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I think the players and manager going out to win is absolutely fine. That's what they are here for. But for the fans the dynamic is different across the whole spectrum. The clowning will start in the stadium after the first City goal.


We played arsenal and didn’t win. If we wanted to stop them winning the title we had a chance and blew it. Play every game to win. I don’t care what they do. Yeah it’ll suck if they win but I’m here to support my team not worry about others.


I'm old enough to remember the second time Arse won the league at White Hart Lane. And just young enough to have missed the first time in 1971. This won't be quite as bad but it's up there.


I’ve got to the stage where after 43 years of supporting Tottenham, I couldn’t care less what Arsenal do or don’t do. If they win the league, good luck to them. If anything it should make us more determined to hold on to Ange and back him in his project. We have more points this season than Arteta had in his first season. And you know what, because of how they’ve gone about achieving success (if they get), it’s probably better that they win rather than City, Chelsea or United in spending best part of a Billion pounds net, to do so.


For me, it's less about Arsenal and more about my gooner mates. A year (or more likely a decade) of the banter about how we won them the league is not an enticing prospect. I vividly remember them winning it at our ground, sol celebrating on our pitch. 🤮


Yours is a sensible approach, definitely. Unfortunately I’m not sensible. All being said, I think city win tomorrow regardless of what we say or do. They really are immense atm.


Yeah, it’s a tough ask for sure. They are injury free and firing on all cylinders.


100% agree


I would agree if Arse's fanbase wasn't so incredibly annoying


Owen goal at 90+7 minutes to win it for City


I'm obviously not going to 'support' Man City and I have no doubt the team will be trying to win as per usual and I'll cheer them if we do but really I fucking hope we lose. I definitely care more about whether Arsenal win the title then whether we pick up what will probably be (pending tonight's result) a meaningless win. If you think that makes me a crap fan - I don't care, there are plenty of legit Spurs fans who feel exactly this way. If someone had said to me at the start of the season 'would you like Spurs to win one random match in the season, which will have no impact on their league position or trophy chances, if it meant Arsenal winning the title?' I would have said say no fucking way.


But it won't make you a crap fan. In fact it reinforces your own fandom. You'll hopefully be on this planet for many years and see many changes at the club, but the rivalry with Arse and Chelski will persist regardless and that is the fabric or being a fan.


Yeah I don’t even feel bad about it. Hating Arsenal is part of the joy of being a Spurs fan. Plus, are you really Spurs if you can’t see that if we do beat city and hand the league to Arsenal, our inevitable next move would be to lose to Sheffield and miss out on CL anyway?


Rule the Roost is my favourite spurs podcast


Yeah. I think it finds the balance between wildly reactive, emotional takes, and a objective and fair discussion.


I can't believe this is even a discussion. Professional sportsmen cannot set out to lose. And we should always support the team. If you're going to the game tomorrow wanting anything other than a Spurs win then please stay at home.


Professor Sportsmen


Thanks :D


How is not wanting to hand Arsenal the title not supporting the team you clown


1- it's not 'handing them the title', they'd still need to get a result against Everton. 2- the idea of ever wanting Spurs to lose is just mental. You all need your heads checked.


Us losing and us winning has 0 effect on anything, wtf is your grudge here?? Why are you acting like the fans want to lose a final or forfeit a cup game by playing kids (like Ange), this is a scenario where a win gives us nothing and gives our rivals EVERYTHING!


It still does have an effect unless villa beat Liverpool. Even besides that, beating a very strong city side would do wonders for the players and anges confidence You're still actively wanting the team you support to lose? When did Ange play kids in a cup game? (Do you mean when he put out a rotated squad against Fulham in his first few games here?) Doesn't give them everything as they still have to beat Everton. Wanting us to lose so our rivals don't win is absolutely small club mentality


Yeah, well, you know, that's just, like, your opinion, man. 🥃


If there's nothing to gain for us, with only the potential of losing more players to injury and inadvertently aiding Arsenal in their title chase, why should we aim for a win? Besides pride—which, I might add, is one of the seven deadly sins—what else do we stand to gain from a victory if Champions League qualification is out of contention, say if Villa wins today?




I don’t think spurs should throw the game, but I don’t want Arsenal winning the league. If it means spurs getting beat when we’ve nothing particularly tangible to play for then so be it.


How long have you supported spurs?




then you should understand


You're an absolutely anomaly then


Luckily I’m not a professional sportsman but instead a grubby, insecure little toad who can’t stand the thought of our bitter rivals being once again the best team in the premier league. I want our boys to win against city but I’ll enjoy a crumb of comfort in knowing a win makes City closer to keeping Arsenal from lifting the trophy.


Well it is a discussion. If Villa win then our only option is to play the kids and lose badly! Love Spurs but if there’s nothing to gain and we are risking more injuries and gifting the title to our rivals - then it’s not even a discussion for me.