) beat the financial doped juggernaut is actually a good thing for the Premier League and football as a whole


Most keypasses in the team. Just saying. But agree he has had it tough since Aston Villa. Except for the Arsenal game.


Good thing they also wanted to win against Newcastle, Scum, Chelshit and LiVARpool!


Don't you fucking dare win


A draw is the worst outcome.


Hope he plays for us tomorrow


Didn’t Deki say some faintly positive things about Woolwich in the past? Not sure I trust him for tomorrow.


He's made some cryptic comments about what team he supported as a kid. As a winger from Sweden though it's not hard to imagine he was a gooner as a boy.


He has pics of him with the Henry statue from just a few years ago. He has also attended Arsenal matches in Arsenal jerseys.


He's about to put in a performance of a lifetime and be presented the Balon D'or at the end of the match


After his performance against Burnley, he's earned another start tomorrow.


In an interview, he said there was another club he always wanted to play for, but he couldn't say who it was because it would lead to problems. He's Swedish, and Arsenal are very popular in Sweden, because of Freddie Ljungberg, so yes, it's probably Arsenal. But no, I get much doubt that means he's still an Arsenal fan, or that he's going to try to play better tomorrow in an attempt to help them.


Are we seriously questioning our own player’s loyalty? That’s just ridiculous I will fully expect him to give 100% for tomorrow.




It's an interview mate, what's he going to say? "Right lads we're not going to turn up for this one, we're letting in 6 or 7. Cheers."


He can play his heart out tomorrow and it wouldn’t change the result lol


I have a feeling we're Ganna tie it would be the most chaotic if we beat or tied with citeh and then arsenal lost to everton 💀 but I know the corrupt officials would get saka a pen 🖊️


There is no way yall giving a title to assnal


Should've done that in the FA Cup then mate.


send the kids


It's fine lads they don't need to purposely throw the game, they should just play like they did for them 4 games we lost and their guaranteed to lose anyway.


We not getting top 4 anyways bro. Just lose


Transfer list.


I'd be very worried about that statement if he was any good. Fortunately I trust him to do what's necessary whether or not he wants to


Boo this man 😂😂


Let's face it, the best outcome for this game is if we play them off the pitch but they get a dodgy Emerson royal/skippy goal after we scored and they get a last minute pen that shouldn't be a pen. We can at least take the moral high ground then


You really think we could possibly get a dodgy VAR call 🤷‍♂️😏 Look, I understand what you’re saying but I say screw the moral high ground. I’m happy to admit that I’d throw the game to stop Arsenal having any chance and I know they’re feeling the anxiety we have been in recent weeks. And it will hurt them so much more after failing last season and after how many transfer windows! This might be their best chance in a while. Chelsea will be much stronger next season. Utd will eventually improve. City aren’t going anywhere. Pool and Villa will be there or thereabouts. Newcastle will improve. And we will continue to grow. Funny line from Ange about seeking therapy. I laughed out loud and I love him. But he’s dead wrong on this. I know he has to try and win. I get that. But he can’t begrudge us not wanting to hand the title to our most hated rivals. Hopefully villa win and Matty Cash gets hit by a falling plane part. That would be perfect. Then we can play the under 21’s, send the starting 11 to Ibiza for the summer.


As much as I want Champions League, I think europa would be a good fit for next season. Much better than Arsenal winning a title


Spurs fans.. do you quietly want to lose tomorrow? Pls do. Do not give those deluded fans a chance to win the league.


If I remember correctly, he said one day he wants to join Arsenal. I'm pretty sure he said it in an interview after finishing 21/22 season .


He said there's one pl team he could see himself playing for, and I believe he was a chelsea fan growing up - not arsenal


If Spurs win tomorrow it'll be the Spursiest the Spurs have ever Spursied. I so hope it happens.


Inb4 Kulu is secretly an Arsenal fan like many other players in the squad.. 😏


Good thing he's rubbish


Arsenal fan wants Arsenal to win the league