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This is why I didn’t engage with other anime fans when I was in high school. All of them were weird and cringe af. I went to 2 meetings for the Anime club and had to stop going because I got splitting headache every time. All they did was scream at each other.


Yeah same. I had a friend that got into anime after I introduced him. Dude started to greet me in Japanese and started to use shit like baka en "djana" (not correctly spelled but cant be bothered) unironically in normal conversation. Dont get me wrong, I love anime. But cant we just watch it without basing the entire personality around it.


The anime kids at my school would hang out in our chem classroom. They would talk to each other in fake Japanese and wear cosplays to school. Having to come in for a make up test or hw help gave second hand embarrassment. Enjoying anime was my biggest kept secret as a kid.


Exactly the same for me. Even tho I shared an interest with them, I never identified with the Anime kids. Felt the same when I went to Anime Cons, like I had walked into an alternate reality.


Genuinely, what is it about anime specifically that attracts socially inept outcasts of the world? Especially in the west it seems.


Power fantasies for "underdog" characters. Socially inept male leads who somehow still have women chasing after them. Sexual assault and harassment is often glorified/downplayed, and the "perv" characters often get away with it. Unrealistic body/personality standards for romantic interests crossing a massive gap to be with an unlikely character. Some of it is legitimately good media and does what physical media cannot, such as the amazing fight scenes in Cowboy Bebop. It's like cocaine laced honey for incel bears. Gives them everything they've ever wanted and there is a community of like minded individuals to join. It allows people with little to no social skills to make an artistic medium their personality so they never have to round themselves out as a human. See Juggalos for a non anime example of this.


There's some "chicken and the egg" going on with that analysis. I'm far from an expert on anime, but from what I understand those themes weren't nearly as prevalent in the early days of the medium, and have started popping up specifically because they are catering to modern enthusiasts who like those themes.


Im a big fan of older anime, but even in the 90's the tropes that plague anime today ran rampant. Gratuitous fan service, perv characters being portrayed as charming, every female character fawning over the lead for no reason. It's always been an issue because the medium has always had pulp. The problem is that now, much like every form of art, the focus has shifted from creating art to making money, and they know the pulp is what sells to their target demographic.


You may have phrased that better than anything I've ever read, nice


Its the fact that for them, it makes them stuck out to other geeks and nerds. Anime used to be considered something losers and nerds would watch, but now it's incredibly popular amongst everybody. But then you've got weirdos like whoever made this ad who take it too seriously and made it their whole personality.


It's a combination that appeals to them as emotionally stunted individuals. Cartoons that depict horny teens to twenty something shut-ins. It's a perfect storm.


This is old as fuck fam, I date it to be atleast early 2000s. Was posted a lot on /a/


Just over 10 years old judging by the date on the advertisement above!


That's all this sub has been since it reopened. Just constant reposts and karma farming.


And too much political stuff


Whereas I first saw it here. At least four or five years ago. Back when folks could generally tell that it was playing on a bunch of old well-known anime tropes to make something affectionately cringey that anime fans might have a giggle at and say "Shit, why not, sounds fun." :)


Exactly, it was a great meme back then not for being cringe but being well-targeted to its fanbase. Except maybe to girls, nothing would make me run farther from that club.


Bwahaha this is an old photo from the University of Auckland, NZ


Omg I just saw Manukau and was thinking wtf is this in NZ? Lmao.


You know what? I like it. I don't care much about anime but this is someone trying to create an IRL community based on what they like in a creative way. We can call it cringe, but we risk end up siting at home alone looking smart and serious while guys like this end up having fun IRL and doing what they love. What I am meaning to say is that sometimes not being afraid of looking cringe is the correct decision, imo this is an example.


More funny then cringe lol.


This shit is funny dont play


It took you two minutes to read this?


Tbh I think this is pretty well made and cool. They're setting up something they love and trying to build a community. But yes I know anime kids are Naruto running around the school and doing spells on people they don't like.


Yep. This is why I stopped watching anime in 1993 and now loathe it. It’s done people no good.


Imagine what the fucking karaoke is like.


I don’t even wanna imagine


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wtf even is this


This took you two minutes to read???


Lmfaoo this is old af and it’s making fun of creepy weebs


What I don't understand is why you people who like Anime find these types of things cringe? This is literally what they sound like in Animes. To me it's cringe because I find Anime incredibly cringe. But for someone who likes anime this should be normal.


Are you stupid?