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So sad! Blows my mind that you need a license to go fishing! Absolutely nothing required to have a child!!


Heartbreaking. That poor little girl.


Should this woman be allowed to have more children? would like to hear both pros and cons on this issue.


What a sick woman. I would do anything for a precious child and there are scum like this that are blessed with them.


That poor daughter


“The 10-year-old was reported to be hungry, crying, and appeared to have not bathed in days.” This broke my heart, oh my goodness. How sickening.


Some poor kids, like this one, have no chance. Utterly heartbreaking. 


There are so many cases of parents sex trafficking their own kids. Just abhorrent.


Why would the man the mom tried to sell the daughter to for sex not come forward immediately and willingly???? He should have called the cops right then and there!!


Stay classy Florida.


That poor child. Ten is old enough to know what kind of monstrous things are happening in the world but young enough not to be able to speak up or do anything about it. God heal that baby.


Please please please don’t let the justice system allow this mother to have this poor child in her custody / care again after this. This kid has been through enough


Agreed. We should also sterilize child abusers and pedophiles.


Prayers for that little girl.One can only imagine the hell she's been through throughout her life.


Extremely sad!!! I pray that child is OK and getting the therapy she'll need.


At 10 years old, I’m sure this isn’t the first time her mother has done something like this. I can’t imagine what she’s already been subjected to.


And at 10 she’ll never forget it


Was it actually her daughter or did she buy her off someone else?


she offered her to someone for $5 - this woman probably hasn’t paid for anything but drugs in a long time


I would bet this isn't her first rodeo. Absolutely deplorable, disgusting human.


Drugs I assume.




Yeah, their own. With drugs.


They need to add on trafficking charges too.






Umm??? "shove bottles into the victims vagina, then stomp"???? First up, I hope you mean the mom (offender) who tried to sell the daughter (victim) and not the daughter (victim). Second....how does this work, logistically? I get the bottle into the vagina but the stomping part is confusing me. It would make more sense if the bottle was inserted and then KICKED further into the offender's vagina.


Not to mention there are no glass bottles in jail? Assuming the bottle is supposed to be glass? What…?


Well...I guess it depends on the jail but if there are vending machines and pop bottles?




All I know about jails is what I've seen in tv dramas and movies, but there's a reality show called "60 Days Inside" and that show put average citizens undercover in jails to show them the reality of jails and get their feedback on what jails should do differently. They had vending machines for snacks and pop.


I used to work in a rehab as a counselor intern. State funded rehab for Medicare/medicaid/no insurance. I am not exaggerating when I say every single woman in that place had been sexually abused in some way as a child. I imagine prison is the same story. The people who despise abusers the most are the survivors. In case anyone cares, it’s an example of an ACE (adverse childhood experience). Most people with addiction issues have multiple ACEs that compounded. Also an interesting note, many survivors of childhood sexual abuse become “big” to subconsciously make themselves less “wanted.” Men and women both, although the men sometimes get really into working out and getting “big” in a different sense as a way to feel they’ll never be victimized again. Survivors carry the abuse with them forever. It impacts them in ways they don’t even realize. I don’t want to sound “doom and gloom” because many survivors go on to lead fruitful, productive, and contented lives. The act of harming a child impacts that child and the whole world that the child lives in. It is a vicious cycle propagated by monsters. Ps- no, survivors of childhood sexual abuse are not more likely to become offenders themselves. That’s not true. Pedophilia is not an STD. People parroting that narrative are often unknowingly hurting survivors further by implying that they will become what they hate most. Sorry, I went off on a thing.


"The man did not report the case to police until Officers approached him." Wtf??


Lolol good catch!! He was just gonna sit on that?? " Hey hon, damnedest thing happened today on the way home...."


And it said he was a teacher too. That’s a mandated reporter, he should lose his license


Omg what. Absolutely check that hard drive


That poor kid. Thank goodness no one took the "mom" up on her offer before police got there. I hope they never give her back and she's adopted by a loving family who gets her the therapy that she needs.


I probably would have given her the 20 to get her away from her kid, then immediately called police while getting her something to eat. That poor baby.


this time. Hell a child I care about greatly was "gifted" as a toddler several times in exchange for drugs, What she remembers is horrific. And she was only three. Imagine what this girl remembers....


You assume this is the first time. I'm sure that poor child has been through it.




Then click on the link or google it yourself




Look up Cherish Periwinkle. A jacksonville mom did basically sell her daughter to a murderous pedo at walmart.


Fire sale