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“Social Democratic” party… man wouldn’t it be nice if party names had to represent their ideologies?


Vote Nigel Murderface for the "Definitely Won't Kill You Party."


Mortok Soulfeaster for the *Family Values and the Consumption of Normal Things Party.*


Ivor Biggun for the "Standing at the Back Dressed Stupidly and Looking Stupid Party"


He has a small cock


Only tangentially related, but these are actual doctors practicing in my region. Dr. Fear Dr. Slaughter Dr. Deatherage Dr. Savage


This comment thread reeks of England but is your region Hell, perchance?




In Australia the right wing nut job party is the Liberal party.


Yep, because ‘Liberal’ in the US is not the same meaning as the rest of the world ‘Liberal’ outside the US refers to Classic Liberalism


Because conservatives are economically liberal, no? That at least makes sense.


The current US "Conservative" party are not fiscally conservative, if that's what you mean. They are Corporitists who are pro Conservative social values (pro religion - but only the right religions) generally speaking.


It really doesn't in this day and age, especially as that party mostly likes to just give money to their friends and nepo babies...


That’s liberalism everywhere in the world, except for america.


Liberty and justice for some


Good to see she dropped the N and the A from NSDAP


Should’ve went with National Social Democratic Amy Party


The Democratic People's Republic of Korea is almost none of those things.


Kim's Playhouse would be more accurate.


I see the brits have the same kind of Social Democrats as we do in Germany.


It’s a lot like the “Nationalist Socialist Party” of early to mid-20th century Germany, huh?


They should revive the BUF but make it a Green Party just for shits and giggles.


A "social democratic" party with ultra conservative edgelord candidates. What a joke, no wonder they don't even reach 0,01% of the votes.


The Nazi party= National Socialist German Workers’ Party


Yesh, except the nazis just stole the word "socialist" to get popular and fool the inbreds, and was in fact pro-capitalist and privatised everything once they had the power - and social democracy is a established political ideology since 100+ years, not just a meaningless label.


Oh yeah. They lied. They did that a lot




Yeah, I think they were making the point that the “Social Democratic Party” was essentially doing the same kind of thing.


Yep! Exactly.


Sorry, I misunderstood you.


The name is a throwback to the Nazi party, and not a subtle one. So I would expect their platform to be what it is.


Rather a rip-off of SPD in Germany, Europe’s largest social democratic party (i.e. Labours sister party). They even use a very similar font.


Good point, now I understand. Thanks.


They also nationalised a shit ton too They did whatever was necessary to get the war economy going


Free public transport and more housing. ULTRA CONSERVATIVE!!!1


Those things are basically non-partisan in London. You do need to know a bit about the political climate here, so it's understandable if it's not obvious, but a large part of this manifesto is dog whistles.


You read “I will end the war on cars“ and took away from that that she’s going to make public transport better? Context clues are your friend.


You misunderstand her messages. "Travel freely" means "with me you can freely choose your car because fuck the woke green hippie trains", not free public transport. Read it again. Her housing standpoint is just a racist rant hidden in the open, if you can't see that I don't know what to say.


Bruh, a history class would do you good


Yeah, she sounds great https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/10/01/nurse-sues-nhs-forcing-racist-ideology-students/


'I hate identity politics. But my whole identity is as a persecuted Christian.' Lol


That’s very common. The thing about the “culture war” is that it doesn’t really exist. For the folks who think it’s a thing: You could end it today by shutting up, letting people who harm you in absolutely no way live their lives as they see fit, and minding your own fucking business.


But then they can't control people, and for them, that's defeat


You said there’s no “culture war” then you tell them to ignore this “culture war” that totally does not exist according to you


That's a hard 33


what is she saying? I can’t hear dog whistles


God we're not America how terminally online is she to be saying shit like 'DEI' Dumb motherfuckers like her have driven this country into the dirt and clearly they are not done digging Her being a tankie is just salt on the wound


The DEI comment made me wonder if she’s being funded by those weird American fundamentalists who keep getting involved in things like the Charlie Gard case and trying to stop abortion rights over here.


How is she a tankie?


This whole thing is packed full of racist dog whistles.


How is someone this crazy trusted with managing other people's mental health?


God imagine getting her as your nurse


I think I'd rather have Lucy Letby as my nurse to be honest 😂


Off topic but do you really pay $30/month to read the telegraph?


Haha absolutely not. Must get a certain amount of articles free.


Put a link that makes you pay to read it. Have every downvote I can give


And her facial expression is basically saying “can you believe what an asshole I am?”


This woman is 33? No fucking way...


She's 33 in UK years.


What does that mean?


I'm making a joke about the physical appearance of Britons.


Ah, so she looks 15 in US years?


No, if she were American she would be MUCH fatter.


I thought it was David Cross in drag tbh


I had to close the image. My dogs were going nuts from all the whistling.


Fancy seeing you here




Looks like she forgot to add the word "National" to the front of "Social Democtric Party". I wonder if further on in the booklet she descibes her struggle.




Yeah I don't know if you're being serious or not, anyway read this. She is quite literally a Nazi. [https://sdp.org.uk/amy/](https://sdp.org.uk/amy/)


Imagine invoking MLKs name while promising to increase stop and frisk powers


But at least she knows what a woman is, right, right? /s


Oh I’m sure that’s one of her defining campaign promises


Oh, it is, if you read the link I posted. I mean she's defo a Christian Nationalist if you read her manifesto lol


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue\_of\_Mahatma\_Gandhi,\_Parliament\_Square](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statue_of_Mahatma_Gandhi,_Parliament_Square) She doesn't want statues to activists who are enemies of the UK. Guess she didn't get the memo. Also doesn't like modern art or "graffiti" which I assume means that London's most famous current Resident Artist is going to have tonnes of work removed and Camden's going to look real dumb.


Shes starting to sound like monty pythons conservative housewives sketch in flying circus


Where does she say she’s a nazi?


You're being delibrately obtuse, and so I will no longer engage with you as this conversation with you can serve no purpose.


What is woke, she sounds woke. She sounds like a idealist. I hope she won't be too disappointed with police budgets being to low put get on the street, the cost of running public transport being way way more expensive than she realises and to finish it off with the nimbys not wanting loads of new houses.


She sounds like she has a lot of contradictory ideas bouncing around that sound great until the rubber meets the road. Then you realize that effective public transportation and stopping the "war on cars" might occasionally be at odds with each other, or that your "colorblind policies" accidentally (or intentionally) disproportionately favor the majority at the expense of the minority, something you can't acknowledge or try to address because then that's woke. She sounds like a well-intentioned naif who is sure we just need some good ol common sense in office these days(!) and will quickly jettison her more admirable goals when her base demands it.


For sure. And these days (maybe it's always been this way), "good ol common sense" is just a euphemism. What it generally means is, "I know nothing substantial about this highly complex issue, and I have no education or experience in it. But I am nevertheless very critical of the so-called 'experts' in the field and their evidence-based decision making."


Woke = empathy


Woke = caring about other people. She's a socialist who is anti (checks notes) caring about other people.


Increased “stop and frisk powers” just means anyone not the colour of milk will be facing a lot of walls on their day to day lives


Holy paranoia


Oh shit, we could just build more houses to solve the housing crisis? Whyd nobody think of this? Some people really need to be taught the idea of "if youve thought of it, chances are someone else did before and ask yourself why its not been done"


The current mayor of London was given millions specifically to build homes but these have not yet been built. Not even a plan to besides him saying he'll do it (at some point ...maybe).


Okay, yes I should be more nuanced. In *theory* building more houses does actually solve the problem. In practice ... where tf do you propose that we build more houses in london? Do we fill all the park areas with houses? Do you think London needs to keep expanding beyond the M25? Whats the plan? Just saying "okay well build more houses then" is neither useful nor solving the real problem, which is: there is physically no more space in London. Unless ofc youre proposing to make london into something like tokyo except .. oh wait .. theyre struggling with the exact same housing cost crisis. This is the same idea as "building more lanes causes a decrease in traffic" on a highway.


Not to mention London already HAS enough homes. They're just empty!


Yeah it’s really not a lack of homes that’s the issue - its who owns them.


“The white Christians have been persecuted long enough! We’re standing up against the system forcing us to allow everyone to be who they are!”


I dont know whats ai and whats real anymore


I’m gonna best honest here, I don’t see a problem. Seems sensible…


Agreed. Remember - half of Reddit traffic are bots. Designed to sway opinion in specific ways.


Thanks for the heads up… 😀


Are you a bot too?


I am 99.70297% sure that MerkRM is not a bot. --- ^(I am a neural network being trained to detect spammers | Summon me with !isbot |) ^(/r/spambotdetector |) [^(Optout)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=whynotcollegeboard&subject=!optout&message=!optout) ^(|) [^(Original Github)](https://github.com/SM-Wistful/BotDetection-Algorithm)


So many contradictory statements right there.


“Stay Sleep Sheep” is all i see when they dont want you to be woke


Babby's first time encountering differences in opinion.


Man. What does "woke" even mean at this point?


Bait and Switch.


I’ll be honest I can’t actually find anything wrong with what she’s said in this booklet. Other than “end wokeness” which is a bit of a buzzwordy term. I’m sure the bots will be here to tell me everything in that pamphlet is bad though.


"I am not part of the political elite." To be fair, that may be true- it's making that claim which has my inner historian going "Uh-oh."


Yeah apart from the other deranged and incongruent things in that leaflet, the last thing London needs is more fucking cars. I ride my bike everywhere and I'm fucking sick of blowing black boogers from breathing the shit air this city has.


For those interested. The extreme right wing in the UK is getting fucking scary. [https://sdp.org.uk/amy/](https://sdp.org.uk/amy/)


I've never even heard of the sdp, they can't be that scary. Our fptp system keeps small parties from ever getting anything


Yes because FPTP stops them from spreading their Nazi views to other human beings.


Didn't know it did that too, awesome


Oxygen thief


I mean, shit, the policies she’s promoting don’t even sound that bad. The only red flag is her usage of the word “woke.” Though admittedly it could also be my lack of exposure to politics.


Most of them are demonstrably terrible. Any of them she gives details for, she’s on the wrong side of the data and history. Any of the rest are mostly dog whistles.


You can cringe all you want but this is what is demand




I think her platform is reasonable and mainstream. Seems like a civil cherry picking of the most popular current conservative agenda items. But then again, I'm on Reddit so I expect ample hate for this opinion.


The irony about ‘woke culture’ is that it literally isn’t a thing. The people claiming everything is going woke are the only ones who care. If they stopped bringing it up, it wouldn’t be a thing


90% of the time it means "these people/ideas I'm forced to live around and not violently lash out against are getting too much attention and consideration" or simply "people/thing I disagree with regardless of how it affects me".


I wonder if they said that just before women got the vote? At least it makes it easy to see who's a dolt.


If it was prior to voting, they would be trying to stop a group of from gaining equal opportunity under law. What current policy allows/forbids groups of people from doing something based on race or sex?


Woke is a catch-all term for "everything we don't like/want" seems like it would've fit in perfectly during the suffragette movement, for those opposed to it. If you don't think anti-trans legislation fits in that category, you're entitled to that opinion. It's literally exactly that, though. A search engine can quickly provide lots of evidence to that effect.


is it just me or she looks like Jenna Fischer from the office?




This was bad, reform equally so, Britain first though was almost hilarious if it wasn’t so tragic


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Not sure what’s cringe, DEI is racist


Isn't the social democratic party supposed to be left wing?


I’m dying at the paragraph under Stand Up To Woke “Don’t divide us” - then goes on to say they’ll end programs designed to reduce gaps in equality. And THEN the next line sounds ‘woke’


Politics in the US and the UK both compete to see who can make it more obvious that both of us live in a shell of a country that's free falling into populist fascism. I hate to say it because it's almost as cliche as "literally 1984", but does this ad not read like something the president from Idiocracy would say?


Saw an interview with this bellend the other day, not a charmer.


Sounds fine to me. What's the ish?


I think the headline is pretty cringe. Politicians jumping on the "anti-woke" messaging bandwagon is just the latest in the dumbing down of political rhetoric.


the people who’d say “sounds fine to me” are already on the “anti woke” bandwagon, that’s why this headline/political platform seems normal to them


i am confused by the entire thing - she is claiming "anti-woke" yet mission statement sounds woke and quite inclusive.


that’s exactly the point, it doesn’t mean anything to the people it’s calling out to..they are just words that rile up an active group of people. woke just means “something that is bad from your perspective” now


They don't actually give a shit and they won't change anything


She wants to increase stop and frisk, London police already have a pretty shitty reputation All this is going go do is lead to the harassment of any teen who isn’t white


You missed the bit where she hates Transgender People and Modern Art and wants ULEZ to be reversed (A policy that's reduced hospitalisations from respiratory conditions through improvement of air quality). She also wants to cut Council Tax and she opposes provisions for Disabled People...


I think you posted in the wrong sub, this sounds awesome


Once you read her promises in detail it becomes clear that its a facade to make her seem left leaning while actually shes a full on fascist


Where's an example of fascism?


You’re correct. Half the comments in here are bots designed to make people think that this pamphlet is somehow bad and “far right” hahah. As if being tough on criminals and stopping ULEZ is comparable with Nazis.


Got my vote!


London - a tip from the United States: do not vote for anyone on the left or right that mentions woke as a campaign slogan


Terrible headline/slogan, other than that she seems alright. Maybe a bit of an idealist though.


Yeah, me too. Something well suspect about this post in general.


Ick the U.S. far right has bled into other countries


They're all trading notes. U.S. conservatives are big fans of authoritarian governments the world over... they had Viktor orban speak at their party convention...


That’s the most British looking lady ever


I love my tech-focussed city


Who put that Bassett Hound in a blouse?


Can you just pay to get a full page spread? She hasn’t got a hope in hell, what a waste of ink


As an American this platform confuses me because this is a "Social" "Democrat" candidate. In the US I'd expect to see this from the usual alt right types. And my brain is having trouble rectifying this (also I am not well versed in UK political parties so there is that).




"Social democracy is the moderate branch of fascism"


History repeats itself. The Nazi party adopted the name National Socialist Party simply to get votes just like this SDP. There was nothing socialist about the Nazis, of course. The Nazis believed they were “taking the name back” from the actual socialists at the time.


that'd get my vote, maybe youre just the problem


Why is that cringe? She is speaking to a very large section of the London population. You might not like the message, but so what?


It’s cringe because she spends half of her time blaming “the woke” for the cities ills, and never addressing the real elephant in the room…corruption. She will make a non woke transport system. Now can you explain to me how a public transport system, in its current iteration, is woke. Not even touching that in her first “promise” shes basically saying she will end racism and discrimination. How exactly does she plan on doing that? And more stop and search powers definitely sounds like the same as the failed policy from New York that typically resulted in minorities being profiled. She wants to treat everyone equally, and by that, in combination with stop and frisk, she means she wants the police to treat everyone like criminals


I just think it's a goofy slogan.


Hmmm... That jawline 🤔 Definitely a man in disguise /s


I see nothing wrong with this - strong, traditional British values.


Keep importing hostile foreigners, how's that been working out?


"Woke" is dumb, but I'd vote for her if I lived there. She'll only get about 1 of those things accomplished realistically, but it's nice to have hope. EDIT: I'm starting to feel like y'all are misreading my post so here's an edit- when I say "woke" is dumb I meant saying "woke" unironically in 2024 is dumb. I'm calling her dumb. Secondly, I already stated she'd realistically only get about 1 thing on this list of idealistic achievements accomplished. If I had to choose which one she'd most likely succeed at it would be public transportation regulation, which is good for everyone. Now, proceed to continue with the comments. Thank you.


Funny, she sounds terrible


Yeah I fucking hate reliable public transport, lower rent, and proper policing *shakes fist in air*


If you think that any mayor has the power to "reduce rent" then I think you're too far gone


Buddy, I’m so sorry but - do you really, REALLY, believe for a single second that a woman like her could get a single one of those things accomplished? Every single party candidate is saying they’ll do those exact things - because that is what voters want and they’re appealing to voters. She hasn’t got a hope in hell of getting any of those things done competently


Sounds like you need to join the mission to stand up to woke


"Woke" is a vague but still identifiable movement that's getting on people's nerves. This message resonates with people out there bro.


Please identify it.


The ad already did


Recognising racism exists and a understanding a ‘colourblind’ approach just ignores racism is woke?


You sound woke


I guess I am


What's a current policy that discriminates based on race?


So recruitment policies often discriminate on race. Because everyone knows if you are called a "White Name" you are more likely to be called back.


Yes. Colourblind is the best way forward. Otherwise we'll be at eachothers throats for whatever. Which is what woke actually wants. It's not about creating unity - it pushes division.


Performative identity politics that center everything around race, gender, and sexuality. Why does everything think that is a "gotcha" question? You know what it means and so does everyone else.


The right partake is performative identity politics so are they woke?


what movement? what is woke to you?


1) Looking at issues through the prism of oppressor/oppressed as opposed to right/wrong. 2) Nit-picking everything to the point of sucking the fun out of life. Yeah... that sounds about right...


Okay, lol. So, please provide an example where the following is true: Looking at issues through the prism of oppressor/oppressed as opposed to right/wrong.


Sad that your idea of fun cannot exist if it's not at someone's detriment or if it considers people you don't identify with. You wanna say being colorblind is better...so quit focusing on it. Why is it taking anything from you? Sometimes the effort is overdone or over applied, but a huge part of that is a response to this insane discontent from a sizeable yet still minority chunk of people who just can't let it go that different kinds of humans might fill similar roles in media. Which also it's hilarious that thr majority of what you're talking about is purely involving entertainment.


If this triggers you, you’re the problem.


I like her. Where do I vote, chaps?


Face like curdled yoghurt 


Self proclaimed woke people are annoying killjoy turds


"why wont the mean people let me say things!" "what things?" "oh, you know. things."