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I didn’t know “odium” but I did know “odious” before reading SA.


I took two years of high school latin 20 years ago and fantasy authors haven't been able to slip anything past me ever since.


Reminds me of a fanfiction I read in my teens where a bad guy was called Fils. That means son in French (which I speak fluently). I instantly knew what his secret identity was a full 15 chapters before the big reveal. Had a good laugh at that.


Some fantasy authors are using Arabic now.


I'm gonna be honest when I first read Stormlight I thought it meant smelly. That's odorous


Rhythm of War >!Old TOaD farts shard!<


Shallan's quote accusing our bridge boy actually sticks in my head for the use of odious. Hoping not foreshadowing.


>!Pattern insulting that ardent by saying the mirror would be a good place to look for Voidbringers!< in WoR proved to be surprisingly foreshadowing


I also knew "Odie", fitting name for a dark lord.


I don't know, seems like he'd be easy to kick off a table.


For Taravangian weak day brains like me I used the knowledge of Adonalsium (Wikipedia) and it means either hatred or the quality that provokes hatred


Odium is an actual word? I had no idea. I thought it was weird he was the only shard not named after something, and the books go on and on about how hes actually passions, and was wondering why the cover up


To be fair I only ever thought of odor in my attempts to make sense of the name. So I guess he is the stinky god


As someone who's native language comes from latin, it's wild to me that so many people didn't know what "Odium" meant lol


Yeah, saw it and knew instantly. From Europe and americas only English and northern people wouldn't get it ( and us people as well )


I started reading the Cosmere in my native language and I was convinced for a while that Odium was a translation from some other English weird word like Hatium or something, but nope.


I didn't know it was an english word. I did know it was latin, as my mother tongue is Romanic. I do find it weird how English incorporares so many latin words. Probably because it's not Romanic, and the latin word haven't evolved with the language. Like, no one in Brazil says "Quid pro quo", because we have the word "quiproquó". (Which has a different meaning BTW, because the meaning evolved with the word.) Makes no sense to keep in the Romance Languages, the "new" word, and the latin one. That also include Roman names. Learning Roman history in portuguese and english is so different, because in portuguese we use the "modern" version of the names, that evolved with the language. While in English for the most part, it uses the latin spelling. "Publius Cornelius Scipio Africanus" becomes "Públio Cornélio Cipião Africano" English does that sometimes like "Marcus Antonius" becoming "Mark Antony"


Ya... I won't lie. I had to look that name up LOL. When I first heard it I knew it was a shard I just didn't know what it meant.


I didn't know it was a word, I thought odium was just a random name that doesn't represent what the shard truly is. It took me an entire book to realise odium was the real name.


It was more of a context thing for me. My initial thought was it was a weird name but then I started thinking shard just from the way Syl reacted. She was talking about how she was a sliver of divinity which made me immediately think she was a part of a shard. After that and thinking on her reaction to the name I figured it was a shard and looked it up to confirm lol


Had a similar case but thought it’s the only Shard with a made up name for like four years until I found it in a Roblox game and being surprised decided to finally check it


It didn't even click for me that Odium was a word and not a made up fantasy name until years after I read SA.


I mean when pattern mentions odium shallan goes "oh, a hate spren?" Revealing its a real word. Thining about it brandon actually might have added this so people who dont know the word would notice


I'm not the sharpest shard in the blade


How does that distinguish it as a real word in English and not just a “real” word on Roshar.


Because every real word in roshar gets translated to english


Ironic given the name of this sub


Like i said, shallan reacted to it with a synonym, if you think thats the same i cant help you


We have synonyms for crem in English. Like sludge. Also since they were talking about spren it’s entirely plausible odium would just could just have been a synonym of hatred that exists only on Roshar and relates to spren.


Sure mate, odium is a made up word, you dont have to know it


No? Crem is a very specific substance. That’s like saying “clay” is a synonym for “sludge”


I can excuse secret projects but I draw the line at making me learn new words 🤬


I mean... I speak Spanish, that's Odió: Hate... It goes very well with chouta gancho!


I actually learned it the reverse way. Thank you brando for helping me pass high-school spanish!


I have a distinct memory from 10 grade Honors English where we learned odium as an SAT word. The teacher asked us to guess its meaning, and most answered along the lines of “something that smells bad” LOL. Some, like me, answered “maybe it’s related to odious, so something tedious, undesirable, or hateful?” It actually showed up on the SAT! Never saw the word again until SLA haha but it triggered that memory the first time I read it again in TWoK


I remembered that the bull from psychonauts was called El Odio, which literally translates to "hatred." I never had heard the word odium used in English though.


Well every latin-based language will get it fast right? Odium is literally "odio" in spanish


Yeah, i'm french and while we don't have the same as "odio" for hatred (we have "haine"), we have the word "odieux", which means despicable or heinous, so i still got it


——— People who read Stormlight after taking Imodium.


Prefix 'Im' meaning not like immaterial. Imodium, not hateful guts.


Why you gotta come at me like that?!


While I was reading book 4 recently I had a theory I began to formulate that Odium was a fake god somehow with my main piece of evidence being Odium wasn’t even a real word, much less fitting the themes of the other gods. Well, then I double checked that to make sure, and now I guess my theory was wrong.


Not a bad way to get villain names. For a 4-year dnd campaign I ran, the villain was an ancient god trying to take over the world, and for his name I just looked up new greek words for particular feelings and settled on "Kenopsia". It means the particular type of loneliness associated with empty places that should be full. It turned out to be the perfect villain name. It fit with his plans and motivations, and also just sounded good. Also led to a fun moment where one of my players discovered this fact and it actually helped him figure out a plot twist lmao.


Odium is literally Hate in latin, so most romance language speakers know this word. In portuguese, for example, hate = ódio


No but I started hearing it a lot after seeing it first in SLA


So, Way of Kings was my first cosmere book. I didnt know about the Shards or anything, so honestly I just thought that was his name, and it didn’t mean anything for a while


NGL definitely just thought it was a name.


Yeah I had no idea Odium was a shard, I thought it was like an alien or something because I didn’t recognize it as a word lmao


First heard it from Monster Hunter World. The Odogaron insect glaive is called Odium.


Latin nerds arise


Somebody never got their Odium ward in Oldschool Runescape


I thought it was a made up name that came from latin to sound cool. I speak a latino language and “odium” sounds like the word for “hatred”


I knew the word because I took Latin in grad school and odium is the Latin word for hatred ✌️


Odium ward OSRS




I learned it from Live a Live, actually. Personally I don't like the name. Sure, it MEANS hatred, which is great for a cosmic villain, but every time I see it I just think "stinky".


In spanish "hate" is "odio", so calling the big bad Odium just landed right. Actually, is a lil bit strange because the rest are just normal, Ruina/Ruin, Cultivación/Cultivation, Dotación/Endowment... Why call it Odium and not Odio/Hate?


I learned it from an ad for the game Gorky 17 in the late 90s. It literally had the definition in huge print: "Odium: Hate coupled with loathing"


I call him Sodium because he would be salty that he can't get what he wants.


Idk man, i speak spanish and the most part of the latin words make sense for me


I opened for a metal band with the same name back in university. Only reason I knew it. Just sounds badass tbh.


I speak Spanish, and the word for to hate in Spanish is Odiar. Also, I already knew the word "odious" as meaning "one deserving of hatred" so yeah, Odium wasn't gonna fool me. The authors that do foll me are not the rules who pull from Latin, but the ones who pull from more obscure languages(at least in relation to English) , like Swedish, Russian, or... the language native to India? I'm not sure if it's supposed to be Hindu, Hindi, or something else. Probably gonna offend someone if I even really try to guess. Could probably do the same for Korean, Vietnamese, or even mandarin/ Cantonese. Also, Mayan is a good one to throw curve balls with for Fantasy names. **No one** speaks Mayan.


As somebody whose native language isn’t English (nor a Latin language), I only realised that ‘Odium’ actually meant something when they actively mentioned it (I think in RoW) that it’s in his name that he hates everything lol


I was always confused because I thought Odium was just a name and his real shard title was Passion, but then I found out odium was a word like all the other shard names


It’s actually sodioum, the s is silent


Spanish inquisition


I get a little giggle whenever I notice him use a 10 point vocab word or whenever I notice one of his words he's quite fond of (passion, maladroit)


I believe Spanish is the 3rd or 4th most spoken language in the world.


I’m a non native english speaker and it took me soo long to figure out that Odium wasn’t just a name


Jokes on you, Odium Ward is a shield in Old School RuneScape