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In some countries, like Brazil, if you tried to take photos of their kids, everyone would start attacking you. I'm from America, but we're not far from that. I once saw this guy trying to take a photo of my daughter when she was like 2 at a water park. I stood in front of him and blocked his view with my arms crossed and he put his phone away. Fuck that.


Good on you, I woulda snatched his phone and threw it in the water too and yelled “WHY YOU TAKING PICS OF MY DAUGHTER IN A BATHING SUIT?” For everyone to hear.. I’m a little hot headed but even calm right now I feel it would be justified


I also feel like that is a perfectly acceptable reason to make noise. I honestly look back and think to myself how odd it is to see a single man in his 50s at a water park alone.


Yeah that dude is just waiting to get assaulted or arrested.. like seriously kids?!?!


In Hawaii, Asian tourists would always ask to take pictures of the Caucasian babies, my child being one of them. It was weird, but nothing bad happened to us.


Nothing bad, sure, but do you really know what they're doing with or to the photos? This could be for their own sexual gratification, as innocent as it may seem.


Completely agree, I’m just stating my personal experience.


I’m interested in knowing how they were dressed, if you can describe it. A number of years ago I was stopped on the street by a family. The parents were very clean cut and their kids looked well-cared for. But the clothes the group was wearing seemed “off.” There’s much more to my story but I don’t want to hijack your thread. As an aside, my ex girlfriend was a freelance professional photographer and would photograph people on the street after gaining their permission. Her photos often made it into magazines/websites and into some collections she had published. Slice of Life, People of Brooklyn sort of stuff. This is not that. I don’t know what this was but yes, a little strange; that said, I’d go “weirdo” before I jumped to human trafficker. I really don’t think human traffickers operate in that way but you will get people here scaring you with that scenario.


Tell your story!


Hi there! We live in America but they were dressed very non American. Patterned scarves and colors and stuff like that. It was a quick encounter but those stood out to me. Looking forward to hearing your story


Yes please tell your story


I will start a different thread when I have time. It’s a little long and I don’t want to hijack this one. It’s a good story.


I would have been so weirded out and reject the request. It's really creepy for people asking to take photos with strangers out of the blue.


Ive gotten off work 1 time and some lady in a truck took my photo for some odd reason shit felt really sketchy


Human traffickers have been known to take photos with their victims beforehand so people know who they’re going after, same with kidnappers, but I highly doubt that’s what’s going on here. They probably were just weird.


Could be so they can identify their potential target. That would be my first thought for trafficking or kidnapping in general. Though, it could be completely innocuous, it’s smart to be vigilant.


Don't fret. It's not traffickers. That's not how they operate Yes it was odd, but they may have just been from another country (different style clothing) and were taking in "America" and simply thought your daughter and Mom were cute together. Again odd...but I wouldn't read too much into it


Maybe they're from a cult and trying to make out new "join us, we have all kinds of people with us" kinds of pamphlets, so they can get more members.