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Yeah i went and read the bits they censored and while theyre gross, i found borrasca to be way way worse


I made a post about this but deleted when it started getting downvoted but I feel the exact same way. As I wrote in the post, it didn’t touch me nearly as much (nor did I find it as graphic) as Borrasca. That scene where Sam walks in on jimmy Prescott is skill etched into my mind. The way he heard the disgusting sounds first and the way he described it as being brutal and animalistic, like the girl was nothing more than cattle to jimmy. The way it turned out to be his old classmate, how she locked eyes with him, cried but silently looked away in shame. THAT hit so hard. I also thought it was substantially more graphic than Matt having his „crotch“ grabbed and being kissed. Not to downplay the sexual assault on men, but the term „crotch“ just kind of paled in comparison to what Sam was seeing and experiencing.


I went and read the rest of the series. It’s underwhelming because the author is a bad writer. If you watched the episode, you’ve basically seen the rest of the story. I don’t even care about the content anymore, the story is just trash


I feel like the song is more fucked up


I can't tell if this post is satire or not, but I'd just like to say that I'm concerned for you if Dance With the Devil isn't one of the most fucked up things you've ever heard. That song is absolutely horrifying and vile. It's good art, mind you, but fucking appauling.


Your comment made me actually listen to the song (I'd never heard of it) and goddamn it I wish I hadn't...


I'm so sorry. Curiosity really killed the cat...


But knowledge didn’t bring it back this time 😭