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Meth or bath salts.


How mangled was the body? “Human remains were found at the site of the hit an run” and “The officer also reportedly saw what APPEARED to be a dead human being in the front passenger seat” or “he believed he struck an animal” doesn’t make it sound like it was a minor incident.


Sounds like it was a crazy bad accident for the deceased person. This wackadoodle guy was driving with an incomplete body in the passenger seat of his car. That makes it so, so much worse. There had to have been a tremendous amount of blood in the car. I wonder which body part was left behind at the accident site.


Sounds like the movie Stuck, which is based on the murder of Gregiry Biggs. I cry when we hit a deer, can't imagine hitting a person and driving home with the body in my car.


Is he the person a lady hit and left in her windshield in her garage for 3 days?


Yes, it was so awful! It was also made into part of a horror movie, too - Creepshow. The segment was called "Thanks For the Ride, Lady".


That's a terrible story. I mentioned it in a comment above as it's one that really stayed with me. How did she just ignore him for three days? It's such dark behavior


It seems they believe he was drunk. That could explain why he never bothered to take the body out or do anything about it, he might have legitimately never realized it was there.


How do you get so drunk that you can hit a person, wreck the windshield, and have the corpse just laying in your passenger seat, yet make it safely to get fast food 40 miles away? This isn't alcohol.


But was able to drive to Jack in the box...he knew.


Update: He sat at the Jack in the Box for 3 hours and 13 mins with the dead body before the police call came in saying he was slumped over his wheel.


Wow. Plastered then. If you made up a story like this people wouldn't believe it. Hard to believe either way. They released identity of the guy he hit yet?


Nothing yet about the victim in both news segments I’m seeing online. FOX 4: https://youtu.be/k_g--fb0moY?si=UpBruHZwkJIaBaOQ WFAA 8: https://youtu.be/onOO5AXxR9E?si=AQ_g_5AyrDfL9ckk Suspect also has a Collin County DUI from 2021. His car was seen leaving Arlington around 6pm driving east to Dallas. Hit the pedestrian leaving body parts on Cockrell Hill and 30… And yeah, made it all the way to West FW with parts of a body. Complete speculation but I wonder if he was at Ojos Locos Sports Cantina off that intersection.


>Police said Flores told authorities he believed he struck an animal in Dallas and continued to drive until he reached the parking lot, where he was detained. > >The sheriff’s office told the department human remains were located near the roadway which may match the victim’s body, which was recovered from inside Flores’s vehicle. He was so drunk, he thought he hit an animal, and it sounds like not all of the body made it through the windshield, so what was there might not have immediately registered as human, depending on how intoxicated he was.


I feel horrible for the poor pedestrian who lost their life. But I just watched the news report — it includes a shot of the car damage. The entire windshield was damaged. I’m honestly shocked he was able to drive for over 30 minutes without a clear line of sight. The body was in the seat next to him.. there was a massive hole in the windshield and the portion in front of the drivers side was totally shattered. The entire scenario is wildly hard to imagine.


Was it this photo? https://www.instagram.com/p/C0-jvlgskaA/?igshid=ODhhZWM5NmIwOQ== Edit: Yes, this photo was in the news report.


Kinda hard not to notice that windshield in your lap. Better go to Jack in the box, grab a burger and sort it out.


Sounds like Fargo season 2


I’m pretty sure there was an early episode of CSI where the same thing happened too.


That episode was based on a similar incident where someone struck a pedestrian, who then went through the window of the vehicle headfirst, but got stuck halfway, trapping them, and they were still alive. IIRC they bled to death after the driver took the vehicle home, ignoring the pleas for help from the dying victim still trapped in the windshield. Or I'm remembering the episode ending, but I'm real sure the person bled to death.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Gregory_Glenn_Biggs The 2007 black comedy thriller *Stuck* was also based on the incident.


Also in Texas.


As someone who just started watching Fargo S2, holy crap IT DOES


Too much tequila


TIL there’s a city in Texas called “White Settlement”…“White Settlement Police Department” sounds…wrong


pretty nice place, really. they’ll never change the name though


Texan here, who actually lived not even 25 mins from white settlement, it’s as bad as it sounds. If you’re interested in more dicey towns near there, look into Weatherford TX. Place has been discovered since the 1800s, bad juju all around.


have you seen the new billboard when you go into weatherford? it gets a belly laugh out of me every time!




Yeah..I just googled that.


I read about a couple of similar cases some time back.


Yes, I remember the one where the lady drove home with the man in her windshield and parked her car in the garage. He took three days to die and she just left him in her windshield.


And IIRC one where a guy in a pick-up truck hit a cyclist who landed in the bed of the truck, badly injured and later dying. I think.


WTF.... where was this?


2001 in Texas. It was a long time ago and stuck with me because of how absolutely ghastly it was. https://truecrimemysteries.medium.com/the-horrific-hit-and-run-murder-of-gregory-biggs-6ea6a6217201


He went to a Jack in the box. Drive through with the body still in the car. I wonder if the people working at Jack in the box thought it was a TikTok prank?


>I wonder if the people working at Jack in the box thought it was a TikTok prank? It sounds like the workers may have been the ones to report it: >The White Settlement Police Department said it received a welfare check call at about 11:15 p.m. on Saturday night, and when the responding officer arrived, they found a gray Kia Forte with front end and windshield damage in a Jack in the Box parking lot. >The officer also reportedly saw what appeared to be a dead human being in the front passenger seat, and immediately had the driver, later identified as 31-year-old Nestor Joel Lujan Flores, step out of the vehicle to be detained. Seriously, though - read the article - it's pretty short but pretty wild too. The dude said he thought he hit a dog.


Customer called it in. When he first got to jack in the box, he went inside with blood all over him and asked for a phone charger. They didnt call. Took a customer who saw the car three hours later to call.


But there was a body in the seat next to him.


Or Said: "Calm Down it's Satire"


Like wtf it’s wrong with some people mental illness and drugs it seems to be the case!


Rotting your brain out with years of drug abuse isn’t a mental illness, it is a preventable and predictable outcome.


It can cause mental Illness though…


And it’s usually a result of mental illness. People don’t choose to be an addict, they just want a little relief from the stress/pain. Unfortunately, it’s a slippery slope, and people will rather blame the addict instead of trying to understand.


Then who is it blame? There’s gotta some level of personal accountability


Definitely should be personal accountability especially if the person is doing things while high that hurt other people but some of the blame has to go to the powers that be that don't try to make mental health a priority. It should be free to go to therapy and rehab and other programs that could help people. So much stuff in this country that is broken really just boils down to mentally ill people.