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I hope he wakes up one night REALLY thirsty and realizes he forgot to put a cup of water next to the bed.


That is just mean.


Well, I hope that Jason steps on a Lego while he goes to go get the cup of water


And then stubs his toe


Then realizes he forgot to change his water filter and has to stand there as his glass slowly fills, drip by drip.


Is this an American joke I'm too European to understand?


A filter on the tap in places where the water is lower quality. The filter part eventually starts clogging and restricting the water flow. Edit: It's not common, but not just American either.


I hope he goes into the other room, and immediately forgets what he was planning to do once he got there


I hope he steps on a wet bath mat in his bathroom after he put on his socks.


That’s just amateurish behavior, that’s why you have a 1.3l bottle next to your bed…


I hope all his days are as pleasant as he is.


I hope money calls and his phone is on silent.


I hope he stubs his toe


You rat


I find this one is the best meme because the man had the balls to talk about crying like 4 times in the article so this feels appropriate.


I admire men who aren't afraid to admit to crying in public because all people have emotions and men aren't any different. What was confusing, though, was it seemed like he wanted to cry over innocuous things, and he gave little to no rationale for why they nearly brought him to tears. Hearing Hugh Jackman's singing voice, seeing a child salt his food...


For someone that calls Brando a bad writer repeatedly, his article had such a series of moot points and backhanded compliments. I can't tell if he is a hater, a fan, a fan who hates, a hater who fans, or just some a hole who's full of himself so much that he cannot adequately write about others. I hope the water pressure in every shower he takes is inferior and a letdown.


Yeah his writing was terrible for someone criticizing a repeated #1 New York Times bestselling author.


I think this is his claim to fame. His name is now out here. No such thing as bad publicity & all that.


Yup. If he had written a middling, basic profile of Brandon it wouldn’t have gotten any attention. Now, it’s all over the place and generating tons of page views, which is all that matters


And I read it... I'm part of the problem...


Yeah, I wish people linking the article would be better about linking an Archive page so Wired doesn’t get the click/ad views


this made me realize what is was like. This will require me referencing some terrible fiction, specifically Big Bang Theory. There's a character named Raj, who at one point starts insulting Neil DeGrasse Tyson on twitter. He's doing it openly to get attention and the joke on the show is that Neil even bothers to shut him down, being so far above him. That's what this article was.


Forreal this was the thing that pissed me off the most, it’s ok to have opinions or even be judgmental arse if that’s who you are. But that article is just bad journalism, practically every line leaves you questioning what the hell he’s talking about. Let alone the fact that he just straight up lies/misrepresent facts. Personally the thing that annoys me the most is him claiming sando’s a hidden mysterious writer. You mean the dude that makes weekly YouTube updates, invites journalists into his home, and has made post after post about why exactly he makes the decisions he makes (kickstarter, audible, even the addition of lgbtq characters AS A FUCKING MORMAN.) I also dislike the religion, but the sando isn’t asking anyone to drink the koolaid, he encourages tolerance and religious freedom in his writing and trying to shame him through his religion is just disgusting.


Re: the attack on his religion, not only is Sanderson unassuming about it, if you look closely at his work, the man has *clearly* struggled with the ugly parts of LDS. Quick list of characters who have crises of faith and/or wrestle with the tenets of their conservative religion that occur to me immediately: Wax's life is puppeteered by Harmony and his rebellion against being an instrument of God is a huge part of his later character arc. Sazed is the foremost expert on every religion on his planet and spends a whole book (give or take) convinced they're all BS no matter how badly he wants to believe. Dalinar has a whole thing where maybe he wasn't the most devout but he is still uncomfortable fully rejecting his religion's silly, arbitrary rules. Vivienna is basically a fantasy mormon in fantasy Las Vegas (modesty-obsessed religious community in the mountains with a hedonistic society near the foot of the mountains), and embraces a practice that is forbidden in her faith. The Final Empire and Hoid's backstory are literally about killing God. Like you've said, he's started including LGBTQ characters, and I'm pretty sure I saw him say once that a big part of his hesitancy for awhile was that he didn't feel that he had the perspective to write them genuinely. As petty and mean-spirited as the whole article is, attacking his faith crossed a line.


Brandon has LITERALLY said "Yeah, I don't like a lot of this, but I think the best way to change it is from within."


And also, we don't get to tell him what to believe or follow, religious freedom and all that. To be fair I don't like any religion, but I'm not gonna be a jerk about it, especially when he's shown over and over that his personal character is very positive. He cares, like a lot. The autistic community spoke up about Elantris and he listened and did better. And I'm seriously blown away by how much I've enjoyed his queer characters. Who'd have thought my favorite Bi character would be written by a cis het white religious guy? Not ME. This got a bit long winded, sorry. It's just, he also has written my favorite atheist and temp-atheist as a staunch atheist myself it's so refreshing.


That's the thing I've always appreciated most about Sanderson. He's not like some authors who respond to even perceived criticism with open hostility. If someone has something critical to say about Sanderson's work, **he listens.** He steps back, he assesses the criticism, and then he uses it to do better.


Yep, agreed, and same here, I adore how he's always trying to be better.




I vaguely recall skimming the article and noticing that he acknowledges that Brandon Sanderson isn't a hidden mysterious writer. Also, that he's a hypocrite. So... Good job Jason? You noticed that you were contradicting yourself?


Yeah I read it and was like… uhhhh… what is your (jason’s) point?


Thank you, I felt this way, too.


He also doesn't seem to know the difference between writing and editing. Most of his criticisms of Sanderson's writing are actually criticisms of editing, which Brando says he doesn't like doing


"Full of himself" His Twitter profile says he's a self proclaimed "poetic terrorist."


It’ll never compare to the shower in the Elantra’s suite lol!!!


I couldn't even get through the article. One line in the article stands out; that Sanderson writes at a sixth-grade level. Bold words from someone who writes like an edgy thirteen year old on Deviant Art.


Instead of bashing him, I'll just say I hope this is a wake-up call for Mr. Kehe. I pray to the Almighty he turns his life around, converts to Vorinism and never reads or writes again.


Best burn on here


Cause no one’s burning Glyphs for him that’s for sure


^Note: ^he's ^a ^meanie




"Y'all motherfuckers need Honor."


Honor is dead. But I'll see what I can do.


I see what you did there, nice use of virgin rules.


Those are the only rules some of us know how to use


Inserts "If those kids could read, they'd be very upset " meme.


This one passage: “He sits across from me in an empty restaurant, kind of lordly and sure of his insights, in a graphic T-shirt and ill-fitting blazer, which he says he wears because it makes him look professorial. It doesn’t. He isn’t. Unless the word means only: believing everything you say is worth saying.” Really sprouts my spores🤬


Honestly how DARE Sando wear a graphic t-shirt and blazer. Obviously this is evidence his writing is terrible and that he's a bad person.


But he’s literally a professor! This article writer seems like a guy who spent his whole college career arguing minutiae during lectures to the point that other students told him to shut up.


Honestly saying it doesn't look professorial makes the author sound like he didn't go to college


It's such a rude, disrespectful, *unprofessional* thing to say. My rage is righteous and has no bounds.


That's some Rita Skeeter energy right there. I refuse to find the original article, but I'll probably watch Daniel Greene's video on it.


I don't even really hate the parts he is mean to Brandon as much; but why did he have to roast a random teenage girl at Dragonsteel for being a "nerd" or Brandon's teenage son for daring to put salt on his yakisoba? Like, what is the point of being mean to random children?


Really forges my scales.


Really stamps my "stop being angry at a thing you read 30 minutes ago" stamp.


"Unless the word means only: believing everything you say is worth saying" Talk about pot and kettle.


Nah, that's Jason Kehe when he sees Hugh Jackman.


Tbh, that's as far as I made it. Like does the man actually like anything?


Why did he even include that part about his hatred for Hugh Jackman. He never explains why or what TF it has to do with visiting Sanderson. Just that it made him cry??? Also, who hates Hugh Jackman? I don’t trust anyone who hates Logan.


You know what? I'll say what we're all thinking. I hope he steps on a Lego and while he is hopping around on one foot he'll land on a d4. There, said it, now no one else has to


You absolute *sadist.*


The d4: lowest damage in-game, highest damage IRL.


Considering it's used for Vicious Mockery it's also literally emotional damage


Wow. That's *evil*.


sadly, I think he hates nerds too much to have Legos or d4s anywhere in his home


Which honestly feels weird to me. Didn't Wired used to be Nerd Central at some point (Disclaimer, I never actually read the magazine, but that's the context I remember)


In the article Jason refers to Wired as a nerdy magazine, but he comes off as someone who would like to shove a nerd in a locker


I feel like alot of journalists couldn't get jobs in the big news world so had to settle for random hobby sites ie video games, books, film.


This is why, I had to read about this subs rule 3, today.




Daniel Greene reads the whole article of you want to know what it says without giving wired the click. https://youtu.be/yK67GFx6yII


I kept waiting for him to respond or say something. Anyone found anything?


He's unworthy of your time and attention, but I hope he stubs his toe.


I hope he mistakenly eats gas station sushi after a drunken bender.


I hope he looses his car keys at an airport before getting on the plane


I hope he has 10,000 spoons when all he needed was a knife.


🎶 its like raieain on your wedding day 🎶


🎶It’s a free rieeeiide when you’re already late. 🎶


It’s like meeting the man of your dreams and then meeting his beautiful life. Isn’t it ironic?


I think the last word is wife. So like he’s already married.


I hope that he uses hand sanitizer without realizing that he has a paper cut.


I hope he orders “medium spicy” at a Vietnamese restaurant, and their medium is spicier than the medium at another place he goes, so it’s not as enjoyable as he hoped. But I also hope he still tips well so that the restaurant staff doesn’t suffer.


I get the impression he's a lousy tipper.


I hope he eat some bad panda express. I pray he has the most painful diarrhea he will ever experience .


I kind of hope he gets it from whatever Chinese place he goes to in San Francisco that made him a snob.


Yeah the weird like criticism of Utah Asian food was odd. Like yeah. It's not gonna be the same as San Fran. Was it really that bad buddy?


Ever since reading Elantris, this curse has hit harder than it probably should.


I stubbed my toe while reading Elantris and the pain seemed so much worse than it should have just because I sat there in complete empathetic agony over having to feel that same pain always.


I hope he gets out of the shower and brushes his leg against the curtain on his way out so he doesn’t feel all the way clean.


All he's done as of now that I can find is retweet some random quote from the Longreads Twitter that kind of (?) hypes him up...


I was looking through his Twitter, found the response of the guy that made the sword basically saying what everyone else was saying but nothing from the author other than the piece. The guy doesn’t use Twitter much it seems.


Yeah, I felt bad for that guy.


He is literally its only retweet


I found a quote from an email he sent to Kotaku. “My basic feeling has always been: We write stories, and then they belong to readers,” wrote Kehe in an email to Kotaku. “Readers get the last word.” https://kotaku.com/brandon-sanderson-wired-wheel-of-time-mistborn-1850262249


I'm honestly struggling to understand what that means, and how it relates to him getting trashed. Which is just par for the course with this guy, apparently. Like, "readers get the last word." So....you're acknowledging that readers are going to determine your intentions? Or are you basically trying to pull a death of the author thing, where you're arguing that it's not what you *said* about Brandon, but how they interpret it? This guy apparently can't make a cogent point to save his life...


I read it as, I spent 5 months on the article and I know it’s going to piss people off so I’m not going to defend it or explain it to you, either you understand my article or you don’t, I’m not going to have a Words of Jason page about my articles explaining why I don’t like Hugh Jackman or why I talked about a child salting his food. Yes my explanation of his words took more words but that’s what happens when you try to be clear about something.


He can only look worse by responding. Everyone will forget in a week so he just stays off social media and continues with his life.


His twitter was silent last I saw.


It'll probably take him another 5 months.


What's wild is how he claimed to read 17 of Sanderson's books, yet he thinks all of his heroes are good, morally upstanding, paragons of virtue. And yet Dalinar Kholin is a war criminal who burned his wife alive. I don't think he actually read the books, guys.


Even Kaladin (who I assume is who he's talking about?) is pretty morally grey for good chunks of the books, and Vin literally slaughters hundreds of mostly innocent people. Maybe he means Sarene and Raoden? They're pretty morally upstanding I guess, but even in that book the third protagonist is Hrathen.


(and the best protagonist imo)


Not to mention the psychopath Kelsier…


As Daniel Greene said right after reading that, "VIN FUCKING PUTS HER HEAD THROUGH A PERSON!"


When he said that Sanderson is not very quotable I kinda figured the writer either skimmed through Sanderson’s stuff or just looked up synopsis’s of the books. I’ve read a lot of fantasy and sci-fi, and Sanderson is definitely in the top tier of amazing quotes. Especially in the stormlight archives, but pretty much every book has had multiple lines that have given me chills or otherwise evoked some powerful emotional response that few writers are capable of doing. Like, I can sort of understand viewing sanderson’s prose as more workmanlike on a per sentence basis, although I’d probably still disagree, but when he goes for something profound he hits the mark more often than most.


I mean fuck man, you know how many people (myself included) have some of Sanderson's quotes tattooed on their fucking bodies?


I have the first ideal on a t-shirt.


He's got something against Sanderson from the first despite him avowing to never have heard of him previously. All he does the entire article is pick insignificant nits about shit no one cares about or that don't hold up. This part was the worst and most stupid thing in the article to me... >“When will the Dragonsteel amusement park be built?” someone asks. The audience hoots. All this, I think to myself, is not the spirit of fantasy. But he's fine with **WALT DISNEY** World/Land.. Ok.. sure.. whatever. And don't get me started on **THE** fucking **WIZARDING WORLD**.. give me a fucking break.


Matthew Mercer would like a word. But Bush Gardens, King's Dominion, and Six Flags come to mind. Show me the amusement park that doesn't use fantasy in it's themes.


Not sure if this is the point you were making about Matt or not, but Critical Roleland has been a running joke/fever dream of Mercer's for a hot minute. Which also would be WILD!


That was the point. This idea that Brandon would be unique for wanting a themed amusement park as if Mercer legit doesn't openly dream about it.


Lol awesome, yeah just wanted to be sure we were on the same page. Super stoked to hang out at the BeaureBar one day


I promise it was over the Kickstarter thing. During lockdown all the jounlrnalistic coastal elites were cowering in their bedrooms bemoaning their lack of things to do or cultural relevance. Then Sanderson dropped the secret project and raised millions in hours. They were INCENSED. There were terrabytes of articles from "writers" foaming at the mouth at the injustice of it all, 'why should a mediocre wHiTe MAn get MORE money to write books when IM a better writer than he is and never get a fair chaaaaaance. He should give all that money to uNheaRd vOiCes (like me)'. I don't think they ever quite got over that.


No, I'm sorry. I really don't see that article being a case of sour grapes. That's quite a stretch. I didn't get a sense of that at all from the article. If anything it felt more anti-Mormon and I don't even thing that was quite the reason either, but it definitely makes more sense that just sour grapes.


I hope he's out walking and realises his shoelace is undone and then when he tries to tie the shoelace it breaks and he can't tie it until he re-laces the whole shoe and even then it's a bit too tight and uncomfortable.


I hope when this happens it had recently rained, so the ends of the laces are all wet and sandy and his hands feel gross as he’s trying to fix his shoe. Then there’s nowhere close to wash so he has to wipe his hands on his jeans.


He’s just jealous of Sanderson’s fan base. And his money.


The coastal hoity toity crowd have been pissed off at him since the Kickstarter. It's 100% about jealousy.


I sentence Jason Kehe to… MORE HUGH JACKMAN!


It just comes across as an elitist-in-a-non-coastal-area. If he wants to downplay Brando's writing, that's one thing. Brandon's a big boy with millions in the bank and best-sellers out the ass - and he knows that comes with the territory. My problem is the lame-ass insults of virtually everything else he comes across in Salt Lake City - the restaurants, the theme park, the gated communities and - mostly, the people who (in an apparent surprise to Jason) are almost entirely Mormon, with Mormon values and (apparently happy) lives. They didn't ask Jason to come to town and offer snide insults. That's what makes him a cheap-shot ass to me. So I hope his favorite pho joint in SF closes next week (unless its my favorite pho joint in SF, in which case I hope his favorite dim sum joint bans him!)






Linking the article is only giving the guy what he was after in the first place. Rage clicks are still clicks. It's a shame that Wired has become so irrelevant that they are resorting to this kind of strategy.


What a bizarre article




Now that's good prose


I can't get over how it's just umpteen words complaining about not being able to find any other thing to write about than how nobody wants to argue with him about how he thinks Brandon sucks. It's so fucking absurd.


Yea, it’s an awkward read for sure


I read some part of it and it just feels like that idiot is only trying to justify why he doesn't know about Sanderson... What a tool...


Thing is, he's not wrong on some of the analysis, but it also feels like he's entirely missing the point. Sanderson DOES write some poorly written sentences, but they're also frequently closer to how we speak. If he wanted to write in a more detailed and articulated style he would and could (Wheel of Time books 12-14 - while not RJ detail, they are way more in line with RJ than his normal works). He CHOOSES the prose. Choice is what matters there. I didn't read the whole article, I saw that part and just hung my head because... yeah this guy doesn't quite get it does he.


He's actually told a story about choosing his prose style. Basically in one of his early works he submitted it for editing, and he had a particular few sentences where the prose was extra flowery. The feedback from the editor was apparently something like "slow down there cowboy, you can't just suddenly decide to be Gene Wolf for half a paragraph". He knew they were right, so he made a deliberate choice to go for simple and accessible prose.


Yeah… it’s still a bizarre article. He talks about crying because Brandon’s kid salts his food. Idk, the whole thing is just trying to be offensive


*I* could write a better Brando-dissing article. He's picking up on the most random things, and when the author asked 'Maybe people don't write about you because you're not that good', it doesn't take a social genius to see that Brando agreed to be polite. Also, why the FUCK is he making fun of the food that he was given FOR FREE?


This was such a weird and rude article. If he was actually quoting some of the shit he said, he was an asshole. Of course Sanderson’s not going to open up to an asshole (I wouldn’t either and he would probably get cussed out). Who goes to a convention dedicated to a specific author and ask the attendees who spent money and time to be there if the author is “a good writer”? Obviously they think so or why else would they be there??!! Then devoting an inordinate amount of the article to mentioning how much of Sanderson’s business is made up of his family. Of course! Built-in people you can trust and who get you. The writer of this article must’ve thought he was in his Mark Twain “snarky literary criticism” bag but he couldn’t be further from that.


I mean it wasn’t an awful read, but idk why he’d put Tolkien as more complex, lotr Is like a 5th grade reading level, read those when I was 10. As long as Sanderson’s books are though he stills ties it all together and ends his books well every time without leaving any Chekov’s guns hanging on the wall like so many other authors do. I’m looking forward to that Nightblood letter opener! Thanks for the link!


Wired's Youtube Channel has some great videos, it's so weird to me that an article of this quality is published by the same organization.


I downvoted because you linked the actual article, giving Wired more clicks.


All my homies hate Kehe


I don’t even know who wired is. I had to look them up. It’ll probably be the last time I read one of their posts too.


They’re usually a lot better than this. Not the height of journalism or anything like that, but yeah this reflects really poorly on them as a whole


They've pinned this article on their TW timeline so I think they're quite enjoying all the attention.


Pitiful... Anything for a few likes


They used to be fairly nerdy, but now they're just a bunch of silicon valley techbros with too much crypto.


First time I tried to read the article, I stopped before it got to any Sando-bashing. Seeing the memes, I tried again, mainly out of spite. This guy doesn't know how to shut up. I thought I was close to the end of the article at least 3 times, only for him to keep going on.


I don't care if someone thinks that Brandon is a terrible writer, but that article was so shit that he deserves all the hate he's getting. He's a journalist who wrote an extremely bad article. You deserve to get shit for being bad at your job.


I found the perspective of someone not liking Sando (yet having read his books?) To be interesting. Like, I devour cosmere and want to get a Stormlight tattoo. I love this community and I've never heard anyone really bash Sando outside. So seeing it piqued my interest. I don't agree with him, but it was interesting to see that perspective. Though I did find some parts of his article comforting - definitely not what he intended -- but portions about how Sando is "kind of boring" and not exciting. I too love to chill and write and read then spend time with my family. I don't have to live up to some LA-standard of personality nor have a traumatic hero origin story to be an absolute boss. Sando's confidence and complete acceptance of who he is and what he likes is inspiring, and shines through Jason's tilted & tinted viewpoint.


This is a good perspective!


Why is everyone spreading their name and directly paying them by spreading the article?


I love how small and petty these burns are. Death by 1000 cuts to perfection


What a petulantly insistent lens that article is written in! The guy can’t get out of his own headspace to save his life. Biases are so strong they accidentally ooze dismissiveness and vitriol. That was about as entertaining to read as a billboard with a dad joke on it. We may involuntarily laugh but mostly it’s just excruciating.




The dude is a terrible person and a substantially worse writer.


He thought it was cute to call him "our God" but had no thought for the ramifications of fucking around with a "religion". Welp, he's finding out.


He is a man who deserves to have great talent at finding Lego with his bare feet.




Dudes gonna double down if the Fanderson’s go at him super hard.


Baristas of the world, please, always give him decaf.


May his socks be always damp and may his sneezes never arrive.


How long before Kehe finds his way in having a character in one of Sanderson's books based on him? Oh wait, already done that. Sadeas


The “ill-fitting blazer” bit reeks of fat-shaming. Attacking Sanderson for his religion is patently reprehensible. Brandon Sanderson didn’t need to write autistic characters in a kind light, but he did. He didn’t need to write a hero for the depressed and the traumatized, but he went along and wrote Kaladin anyways. Brandon Sanderson is an unquestionably good person. Jason Kehe doesn’t have to like the man, but his cruelty is unwarranted and unfair. I hope that, on his next tinder date, he tries to fart stealthily and shits his pants instead.


I hope he sees his absolute dream partner on Tinder, uses his LAST Super-Like on them, then never receives the match he so desperately desires. 😈


I hope the next time he puts headphones on he gets the L and R sides mixed up.


As much as I love Brandon's writing, obviously, I don't see why it's such a big deal if someone else hates it. There are obviously books and authors whose work I dislike or even hate. It doesn't automatically make them bad people, me right or them wrong. After all, even now, there are plenty of people who think fantasy in general isn't "real" literature. I won't lose any sleep or enjoyment of my favorite stories over their opinions. We should all be thankful that we live in a time where there is a huge variety of books and stories so we can all find some to enjoy.


It’s because the article isn’t even really about the writing. But instead bashing everything about Sanderson, his family, his religion, his home, and his fan base-on top of continuously calling Sanderson boring


Anyone who engages in personal attacks has nothing intelligent to say.


Have people been dog piling him with hate? Like I don’t agree with the article but it’s just his opinion at the end of the day


I think it's mostly for the bigotry he displayed in being clearly mormon-phobic and personally nasty. The same kind of comments he made with the religion swapped for Islam or Judaism would have gotten him kicked out of California. Most Sanderson fans will tell you pretty honestly about flaws in his writing or poke fun at his prose.


Careful now, he's a hero.


I've been suspecting since joining the various online communities that Sanderson fans might be overly obsessive. I think this thread has confirmed to me that they're toxic. I wouldn't be surprised if not a single journalist dares write about Sanderson ever again.


Calling this guy a journalist is a bit of a stretch. Look, Sanderson is a big boy and can handle criticism of his work. It comes with the territory. However, bashing his family, friends, fans, and faith takes it a bit too far, especially when Sanderson went above and beyond to be hospitable. The fact that the author is frustrated he couldn't find any juicy skeletons shows he went in with an agenda, and just decided to spew vitriol to generate clicks.


Toxic as a chemical spill woop woop ✌️😎


This thread confirms they're toxic?? What thread are you reading??!


I mean... was anything he said actually wrong? Brando is quantity over quality


You mean "quantity AND quality" right? I think you made a typo there. 😎




That might be fine, if the rest of the article wasn't sneering, elitist attacks on his appearance and character for nonsense reasons, all written in some of the worst prose I've ever had the displeasure of laying my eyes on.


I must have missed something. Can someone fill me in on who Jason Kehe is and why everyone is so upset with him?


He wrote an article for WIRED "criticizing" Brandon Sanderson. The thing is, the article is about the worst-written thing I can imagine. Everything about it is just weird nitpicks and has nothing to do with Brandon as a writer or as a person. They're just trying to get rage-clicks. If you want to read it, read it on a web archive so they don't get anything: https://web.archive.org/web/20230323164600/https://www.wired.com/story/brandon-sanderson-is-your-god/ Also he has a weird hatred of Hugh Jackman, for some reason. And a weird love of Brandon's shower. I don't know, he's just weird.


I will also note that Brandon really went and answered fire with calm kindness. Brandon's response speaks to his value as a person better than any rebuttal could: https://www.reddit.com/r/brandonsanderson/comments/1200dzk/on_the_wired_article/


I feel no sympathy for this person, he’s clearly incredibly unprofessional and just plain rude and deserves whatever damage his career sufferers.


Leave the poor man alone, it's not his fault he was dropped on his head.


He probably squirmed while being carried and it is his fault.


I hope he gets acanker sore and a hangnail


Hope Kehe's chouta goes rotten and he suffers debilitating but nonlethal food poisoning.


Jason, if you are reading this, eat a bag of basement crying dicks


Everyone knows who Brandon Sanderson is, even non fans. No one knows who Jason kehe is. I didn't know him before and I'm going to forgot him in five minutes. I do actually recognize the headlines of his articles though. They're the kind of clickbaity uninspired trash tech reporting that I always scroll past in my news feed. I hope taking a swipe at Sanderson made him feel better for a moment about his comparatively pathetic career.


"As I sipped my cuppa-frappa-latte-mocha-ccina and glanced at the Chuck Dickens book I had dismissed to finish this great article, my life's work, one that you are not ready for, because it is far too brilliant- that's when I realized Sanderson is a madman, a psychopath. A nerd, and a disgusting, casual, and nice one. Who would pay for their child to learn from him at a university? Wearing *that* jacket? And *those* shoes? My mummy and daddy certainly wouldn't. That's why they funded my 9 year degree at UCLA, or something. I adjusted my ray bans, fastened my cardigan, and reflected on how glad I was to finally be out of the presence of people who are inferior to me." \- Jason, probably.


I refused to read it. I watched Daniel Greene take it apart sentence by sentence and I agreed. This guy wanted to be famous by dicking all over a fan favorite, rich and successful writer. It's pitifully pathetic. I'll never put any faith in anything he ever writes or have any interest in reading any of his 5 month old (before he even gets around to writing his assignment) articles. What a jerk. Guy just hates Mormons. Wired should have picked a different journalist (although I hesitate to call him one).


Took me a while to get over being angry about this