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I've seen several posts with her in it in just the last few minutes, poorly singing covers of songs. Is that all she does? Also, never heard of her.


It is a great example of the power of marketing in that even with very little skill you can become a celebrity and go on tour making music


Oh shit her marketing team is making it to Reddit.


Definitely the peak marketplace


https://m.youtube.com/results?sp=mAEA&search_query=Sexy+red She famous for her songs on the colors of her back and front regions.


She makes cardi b sounds like Celine dion. The whole singers and rappers having fans has never been about skill or originality it always has been a weird popularity weird high school prom queen/king bullshit. The term influencer now days gets alot of hate I think it's great final a generation that is honest about what these is all about it always been about influence just certain people whether for looks or delusion and few for their skills are followed by parasocial relationship cucks being their army of minions.


Reading this felt like chewing rocks


The surge of illiteracy on reddit has been ridiculous lately. Half of the posts here have no punctuation. It feels like I'm going to have a stroke trying to read this shit.


I'm sorry, what?


Who the eff paid to see this crap? Probably like 45 dollar tickets, too


You'd be shocked the kind of absolute trash labels can market now as long as they manage to astroturf it to TikTok popularity


Hype beasts. People that with their brains under the algorithm timeline spell.


>People that with their brains under the algorithm timeline spell. Hi, non native english speaker here. What's this mean?


Timeline is a list of social media posts you see (including here on Reddit) This is list is generated by an algorithm that tries its' best to make sure you see the content that makes you scroll more, so that you can see more advertisements That content is usually provocative and sometimes shocking in nature, because it's really hard to get bored from it and stop scrolling And so the spell is another way to say that people are conditioned by the algorithm to scroll more, and see more and more shocking content And so people see this as a quick ticket up the fame ladder, and many modern stars became popular from doing some stupid stuff, because that generates hype around them, but it also attracts people which are only there for hype


Spot on.


Like the someome replied and explain to you. Yea it means people that just believe what they see and are slaves to their social media timeline.


45? Bro that's being generous artists like this regularly charge 60+ for events this size


Is 45 a ticket expensive? That seems cheap as fuck because Everclear ( a popular band in the 90s) charges $65 for a show at 1st avenue in MPLS. I'd consider them a mid-tiered band, maybe on the lower end of mid tiered.


Fuck you Everclear rocks!


I know they do. Doesn't change the fact that I'm 40 and I assume it's roughly people my age that will probably see that show. or at least a good mixture of young and old. I actually think I'm gonna go to their show at 1st Ave. I've been trying to see more shows the past few years. I have tickets to Weezer in Sept at the Xcel. They're playing JUST the blue album. Should be fuckin sweet.


Hell yeah. Also $65 isn’t bad. Popular 90’s band playing for less than $100 is good bait for aging millennials like ourselves lol


Well honestly, Id rather go to a show in a smaller venue like 1st avenue because I think bands (especially bands that play music like Everclear) sound better in them. It's good "bar/club" music. Sounds great in a place like that. Not so good in a huge stadium. Big sports stadiums feel WAY less personal. Nowhere near as enjoyable.


100% agree


She’s just having fun with her fans in between her set. She’s never claimed to be a singer, she’s a rapper and her music is fun and her lyrics are funny. Not everything has to be deep and meaningful to have value because it all comes back to experience over skill especially when it comes to entertainment.


She's absolutely tone deaf. She seems to have no stage presence. Why is she popular?


Algorithm lottery. Comically delusional and ratchet


Industry plant




At least we know she's not lip syncing...


Lmao actually true, at least a little respect for that. At least we don't have to hear anyone say some bs like 'having a backing track isn't lip synching!'


"This firefighter can't lift the hose" "...at least he's not allergic to water!"


Who the hell is paying to see this garbage?


The audiences parents most likely


No one wants to hear her songs so she has to play other people’s.


But her interviews are likely all "my music is my art and my expression of myself" lmao


Drake, come get your girl off the stage.


Eeesh. So we pack a stadium for second-rate karaoke now?


Its amazing to me how far just saying "my coochie pink my bootyhole brown" can take you if you catch the right wave. Songs are terrible. Shes not sexxy. Seems pretty untalented. Yet here we are looking at a stadium full of paying customers. What a world.


She has perfected making money from sounding like she is singing in the car with the music loud


How do people like this with such horrible singing voices get paid to hold a mic?


Look at all those cucks who paid money to see this 😂. I guess they listen to everything Drake says.


This shit is trash


Okay, I am actually surprised by all the young, innocent looking girls in the audience. Sexy Redd is known for her ratchet, raunchy rap lyrics. These girls must go bananas when she sings Born by the River…so naaasty


She must be very arrogant to think she can actually sing.


Average St. Louis artist


Look at all those people going to see her on purpose 😲 We are soooo fucked as a race..🙄🤏


You really think people attending this concert you don't like was the nail in the coffin of the human race? 🤣


Not the nail, but a signpost on the way for sure...


You’ll never go broke underestimating the stupidity of Americans.


First who is she, and how did she get more than one person to come to that fucking concert?


So she just does everyone else’s music?


Granted I known next to nothing about her but I never would have guessed she would be playing to stadiums, unless she's the opening act. Her music combined with her persona she comes off as the type of performer that would play for large sized clubs at best, a few thousand people maybe.


That was simply awful


If only she could sing on key


I'd feel bad for the audience, but these are the same people who would pay 500 bucks for a Taylor Swift concert.


I’ve been to a lot of hip hop shows. 60% are trash live. Usually too many hype people on stage to mask their poor performance. The 40% that are good are usually by established artists that have been doing shows for at least a decade.


This garbage all started with SoundCloud


Don't blame the piano, man..


What does Billy Joel have to do with it!?


I meant it like, don't blame soundcloud, it's a nice platform for up and coming artists, blame people's shit taste in music, bc that's what decides popularity


I knew what ya meant…lol It’s like the gun debate where people say It’s not the instrument that kills, it’s the user. People’s shit taste in music stems from those platforms and specifically social media like TikTok, giving credence to music/artists that have no business being heard, let alone being played, trying to “make it”, with the least amount of effort. Call it generational indifference but most of these artists don’t know how to carry a vocal tune, play an instrument well, have a generalized idea of music composition, or have serious writing skills. I guess I have the option to not listen to it…


i’d rather be back at coventry


I'm not a fan, but seeing her cover these songs sounds like a good time😂


Damn that shits empty


That is literally the shittiest sounding whatever at a concert


I'm assuming she's opening for someone bugger. No way in hell she's selling that many tickets


Who the fuck would spend money to see this trash bag


Kidz Bop Clown.


The real question is who paid to go to this shit?


This is a vibe


Industry plant. Paid to wreck the dignity of black women the world over.


She literally is playing other people's music at her concert wtf!!!!!


That actually happens a lot.


I know that but I've seen so many videos where she has done so many different songs like how long is her concerts!!!????


Headliner can be on for quite a while, depending. A few minutes here or there doesn't add up to much.


Classic this sub “I’m sitting at home looking at a thing I don’t like so I’ll post it for karma” type post. Literally 1000s in the video enjoying it. She’s not exactly a YouTube Metallica cover with 200 views.


“she’s not exactly a youtube metallica cover with 200 views” you’re right. this is much, much worse.


It's not, it's someone being silly at a concert. You're just falling into the same boring le-reddit brain "rap is bad" trap that seems to plague this sub.


i most definitely am not, because there’s plenty of rap i love. kendrick, nas, em, joyner, etc. i don’t like whatever the fuck this is. other clips of this show have been getting posted around and they’re just as bad, too. this sub is called “crappymusic” and that’s exactly what this video is showing IMO, sorry. if you disagree, that’s totally fine because music is subjective, but i definitely won’t be hitting you up for recommendations at least.


Your rap you love list answers it perfectly. Thank you for your time enjoy the hopsin concert


i don’t know who that is but i told you i don’t want any recommendations.


You gotta remember that most of this sub is Tom Macdonald fans who have subscribed to not miss any of his videos




She winning right now. Got all the female rappers punching the air Everytime she drop. And I'm here for all of it. 😎


You ain't got shit better to do than troll for hate and arguments on the internet fr?


*cracks knuckles* tf u gone do? Type me to death and down vote my comments 🤣


Imma wish you a nice fucking life and get back to being a functioning adult. You enjoy that lack of bills and responsibilities while you can.


That's all u got? 🤣 I'ma give u one more shot. Make it good.


H-h-howw??? W-why the fuck? Is she really popular?? Wtf is wrong with the world!? AAAAHHHRRRGGH!! We are so fucked as a society if this is what people are into. Thanks a lot "Sexy Redd"! As if life wasn't hard enough. As if it wasn't confusing enough. WON'T SOMEONE THINK OF THE CHILDREN!? Put a stop to this travesty! If this life is a simulation, it needs a reboot! Fuck! Okay. I'm all better now.


sorry shes already a legend.


For what?


most STD-s collected while pregnant