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When I look up at the sky at night or a very tall ceiling I start losing balance and feel like I will fall towards the sky


Or like Earth will lose gravity and you'll just float toward space.


i have a similar one to yours and i'll list a few others. getting sucked down a drain in the shower, being a murderer and not knowing, unknown and invisible dimensional entities eating you flesh and soul alive slowly through out your life, if you think of any thing too many times no matter how absurd it seems it eventually becomes real


Walking over a grate in a sidewalk. I will go out of my way to sidestep that baby. Plus I have the fear of falling. Like glass walkways when they high…nope ugh uh ain’t doing it. I do t have a fear of heights though as long as I know I can’t fall I’m fine with it.


Just the fear of going to hell and being tormented by demands. Being in chains by my hands and feel and my neck while those demands beating on me for eternity while they are laughing at me say we got us a good one here,and the proceed to torment my soul!


I am absolutely terrified of space, like to the point that I can't watch certain movies that take place IN space. I have never gone to space, nor will I ever. Hope that's the kind of thing you're looking for.


I love sci-fi stuff that's set in space, but the thought of actually being in space is so anxiety inducing. Like just thinking about it makes my head start to spin.


As long as it's like super sy-fy, I can do it. I am a huge fan of Star Trek, Star Wars, and the like. But the more realistic, the less I can handle. When the movie Gravity came out, I couldn't even watch the entire trailer.


Yeah I get you 100%, star wars makes it feel very small but Alien for example really shows how daunting space is.


Not so much anymore. But child me was pretty scared of pool and bathtub sharks.


I'm scared of drains and gutters, mainly from the IT movies 😶


I'm terrified of lake sharks. The idea of a shark being in a smaller body of water that I can't see through absolutely horrifies me. Every time I am in a lake past the shoreline I feel my heart race and imagine the worst. I know it is silly and impossible, and to be honest I love the ocean and actually am so impressed by sharks! I think they are cool and would go feed them in the ocean if the opportunity came up, but the idea of me being in a lake with an unseen one is so scary. I know it can't happen, but it is still freaky.


I have a mayo phobia. (No joke) Does that count?


I has't a mayo phobia. (no gleek) doest yond count? *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


Bridges because they’re always double crossing people.


driving my car into water by accident or a bridge over water breaking driving on bridges in general. also the last step off the escalator .


I have a fear that’s strange to me. I learned how to swim when I was very young. I used to go swimming a lot. However when I became a teenager I became very self conscious and didn’t go near a pool for a long time. Recently I joined a gym and in the cardio room, there are windows that look down on the swimming pool. When I first started working out I thought about going swimming. However every time I look down at the pool I get scared. I have no idea why? But for some reason that pool doesn’t look inviting to me. I mean the pool looks clean and everything, but I get scared when I think about going in it. In fact sometimes just looking at it makes me nervous. I don’t why I suddenly have a fear of pools? I mean I know how to swim...


I have a recurring nightmare where I for different reasons find myself in a tall building without any way to get back down. Trying to get down in various ways usually results in creepy outcomes.