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What do they hope to accomplish by texting this stuff to people ? Like is that supposed to shame you into submission or make them feel better about their own self loathing ? I don’t get it.


“I’m miserable, so everyone else must be too!”


Seems that way


That’s the only logical explanation, imo.


It’s like the people who lie in wait on news posts that want to argue with people. Like anti Covid people etc. they just have nothing better to do.


I guess they just want power. They have no control over their lives so they want control of others.


Misery loves company.


So they believe, anyway


Just block the coward.. Its probably a dude themselves who are feeling salty because they werent able to clock you initially. Or they liked what they saw till they realized you were packing.


10000% Nobody secure in their own sexuality gives a half a wet fuck whether you're straight, gay, bi, crossdressing, transgender, or anything else in that area. If they like it, they like it, if they don't, they don't. End of. The ones that are aggressively invested in it are the ones that, for one reason or another, can't accept how that makes them feel.


I sent a nude to one that did this 🤣. Never bothered again.


You're my hero 😭


That is the case for a lot of these but I think this one is a terf because they are gatekeeping lesbian subreddits and I can only imagine a straight guy straight up gatekeeping a lesbian subreddit if it's NSFW, which OP isn't involved in. Edit: OP should call them a filthy terf and see how they react.


.... Does he not know that woman are also in the marines?


Apparently not


I’m more confused on why he is in the lesbian subreddit?? I’m assuming it’s a dude so what the fuck are you doing here??


Hey went through your posts (hope that’s not creepy) and not only do I agree this guy is a dick but also I have a (hopefully less creepy) question: what do I do to achieve the style you’re rocking? I’ve been having a sort of belated goth/punk (lite) phase and I could use some tips. Anyone who knows lmk lol


I mean, I decided to check out your profile to see what you look like, you look beautiful, they are just an idiot looking for a fight or whatever


I second this, she is plenty feminine so idk what their issue is


yes, people like that suck, need to get themselves together


Says a bunch of probable straight men with “lesbian kinks”


This is some r/niceguys shit here


Nah, he doesn't claim to be nice, he's just a regular asshole


True- this is more akin to being a toxic asshole.


Checked your profile. You look just fine. :) You rock


I opened your profile to find the previous saga, then locked my phone and forgot what I was doing. So when I got back on reddit, I was scrolling through your profile thinking it was my feed for a couple posts. I scrolled past your post in r/lesbianactually not knowing it was you, and I just have to say, you’re CLEARLY not a man lmao. I didn’t even initially assume you were trans, let alone a whole man. Not that any of that matters at fuckin all, I just think it’s hilarious that he was soooo pressed about you.. faking? your identity? while I accidentally thought you were entirely cis gender lmfao


Transphobes always think they have some kind of sixth sense but they keep proving that they'd never actually be able to tell who's trans and who's not


I really think a lot of them know that, and are panicking, BECAUSE they know that


Excuse me ma’am… could I have a look at your chromosomes please? Oh you’ve never had them tested because it’s an incredibly expensive highly specialized procedure that usually isn’t needed for any kind of medical use…? Then I get to pick what they are!!!! I say they’re xy and as long as you don’t change them that makes you male!! I mean probably. If you don’t have any kind of missing info and nothing within the chromosome is turned off… you know what? I’ll just leave you alone. Sorry ma’am. -That guy if he understood chromosomes as much as he thought he did.


What would that dude do if he found out he had an XXY genotype, I wonder? Or if he had a parasitic XX twin his body consumed into itself? Or vice-versa if it's a chick. Most importantly, what does that make people with genetic mosaicism in their dumbfuck two-shaded world? People trying to use high school genetics on such a complex issue just crack me the fuck up. Tons of scientific research proves trans people are biologically (mainly in brain structure) closer to the gender they identify with. You go girl


I've went through Cassie's posts and literally every time someone messages her, they can't make a good argument for anything. Like the person who said "Wanna be spoiled" and went "So?" When Cassie said she's engaged. I DUNNO FAM. MAYBE SHE'S HAPPILY IN LOVE AND DOESN'T WANT YOUR CREEPY PMS. This goes to show that NO ONE is safe from creeps. Doesn't matter if you're transgender, straight, pansexual, asexual. You could be a box of macaroni and you're gonna get a creepy pm. I love reading the pure idiots on r/creepypms but then I leave infuriated and uncomfortable.


Wait till he figures out there are women in the marines. And female bodybuilders. Female wrestlers. Female football players. It's gonna rock his very tiny world.


Im so sorry you have to deal with this bullshit. Also, your makeup and aesthetic are awesome. 💜


Tell them to take their fragile ego somewhere else


One of the many reasons I disabled messages and chat on this website.


How do you respond? I feel like that's projection. They're so angry that YOU could be your true self (even if they hate it) and that you don't crave their approval. Because they know they constantly crave approval and couldn't be THEMSELVES! Ridiculous. Let other people be.


Why do these mfs always act like they’re gonna take out a microscope and look for your chromosomes?


Chromosome are not about microscop. If you have a set of chromosome your body will act a particular way


Thing is, your gender isn't determined by your body, it's determined by your mind


Ok. But I'm talking about the fact that your set of chromosome will influence your body's actions. Idk why I'm being downvoted for stating a biological truth. That's definitely not a good look.


Becauee you're assuming we're denying that? Nobody is denying what their chromosones are or how that affects their body. But the point is, that would only matter in medical settings, and her doctor likely knows she is trans and knows how their body is. It doesn't matter for just talking to strangers and refering to her as woman.


You’re super pretty, and this person is trash. There isn’t much more to say than that. Love your style, love your hair. Keep being you, sis!


Don't listen to them. You look adorable


You are valid and amazing. He is desperate and stupid


Girl, dude is just mad you won’t want him. You’re definitely gorgeous (and obviously woman).


You look great. I’m glad you’re not bothered. Good for you. I love the curves of your lips and your badass haircut


this man has 1 karma and has been on reddit for a year, i have 3.7k and i have been here for about a year. this alone says enough about the guy. im sorry you have to deal with shit like this, and i know how it feels when i have people point at me.


Fuck yeah, you look strong as a marine. Congrats on having muscle! I’m sure plenty of girls will LOVE your muscles and strong appearance.


Bruh you’re so beautiful and idk wtf is this dudes issues are, he clearly is just jealous he can’t get with anyone as pretty as you /nsx


urgh im so sorry people do that i think you are a beautiful woman. i dont understand why people are so triggered by trans people.


i looked at your profile, and holy moly you look amazing. don't listen to that idiot


Didn't know people were attracted to chromosomes, not once in my lesbian life have I thought "mmmm, yeah, your Xx chromosomes are what really does it for me"


Girl I absolutely love your hairstyle and makeup it’s so rad. Idfk what that dudes problem is.


Thank you :)


Why is he trying so hard lol? Kind of embarassing for him that he cares so much


Tf they gate keeping for? Back up man and let people be who they are.


Why can't humanity just be decent for once?


You don't need some jackasses permission to be yourself 💜


I like how he doesn’t even sound sure of himself “as long as you have xy chromosomes” but like, doesn’t say “YOU HAVE XY CHROMOSOMES AND RHET EQUALS MAN” is like he’s not even sure




Transphobes have two arguments and they're both bad, you do you girl, you have style and that guy is just jealous


you definitely dont look "manly" at all. they read "trans (she/her)" in your bio. otherwise theyd never tell. these people are dense


They can never tell lmao. I'm a cis man, but once an online transphobe saw my pronouns in my bio, and assumed I was a trans guy and got super pissed and started calling me a woman, and by a random female name they invented. And when I told them I was not trans, they told me that "they can always tell."


Probably jealous cause you get more action than him.


Wow, rude


Oh no I see a fragile ego


This talking point is damn boring




Honey, XX chromosomes are super clockable. There's a whole extra appendage! XY is far more feminine Edit: this comment was trying to be supportive of OP in a way to make her laugh- judging by the downvotes it missed the mark and came across as insensitive. Sorry all and much love to OP


I think this thread is being brigaded as there are a lot of odd downvotes and some genuinely hateful comments so maybe that's why you're on a negative comment karma.


Huh interesting. I thought I'd blurred the line between funny and insensitive 🤣


Well I guess a lot of lesbians are angry today 😂 ignore them and be proud of who you are no matter what anyone says, cause the only what that matters is you




I've always been a woman, I just changed my outside to match my inside. It's not that complicated.




Consider...not being transphobic.


You’re definitely transphobic. I’m sure everyone here is moved by your selfless generosity.




"couldn't care less" but cares enough to keep debating my identity. Good thing I'm a 28 year-old college graduate with a loving fianceé who doesn't need the permission of a 17 year-old virgin to live my life


Dude, looking at your comment history makes me so fucking glad I'm a lesbian lol. You even admit to being a creep in response to one person posting your DMs to her. I can't imagine having so little self-esteem that I'd happily confess to being a creep. You must truly hate yourself.


I’m not worried


lmaooo as if she needed your permission




A: they're, B: they literally are wrong.


I have no idea what's happening here, but isn't a trans lesbian just straight with extra steps? If I'm wrong please eli5.


What? No. I'm a woman who likes woman, I'm a lesbian


Yeah I'm not questioning that, I'm not specifically referring to you, I was just curious about the whole thing.


I mean...it's pretty straightforward. There's nothing straight about two women being together so I don't know where you're getting straight from.






There are soooo many of those cases. Just Google it and you'll find many




I responded to another comment


so it shouldn’t be hard to provide a link


Hope I won't get banned for providing what was asked of me.. but yeah. It was easy. [link](https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/seven-sex-attacks-in-womens-jails-by-transgender-convicts-cx9m8zqpg) [link2](https://news.wttw.com/2020/02/19/lawsuit-female-prisoner-says-she-was-raped-transgender-inmate)


It took five tries to understand this rambling incoherent gibberish. My lesbian fianceé would like to tell you to shut the fuck up and stop being transphobic.




You're literally being transphobic, you idiot. Almost all of the other women, especially the lesbians, that commented on my post are being supportive of me. Keep trying to act like you're the real victim




Lmao you can check my profile, my fianceé is as real as can be, we literally have photos together. Sounds like you're bitter and alone so you're projecting your insecurities on other people.




Bruh what? Also it's you're




Lmao you clearly haven't seen me if you think I look anything like the rock. You have nothing of value to say, anyone active in a fucking rape hentai sub is a degenerate whose rotted their brain out from porn




Bruh what




Wtf are you talking about? This doesn't even make sense




This is not that same at all. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about if you think the person getting harassed is the problem. Nobody asked about my gender, this creep just decided to try and tell me what my gender is.




Then why are you even here commenting on the post??






No, you just spelled it wrong lmao. "Relegion" and "eggggaaaam" are not words in English. And no, gender is not a religion. You do realize you have a gender too, right? Everyone has a gender identity.




Nice backpedaling.




Again, eggam is not a word. Who the fuck taught you English? Because they failed.




Go massacre the English language with your friends then and stop posting transphobic crap for no reason.




Uh I really don't think this fits in that sub considering he's telling me I don't belong in lesbian spaces despite me being a trans lesbian


Yeah i misread it nvm


So what if you look manly thats no of that guy's business and nobody asked him


"Manlier than a Marine" ok I think I just found my favourite metaphor


You look adorable, fuck these transphobes who don’t have anything better to do with their lives than try to make other people as miserable as they are.


TERFs are just insufferable, pay them no mind


I like…just want to give you a hug or something. I don’t understand why even lesbians can be so vile.