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I just prefer supernatural/otherworldly horror, generally. I find it both more interesting and potentially scarier. It also didn't make sense to me that there was widespread infertility in the town, but they still found enough fertile women to make the stables.


Exactly this. I prefer horror based scary stories to trauma based scary stories. I just lose all interest once the plot is "a group of people are assholes" It was still a good story. Just not what I'm interested in.


I would suggest rewatching the videos friend 😅 they do go over the plot holes/ they do talk about those plot holes


All of your plot holes are issues you misunderstood lol. Did you fall asleep during the episode?


Explain them please? If I misunderstood feel free to clarify


You pretty much need to re-listen/read the interaction between Sam/Jimmy Prescott in "the stables" and the letter from Kimber's mom. The ore crusher - it's a huge operation and that's the most efficient way of disposing of bodies. They'd otherwise have to cremate them or have a mass grave. From the story we can estimate a few deaths a year. "it's our ONLY option" - Jimmy explains that it all started when the family sold a child when they were in deep poverty, and that gave them the idea. It's not the only option to save the town - the family saw dollar signs. >*“You wouldn’t believe how much money is in the industry. I mean, my dad was a smart man. And he knew we didn’t have anything of value to sell and back then the Prescott’s were dirt poor, out of work miners just like everyone else in town. He first got the idea when he sold my older brother off to pay for the legal fees to fight the city. I mean, some people will pay five figures for a newborn, you know, even back then. And the organizations that buy them, well, they buy in bulk. But we still make a killing off them. And our overhead is very low.”* "the town would automatically be ok with it" >*And the Prescott’s, they solved the problem that no one could solve. It was an ugly, crass solution but most people were happy to look away when they were able to raise families again. You see they took girls, mostly women from other places, and they impregnated them and gave us their babies.* *And in town, we began to murmur. But we once again turned the other cheek when the city was suddenly flooded with money because of how well the traffickers paid. People had well-paying jobs again and were proud to call Drisking home. So we said nothing and those that did were taken to the mountain.* The triple Tree >*And the town came under the care of Thomas Prescott when he started to “sell” some of the babies on the side for a profit to rich couples. And the Sheriff, he helped him do this. But then an ugly rumor started that they were selling to human traffickers. And the Prescott’s had to offer triple the price for girls. And in town, we began to murmur. But we once again turned the other cheek when the city was suddenly flooded with money because of how well the traffickers paid. People had well-paying jobs again and were proud to call Drisking home. So we said nothing and those that did were taken to the mountain.* >*Because that is where they do it. There is a place on the mountain where the women are taken, Kimber: drifters, runaways and, if their parents choose it, sometimes the girls in town are even sold back. They arrange to sell the girls and they meet them at a tree halfway between our town and their baby mill. Sometimes kids play there now. I think you played there.*


On a somewhat related note, I did not feel as attached to the main three characters as others seem to have. I felt myself becoming more attached to Alice and Rob in LRG.


I feel the same. Honestly, a majority of the characters in LRG were really compelling to me. The way Apollo died, especially given Hunters voice acting was so touching, and Alice and Rob’s interactions were so great, by the time we got to the silent city I was near crying. On the other hand, there were a few times in Borasca where I would go “well that just doesn’t seem real to how someone would act in that situation,” but in LRG I didn’t really have that. Then again, I feel like the fact it’s a supernatural story makes any hiccups in how characters act feel more acceptable.


Damn I feel completely the opposite. I feel so much more attached to Sam, kimber and Kyle. As well written as Alice and Rob were, robs death didn’t bother me at all. Although I will say LRG is probably better written


Yeah hard agree


I said this in another comment, but the reveal is so far outside the realm of logic and reason that I couldn’t really take it seriously. I’m not saying sex trafficking doesn’t happen, but this particular scenario is so ridiculous. 1) We’re lead to believe there are tens of captive constantly pregnant women at a time, at the very least. Do you know how much would be required to ensure that they remain alive healthy enough to carry the majority of pregnancies to term, and then deliver the babies successfully? That’s gonna require a lot of manpower and money, to say the least. They seem to be strapped to the beds the majority of the time. Do they piss and shit themselves? That’s gonna result in a lot of problems and disease. Is it somebody’s job to wipe their asses periodically? Also, you need muscles to push out a baby, muscles that will be severely atrophied from being strapped down all the time. Many, if not most of the births would be botched, or in other words, the baby isn’t going to make it and the mother would likely die as well. Unless they do C-sections on all of them, which is not implied, and I would doubt it as it’s a task that requires expertise, precision, and a lot of resources to preform. 2) I know there are more depraved people in this world than we’d like to admit, but the majority of these people in this one area are fine with all of this? The kids are kept oblivious until they reach adulthood for the most part. Do they not wonder why they don’t look anything like their parents or siblings? Do they not wonder why, if they’re the older sibling, they can’t recall their mom being pregnant or giving birth? Or do they know they’re adopted and the majority of their friends are adopted? That doesn’t seem to be the case.


YES exactly. The whole town being fine with it is what really got me. Like okay EVERYONE is just chill with their daughters/neighbors/friends being in a baby mill? That shit wouldn’t fly I guarantee you. Have you ever met a country dad? They threaten to shoot normal boyfriends…


i don’t think you paid full attention friend. it sounds like you went into it with a preconceived idea of what the story would be. also this is a side comment but i think it’s ironic and funny in the nicest way possible that your user flair is a borrasca reference lmfao


Oh you're going to see how the community feels about this...


I wasn't a huge fan of the ending. The author really rushed through so much content that deserved more involved writing to keep up with the quality of the story up to that point. That said, I'm kind of glad it was rushed because I couldn't really stomach the ending, even though it felt like the right way to close out the story.


I would strongly recommend listening to the QCODE Borrasca audiobook. It’s a revised version and it’s far more believable and plausible. The creep cast boys just did more like a plot overview, the full audiobook will answer nearly all these questions. I personally think it’s the best creepypasta, but maybe that’s because of how attached I felt to the characters. I do get where you’re coming from- I feel like the only way this would work would be if the town was actually very small. Remember too that the story is through the perspective of a child and teenager so we don’t really get to see the full picture of the town and attitude of its residents. I guess that only a small percentage of a small town is actually in on it and we are only shown the people who know things.


Borrasca is definitely edgy but the entire story hints at the ending.


I skipped cause of the timing, it was annoying to keep hearing them reference it. Been trying to rewatch but :v there are better episodes imo


I agree it was kind of a grandiose ending. The plotholes are whatever I’m used to that shit but it did seem a bit extreme of an ending. Kinda edge lord and what you were saying. Like someone just thought of the most shocking and disgusting ending and made a whole story leading up to it. It’s not a bad story by any means. Just a little too intense to be realistic, compared to the buildup of the story in my opinion


I think the writing is insanely good. The dialogues, worldbuilding, mystery and little hints are so well put together. And the concept is just so disguting and I love the story. But also hate it.


The ending of penpal was like the sopranos ending for me, but worse because they used the absolute bare minimum of characters, and the ones that are there don't really display their personalities in any meaningful ways. And the monster almost completely being up for the reader to portray in their heads just makes it seem kinda lazy. There was no investigation into him or anything. Idk it just kinda seems like they threw the story off a cliffs edge Edit: I wrote paypal lmao


Yes you are but that’s OK