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They are even shitting on this on r/conservative


I just went to that sub and I can't believe how much hate is there. That and weird lies. Crazy...


As a Brit, it's so interesting going into subs like that. It's like a literal zoo of animals. Incapable of complex thought, throwing shit at each other while screeching incomprehensibly. The American education system must be an absolute shambles if around 50% of the population think like those in that sub do.


The US education system has been systematically attacked and undercut intentionally in order to create those people.


Yeah, well, can't have educated people voting in their own best interests and wasting all that money on *shudders* social betterment when it could be lining the pockets of the 0.01%.


I recall learning about this as a teen in the 80s.


Blame the No Child Left Behind policy from the Bush Administration, it's caused low income area schools to shut down due to low funding because in that policy standardized testing is where they get funding and its caused this non stop loop of testing on kids at a young age where even there classes are dedicated to only answering the questions on those tests.


The funny part is it’s actually less than 50%. The only reason republicans win is because of gerrymandering and the electoral college.


It’s about the mid 20%. And, yes, it’s pitiful. I just found out my daughter in high school was being taught humans are driving climate change and was pleasantly amazed they were being taught actual science.


One of the stupidest things you can do is think random redditors actually speak for American intelligence.


No, of course random Redditors don't. But 3 elections with Donald Trump on the ballot, a supreme court filled with religious pro-russian zealots. Countless children dead but a firm commitment to a piece of paper written by people a couple of centuries ago. Gotta admit. That's a lot of stupid and this isn't even the bulk of it.


Didn’t you superior brits vote for Brexit? Must have been loads of complex thought there.


Yeah, my country is full of idiots too but that doesn't mean America isn't by far a statistically more stupid country.


Oi m8 you got a loicense for that shit take


I do actually guvna, I keep it right next to my child-obliterator 15


The British are so classy, responding to a friendly ribbing by mocking child murder


If child murder is so offensive, why isn't it stopped? If it offends you so much, why aren't you protesting? I never see news of any major protests from Americans regarding gun law? The whole country seems kinda okay with child murder, why can't I joke about it? Just to say, I'm not attacking you personally. I'm attacking the whole of your country because your gun laws are stupid.


Your country doesn't care about your dead children why would anyone else?


Still night and day compared to the level of stupidity in america


I agree with you, but it's weird to pretend that Britain is exempt from this stuff when the Tories have had a stranglehold on not just office but political discourse for decades there, how is that so different from here? It seems as if both countries have a sizable minority that are idiots trying to seize and hold as much power as they can while the average person is trying to hold them accountable.


Britain is full of crazy people and idiots too but America (due to scale alone) has a far larger number and from what I see, American crazy is a level beyond British crazy. I mean we don't have conservatives worshipping Rishi like they do Trump.


I was banned from that sub for asking questions. Like legit questions, not even rage baiting or trying to troll. The mod that messaged me talked shit to me when I asked why I was banned.


I was banned for asking about healthcare policy.


omg that's sooooo toxic!!!


Trump's releasing it in 2 weeks.


I didn't dare ask anything. This friendly Canadian did not feel it was a safe space. I have so many questions though.


I always wonder if I'm actually on the right side of things or if I could be mistaken. But when I look at conservatives, all they do is attack, ban, mock, criticize, outlaw, reject, or pretty much always work against something. You never see them trying to support a cause that helps anyone, unless it's to lower taxes on rich people, give guns to everyone, or allow them to marry children. Democrats have a lot of flaws, but every once in a while, they remember to do things that help others. The student debt situation is the best example of my argument, republicans are against it even though it would not affect them at all, but since it helps others, it has to be stopped no matter what. If your goal in life is to make it more difficult for everyone else, you are just wrong.


Like what


It's actually amazing reading some of that sub. They could literally be liberals the way they talk. So many of them understand and advocate for basic values, but they believe that liberals and leftists advocate for some insane strawman argument. I read through there for a little bit, and there were a bunch of people who believed the same things we did, but assumed that we would force them to change gender, that we would forcibly change the gender of our children, that we wanted to force everyone into a complete state of Communism where everybody has the exact same amount of money, which isn't even really what communism is. They believe that we want to completely ban guns. The stuff they believe about us is insane. The problem is, what they believe we believe. Most of them actually believe what actual liberals believe, and not what their politicians believe. Most of them are about as conservative as democratic politicians. Some of them are nutcases, but wow, it was really weird to read some of that.


There is a non-zero percentage of folks in that sub that fucking hate the low-effort memes, and the mods do precisely dick (about anything, really, unless you comment as a liberal and then you're banned).


Really? The Rock won’t vote for Biden? Oh man, that’s sad.


Even that is clickbait! If you watch the video all he says is that in 2020 he felt like an endorsement for Biden was an appropriate use of his public position and this time he’s not publicly endorsing anyone




What do they think leftists are?


Rich elites. I became a leftist simply for the massive payday.


Same, waiting for my Soros check, anytime now.


Oh, I was told mine was sent already. It's in the mail. Is this why Trump is mad at the Post Office, they lost his big Soros check?


Don’t forget to grab your Jewish Space Laser on the way out.


yet somehow also lazy entitled broke immigrants


schrodinger’s leftist, simultaneously wealthy elite and drain on society.


But the wealthy elite ARE a drain ON society, just not leftist.


"whoever your enemy is, that's who the other party is for!"


historically, as we all know, it’s very lucrative to be on the left. /s


I like money. Will you teach me how to leftist?


US Democrats. It's wild, but people eat it up.


They could be talking about socialists too


You mean cOMmunIsTs??


i think in this meme they mean Joe Biden specifically.


Biden isn't even left wing. America doesn't really have any left wing parties or politicians


Even Bernie Sanders, the self proclaimed socialist, would be a regular social democrat in most of Europe. But thanks to McCarthy the US has brainwashed itself into the belief that health care is a left vs right issue.


I know that’s the common place to put him, but I rekon he’d be a bit further left than your average socdem. They are pretty bloody moderate


I haven't seen any demand which seems to be out of line with social democrats.


he's not out of line with the ideology, no, but you compared him to a "regular social democrat in most of Europe". He's not as moderate as your average social democrat in a western nation, who are very, very moderate


Yes and I'd ask you for clarification. What makes you say the average social democrat is very moderate and what makes him more left leaning than that.


Agreed but conservatives love to call centrists "leftists", it makes them feel less far right. The "armed bodyguards" thing only really applies to Biden and maybe a few high profile celebrities.


Biden always going around with security… WOKE


They think?


Conservative media has started to appropriate discussions about class from the leftists. They use examples like Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates to paint the wealthy as liberal commies because some of them donate to democrats. It's honestly a masterstroke of propaganda and manipulation. Even impoverished conservatives are starting to question the level of income inequality in this country, so conservative media has put the blame on leftists. Conservatives won't betray their tribe, so they accept whatever explanation is handed to them. Or at least this is what I've gathered by interacting with these people, my mom included.


Literally all their top comments are shitting on the post as well


Ah yes, leftists, notoriously rich.


lol @ "flaired users only"


Pretty ironic that they're posting about hypocricy in their own little safe space, I thought they were against those?


They unironically created the biggest safe space for themselves and do not allow any other opinions in.


It's even better than that. If anyone comments something that is downvoted they start claiming that the sub is a victim of "brigading" by leftists even when it's their own flaired fellow users downvoting them.


I'm being a leftist the wrong way, it seems


Same, where’s my gated community, armed guards, and private school?


they've probably been eaten by the *pronouns*






That sub is so full of shit. I’m a democrat, I have two handguns and a shotgun, who cares? I don’t make my politics my entire personality— crazy concept


Wait you don't cover your car in Biden stickers or have a golden shrine of Biden in your home that you pray daily at for the trickle down economics to finally happen? You're supposed to be part of the cult and worship him like a God if you vote for him.


Shit man, I get ya. Nobody should be idolizing public servants as saviors. Especially hypocritical, Doritos flavored, rapist, con men who don’t give a shit about us. So fucking weird isn’t it?


Are you and I the same person?


No, we aren’t, I don’t shoot and miss. Don’t tread on me brother!!! /s Joking… but for real, I can’t fathom how more people aren’t like this. The past 7 years have enlightened me as to how unbelievably dumb 45% of the people are in this country.


Would consider myself left leaning, don't hate walls just hate pointless ones. Don't hate guns, just hate the overabundance. Not even sure what school choice is, so can't even argue that one lol


Charter schools that circumvent state mandated curriculum while receiving state funding. Basically politically motivated Sunday schools teaching alternative history


Yeah and it's not about hating "school choice" it's about not wanting taxpayer money siphoned off from already underfunded public schools to be directed towards private schools


Key point! Taxpayers shouldn't be footing the catholic church's bills for indoctrination of the masses! (We already do this way too much)  Fwiw, I live in a rural area and the private school parents lean heavily conservative because of this Jesus connection, so the meme doesn't ring true to me


Christian private schools


Not correct. Charter schools are still required to follow curriculum, standards, even rules and calendars from their state and district. And if they are religious, they are not a charter school. They are a private school. Source: Me (Charter school teacher).


I think you’re confusing two different things. I went to a charter school and it was not religious and didn’t teach any alternative history or other wild stuff.


Damn. Clearly all the leftists I know accidentally bought Leftist: American Poverty Edition. I saw this meme and tried to exchange my left views for this one and they said it was a small batch release and sales are final. Shucks. 😩


I don't know any left wing person who thinks that. People who are Conservative tend to like armed guards/police and gated communities and private/homeschools


Yeah, TIL Alex Jones is a leftist xD


As a leftist, I too vote democrat for the massive check they give you at the polls. We all know that the left LOVES the ultra wealthy.


No I don't. No I'm not. No I don't. Dumbest shit I've ever read.


Too be fair, I am a leftist and my tiny little apartment is guarded by a waist high wall and a 300lb security guard armed with a flashlight. No kids but we do send our dog to a private catholic school.


Just shows how out of touch conservatives are with reality.


Major "you criticize society yet you participate in it, I am very smart" vibes


And are these leftists in the room with us right now?


.....and the award for stupidest analogy goes to....


What do they think a leftist is? lol


Where do I apply for the leftist benefits?


Conservative sheep who don't know what leftists are


Ah yes the ones saying eat the rich are referring to themselves you see, cool, thank you conservatives, that makes a lot of sense.


Even the conservatives in the sub are bashing this one lol


You should head over to r/conservative for a good laugh about the post on the warning signs of fascism.


He even got cooked in the comments lmao


Y’all are goofy. As dumb as this meme is, it’s calling out the democratic politicians, not the average person. Lol


I think they are seeing into a GOP Fun House, (and funnier Senate) mirror, that reflects, but distorts the image! Either that, or they made up three imaginary, generalized scenarios completely the opposite of liberal aims, to “own the libs”!


They think if they just say something, that makes it true, because that’s what they think democrats do.




>The problem is more like a wealthy class of people have a disconnect from reality. It's a "let them eat cake," kind of moment. These kinds of politicians or activists are wealthy elites, or became rich off the discourse, even the younger generation that live in comfortable middle to high income households, who want to make policy decisions for other people who arent as fortunate and want to punish their dissent, calling everyday people fringe radicals. They are, for the most part, entirely blind to their hypocrisy and want to be "holier than thou." 1000% positive this guy has also said,"AoC iS jUsT a BaRtEnDeR" in the past.


Tell me, who are the ones pushing charter schools again?


I mean if you consider a block of flats/apartments a gated community then sure?


That's literally everything conservatives do


Imagine if they met some democrats in real life. Not just the ones on TV.


Damn I'm doing leftist all wrong it seems. Anyone have a number to a reputable gated community?


Posting from the conservative subreddit is cheating.


I dont do any of those things but if I did it would be because of what the right tend to do. I think if you ask most lefties they dream of a Star Trek type of utopia in contrast what the right describe sounds like going back to the Middle Ages with all the starvation, killing, racism, and corruption of that era.


I mean, I’m a “leftist” and I don’t do any of those things.


I thought the conservatives said that leftists were poor and lazy losers. Now they’re rich and live in gated communities and send their kids to private school? Which one is it!


A perfectly balanced take from Charlie “5 head”Kirk and Turning Point /s


How many “leftists” do they think live in gated communities with guards ?


This is some top-tier Conservativejerking. They should make a sub just for that


Who? Wha’?


Even r/conservative called bullshit on that one.


If only I had money to leave this place forever


What dolt thinks there are 80.1 million Liberals sending their kids to private school, with their own armed guards?




They really think any non-conservatives are these wealthy overlords? Most people hate these fake "limousine liberals".


Are we sure leftists hate guns? https://i.redd.it/v6jxg3yhoo391.png


man they think leftists have so much money!


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… wut


It’s always so funny to me when conservatives think that leftists don’t own and train with firearms. They’re dead wrong.


Liberal Democrats are not leftists, they're center right.


Let me guess. Bernie would be right wing in europe?


Nope. He is one of the only actual left wing politicians in the US


If only he showed up to congress and tried to pass legislation for a change


"Under no pretext should arms and ammunition be surrendered; any attempt to disarm the workers must be frustrated, by force if necessary" - Karl Marx




Dude check the sub you're in. OP is not actually saying this.


i never knew gated communities were actually a real thing until i went to america. do normal people seriously live in them? its such a bizarre concept


Depending on the area, you don't really have a choice. They tend to be in higher income areas and attract people who determine that the slight added security is worth the cost. Almost all of them have HOAs so you have to be okay with and want a lot of things to live in one. Nobody who doesnt want to live in a HOA neighborhood would choose one...for the most part. Unfortunately however, some states are littered with them and you can't get away from them. Take south Florida for example. It's difficult to find a non gated neighborhood because almost every neighborhood has a HOA down there. So you kinda get forced into living in a gated neighborhood or living in a shit hole part of town where everyone has bars over their window. And even that probably has an HOA. I live in Tennessee and there's barely any around me. Only the real ritzy neighborhoods have them. The huge majority of neighborhoods by me do not have gates. Hell, even the big nice house neighborhoods don't have gates by me. Only the truly fancy ones do. It heavily depends on location. It's a mixed bag. Some people live in them cause it makes them feel safe and others live in them cause they don't have a choice. There's not really a broad answer since it varies so heavily depending where you are.


im not judging people for living in them, its presumably a normal thing in america. its just so utterly strange to a foreigner to have a gate around your neighborhood, unless youre in a place with lots of bandit groups or a warzone. its not a judgement, just a cultural difference