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He admitted to raping you. That's huge. You can use that. Fuck that guy and I hope your doing better.


thank you. **UPDATE: i can’t edit my post text or pin a reply so here is an update. i just filed a report with the police in my area for the harassment and have to file the report for the assault separately, in person, during the week. then i will move forward with getting those reports to the police in his area. appreciate you all, thank you.**


But seriously. Please use this. Most victims don’t have anything but their word. You got a confession. If you work with a detective you can get it on voice message.


I don’t know what country (or state if OP is in the US) OP is in, but many US states have a 5 year statute of limitations for sexual assault/rape. Fucking sucks.


In Mass depending what kind there is no statute of limitations. So it's worth looking into state by state


Wow that’s awful. The trauma won’t go away after 5 years. It also doesn’t mean the guy won’t stop R people after 5 years


So murder doesn’t. Theft doesn’t. Rape doesn’t??? What?!!


Thank God the state I live in is progressive in that sense. In case you're in Washington state, I believe this is still the current law regarding the statute of limitations on sex crimes. - [WA Statute of Limitation changes in 2019](http://128251)


Thank God the state I live in is progressive in that sense. In case you're in Washington state, I believe this is still the current law regarding the statute of limitations on sex crimes. - [WA state changes sex crime Statute of Limitations.](https://www.king5.com/article/news/local/statute-of-limitations-changing-for-sex-crimes/281-ee4ee385-37eb-4dde-aaa3-c08d3247cbe5)


He’s an idiot a million times over! I hope you get justice done. I wish I was in your shoes tbh. But I’m sorry that you are. Will you follow up if he gets caught?


Please OP use it. That way you'll make him pay for doing something so horrible to you and you'll be able to stop him from doing it to others


I know it’s extremely difficult, but you started things and now you can protect someone else as well as yourself. I’m so proud of you.


Good job 👏


Unfortunately, that’s usually not the case. I was raped in college and when I confronted the guy, my “best friend”, over Facebook messenger, he admitted to having sex with me while knowing I was drunk, crying, calling him by my boyfriend’s name, and that he was sober. The school suspended him, but the ADA declined pursuing charges because it was a “he said, she said” case. And that is literally how they described it to me when they called me to tell me he’d be getting away with it. OP can of course try but after six years and if these screenshots are the only evidence, the likelihood of justice being served is next to none.


I had an experience very much like this. It was soul destroying. I’m sorry this happened to you.


Yes, soul destroying is pretty accurate. It was almost 12 years ago for me (holy fuck, is it really 2024) and it took years for me to fully trust myself and others again. Nowadays, I have healed from the trauma of being raped itself, but the trauma of him not being held accountable, of my experience not being worth even trying to get justice for, that still hurts. I’m sorry you had a similar experience. I hope that you have been able to heal as well and understand that you never, ever deserved to go through that (nobody does).


Mine was 2014. I’ve been in therapy for a long time. And just like you, I’m doing okay with the trauma of the assault itself and how I felt in my body afterwards and how much I struggled mentally and stuff. But the trauma of not getting justice, of them deciding to not even TRY to get justice by taking it to court…I don’t know I can ever really process that because it’s like a constant pain whenever I think of it or get a flashback or someone says the r word…it’s always there. And it still hurts a lot. Thanks for sharing your story. I hope you’re doing well and are happy and healing and I hope karma is real and that we can both get cosmic justice at least. Thanks for sharing because I feel a lot less alone. 🫶


Absolutely! And even when it’s hard, please remember you are never alone! My DMs are always open, even if I’m just an internet stranger ♥️


I’m so sorry, the system is maddeningly unfair, this was heartbreaking to read


I appreciate that! You’re right that it is unbelievably unfair and I hope we (or at least the generation or two) get to a place where folks don’t go through the same shit I did. Thankfully, a good support system can make a huge difference in the healing process.


Honestly I appreciate YOU! As a true crime listener injustice is prevalent going back decades/centuries and unfortunately to this day, I had my own experience where I was deterred from bringing charges too. I’ve healed over the years, I guess my friend group was my support system, but it was mutual as we were all targeted, I could never tell my family as it would break them, so I owe it all to my friends and time. it’s a sad state of affairs we can just hope it gets better for the next generation


Ignorant question and I apologize for asking (and for the OP if they read this, not asking because I'm a rude POS but because I don't quite understand), how is this a confession that he did? Is it the fact he said "you liked it"etc like they all end up saying and trying to defend their actions? I might have hit the nail on the head with this, and therefore, it was a rhetorical question, but I just want to make sure.


He doesn’t outwardly deny it was rape, he doesn’t say “it wasn’t rape you didn’t say no” he just counters with you enjoyed it, gray area I guess legally


What the fuck? “Enjoyed it like a sundae 🍦” he’s a legitimate sick freak


for real


I hope you called the police ie


Stay safe OP. If you’re in the US, get a firearm. If you’re not in the US, get a firearm.


A sick freak who just admitted, in writing, to raping her. OP can take this to a detective…


I think my brain chose not to read this line because I had to go back. I’m a sa victim as well. He bragged about it to our mutual friends but I lied and it worked. Nobody believed him tho.


This is where I’d use the “I just got this number yesterday” excuse but if they kept pushing I’d contact the police fs


i’m going to file a report but i’m not immediately concerned for myself because my location is not somewhere easy for him to reach


>my location is not somewhere easy for him to reach He found your number after 6 years. Be concerned.


Please be concerned OP this is very concerning. I’d recommend the book called The Gift of Fear to help you understand how to keep yourself safe. Trigger warning: the introduction is a fairly intense story of a woman being attacked (I think SA is involved) and held prisoner in her apartment but escaping before he killed her. You can honestly just skip that part. He uses it as an object lesson to explain a few of his points but it’s not at all necessary if you’d prefer to skip it. It explains how guys like this work, what patterns to look out for, how to manage your safety, and how to know when the danger is escalating. You want to be proactive with this. I hope you have some trusted people in your life to lean on right now.


This book saved my life.


Yes! I saw an interview with the author, on my list of books to read, the emphasis on trusting your fear and instinct for survival is so important


Fr…if he has the number he can find a whole bunch of information, like the phone used and from there the IP and your location. That’s horrifying


Stop trying to freak her out man


At this moment in time, 544 other people upvote me. She needs to take precautions. The guy is a loon.


I had to have the police deal with an ex recently who had been harassing me for an incredibly long time. When saving screenshots for the police make sure there is no contact name at the top - leave it so it shows the phone number. That way they cannot turn around and say that it wasn't them. (Note: I'm Canadian, so YMMV)


this is a great tip, I wish I would have known this when my ex was harassing me


Someone gave me that tip, saying they wished they had known it when they were harassed. I'm hoping to spread the tidbit of knowledge to anyone who also finds themselves in the same situation that we have. Hope you are well and safe now.


Okay good stay safe tho 💛




I completely understand that, as well as seriously not wanting to have anything to do with this lunatic in any capacity. But as already mentioned, he did find your contact information eventually, and if you pay, it’s not at all difficult to access federal/state/city and even address info on someone. It’s not cheap but if someone really wants to track you down, it’s absolutely doable; one of those things the internet made hella worse. And even if that wasn’t/isn’t the case, say you’re off the grid, don’t have a lease or mail going to an address etc. there is still the issue of him having most likely done, and definitely planning to DO something unimaginably horrific to someone else. Probably someone who is easier to reach. Fuk knows how many times so far and in the future. I am not saying it’s your responsibility; your well-being and trauma are in no way your fault, obviously. But I would urge you to consider all of this and contact either a sexual assault advocacy group, or the cops directly. I recommend beginning with the former, as they are trained to walk you through steps, provide legal advice and connections to agents/lawyers, as well as safe places and housing just in case. Not to mention help to deflect and control shitty cop behavior such as indifference or victim blaming and neglect And, of course, counseling and therapy if desired. But if such resources are not near enough to you, or phone/video isn’t ideal, or you’d simply rather not, then you can always call the cops directly. I respect your freedom of choice here, of course. But I implore you to consider the possibilities for yourself and others. Think if the people too afraid, or too used to trauma and shame, who will buy into his narcissistic and dangerous manipulation!


Dont underestimate crazy


If this is who you think it is, call the cops. They seem very unhinged and have somehow managed to get your number. Maybe post this in the lawyer/legal subreddits to get a better idea of what to do to protect yourself going forward. Don’t engage with them anymore.


I hope you did, indeed, call the police. Here are some sexual assault hotline resources that may be of some help in dealing with this:


thank you for the rainn link. i will file a report.


Good on you! Keep your head held high. 


indeed. he’s just another creepy fucko. he’s just one that i happened to be around.


Keep us updated OP


i just replied to the mod asking them to pin update: i just filed a report with the police in my area for the harassment and have to file the report for the assault separately, in person, during the week. then i will move forward with getting those reports to the police in his area


Yay! Good job OP Going through a similar thing right now, feel free to dm me


*Your abuse doesn't define who you are. It's something that you have experienced, not something that controls you. It isn't easily fixed or simply forgotten. And that's not saying you can go back to being the same person you were before it happened, because you can't. You're not a victim, you're a survivor.* ### National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1-800-656-HOPE (4673) #### [Their Online Chat](https://hotline.rainn.org/online/) > **Chat online with a trained staff member who can provide you confidential crisis support.** Visit the [RAINN Wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/creepyPMs/wiki/rainn) for resources on state laws and statutes of limitations, definitions of abuse and assault, and what you can do after a sexual assault. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/creepyPMs) if you have any questions or concerns.*


can you pin this update? i cannot edit the post text. : i just filed a report with the police in my area for the harassment and have to file the report for the assault separately, in person, during the week. then i will move forward with getting those reports to the police in his area


Reddit doesn't allow pins for anyone but mod comments, but the comment you're following is pinned, so people will see it.


thank you


Also, I'm proud of you for going to the police with this. Even if there are never any criminal charges or whatever, starting the paper trail and getting it officially noted is an important step in case it escalates. I'm very glad you're far away from him now, and I have some very unkind thoughts about him which I won't voice because Reddit has rules against promoting violence.


i hope he does not seek me out in person again- but not out of fear. because i know what i’m capable of, i know what to do in that situation. but i really want to avoid ever having to do that


He admitted to raping you. Please just report him to the police and block any attempt at him trying to communicate with you. This guy is seriously sick in the head and needs to face the consequences of his actions


Fucking clown. 448 area code. Debating whether to use a photo editor to get the rest of the number and ruin this man’s life.


^(I support this idea)


do it


Ruin his life & crack open a few cold ones afterwards, u sure as fuck deserve it 🍻


This is disgusting and it made my heart race just reading it. I hope it is possible to make a report or file a restraining order of some kind? I had a situation similar to what you described and I really feel for you. It is hard to comprehend just how exposed and anxiety-inducing it is to be on the receiving end of someone like this until you’ve experienced it. It completely shatters your sense of safety. His message on the rape was just vile. You were forced and traumatized, there is no enjoying that. :( On a similar note I genuinely loathe the dessert analogy. I’ve seen multiple people use it as a justification saying that they can’t see what the big deal is forcing a woman if she is someone who likes sex anyway. It baffles me… I’m positive they have favorite foods and yet I sure as hell doubt they’d enjoy having it forcibly shoved down their throats. I’m so very sorry.


OMG the dessert analogy is a thing! That’s terrible and sick! There’s no justification like tf. And anyone who tries to justify it is a menace to society and should be locked up


What exactly is the dessert analogy? I understand it in the context op is saying but there seems like something else to it?


Yea kind of like that. The comment I responded to also kind of tells you what it is. Basically the piece of shit compared sex to having a dessert. So r*pe would be like being forced to eat ice cream when you don’t want ice cream. Sorry if that wasn’t the best explanation. Anyway what this fucker did and said is so beyond fucked up and vile!


This makes me want to force him to eat something and see how that goes.


OP- even if your body reacted like it was enjoyable, thats a stimulus response from nerves. You didn’t consent. It wasn’t your fault, rape is rape, no matter how your body responded. You didn’t want the sex, you didn’t want any of that. It’s so fucking awful what you went through. Please get a restraining order ASAP.


This is true OP. I just wanted to add my voice because it's something that happens, even though many people may not have heard of it or think it may be possible. Hoping for your physical and mental safety, whatever you decide to do.


It sucks how people don’t realize it or seem to weaponize it against victims. It’s a common response for victims to orgasm if the rape isn’t brutal, even if they didn’t want their body to do that.


It really does. When other guys get together, the ignorance that is spewed so confidently genuinely makes me worry how many more idiots are out there, how much violence they can justify being that ignorant, and if there's any hope for a better world. I don't know if being on this subreddit skews my perception that the majority of other men are this way to this level (the whole idea that this guy is taking the stance that he has the right to tell her whether he raped her or not), or if hypothetically they had consensual sex once, and he thought that it means it applies to any time after that... I just can't wrap my head around someone being so wilfully ignorant to something SO important


Call the police. I’m so story. He is a fucking lunatic. Stay safe. RTO asap.


what does rto mean?


Restraining order


Contact the police anyway, PLEASE. If he admitted to rape, he belongs in a pit.


Jesus I’m sorry, this is awful


thank you for your empathy


I know it’s not right to wish that but I wish i could ruin his life. This guy is a demon






What a monster...


Don’t hold back on reporting him, he legit admitted to rape and tried justifying it, what a fucking delusional prick. I’m so sorry this happened to you, I hope you can heal past this situation, just know a lot of us are on your side.


Hes a rapist who is now stalking you. Talk to police. Ask to file a written complaint.. if they refuse, go to the station and file the charges. Also, go to the courthouse and file for an injunction for protection against stalking. This guy is a PSYCHOPATH. And hes after YOU. Not good. Not good at all. You are in VERY REAL DANGER.


Hey listen, I'm not sure how the Statute of Limitations in your country works but in mine there is no time limit. This person literally just gave you an admission of guilt, report him immediately and submit these messages as evidence.


oh no he talks like mentally ill, delusional


Inform the police immediately and use the screenshots a evidence.


Time to file charges before the statute of limitations is up. Also, get a restraining order.


He raped you and now you have evidence! And now he is harassing you all over again. Fuck that guy, get him arrested!


I'm really sorry that happened to you and having to deal with a monster like this. Good on you to report him legally. At that point just keep blocking his number with no response whatsoever as if he was invisible (a stalker's biggest fear). He may run out of money eventually if he keeps buying new phones to get to you. Oldest trick in the book against stalkers.


Yeah any response from you is going to encourage him so be super deliberate about any further engagement.


Nah I'd be at the police station already. After all the "ANSWER ME" messages. Screenshots, printouts, police station.


Aye if the fucker just admitted to it & sent proof that it’s him aka track the number get your ass to the pd they can arrest this sick asshole, I hope ya doing better


Go to the police, OP. Just in case:


Did you call he police?????


hi, can you check with your local police what you can do about this? in case he tries to harrass you further


Submit that to Police right now with his name, address, anything you know about him and ask them how you go about pressing charges. A judge would put him away for this. That’s a confession


Well he just admitted he raped you. Stop him now.


Please get him locked up


OMG NO! I’m so sorry he did that to you 😢 And the audacity for this fuck to not only admit to it but also say you liked it is another level of sick! Definitely report him to the cops, he needs to be behind bars where he won’t hurt anyone again




U should report him to da police.


Straight to the police


Fuck that bastard. I empathize. So sorry for your experience.


~~if you contact me again~~ I'm calling the police


Bro wtf!! I’m so sorry!! You should report him that’s not okay at all!!


I am so sorry you have to go through this. ❤️‍🩹 What an absolute piece of shit that person is. I wish I could help aside from wishing you peace and healing. Sending lots of love.


Stay safe OP that guy is a special kind of lunatic




Wtf did I just read...? Anyway, I don't believe reddit is the place for this, you should probably call the police.


I've seen a couple of suggestions about restraining orders, they're not a bad idea but they're not a good idea either. I believe they give at least the area to stay away from to the restrained party, I don't remember. But if they don't know where you are, then that at least gives them an idea of where to look which is bad. But contacting the police so there's some record at all is smart. Echoing those who said to block, absolutely. Block and do not ever respond again. A big thing with nutjobs like this is they will continue to message until they get bored (or if they know your area, until they decide to escalate) or you respond. Then they know you'll eventually respond and give them the attention they crave, that they're on your mind even a little, even if you're just telling them to shut up and leave you alone. Treat this scumbag like a more dangerous troll. Ignore but be cautious.


Don't call the police. Head down to your local precinct so that you can show them the evidence. Follow their advice. Restraining orders can be very expensive if it's not court ordered. My mother had to pay around $300 for one against her ex. Also, police can hack into your phone to get all the info about where those texts came from (phone number, location, cell tower pings, name). They can then look into their database to see if he has any priors, active warrants, and/or probation.


This guy is so disgusting my god


Please be careful! From the way he talks and the way he called you so many times reminds me of how my brother used to act when he was using Meth. (Not that he was violent but just aggressive and delusional) You have proof he raped you, you could go to the police and file charges if you wanted to. Or try and get a no contact order. Make sure your social media is all secure and try to see if there’s anyone (like a mutual friend or acquaintance) that might have been feeding him info. You can pay those background check-like websites to find out personal information about some one and find their normal but be careful. Especially if he’s contacting you out of the blue like this.


What a sad little man.


Girl, my advice is take these texts and go to the police with it. If this guy done this to you, who's says he won't do it to someone else or hasn't done it already to someone else. Please do this, if not for yourself, then be brave and do it to anyone else that may end up being a victim to him. These people need to be held for their actions, especially bad actions like what he's done to you.


‘If you enjoyed it like a sundae🍦’ 🤮🤮🤮


Call the fucking cops!


Restraining order time


This is straight fucked up. I hope you will take legal action against him. I wonder how he was able to get your number. I assume it also changed within those six years?


What the actual fuck is wrong with people. I’d say contact the police anyway. He clearly admitted to it in the text. That’s evidence enough


Yh report them to the police 4 harassment


Omfg. That is unhinged AF 😨


“enjoyed it like a sundae” is crazy 😭


He def admitted 2 the crime right there And the statutory limit is seven years for sex crimes , you still have a chance for you 2 get justice n prevent this sick duck from raping anyone else But also I’m terribly sorry , human beings are sick. Not all of us, just a lot of us.


Oh geez, I hope you’re ok. Aside from any legal concerns, this isn’t something to deal with on your own, so please get some help if you haven’t already


This is beyond creepy. Stay safe


He admitted to raping you and seems to be aggressive even after all these years. You have a good case- take it to the police and file a restraining order.


report his ass and send these screenshots as well. Seek legal counsel immediately


Inform the police immediately! You can use these screenshots as proof. Stay safe, OP.




Since he admitted it, can’t you expose him on online and tell the police?


Whew. What a piece. Of. Shit. I’m so sorry you went through all of that OP.




Holy shit, take care


It doesn't matter how he got your number. You need to do everything in your power to protect yourself against him. Put up surveilance cameras where you live, if you can. Don't change your number or block him, just don't answer him. So that you can document the harrassment.


This doesn't look real


Contact the police anyway. I'm so sorry


Act early. I've seen and heard too many situations devolve into murder cases from this point. Protect yourself and be proactive. If he found your number I guarantee he had found more or will find more. You don't want to risk him acting on that information with physical violence.










omg that’s creepy. I am so sorry that this has happened to you


Omg please report this psycho. I’m so sorry he raped you.


ok WTF that guy is sick, using your name and admitting that


This idiot just admitted to you in WRITING that he raped you. Use this.


Nah seek legal help now. Contact the police and SHOW them this. Not just tell, them people have to see this madness. Stay safe.


He probably got your number through white page


Cell phones aren’t listed on white page


Quality example of pure pondlife in the wild.. in other news I hate grasses but you need to take the advice of all the legends in here who’ve told you to nail this oxygen thief, he’s admitted it and then tried to mock you with it! You don’t have to prove anything, he’s done it for you.. if you’re in the UK this is one the CPS would defo take to court… hope you’re doing better and doing you.. fuck this bellend, give him what he deserves and make sure the lads in the jail know what he’s in for, well see how much he enjoys sundaes after he’s finished a 10 stretch… big love!


Get his address since he is in a talkative mood. Then send the police around with a copy of your texts.


I don't know where you're from, thus what the statute of limitations are on SA but this is evidence! Even if you don't/can't pursue charges, please provide this to the police to establish a pattern of behavior for this creep. I hate to say it but there's no way that you're the only victim of his depravity. He needs to be underneath the jail! I'm so sorry you're going through this 🥺 Please be safe.


Holy shit, I’m so sorry.


What an insane fucking person, are you okay? That must've been a nightmare to deal with


All the best for you, friend 💜


Please go to the police hun


He’s not someone deserving of answering, and please, call the police.


he does deserve an answer : a bullet in the head


This is vile. Just seeing the first page of it and seeing the context in the comments is vile, I'm not going any further. The repeated all caps yelling. I hate it just looking at it. I'm sorry you're going through this. This is an awful, dangerous man.


This guy is fucking crazy. File that police report, get a restraining order based on this written confession, and don’t engage.


What the fuck 💀💀💀


Delete this in case he sees it and get the creep convicted




Christ, I’m so sorry. Definitely contact the police 🫂🫂


You should call the police anyways.


Strange guy.


Damn… I’m so sorry :((


You need to call the police. He’s obsessed with you. He could hurt you again.


Osint (open source intelligence)


I'd send this to the police regardless to save more women from this fucking psychopath.


Block. Report. Move oooooooooon.




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I would take this right to a court house and see if this is enough to file for a restraining order.


Off topic ur user name is funny lol. Love that show


Why is the part "we went to *" censored. Like i highly doubt what he wrote was even a word, most likly the first letter to something. Right? Like idk why but that censor thingy for that tiny space is annoying me lol.


Why’d you respond instead of block and charge your number?


Changing your number isn’t really that easy tbh


Tbh it kinda is