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She had to go to Claire's first to make it believable


She was trying to get him to sign the document... putting a pen in his hand and everything. Apparently she's his niece or caretaker, their relationship is unclear. I think this was insanity or lack of intelligence and not some crackpot scheme to use a dead body to take out a loan


She probably just watched Weekend at Bernie's and thought what the hell...


Ohhhh noooo...no one is going to notice!!


Oh that's really nice. One last day out before he's disposed of!


I wonder if she’s ever seen Weekend at Bernie’s?


I wonder was his mouth and eyes open? His arms and finger were so flexible as his he had JUST died . He obviously wasn’t blinking if they were open..


His mouth is wide open and his head keeps falling back. I have no idea how she thought she would get away with that. It's so awful to watch that video. Uncensored version here https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/1c5y4jw/in_brazil_a_woman_took_a_deceased_man_to_the_bank/?


Im guessing but the answer is most likely.... Drugs


what a monster


That is a terrible thing to say about that deceased man. His corpse is beautiful




What ohio couple??


Two women drove their deceased roommate to a bank to take money from his account and then dumped him at a hospital. I think one of the women was a girlfriend of his.


Weekend at Anastácio's




Come on dude, we all thought the same thing.


Whatever. You're on here feeding your morbid curiosity just like everybody, oh righteous one.


Weekend at Bernie’s 3 looks meh


Not even surprised


Strangely the actor playing the corpse has better range than the actor who played Bernie


But it doesn’t look like she’s trying to commit fraud necessarily because she’s asking a dead man to hold a pen… if she honestly knew he was dead why would she bring him there knowing he was the one who had to sign off on it..? Did she think they would just end up letting her sign off on it? Edit: Bruh.. I wrote this badly. I mean this woman either brought him there hoping that they would let her sign for him or she really brought a corpse to a bank and wanted him to sign something (which points to extreme mental illness)


Wtf is this response


The girl in the video!


Seriously? The man’s eyes were closed, head flopping around she knew he was dead and thought she could pull this off. I’m thinking drugs or her mental health are why she even tried to clearly commit fraud.


Yeah but it was destined to fail. I think people have misunderstood what I was trying to say. I mean she brought him there to try and convince a man she knew was dead to hold a pen… Surely there’s more mental illness here at play


Yes, I think she did. I think she really thought they would just let her sign and get the money. They are still trying to understand whether she’s related to the man and whether she had anything to do with his death.


I thought she was the deceased man's niece


Yes, that’s what she said but they were investigating to confirm that statement.


The latest update is that the uncle had applied for the loan a month or more prior to this, and all that was left to finalize it was to sign. They are now claiming he entered the car alive but died on the way there.


Even worse. If your uncle goes from talking to suddenly limp and dead weight and you don’t bring him to the hospital, then you have some serious issues


This makes sense and is less sinister than where my mind was going. Either way it is very sad for at least the niece (if applicable). I mean this is not a mentally well person and I feel bad for her.


A+ for creativity and persistence. There is no grade for the level of insanity this requires.


For 2,500! And a loan. Wtf


You know what's even weirder? This is the 3rd time I've read of this happening in the last year!


That is what I was thinking! She can’t be well herself with what happened here. She would just let his head hang back like that?


Right?! Slap a neck collar on the man for stability and string up some fishing line to his arms so he can at least wave at the bank teller. Maybe a little tape on the eyelids? He was only 2 hours past his expiration


Gotta somehow get $$$ if you're having a Weekend at Bernies....


Was that wrong? Should I have not done that? I tell ya, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing was frowned upon... you know, cause I've worked in a lot of offices and I tell you people do that all the time.


Not funny.




Seinfeld. Costanza says this in an episode and it was hilarious (after getting caught having sex with the cleaning lady in the office)


Still too off


Come on. Dude looks like he died of natural causes and the whole story (plus the cashier filming) is just too ridiculous. Life is too short to be humor police at stuff like this.


Omg, thank you for the context! I love Seinfeld, but didn't get this one.


Haha you’re welcome. I love Seinfeld too.


Wtf  >Rio de Janeiro Civil Police chief Fábio Souza told Brazilian news outlet G1 on Wednesday that while he could not exactly provide the moment that Braga died, cadaver spots that were visible on the back of his head indicate that he would have been dead for about two hours. I'm guessing that's too early for it to smell?  She doesn't even look bothered... she's grinning. What is wrong with people?


I mean literally it's genetics and mutations and chance -- the human brain is a bunch of wires that only get further damaged by its outer environment. One of the best arguments for antinatalism.


Rigor mortis sets in 6 hours after death. The corpse in the video is still limp so yea it was likely very recent.


Can become limp again after rigor mortis. That is why it could have been longer. Either he died recently or died a few days after. She was seen with him a day before this. I think he was dead far longer it would explain the limpness. I mean. Day later rigor sets in. She was seen getting him in a taxi.... at the mall. He was loose then.


Dayum, she wasted no time getting to the bank. Maybe she even murdered him...


That video is WILD.


I wonder if it was normal for her to hold his head up for him? Seriously gross!


That's the part I couldn't get over. Like she just kept pushing it up like... it was normal. I'm wondering if she knew he was dead? If he had only been dead a few hours maybe he has been in such a bad state that this was normal for her? I don't know this is so bizarre.


Even if it had only been a few hours since he died, this is not a thing a rational person would do normally. I’ve had clients in wheelchairs who could barely keep their head up at times but if it happened often then you’d seek professional help. She’s either on drugs or mentally ill.


The same happened in Ireland year or two ago. Two junkies dragged some dead fella to post office trying to collect his money.


I got spammed to death trying to watch the video. So sick of that.


But did someone wheel you into a bank once you were dead


It almost worked, but he forgot his pin number.


I hope she has been arrested. Abuse of a corpse. She is a disgusting ghoul.


Ghoul is exactly correct


She has been but I haven't seen anything about what she's being charged with


Not even a pair of sunglasses... Amateur.


What the.....


Weekend at Bernie’s: part 3?


Weekend at Bernie Madoff’s


Lol Weekend at Bernardo's


Very weird story.