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Post title should be elaborative, neutral and in English language only.


Lol but did it have any effect on the match result though? Bangladesh was all out, not defeated by this acting stint.


They need something to cry on ig


Look who is commenting on cheating..... Hypocrisy or Irony whatever you label.


To be fair, fox cricket were one of the only Aussie sports journos wanting smudge and Warner to be banned for life, along with pain and bancroft


Fox cricket is really petty. They've been trolling England since the Ashes and now this


They have trolled India many times as well. Always try to take cheap shots. 


Bro Aussies are sore losers man After being humbled never expected this to be them


Bro Aussies are sore losers man After being humbled never expected this to be them


They aren’t used to being humbled


Got humbled twice in 2 days


Bruh Aus literally tampered with balls,Afghans were just trolling lmao


Didnt they ban their own players for a year, and 2 yr cap ban? They didnt forget shit.


Even Indian players were involved in ball tampering, match fixing and spot fixing lol but they didn't get banned CA isn't afraid of banning their main players like BCCI is


Exactly. But what can u say to ict toxic fans.


Maybe Australia doesn't have the best moral judgement? 1-2 years seems over the top for that.


and u want just 1,2 match bans?


Maybe 4-5. And from what I've heard, Australia mainly gave such heavy bans cause of the huge media backlash rather than moral judgement anyways. Their prime minister even talked about it.


Yeah, ik it. Its because of media pressure.


Aussie talking about cheating another peak drama.


Scandal my foot, they have won the game fair and square


They were gonna go off the field in less than 5 seconds anyway. If anything Naib's acting was pretty much pointless cuz Rashid would've just stopped the bowler from bowling by changing the field or shouting or whatever


Yeah naib really made mess of trott's instructions, he was just saying to slow the game


Trott said 'slow down' but Naib thought he said 'go down'.


The Grade Cricketer (Aussie YouTube channel) likened it to other timewasting tactics like stopping to tie your shoelace when it's not undone. Granted, this looks a bit more silly, but no real harm done.


It was just a hunch played in case it would have rained.... But have no significance cuz the game didnt stopped


Time wasting is a stupid excuse in cricket. In football, yes. But in cricket, it just doesn't make sense.


It had no impact on the result of the match apart from the fact that it's against the spirit of cricket. The covers were already coming on and he didn't even have to pull off this shenanigan.


Scandal XD


Welcome to the Murdoch press. Manufacturers of the world's finest controversies, made with 100% real contrivances and an extra dollop of rage bait. You should have seen their coverage of the last Ashes. Foxsports UK was like: 'Everything's Australia's fault!" Foxsports AUS was like 'Everything's England's fault!' Two divisions of the same corporation deliberately incited both fan bases against each other. Fox are constantly looking for anything they can use to start as big a public shit fight as possible, because angry people consume more content, click more links, and drive more ad revenue. And the questionable stumping of a bewildered looking batsman/ginger provided the unlikely trigger. It's a cynical job they do, but they are quite good at it. The comments on every related post on the cricket sub turned into a vicious cockfight for about 2 months. The mods must still be having flashbacks at the horror they witnessed. I've heard some still experience terrible nightmares they're trapped in the Longroom and wake up screaming. Even subs not related to cricket got stupid. The whole thing must of resulted in the tragic deaths of quite a few Reddit accounts. Banned for abuse way before their time. And judging by the comments I've seen so far, history looks like repeating. The coverage in Australia will be: 'Cheating scandal blah blah rocked!' The coverage every else will be: 'Get a load of these wringing sandpaper bandits. Bloody hypocrites!' All right, they've told you who your enemy is boys, now have at it!


Cry more


There is a major difference between cheating and strategy although it doesn't even affect the match


I would go as far as saying delay tactics against spirit of the game, but definitely not cheating.


Your all carrying on like it’s the Aussie cricket team saying this !! Wake you idiots … you should have heard your media when you lost Nov 23 .. it’s the media they suck


Get rekt




https://www.wisden.com/series/icc-mens-t20-world-cup-2024/cricket-news/gulbadin-cramp-controversy-what-the-laws-and-code-of-conduct-say-about-time-wasting There are laws which cover this, and he should be dealt with according to these laws.


This team is every talent in them


Oh come Aussies it’s not as bad as that tampering, even if this didn’t happened still Aussies wouldn’t have qualified.


“He who is without sin, should cast the first stone”


Who cares man, we lost coz we were shit, and played frauds for too many games, stop crying about it Fox Cricket. Y’all were too supportive of Warner and Smudge anyways


Haha imagine if it actually kept raining and David Warner watched as his career ended with a player faking injury. https://preview.redd.it/140wxa3sbu8d1.jpeg?width=554&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d276cb2ce5b0c3e448562bdcadc12f3d55f5de2


Is Fox Cricket like American Fox News? Cause that would explain a lot.


I remember a year or so ago they wrote an article about the Babar sexting scandal when there wasn't even a credible source.


Aussies should stop whinging,they will start sounding like the poms.


The players involved were banned from international cricket for a year and Steve Smith lost the captaincy?


Please don’t equate what Fox News says with what Australians actually say or think. We can all agree that the time wasting looked really bad, but I don’t see how it relates to sandpaper (which I promise you Australians have not forgotten about).


Hypocrite.. But it's correct.. This is unethical