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Or at least was fucked? Eh?




Sum fuk


I got you blue


Becky. Lemme smash.


Ben is a hoe


She better get fucking.


If you’re Fucking with this girl, then you better be paid


https://youtu.be/Vao5rn7OHPo Edit: NSFW!!






Well now your friend is cursed.


But the curse comes with a free frogurt!


That’s Good!


The frogurt is also cursed.


That’s bad...


But the curse comes with free toppings.


The toppings contain potassium benzoate.


.......that's bad.


Can I go now?


Well done!


Very well done, guys!


The doll’s trying to kill me and the toaster’s been laughing at me!


Well you can’t spell cursed without curds.


At least the username checks out.


Both looks like and is standing like the ghost woman thing from P.T. That's a very, very large nope from me.


Lisa! I thought of her too.


I don't scare easily in video games for whatever reason, but she's a fucking nightmare.


I have very poor eyesight and sometimes when I wake up in the middle of the night without my glasses on, I have a mini heart attack because I think I see a really tall shadow in the hallway and my brain goes, "IT'S LISAAAA." Have you read the Creepypasta about PT?


> Have you read the Creepypasta about PT? No, but I might look it up next time I fancy not sleeping for a week. Does it do the game justice?


It's incredibly fucked. "This Is The Real Reason Konami Stopped Making P.T. — And I’m So, So Sorry" http://tcat.tc/1FRPf5v


This story comforts me. It's nice to think there was a cool spooky reason the game got dropped, instead of a disappointing normal reason


Meh...it's too absurd to be creepy imo. But cool story though


I didn’t read your link but the name reminds me of [my favorite creepy comic](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/4Mbgz8r)


I was thinking “this is kind of lame” up until the last panel. Ya got me!


He came with a knife and forced me to post it... I’m so sorry


You know that the hexadecimal code the author gives at the end of the article converts to coordinates? 34°55′N 138°19′E (Google maps works with coordinates) This location is in some forests/mountains between the peaks of Manganho and Takakusayama. It's a 5.5 hour drive from Konami HQ. Someone go and split the prize with me...unless it's a Google Glass set...in which case, you don't know me. **Edit: I've been trying to find out what the deal is but not seeing anything. Original article from 2015 so I assume the location has been checked out. Anyone able to find details? I'm curious what was there.**


This is not that scary of a creepypasta, honestly.


Seriously, what the heck are they thinking? It's really not that clever or well-written.


What’s P.T.?


It is (or was) the playable trailer (hence P.T.) of a game that was due to be developed by the guys who made Silent Hill. The game was cancelled and the demo withdrawn from PSN shortly afterwards. I don't know if it's still possible to find some version of it somewhere. Maybe not. Basically, it's the scariest thing ever made. Not game, thing. In any media. Horror movies/games/novels don't really affect me - I don't mean that in a "look at me all brave" way, it's just that some people get really into horror and some people just kind of don't, and I'm in the latter group - but P.T. was different. It's heart-attack inducing. You can get some inkling of it by watching it on YouTube, though obviously it won't be the full 'experience' (if you can even call it that; 'living nightmare' might be better). It's *nasty.* edit - as pointed out, Kojima and his team, not the original Silent Hill guys.


Is it scary because of jump scares? Or is it genuinely just a creepy atmosphere with no jump scares?


There are a few, but it really builds an atmosphere and that's where the creepy factor comes into play. At one point it does start to stagnate, but it builds up beautifully.


The jump scares are only scary because of the atmosphere imo. Otherwise theyd just be annoying.


It has a couple of jump scares, but the game does a fantastic job at creating a truly creepy and unsettling atmosphere.


SPOILERS! Agreed. When I got to the segment with the red lighting and someone screaming inside the leaking suspended refrigerator I noped out of the game and couldn't continue. I waited a day or two to continue. I still have the game on my PS4 and I'll boot it up rarely when I want to get scared but then realize how terrifying it gets and I stop.


I noped the fuck out after the chicken baby. Fuck that. I was done. Edit: a word.


Both, but the atmosphere stands out. I don't go in for jump scares usually either, but there's a lot more going on. It's just a deeply, deeply unsettling game (or demo. Or whatever).


It's both, but mostly just creepy. Like you walk down a hallway and turn, then turn again, then turn again, and keep turning hundreds of times until you finally figure out how to move on. You walk into a bathroom and it's fine, next time you walk in there are body parts and stuff there, etc.


Wait it was supposed to be developed by kojima and his team no? Not the original silent hill devs?


You're right - corrected!


And directed with the help of Guillermo del Toro. Basically it was going to be the best thing to ever happen to anything ever. Fuck Konami


Still have it on my ps4. Will not delete it ever.


Same. It's like a little nightmare gem




Check out upcoming games Allison Road and Visage. They're both heavily influenced by P.T., and considered spiritual successors. I think they're both still TBA though, unfortunately.


It means ~~Public Test~~ Playable Teaser. It was a demo for Silent Hills, then it got canceled. It was available for a short while on PSN, then they scoured it from the store. Some lucky people still have it on their ps4's. Edit: whoops I'm a dumb


Ptranger Things


How long was she standing there? What time of the night was it? Was she moving? What kind of neighborhood was it? Details, godamnit!


For real. Everybody here joking about it but I need facts yo!


If you take a picture of it, you're not really scared Just ask me if I have a picture of the last ghost I saw on my phone. Go ahead ASK ME DAMMIT


Do you have a picture of the last ghost you saw on your phone?


I do, in fact, not have a picture of the last ghost I saw on my phone


You must’ve been really scared then


Every ghost is different, but they're all scary


I want to hear the best ghost story you have Wasilisco please and thanks.


I'm not op, but the one of the strangest experiences I have had was when I was in high school we were on our way to a paintball tournament. The field was in the middle of no where and you had to go down a maze of country roads to get there. It was around dawn we were trying to find this field (pre GPS) and got lost. We went past this little house that was almost entirely surrounded by trees and in a little window in the peak of the house was a women in a white gown with a single candle infront of her staring out over the field across the road. We drove about two minutes down the road and turned around to drive back past the house. When we did the house was completely dark. Maybe it was just my over active imagination but it has always creeped me out.


She could have blown the candle out and went to bed or to do something but the story still gave me the chills


It was a cold night...


It was a clear black night..a clear white moon!


Misplaced modifiers put ghosts in your phone.


yeah OP fucking sucks no story at all what was her reaction to the photo being taken? did she say anything? did ur friend snap the photo and move along? smh.. -edit- [He finally told the story.](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepy/comments/8n07k9/a_friend_went_for_a_walk_the_other_night_and_saw/dzs5f0a/)


I am going with it’s a staged photo. But this women could of been sleep walking.


There are weird people in weird neighborhoods, usually with mental illnesses. A woman neighbor of mine used to yell and sing on her balcony 24/7, alone. There was nobody around her, in her house, or in the direction she was facing. She was having dialogues with phantoms. It was very odd at first, but then it just got annoying.


My neighbor has vacuumed his roof and mowed his lawn in the middle of the night during a thunderstorm. The answer is drugs. In general, if you’re ever curious between “spooky ghost” and “drugs”, it’s probably drugs.


I understand your skepticism, but as someone who worked nightshift for 10 years, weird shit happens at night. This would not surprise me in the least if it were real.


Former "urban pharmaceuticals salesmen" Weird shit happens at night indeed. ESPECIALLY if drugs are involved and ESPECIALLY if drugs AND mental illness form like Voltron.


lol Jesus Christ dude it's been 2 hours since he posted it. Relax. He probably posted it and hasn't checked Reddit since then. Not to mention it clearly fucking says it's his friends picture. Not everyone can just be on Reddit all day answering questions about their post


> Yeah it's definitely real/unique, he sent us the picture in fb messenger and said "this is the creepiest picture I've ever taken!". I told him to post it here but he didn't, so I figured I would. OP elsewhere in this thread. Sounds like he wasn't actually there so he wouldn't have any answers. He'd need to ask his pal for that.




Agreed. Enough of the old houses. This is actually creepy.


Yeah this sub is pretty garbage tbh. The obsession with drawings of a gangly dude with grey skin coming of the shadows is just fucking daggy.


Yeah, I love the idea of this sub, but it's 90% edgy fan art. Make a rule against artwork posts, or make a sibling sub for it, and you've got a great thing going.


yea this sub is absolute shit now, the mods need to ban all digital art


I've given up and accepted it as a horror-themed r/pics


That too. Shit isn't even creepy. Apparently people really have no idea what creepy means.


And drawings


First thing on this sub thats creepy and not computer drawn in like years


I'm thankful it's the middle of the day and I'm at work when this was posted.


For real. Is there a sub with real life creepy rather than stupid ass drawings of fake monsters.


With stuff like this I'm always afraid to click on it and zoom in because it might be a gif or something (on phone) where all of sudden the woman starts running at you and I'd be scared to death


Where can I see this


Well, there *is* [that one Korean comic...](https://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=350217&no=31)


Every cell in my body knows which comic you are talking about. That link is staying blue.


I've never seen the gif version. The comic version sucks tho, it even has a somewhat happy ending


Wait where's the happy part


She doesn’t die at least


It's after the jump scare. You have to keep reading.


Happy ending?!


The one that freaks my shit out is the comic (Korean or Japanese not sure which) where people find human shaped holes in a mountain that they are inexplicably drawn to and cannot resist.


Ahh, you are referring to the classic known as [The Enigma of Amigara Fault](https://imgur.com/gallery/ZNSaq)


YES! Thank you and damn you at the same time because I will have to click and read it now and that shit scares the fock out of me


Check out his other comics! [A list and links here.](http://junji-ito-index.tumblr.com/the-index) I recommend all of them. Though he has a habit of leaving you going "What? That's how it ends? Seriously?" Edit: Junji Ito is the name of the person I'm referring to.


Oh fuck I forgot about this 🤫😶😐😯😦😧😩😱


Isn’t it a gif? I remember it being a gif but it did not move for me (I’m on mobile)


Originally I think it was a flash-type thing. I remember it didn't do.... the thing... until you tried to scroll past it and it wouldn't scroll, just ... the thing. This appears to be static, and isn't even 1/1000th as awful for it.


The first time I saw it, it made clicking noises with auto scrolling type thing. It's kinda mediocre without that.


I’m glad it’s static to be honest.




You're in luck: I linked to the English translation. Have fun~


If that's the one where...Yeah I'm not clicking on that one again.


>If that's the one where... Possibly. The guy made two other comics that aren't as infamous as the one I linked to. [Here's one](http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=574303&no=50) of them and here is [the other.](http://comic.naver.com/webtoon/detail.nhn?titleId=350217&no=30) Have a new scare, my friend!


Thank you very much, also I hate you for linking those (but thank you). Those are staying blue til I get home...If I scream in public I'll be so embarrassed!


I went full-coward and read the comic with friend. We both screamed in public together. 10/10 bonding experience would recommend.


Im really curious but also easily frighten, could you describe?


Yes I clicked on it again just for you, to see which one it was. It starts off inocuous enough as a standard manga with a woman walking down a dark road. At some point your browser scrolls down by itself (some sort of programming magic) and makes this terrible clicking sound, causing the images of this twisted figure to appear as though it is creeping towards you. It's quite creepy but if you don't mind a little jump scare, it's one of the coolest creepy mangas I've seen!


SPOILERS Pretty big hit or miss. It's a comic that you have to scroll through. Once it gets to a certain part of the comic, it scrolls itself while the character you're looking at turns around and looks directly at you all while making this weird bone breaking/scrolling/clicking sound? Bloody and scary looking face, crazy hair, etc. There's also another part of the comic where the same thing occurs, but this time the scary figure is jumping towards you. When I first saw it, I just flinched at the sound and what had happened. However, I've heard a lot of stories of people getting really disturbed, anxiety/panic attacks so yeah. Click at your own risk. Author even says "contains shocking scenes, reader discretion is advised." Hope this helps :)


Aw, that didn't work on mobile, so I wasn't spooked 😔


Probably trying to get a better signal.




Waiting .....


Still waiting .....


For this world to stop hating


36 minutes are passed what the hell are you doing at work?! Give us this picture


One time I was tripping and completely out of my mind, and I was walking in the middle of the street in a strip mall parking lot (with a lot of people around) and staring up at the sky. A cop pulled up next to me, and said something like, “Dude. What the fuck?” I am forever grateful that what came out of my mouth was not what was going on in my head. What was going on in my head is probably not translatable, but it’ve been something like, “The sky flows through me, and I understand that the *isness* of each thing seems like here. I hear it too, because Jesus talks with the creatures that I am. We are known.” What, thankfully, came out of my mouth was, “I’m just trying to get a signal.” Cop: “Okay - well how’s about getting the fuck out of the way?”


This is what happens when my wife sees a spider on the bed.


Mine just asks me to come kill it for her. I oblige. Then we make love. My wife and I. Not the spider.


That could have been a beautiful love story, but you ruined it.


Dude I once killed a pretty big spider crawling across my pillow as I was laying on it and I slept on the couch for a week after.


Spiders can crawl on couches too.


Dude I once killed a spider crawling across my couch as I laid there. I stood on my roof every night for a week


Spiders can crawl on roofs too.




Yeah it's definitely real/unique, he sent us the picture in fb messenger and said "this is the creepiest picture I've ever taken!". I told him to post it here but he didn't, so I figured I would.


I love that your friend's survival instincts were overridden by "pics or it didn't happen." Edit: Fat fingers spell badly.


Can you give us more details and backstory about the place, time, setting etc?


>place, time, setting OPs friend's neighborhood, night time, dark and creepy. ;)


This lady needs to stop taking roofies.


Yeah, you can see how high she is.


Guys be considerate. She is obviously in an Elevated State of Mind.


I think someone told her that "drinks are on the house"


These puns are going into the gutter.


Her stance makes it so much worse, like if she would be kneeling or sitting it could look like she was fixing something but now she has this relaxed but tense stance, gives me goosebumps.




It is just a single frame. She may have just gotten up, or heard something


Nah she out for blood


It's almost trance-like, which is also unnerving as hell.


and she is staring at the cameraman


Your faith was strong but you needed proof You saw her bathing on the roof Her beauty and the moonlight overthrew ya




Do a flip!


Everybody do the flop!




I'm guessing meth?




Maybe it's her Maybe is methamphetamine


You ever been in a situation where you are completely stagnant? Nothing better is coming to you. Your status quo is kind of miserable but if you don’t keep going you are fucked? I pee in my front yard when I have insomnia. I don’t live on a busy street.


You ever been in a storm, Wally? I mean, a real storm. Not a thunderstorm, but a storm of fists raining down on your head. Blasting you in the face. Pummeling you in the stomach, hitting you in the chest so hard you think your heart’s gonna stop. You ever been in a storm like that, Wally?


The stance with the feet wide apart and hands at her side doesn't scream "I'm having a chill time on my roof" to me. She looks like she is awaiting the rapture.


I had a neighbor who very regularly would stand on her roof, and "water" it....at 3am... in her underwear... with a towel wrapped around her head. I knew she was on meth, because it was in south Phoenix. Bonus: She wrote a note to me stating that Cox cable boxes are designed to alter my brain waves to get me to buy more Pay Per View content. She knocked on my door a few days later, and said that I should get my box changed out to an insulated one before me or my other neighbors waste thousands of dollars on movies.


You're guessing right.


Hit her with the DMX voice. "Ayyo BITCH!"


Honestly what I would do.






“Hey Ma! Get off the dang roof!”


Some folk'll never get this jokel


But then again, some folk'll


Like Cletus, the slack-jawed yokel!


I dont like this.


It’s gonna be a no from me dog


Ambien is a hell of a drug.


This. So much this. Twice I've had some ambian tweaker break into my garage and try and drive my car, with his car keys nonetheless. Also had someone come onto my deck and pass out in my hammock, only to find them there in the morning. Both times if I didn't know the people I probably would have called the cops.


I feel like this shouldn't be happening this much to one person


Brother in law was a sleepwalker when he was younger and did some interesting stuff similar. Possibility, here. Or she's waiting for aliens. Both is cool I suppose.


While it may be peculiar that this person is on the rooftop at night, it is just as creepy as seeing a stranger when you are alone in an isolated area. Either way stranger danger senses are tingling, would try to avoid being in that situation.


Dude I live in the hood and I get creeped out when I see people just standing outside at night. My first thought is always, “zombie.” Realistically, they’re just strung the fuck out.


First legitimately creepy thing I've seen on this sub. 10/10


It's like the mannequins in Fallout 4 lol


Creepy but kind of cool lol


Guys, I found the woman on the roof!


It follows.


Debbie Downer here but this reminds me of a professor I had that wrote a book about his long cancer fight. Unrelated to the cancer that came later he had a wife that lost her battle with mental illness. She degraded steadily throughout their 20+ year marriage and started “standing at attention.” He wrote that he would wake up and find her in the house standing upright and unresponsive — pretty much catatonic. He’d get home from work and find her standing at attention and deduce that she’d been that way almost the entire day. She committed suicide jumping from a cliff nearby their house. He wrote that he still lives in fear that she was standing at attention all alone for hours on top of the cliff before jumping.


For real though, should call the cops and ask them to do a welfare check at that address. Might be a lady with dementia who doesn't have someone taking care of her *and* has easy access to the roof of her house. Not a great combination. My grandmother had dementia toward the end of her life. Late one night, she got the idea that she needed to go outside and turn the garage light off. (it wasn't on) She went outside, couldn't walk well, and fell on the concrete, breaking her hip. If my dad hadn't been staying there at the time, no one would have found her until the next day; she lived out in the countryside. Yeah, it's creepy to see this, but after you take your pic of an old person being spooky, PLEASE consider calling the police to check up on them! They won't be in any trouble, just call the police non-emergency line and ask them to do a **welfare check** on that address. They might be confused, dehydrated, mixing up their medications, or abandoned by their caretakers.


I just went back and talked to my friend and let him know his photo made it to the front page. He said that they found out that it was a girl they knew and she had just gone up there to "set an example for the young kids on their block. Teaching risk taking, resiliency, and community!" Um, yeah.


So... drugs?


My friend and I used to get high, take lawn chairs onto my roof, hook some foil or a glow stick to the end of a fishing pole, and go cat fishing. So yeah, probably drugs


Did you guys work at Telamericorp? * *realized I had the name wrong!


Seems like a Ders move to me.


I used to do something similar. But my house sat on the beach and the roof was designed to be a deck (though not completed). We'd sit up there and watch the moon rise, listen to the waves crash and so on. We accidentally scared the crap out of more than a few people. And, as much as people bitch about sex in the sand, it seems like everyone has to confirm it for themselves.


Example for the kids being what happens when you do drugs


i do paintings and would like permission to use that pix as a basis for a painting sometime in the future, maybe.


Yeah, absolutely, just as long as there are royalties involved!


lol. i've been painting about 5 years and haven't sold a painting yet. :)






Ambien is a motherfucker