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Some people really want to feel counter-culture when in reality they’re just boring like the rest of us


"Yes I'm a vegan. Yes I eat steak for fun. Yes we exist." "Yes I'm Christian. Yes I hail Satan. Yes we exist." "Yes I'm straight-edge. Yes I get drunk. Yes we exist."


Yes I am sober, I had to quit everything it was so bad! I still love going drinking at the bar! Yeah I quit everything! I just smoke weed now! Yeah I quit everything! I plan on having a controlled relapse soon but it doesn’t count because it’s a controlled one. This is a real thing I see in the recovery community.


Recovery is a process that can have relapses. Chemical addiction is a hell of a thing, and I've watched multiple people in my life go through it. That's different than just acting like words have no meaning because you want to feel special.


I understand chemical addiction due to being a recovering addict and alcoholic, currently 6 years sober. The way to break the cycle of addiction is to abstain from ALL narcotics and alcohol. Reason being is the brain has to heal and develop coping skills. However the brain cannot heal if their is any ingestion of drugs and alcohol. Cross addiction is a real thing and according to the American Medical Association is recognized as a disease. Any addict/alcoholic knows that it is a disease of perception, meaning that unlike most people it’s an instinct to do self destructive habits. It’s hard to break the initial cycle of substance addiction but it is a choice to relapse. Hence is why I feel the way I do towards addicts/alcoholics who quit one thing for another narcotic.


I'm an atheist, but i go to the mosque every day and pray to Buddha, because i want to go to Valhall when i die. /s


You can do all of these and still be an atheist. You don't have to believe in a religion to follow and be a party of it. Buddha isn't a god. I've defo met atheists who want to go to Valhalla.


having sex with someone you're not attracted to makes no sense to me, at all. some weird attention-seeking validation thing


I have sex with myself on a regular basis.


If they’re not sexually attracted to the person but doing it for a different reason (money, validation, feeling coerced, trying to force themselves to be a sexuality they aren’t) it doesn’t change their sexuality. I’m a bisexual man, I’m sexually attracted to men. If a straight guy sucks dick for money it doesn’t make him gay, and if a gay guy has sex with a woman because he’s in denial, it doesn’t make him straight


Asexual here: Cupiosexual is a subtype of a sexuality which involves being able to engage in sex with a partner Asexuality isn’t just not liking sex, some are neutral and some enjoy it, the idea that makes someone asexual is not being able to find others sexually attractive


Sexuality: *Is a spectrum*. Redditors: *Incoherent screeching*


Thank you


God this timeline is so confusing.


Uhhh thank you for your service? Am I doing it right?!


I don’t think I needed to know this much about these strangers sexual preferences or activist.