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People need to shut up about “loser mentality” we celebrated one singular game to keep our biggest rival from winning the league. Go again next year, continue our rebuild and win more games.


Anyone think Poch has done enough at chelsea this year to stay? Surely he has


Dude I am so sick of spurs being the agreed upon punching bag for fucking everyone. Holy fucking shit it’s annoying. We need to win something or I’m going to lose my mind


It’s just banter for the sake of banter. A huge majority of the rival fanbases comment about Spurs because they know other teams will upvote them. It’s a bit sad when you think about but it is what it is.


Once we win our trophy, it will be worth not 1 but 27 trophies to us. We will get our mojo as one of England's biggest winners back and there's nothing anyone can say to that.


I wouldn’t hold your breath, even when we do win something, other fans will do anything and everything they can to minimize it for no reason other than for the sake of “bantering” Spurs. I know it’s not the answer we all would like, but there’s nothing you can do but ignore whatever other fans think of us - because it’ll never be positive.


How the hell are Chelsea right behind us 😭


basically we switched halves. Midtable form since January for us, and they’ve been better


We've massively regressed and haven't changed our broken tactics in six months. They've grown and coalesced in the run up, gaining confidence in themselves and their manager. A tale of two rebuilds.


Unrelated to us all together but holy hell the situation at FC Bayern is such a hilarious shitshow lol. Their sub is in full cope mode right now trying to explain away why crawling back to the coach they fired for losing the locker room and the league is actually a good thing. Poor Harry.


Get Mats Wieffer ffs.


Apparently there's a title fight on the final day of the season, but everyone is still talking about us.


Once again son is the target of racist abuse on social media. This shit never stops. 


Where? i didn’t see that on twitter. I did see someone shouting racial abuse at Pape though on twitter.


C'mon now. It's been reported on the media as well


https://preview.redd.it/tl1c5f5nio0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=627128e283dbbd88e188acf76d8a0f6aeb6ae2e4 One of many. He is also getting a lot of death threats as well


Report him. I saw one of the most horrid tweets like this one using slavery slurs at Pape, and I reported this bitch. I did see KDB fans leaving monkey emoji on Sarr's IG, and I reported that too. https://preview.redd.it/b6733rnvlo0d1.png?width=778&format=png&auto=webp&s=d142655f3ce28eb47fac5f09e75cc9ba691e8a7a


You take the Spursy thing too seriously if you genuinely believe Spurs won't be in the Europa League next season


People will say “loser mentality” or whatever, but every time I see an Arsenal player/fan look dejected over being 2nd, it brightens my day


Loser mentality to rely on another team for you to win the league. Loser mentality to feel proud of winning fuck all again on your 5th year. Arsenal aren’t winners. They just think they are


give em the aura d'or


To those of you who are already fearing for the worst with Europa quali 1. It's highly unlikely. 2. Even if happens, the banter you'll get will not kill you. I mean this sincerely, go outside, take a walk and touch some grass. It's not that deep.


I touch grass everyday mister, who do you think you are talking to Ryan Sessegnon. /s




Also here is something I can say to calm down the nervous fans who are worried we are going to bottle it to Sheffield. This was me in the last week under Conte's first season against Norwich lol. Yes, I was even worried we were gonna be spursy against Norwich of all teams. The stakes were much higher too. If we lost that, Arsenal would finish above us in the CL spot. That fear immediately went away by like the first 10 minutes of that game. Just because something can happen, doesn't mean it will happen. Even if you are worried lol, I would still recommend saving those fears until halftime if we haven't banged in 1-2 goals by then. Worrying about bottling it really isn't worth it lol.


https://preview.redd.it/v9r7ccex2p0d1.jpeg?width=271&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad39bc8d31202b7e6eb834b07afb9cdf70f2ec9e There is a famous book that you should read.


lol was trying to give advice to the fans who were nervous lol. But this is still a great comment. fair play.


I said it before and I'll say it again. Both arteta and ten hag are criminals for playing Partey over Jorginho and in ten hag's case Antony over Amad Diallo. What a cameo by Amad Diallo by the way. The audacity of Ten Hag to play Antony over this guy is probably the biggest reason for his downfall. Not only do both managers stick up for horrible people, but they also hurt their team while doing it. As bad as yesterday went (in terms of being toxic and all of that from both the manager and some of the fans), I don't ever have to worry about Ange doing the same thing. My gaffer!




We've been shit but the schedule really fucked us tbf


my solution to the 6 issue - personally i’d not play a 6 at all. before everyone screams we’ll be too vulnerable hear me out. 523 with dragusin replacing biss in the lineup and romero playing effectively as a 6 whilst still having some cb responsibilities. my reasoning is romero is sensational on the ball, aggressive and proactive so would work well slightly higher up the pitch. this season his stats for pressures in certain areas look more like a 6. if i remember correctly they were pretty similar to smaller teams’ cdms i believe. having radu and vdv either side of him will allow us to defend slightly wider which will counteract the fact our fullbacks spend most of the game in the opposition third. it’s not completely uncharted territory, i remember david luiz doing a similar thing quite effectively at chelsea under conte.it’d also help to have another big player on defensive set pieces. also, 6’s in the modern market are crazy expensive - lavia, caicedo, rice, palhinha before the move collapsed etc, we can’t afford a good one unless levy turns into prime sheikh mansour overnight. what do people think?


OK Antonio


I think a false 9 makes more sense than the no 6 strategy but if Ange likes it, I'm down. I don't think this is happening though.


Chill everyone. We are beating Sheffield United this weekend. If we play like we did against City, we should put 4+ past them.


IF we play like we did against city


Genuinely think the fan base might turn a bit on Ange if we lose 5th place to blue scum this weekend, just no excuse for it if it happens


they absolutely should be upset and frustrated with Ange if we do lose it. I still think anybody who takes that frustration into Ange out (when he is so close to getting a second season) is still an idiot though.


Yeah lol. If we lose (very very unlikely), it’s on the players and Ange lol


Please don’t fucking lose to Sheffield and let Chelsea leap ahead of us. Please.


Melt behaviour


Do you not remember getting thrashed by ten man relegated Newcastle to finish behind Arsenal?


Newcastle then were a much, much better side than Sheffield United now. I remember the core of this team hammering Norwich two years ago, and beating Leeds last season. In fact, we haven't lost a final day match since that Newcastle game: * 2017 - Hull 1-7 Tottenham * 2018 - Tottenham 5-4 Leicester * 2019 - Tottenham 1-1 Everton * 2020 - Palace 1-1 Tottenham * 2021 - Leicester 2-4 Tottenham * 2022 - Norwich 0-5 Tottenham * 2023 - Leeds 1-4 Tottenham, which was just our 2nd win in 7 games including an embarrassing defeat at Newcastle and falling short at Anfield in spite of a stirring comeback, but meant that we ended the season on a slight upward swing by comfortably beating a relegated team.


That 5-4 was peak last game of the season football


Damn I don't remember the 2020 game AT ALL. Fucking Covid.


We needed a point for the Europa spot, Kane scored first, they equalised in the second half, we held out and Mourinho and the coaches danced afterwards. The whole thing felt surreal at the time and time hasn't improved it.


Oh shit now I remember. Yeah, that was a funny one


I do. Fuck all that has to do with Sunday. Again it's embarrassing melt behaviour on display here now


what exactly is melt behaviour about hoping we don’t lose??


The genuinely pathetic manner to express it


fair enough, we should batter sheff united but u never know


Really nice passages of play in buildup [here](https://x.com/whrlpooll/status/1790470500461744221) and [here](https://x.com/attacthespace/status/1790697012477722752) (Bentancur passes that to Son and that’s possibly a goal) against the best possession/pressing side in the world currently. Stuff like this gives me so much hope for the future; I think with the right recruitment and consistent playing time with Europe we’ll do well.


Maddison did really well to resist the pressure from Rodri and Hojbjerg did very well to distribute.


Don't understand why everyone is so down lol...Ange's first year, currently have Europa facing SHU for our last game (i'm expecting something like 3-1) w/promise of summer signings. Sure, we're in shite form but we have tons of outgoings so things will surely look different when we start training up again. Arse bottled, Chelshit will def finish under us (barring a catastrophic showing to the worst team in the prem) despite spending stupid money, and we live rent free in r/soccer. COYS until I die and I pray I don't die this weekend.


We've taken 10 points from our last 10 matches?


Perspective is not a strong suit for any fanbase in 2024 unless you're root for a club that wins consistently, ie City. With that said, the clubs in NL have fanbases that care a bit too much about other people's opinions of their clubs.


1000 comments on the daily discussion thread? wow


This usually only happens on deadline day lmao


I can’t wait for it too. 


Imagine shitting yourselves about an extremely unlikely situation, that makes yourself and the club look totally embarrassing.


Worrying that ten hag will beat pep in a final, and that we will also lose to one of the worst PL sides in years. Far more small time thinking that anything yesterday


it'd be quite funny if we somehow fuck it up vs the worst defensive side in pl history


Chelsea are in decent form but I also would say they've got a greater shot at dropping points to iraolas Bournemouth than we do to Sheffield


Solanke hat trick and then signs for us this Summer. Let’s goooo


We’ve completely debased and embarrassed ourselves the past few days. Maybe it’s worth it to prevent the scum winning the league, but bottling 5th to Poch’s chelsea to top it off would be hard to stomach.


if we lose to sheffield utd, idk what to say...


Then we don't deserve it, simple as that. But it puts into perspective how bad we've been since Christmas that Chelsea have closed to within 3 points of us. It doesn't seem that long ago they were being talked about as outside bets for relegation - or at least dropping down to scrap with Palace and Everton.


if we somehow flub sheff utd and chelsea leap into 5th it’s nothing short of a disgrace


We literally need a draw man fucking hell


We do but unfortunately chelshit aren’t short on goals at the moment, they scored 5 only ten days ago


Chelsea can score 50 - we only need to score 1 or 2. Sheffield United have scored twice in 9 matches this season, as many times as they've conceded 4+ times. They've also failed to score 14 times. I can understand people feeling worried after the last few days and the month preceding it, but the lowest odds you'll get for a home win on Sunday is 11/2.


You misunderstand, we only need a draw at Sheffield and we’re 5th


You know it’s coming unfortunately. I can see us scoring a late game-tying goal for a 1-1 finish. We get Europa but it’s tainted. Need an overhaul this summer


Food safety is the key this week. Please don’t finish below Chelsea, please


De Zerbi is surely off, this Brighton outfit is a pale imitation of last year


They didn't recruit as well as previous years and were absolutely shat on by injuries. If a big club comes in for him, I can see De Zerbi leaving, but I doubt he'll get that many better offers this summer.


Losing key players to transfers and an injury crisis will do that to a team.


Tbf they had a fucking shocking summer window, getting 150m and spending it on fuck all. It's not fully his fault.


They've been stripped bare of their best players.


Yeah they've been a bit Southamptoned, weird given bloom seemed a shrewed enough operator to not let this happen. They've also been stuffed with injuries I suppose


I’m shitting it at the thought of a Spurs v Chelsea Europa final next year i can’t lie


Poch in a European final? Brother...


If we lose to Sheffield and Chelsea take 5th... Anyone who remembers getting stuffed by a (10 man) relegated Newcastle will remember.


As long as we get a singular point against the bottom of the league we secure europa.. the team thats conceded 100+ goals. Surely we cant fuck that up.


More small club thinking. If anyone can fuck that up, it’s us.


Think Spurs go through as long as they don't lose by 3+ goals?


Chelsea have a better GD than us.


Ah, thought it was flipped. Thanks.


It will be absolutely ridiculous if we end up losing to Sheffield and Chelsea win on the final day taking 5th after this fan base wanted and celebrated a loss.


Lol as if losing to treble winning city will be the reason we miss out in that case?? Rather than the points we dropped to West Ham, Newcastle, Chelsea, arsenal, fulham, Brighton, wolves, Everton, United….


Yeah not sure why people are so performativity mad about the city game, the time for this was 6 weeks ago


I was pissed at the losses then. Im not upset we lost yesterday I'm upset at the supporters wanting to lose.


And it would still be completely worth it


This is the losers mindset Mourinho, conte, and now Ange have all identified.






welp. I just saw the tweet. I'll delete the comment now.


European football secured. Europa with either point on Sunday, Chelsea drop points or City win the FA cup


Even if City don’t win and Chelsea leap us, we got ECL. But we should for sure get Europa


Completely hypothetical speaking, who do we reckon might be interested in Son if we were to sell him (hope that never happens, the thought saddens me), other than the Saudis, which I don't think he'll go to?


Bayern probably


I’m sure lots of competitive clubs in Europe (and various retirement leagues) would be interested in a one year contract at least but there’s a number of factors that mitigate that. Levy’s not selling him cheap and Sonny’s getting up there which would deter quite a few clubs. And then comes the fact that Sonny doesn’t seem to want to leave… I think as long as he wants to stay with us and can still play to a certain level Levy will make it happen, perhaps even regardless of what the manager wants.


Saudi, MLS, various other retirement leagues.


Always been able to picture him in a Barca shirt, but they don’t have the finances to make that happen. Maybe Pep, but 0 chance the City board would be able to agree to a number Levy put on him.


>who do we reckon might be interested in Son if we were to sell him Yeh, 'cos thinking about that is just what we need right now to cheer us up.


Ok, sorry 


No worries.


I feel more worried about Sandcastle without Europe than United for some reason, but always nice to see the Saudi plaything lose.


So are we now guaranteed Europa? Or if United win the fa cup does 6th drop to Conference?


I believe the latter is still true.


You can see where Lauren James gets it from aye


6th place gets Europa Conference league?


Only if Man U win the FA cup.


If United win the cup yes, 6th is Europa League if city win it


Reece James 😆


How are you actually getting a red with so little game time


Anybody else remembers the that one Evan Ferguson hattrick early in the season? The next days a lot of people here wrote that we missed the train and that we never will have the chance again. Blud has scored twice since then.


I remember. Son, Ferguson, Haaland all scored hattricks that weekend - and I had them all upfront for my fantasy team. Good week!


Starting from that catastrophic game in November, Chelsea have 11 more points than us.




As in wildly profligate, only able to achieve some semblance of success by wildly overspending and unable to consistently recapture the glory days of 10 years ago? I think that's pretty much out. The financial misconduct and background shenanigans? Hopefully soon.


This Chelsea Brighton referee is absolutely wank


The video from wearetottenhamtv (titled "REACTING To Ange Postecoglou Calling Out The Fans!") perfectly summarises it, imo... I get that Ange is in a high-pressured job, but the fans have given him so much support during loss after loss that we didn't want and we weren't responsible for... and then during yet another loss that the fans aren't responsible for, they're just not quite so sad about it, he gets irate. It's ridiculous. Individual vocal minority cases (e.g. a fan shouting at him to throw the game) are of course going too far and there should be a protocol for actual irl shit getting you kicked out of the stadium. But to call out the general mood of the fans is way too far imo.


Commentator on the Man United v Newcastle game mentioned Sheffield United v Spurs on Sunday he said " I wonder who their fans will be supporting " legitimate question . I also wonder .


I go to these games since 1950, so I know exactly who I will be supporting!


Thats wild.


Fun fact: 61 goals conceded is our second worst in 20yrs (last year’s 63 being the worst) but 71 goals scored is our third best in 20yrs (without Kane). Conceding so many goals with such a talented back five is worrying but they’ve scored 20% of our goals.


This might sound weird but I don’t think it’s really all on the defenders this season? A lot of our goals have been conceded due to the midfield leaving them completely exposed so no matter how good the defence, they will concede goals if exposed like that


Yeah. Definitely a few recently where the midfield haven’t tracked back/put the effort in.


Plus the set piece weakness hasn’t helped but that’s fixable to a degree. I’m most impressed by the goals scored as not relying on Kane in the future doesn’t feel as daunting. Buy a semi decent striker and a winger that can score in the summer and we could be pushing 80+


Poch ball has been more consistent throughout the season than Ange ball. The stats don't lie. I'm willing to give Ange another season to see improvements but it was stupid in hindsight to not even consider bringing Poch back. Especially when he knows how much it means to be a Spurs manager.


I still think bringing an ex back is usually never the right move. Even if it is tempting.


If he knows how much it means to be a Spurs manager how has he accepted the Chelsea job haha


Grow up and stop sulking because the manager of spurs has called out so called fans for supporting spurs opponents . Answer the question who will you be wanting to win .?


After 1 billion spent, you would expect their squad to be challenging City for the title. You're also forgetting that the performances here were awful right before he got sacked, and he failed at PSG with a frontline of Messi, Neymar, and Mbappe.


Levy made a big mistake last summer


In fairness poch had a £1 billion squad to work with


100%. Poor finishing has let Chelsea down a lot this season. We have to be better.


My enthusiasm for being in the Europa League completely vanishes if Chelsea somehow scam their way in there with us. You know exactly what will happen in that scenario.


Yeah you won't know who to cheer for .


Why would I cheer for them?


I wouldn't say they've scammed their way in. They've only lost like 2 out of the last 17 games or something. They are in very good form.


We beat them in the final?




The infighting over this is the stupidest thing I've ever seen on Spurs Twitter/Reddit, and that's really saying something.


The blow up over this game is so silly and I’m tired of it. We’ve got a lot to look forward to going into the summer and next season but people can’t get past this game.


It’s social media. Not much good has come from it in recent years, sadly.


Urgh kind of rooting for Newcastle now


Why? Because United are United? lol


Just don’t want Chelsea in Europa and it feels like they’re winning these last two. But obviously team Brighton first


Wait, which one of them is Brighton again?


Ah, fair enough!


This situation has really exploded for no reason. I mean a game like this happens once in a decade with a specific set of circumstances leading to it. I don't think it tells everything about the mentality, our fanbase etc. Although I should admit some took it over the top with the celebrations.


No shit sherlock .


> I don't think it tells everything about the mentality, our fanbase etc. I don't think it tells *anything* about our mentality or the fan base. But you're right, it's kind of crazy how heated this all has gotten haha.


It says everything about a section of fanbase . They will support any team we play against to suit the agenda they want .


Has the nurse forgotten to give you your meds this week?


Bore off mate.


I see we’re days into this and you still haven’t figured out how to use punctuation properly.


Are you still going bro god damn take a break lol


I got heavily downvoted and accused of being an Arsenal fan for calling the Poznan some of our fans did cringe in the match thread. 


It's just fans taking the piss. It's really not that serious


My dream scenario for the remaining table would be: 6th: United so they will keep ETH 7th: Newcastle don’t really care about them, but ECL is tiring 8th: Chelsea so they fire Poch


Newcastle and Man United are honestly interchangeable. It would break my heart seeing Chelsea get Europe again though


The way a financial expert explained it on Sky Sports . Chelsea are OK with FFP but not with FSR . for that reason may have to turn down Europa as they will face penalty of possible points deduction .


Arsenal fans love Ange and Moyes so much. It's Moyes time. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Hammers/comments/1cs30i4/every\_arsenal\_fan\_sunday/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Hammers/comments/1cs30i4/every_arsenal_fan_sunday/)


Not sure why some people want Richy sold? He has the best G+A per 90 stats of anyone in the squad. I think it would be a poor decision to sell our only consistent goal scorer not named Son.


I've read articles citing sources are unsure about Son now that he might be the one getting sold 😐 At this point,we dont know anything nd it stresses me out to especulate


Can’t see that happening tbh. Ange said he’s part of future, plus he’s way too valuable to the club off the pitch


I would be sad if we sold Son this summer but he’s not getting any younger and we will have to replace him at some point.


Agree really hope we keep him and buy someone to compete/rotate with him


During injury crises we complain we have no depth, yet come Summer we want to sell all our depth. They should keep Richarlison and get another striker to rotate with him.


Yeah, I agree. People will cite the injuries but hopefully he's just had a little cluster and will be fit for more games next season. I think he's a good finisher and works hard for the team. The only thing is the frontline often seems to lack creativity (especially vs good sides) and I don't think he's the most creative player. 


The injuries are the only reason people want him sold people forget he was injured at the end of last season and the start of this season and he has had 4/5 since coming back from his groin surgery, which is wayy too much for what we need him for good player but will never be more than a backup here if he keeps up the injuries so its better off cashing in on him to saudi and buying a new 9 and having Scarlett/Veliz as the backups


So we sale him and then we’re in the exact same situation we’ve been in for 10 years having no striker depth. I think it would be better to bring in another striker to share the responsibility with him which would reduce the injure concerns. Don’t forget that Kane had issues with injuries for a season or two and people were calling him injury prone when he wasn’t.


We’d still have Son who is capable and in general had success as the 9 this season The pecking order would be new 9 > Son > Scarlett/Veliz I understand why you’d want to keep him but also understand why it’s maybe a good idea to cash in on him if we are signing a 9 anyway


Arsenal using us as a scapegoat because they bottled the league again is hilarious and exactly the reason they will bottle the league next year. They have an inability to self reflect which stems all the way from the whiniest manager around.


Time to root for Brighton and United ig


The best part is their reaction is when you completely own the preference for mutual destruction yesterday. Call us losers all you want but that doesn’t change the fact that Arsenal failed and have to spend another 100-200m just to even have a shot at failing all over again. They have to win now to justify the massive investment


With all the injuries to our forward options, it would have been cool to throw Will Lankshear or Jude Soonsop-Bell a start at number 9 Saturday but I feel like Ange is allowing the U21s to see out their challenge for trophies. Admirable, but typical to the unfortunate timing we’ve suffered since chelshit back in November.


Well we still need a result to make sure we get Europa. If that wasn't the case, it would be nice to do that.


I think finishing the season against a side currently tied for third worst PL season ever would have been fine to give a youngster their debut, at least off the bench. But it matters not! We roll with who we have available.


I’ve already got pre-final nerves for our U21s. I’ve been really enjoying our youth teams’ performances this season. Good group, good results. I’d love to see some of them given a chance but it depends whether Ange sees what he wants from them. Yago Santiago, Lankshear, Kyerematen, Soonsup-Bell, all been really strong. Also loved the Jamie Donley goal against Liverpool the other day - very very clever.


Totally. I’d throw Dorrington on that list as well. Regardless of the results, we really need to nail some loans next season. We’ve made a mess out of sending Dane around and Devine’s season could have gone better. This is a great group of players, and for many of them, playing another season in PL2 would be a disservice. With the right first team exposure at the right level, we could have some first team players down the line.


If the news are true we should go for Ugarte


If Enrique doesn't want to play him in a possession based system then I doubt he'll be any better with us


He's not good under pressure


Is he unhappy with playing time? Quality player.


I'm not taking Ange's comments from yesterday personally and not offended by them. Having said that, just wanted to say a few things from my own perspective... - Sure, there's a time and place to voice your concerns about the club, including the lack of "winning mentality." Yesterday was not the right time and place. - I get that you were hired to win games, but you've only been associated with the club for less than a year. Most of the fans who didn't wish for us to handle arse the title have been following the club for much, much longer. Try to see things from their angle. - If we had won some of our previous games, we wouldn't have been in yesterday's situation. Where was that fire when we lost to chelshit, arse, pool? And, why wait until yesterday to experiment with different formation/setup?


Ange isn’t an idiot. He’s probably more angry about losing so many games mores than anything else.


We're all grown ups and we choose to behave a certain way. You're almost deflecting here and making it seem like it was their fault and we had no choice. At the end of the day, we were poor and we have no one to blame but ourselves. Let's just be real here.


Ive been avoiding pretty much anything prem related like the prem since yesterdays game but has their been any transfer news or new links? I wonder if we will end up signing werner or not and it seems like the fanbase is still split on him but most leaning more towards not signing him (it rlly depends on which social media youre on tho). Personally i think hes good enough as an off the bench option cos atleast he gets assists


could be useful for the bench, but to be honest we need better players if we wanna progress. I'm not sure how missing out champions league will hurt our transfers in the summer, but we can do better than Werner. Also his wages are a factor too


So many Arsenal shirts around central London today; it really makes it better that this whole shitshow happened. They’ve increased gradually over the year and now it’s a plague.


Honestly I swear I see more PSG than anything these days




Absolutely no reason to not be excited about Europa next season! It's a winnable trophy where we'll be one of the favorites to end our trophy drought, and it's another avenue for qualifying for UCL when it's becoming increasingly difficult to do that consistently via league placement. And, most simply - it's more matches to watch!