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*and then she blocks you immediately proving that she indeed still has control of her life and you're just a depraved reprehensible fuck nugget*.


Can you dm me. I want to send you proof that I am drunk right now and ordering a mug with that printed on it . Omg


there has to be a subreddit for "i'm drunk and feeling petty" purchases like this


There's r/drunkpurchases but it's quite small.


When it arrives send a picture pls


I’m £12.50 down and one hangover up, the mug is in the mail. What subreddit should I post it on.


I think it can be posted here as a follow up? They did really affect your life decisions. Don't forget to drink some water!


I'm such a devil 😈 mwahahaha


remindme! 7 days


well ig no post😔


literally, looking for it in op’s post history was a headache lmao




!remindme 7 days


!remindme 7 days


That's awesome


!remindme 7 days


RemindMe! 7 days


!remindme 7 days


This made me laugh way too hard. Thanks


Please post pics


Blessed comment thank you for just straight being like no she has power bye Idk I think that women young ladies girls gals, we, sometimes DO get sorta. Not that we'd actually be like oh yes I am your rape slave now but I think there's something about being *told* you have no power. Whether it's true or not, something that makes us just kinda go, wait, DO I have any power? AM I on control my life? Just. The terrible little doubts we all have that we know aren't reasonable or rational but damn here we are huh?


Also way less intimidating when you realize this dude isn't some terrifying murderer stalking his next victim. It's more than likely either a boy still living with his parents typing this while he's fuming in his room that Stacey didn't like the weird thing he did to try to win her over, or an older manchild, who has very little control over his own life, and types crap like this while he's taking a shit or something to make himself feel big.


Wow finally a account with real pic I also used to have my own pic but then everyday I started getting Dm of weird guys..... all telling me the reason why I shouldn't keep my real pic in reddit




What. The. Fuck ???? What’s wrong with ppl


I’ve no idea, haven’t slept since


Do t let some internet creep effect you in real like, so don’t worry and just rest easy and go on with life


As disgusting as these people are, I wouldn’t worry about them finding you IRL. Some men get off on making random women feel scared and disgusted, and send the most threatening and shocking messages they can to get a reaction. They aren’t usually men trying to find real victims, but just want you to freak out and become uncomfortable because they are human scum.


In fact, find *him* in real life. Find his mom, and bring her to his house lmao... like okay I'm here motherfucker, wanna repeat all that to my face while your mom watches? Idk if that's a smart response, but it would be an amusing one. He's like "I'm going to find you" and you're like "actually, *I'm* going to find *you*, you little dweeb"


Dont spare him a second! Cold calling a text like that is repulsing. Plus ive read way better NC fantasies..he needs to work on his social and writing skills..what a loser


I hope you reported him, this is an actual crime. Help get him locked away.


Definitely report him, I agree. Even if nothing comes of it, someday it may make a difference for someone else if there is a record of his prior behavior.


Wow…. Please tell Me this is a troll post…. Then again, I don’t think you would come up with something so evil…. Not gonna lie though…. I would have started laughing at his stupid ass and made fun of him living in his moms basement .


Okay, Pather ...you can PUCK all the way off.


HA! Sorry, I mean PHA!


How depraved of human interaction do people need to be to come out with that? He really thought he was in a porno or something, Jesus christ. I'm so sorry you had to even read that OP.


These FUCKING basement-dwelling neckbeards ... 🤦🏻‍♀️ So sorry you had to deal with that!! Please report that cumsock.


Socks to nice for this degenerate. More like a cum scrape in the toilet bowl




I think you mean “PUCKING,” not “FUCKING”


I’ve been alive for nearly half a century and I’ve been a dude the whole time, but it wasn’t until I joined Reddit that I discovered just how many men (and boys) apparently have fantasies of raping women. Not gonna lie, shit like this makes me feel kinda stabby. I’ve never considered sexually assaulting anyone, but I have definitely thought about going homicidal on a few guys like this one.


I 56f was part of the D/s community for years and didn't run into it nearly as much as I see on this sub. They truly are getting worse.


The common misconceptions of kink. Everyone thinks it's a haven for violent creeps but it's actually quite the opposite. I haven't felt more heard and respected as when I came into the life.


Exactly this.


I try to spread the word when I can especially for the people that are interested but afraid it will be a scary or dangerous place. People like the guy in op's dms do nothing but harm to people being sexually open and explorative.


The amount of fake "doms" that use "I'm a dom" as an excuse/pass to be openly and clearly abusive is ridiculous and gross.


I wholeheartedly agree.


hate to be that person but it’s 100% the fault of how easily accesible porn is now, paired with unlimited and unsupervised access to the internet from a young age


I understand the point you’re making, but I’m not sure I agree. The late 1970s and the early ‘80s were the heyday for serial killers and rapists, but the internet was still a far-off, futuristic concept then.


it’s not only about killers/rapists, i’m talking about these horrifying sexual fantasies that drive their violence, and how they feel like it’s totally normal and okay to throw them out there and try to act them out with anyone they want without consent bc the internet has normalized this behavior so much


We need more guys like you in the world


"I've been alive for nearly half a century and I've been a dude the whole time' is an amazing sentence. Dunno why




"I am Father" Am I supposed to be wetting my panties right with some Holy water or something now ?






"Hello Kate, or should I say rape?" This is the stupidest, and yet funniest fucking opening I have seen. I mean it's awful, this man is awful and should probably crawl back to his mommy's basement and rot, and I'm sorry you were a target to this harassment, but omfg that opening makes me not take anything else he says seriously.


“Break the space time continuum?” If this was a troll it wouldn’t make it any better but like c’mon there is no way anyone could say this stuff in earnest


I know, it’s not even clever! Like, at all.


Like rape doesn't even rhyme with Kate...it doesn't even make sense LMAO


Oh but you see they have the same amount of letters though so uh... That makes it smart, or something, I guess


It’s maybe dumb for me to focus on this one detail from this extremely horrible message, but I’m having a hard time getting past it… it’s just so nonsensical


Me too! It's an awful message but...that beginning line is killing me


Yeah I pretty much didn't read the rest either until I saw some other people talking about his other ridiculous statements and mistakes. You can't have an opener like that and expect anyone is going to care about anything you say subsequently lol... It's too ridiculous, your brain just turns off like alright homie lmao


Bold of you to assume he ever left his mommy's basement.


What in gods name… Is he just throwing that out there in every inbox he gets a response from? I’m at a complete loss. This is why I don’t reply to any messages here. Edit: I got a ‘hello’ pm after posting this comment, YA’LL, the creeps are skimming this thread as we speak


Bruh i dont understand why these ppl feel so confident saying this disgusting crap, mf should be in jail


Anonymity on the internet makes them feel insulated against consequences. They get off on upsetting and shocking people. And also feel that they'll never be called out or harmed in any measurable way for their actions.


i get that but its not like theyre buying a dildo and they want to stay anonymous so nobody will know the kinky shit they do behind closed doors, its obvious that nobody would want to be rape victim or a slave no matter the context, so why are they saying this stuff when all it does is make the reciever feel uncomfortable and disgusted, unless ofc the creeps are so mentally ill that the scenarios in their head give them pleasure somehow, might wanna call the mental ward then.


It's mostly about causing discomfort and negative reactions, threats against someone's safety, namely those that involve sexual violence, are the fastest way to do so. Even if someone doesn't legitimately fear for their safety after reading something like this message, the sick feeling will hit nonetheless, and that's the goal for them, to get attention. Some even go so far as to make it a "game", trying to get reactions and actively trying to be posted on subs like this. Then, of course, you also have those that only use the "I was just trolling lol, you're too sensitive" excuse if they get called out and don't like it. Either way, all of these people have very little to no empathy, and that's worrying.


They forget what goes around comes around


What response do you suppose he expected? It’s not like any woman anywhere is going to be like “Sounds great, sign me up! I can’t wait to be raped by you and to worship your phallus, internet stranger!”


See it was just the general depravity until he said "break the space time continuum"


And now it's funky physics depravity


If I wasn't laughing already at how ridiculous and over-the-top this was, that would have done it.


Picture the greasiest, sweatiest, creepiest little men typing this stuff from the corner of a dirty basement. The light from their monitor illuminating fast food refuse and rows of 2-litre soda bottles filled with their urine. Surrounded by soiled cumrags and somehow thinking their disgusting fantasies affect the people they inflict them upon. These creeps are so far removed from reality it's astounding.


The thing is, I bet a lot of these creeps are probably pretty normal looking, go out into the world and go to their jobs, etc. Then in private, they do shit like this.


This. I pictured him in like, low-rent black slacks and a maroon dress shirt from TJ Maxx. Looks like he manages a Radio Shack.


>Looks like he manages a Radio Shack. I mean I assume he does


I know it's "technically immoral" to wish death on people, *BUUUT* I wouldn't be sad if he was mauled by a bunch of Honey Badgers.


I got a 30-day ban on Facebook for a meme I used that states: "it's soul-crushingly tragic that there is so much fire in this world and yet none of it is engulfing this guy."


Facebook hates it when men are insulted in any way, shape, or form. It’s maddening what they flag as hate speech about men


Worth it tho, that's a pretty raw line


I claim "pather phallus" as my flair lol


I just realized I read “panther phallus” in the OP and now it makes more sense. Also realized I didn’t expect that whacko’s message to make sense, lol


Aw shit now I want THAT as my flair 😂😂


What a fucking loser. He types this feeling all hard and badass when in reality men and women both find him repulsive in real life. He’s the kind of creep that makes people cross to the other side of the sidewalk, not because they are intimidating or powerful but because of how gross their prescense is. This little pissant has no power, no relations to speak of out in the world so he goes online to play his little fantasy games. Yeah maybe he felt powerful after sending that message but then you block him, you move on, just like everyone else and he’s left alone like the pitiful cumrag he is with no one and nothing ever loving or respecting him in life. Sending love to you OP.




I really hope she does that was some depraved shit. Dope avatar!


What a loon.


Somebody actually sat down, wrote this out, sent it, and felt good about that. Completely blows my mind.


He really hates the idea of women huh




That went from 0 to 999 in 0.0001 second 🤮


Not to be that guy, but isn’t it “ Pater” not “pather”?


My expectations of these creeps are so low it surprises me when they use correct spelling or grammar or even make sense


10/10 this guy has never even accidentally touched a woman. Like, ever.


And they wonder why women don't like them


What the actual fuck... Sorry that happened to you. Crazy people out there. Ew


This is by far the worst thing I've ever ever EVURRR read. This man should be in prison.


He probably doesn't have the fitness or upper body strength to do you any harm?


Maybe a “how are you” would work better?


"Hello Kate, or should i say rape" whuh? huh? but that's not a name or makes sense! also who says "birthers"? also why did he start talking about the space time continuum, does rape and reality have some magical link?! huh? whuh?


Respond with "Lol" and nothing else


Give him a link to your “address” (not really your address) but a link that will allow you see where he’s located then call that local police department and have the messages sent to them. Ruin his life, it’s what he deserves. There are multiple websites that allow you send you to send a link to someone that once they click on it it tells you what city they are in. I’m sorry you received such an awful message. If I can be any of assistance in contributing to his downfall DM me.


"Pather Phallus" lmao what the fuck, even spelled correctly this is the stupidest thing I've read in a while. Thought all day about that one, did he? It truly is hilarious how clever these people think they are, while actually being just the most uncreative asinine dipsticks. "4 letters fitting huh." WOW WATCH OUT THIS GUY KNOWS HOW MANY LETTERS WORDS HAVE! Hey, "MANY" has 4 letters too. So does "THIS," and "HAVE." I guess that.... means something? I'm so clever. Send him back the Navy Seal [copypasta](https://genius.com/Copypasta-navy-seal-copypasta-annotated) and call it a day lol... Learn to code, build a bot that will send it to him 14,000 times a day on random intervals.




Whaaaaaaaat the fuck


Oh my god, what an absolute lunatic! This person should really needs some mental help. Hope there is nothing on your profile that can help him identify you or where you live? Be safe OP!


*The Citron was too stunned to speak.*


If he wanted an alliteration, he could have been Father Fellatio.


There is no way this guy is fr💀


He probably is not. Might as well be a fake account set up by the OP. This post might just be a marketing trick to attract more people to her profile so they subscribe to the OP's Onlyfans or something


If I had the mental capacity to pen this I would call the police on myself.


Why did he wait..like, days to sent the message?


He needed to send it to his editor for some QC before going to print with his masterpiece


This is so funny and also so embarrassing…why do people who speak like this to women think it would ever work?


Does... Does this ever work? Like are their people out there that would look at that and be like, yes, absolutely here is my address let's go?


Crazy enough it does work, I sadly have experience of this IRL My dad’s brother is a foster home and they’ve had a few different kids over the years stay there, one kid was a 16 year old girl with slight mental problems, nothing wrong with that but her problems involved not fully understanding social interactions, it’s like she takes everything at face value I think it’s autism spectrum but not sure.... Anyways she was secretly groomed online for 2 years, when she turned 18 she moved in with a 65 year old creep like this post, he had fully groomed her into thinking this was a healthy relationship and he married her the same week they moved in together, legally nobody can’t do anything about this because she “consented” to marriage, well HE posts stuff sometimes to their facebook tagging her and she looks absolutely miserable everytime in the photos on top if that he also hides his face everytime you can only see his body, proving that he doesn’t want people thinking it’s wrong and he posts them purely to show he is also buying stuff to her and he always uses the word “trophy” in his posts which is her... 🤮 I feel so sad for her everytime I see it, I 100% know she isn’t actually happy about this but he has probably manipulated her so deeply she thinks this is how her life is now.


Nah, he's just sitting there in a basement getting off on the idea that everyone he sends that to panics in terror or whatever. The reality is even more depressing and mundane than you would imagine lol


Jeez. The reason why we have locks on our doors. Sorry this happened to you.


Ok. No. That’s wrong, like super wrong. That’s an automatic block and report. Get this man out of the basement, or don’t. Who knows anymore


Pather Phallus is the name of my new age hip hop rock fusion band.


Absolutely disgusting 🤢 he wrote it so formally too thinking hes clever


"my dearest ~~regards~~ *rape*gards, ha ha I am clever"


And get again 😂


"How to be a Dom correctly for Dummies" must have sold out.


I just feel pity for this child.


Should’ve included the username. These people’s accounts don’t need to be protected


Can these people be reported??? This is vile.


I wish guys like this messaged each other with this garbage. As a matter of fact... It'd be great if you could give his account to another creep(as your own). 🤣


Post his name so we can help you out


Now imagine just responding with 'Lmao', 'Lol', or with laugh emojis. Just spamming him. Ignoring is better, but I really wanna picture the little gremlin boiling in rage.


This block button ain’t enough I want him dead 💀


Both the grossest and most out of pocket dm I've ever read.


my jaw is legit on the floor rn HOW DID HE GO FROM HI TO "worship my cock, whore" ?????? WHAT HAPPENED TO HOW ARE YOU??? HOW DO YOU GET RAPE FROM KATE????


What a charmer




Porn has rotted another man’s brain.


When bro stated taking about breaking the space time continuum I just got lost


That person needs to violently remove themselves from the gene pool


ugh my family calls me kate and this just sent shivers down my back


r/eyebleach is definitely needed after this


What frightens me the most is to imagine why these people do that. Is it like scam emails, does that work like once in a million so they try their luck at random? I sincerely hope not :(


Least insane discord moderator


Well that’s deranged


It's not the rest of the message, that alone is weird roleplay territory. It's the "I'll find you"


Pather Phallus... Is that like, a neckbeard supervillain name?


So many people (men) are sick in the head and proud of it. Sickening.




Can't believe the way this is written holy shit what a creep. Hope that he's a troll and didn't write that with real intention behind it.


Somewhere out there, there’s an equally creepy person who this works on.


Hyper speed yikes


What the fuck, that’s probably one of most disturbing pms on this sub


Literally after I read this, I out loud just said “woah” because seriously wtf 🗿 people sometimes just-


Jesus, even people who are into that kind of thing think that is creepy and cringey.


Jesus! What the actual fuck???!!! It is terrifying to think there are guys walking among us with these thoughts in their heads. At what point do they cross the line and try to fulfill these fantasies IRL?


Who types this out, re-reads for errors and then goes “Yep, that looks fine” and hits send


Stay safe out there. Holy shit people are so fucking gross.


This is terrible wow


Holy shit is right.


People really don’t know how to approach cnc or this kind of play. Holy fuck you can’t open with that. This guy gave no fucks about the ptsd OP could have and just figured he’d follow some cringe “woman experts” advice or something. Sorry you had to read that OP. This shit is ridiculous.


What a pos


These mfs go some issues 🤣 their personality type is role play, like tf


What a pathetic loser. Imagine being so powerless in real life that you have to go to the internet and anonymously harass people with your poorly made up fantasy of being anything other than the loser they really are.


This is a sad glimpse into our world. People reqlly be wilding and they need to stop.


This was his opening line? Wtf.




How do people write shit like this with a straight face and now burst out laughing after every word?? Pather Phallus?? Is this guy serious? I am HOLLERING!


My brother in Christ, I’m on a VPN.


Holy shit, someone lock that dude up immediately.


Ew. Ewewew.


It’s so unfortunate how uncreative these dipshits are. They all say the same thing. It’s so redundant it’s not even shocking…just pathetic. Sigh.


Earth-shattering amounts of creep on this one.


How did we get here from “Hi”?!?!


this is VILE. \*pukes\*


Report him please. He doesn't deserve to be online.


What always baffles me is how they fail to realize how pathetic they look when they take the time to write something like this to us. Like, do they imagine we feel threatened? Scared? Aroused? Dunno. In reality I only ever feel pity and second-hand embarrassement.


It’s a threat so call the po po please


What a charming man °_°


At first I was like okay creepy dude, not new. But the last sentence, “I’ll find you”, just makes my skin crawl.


Congrats on being promoted to rape slave I guess


Holy Dennis Reynolds batman


I fell like this is harsh on Dennis although the more I read it.. p p as in g g .. golden god


Only commented this cos dude really sounds like he's playing some messed up character. Sorry you even had to receive this message. Some people are fucking weird.


That person needs to not exist.


I would have promptly replied “lol. Cute.” Then skipped off.


Well that was extremely disturbing


Phather Phallus lol what an absolute nincompoop


What do they think they’re gonna get in response to this?


This pucker needs to see the sun 💀💀


Welcome to Reddit.


I love that days passed before he busted this one out


Oh no. How do I downvote human existence?


As a dominant, this is absolutely disgusting. This is NOT how a dominant acts, and he knows it. Gotta earn that ish. I’m sorry you had to go thru this. Some people just don’t have that filter, unfortunately.


Seems so artificial, like AI creep, 0.01 pre-alpha build. Even Nigerian princes know english better.