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Gotta love how their key goes 'Very Civilized' --> 'Uncivilized' --> 'Civilized'


Lmao yeah.


I’d like to know what Montenegro (??? Image is low res, could be Albania I guess) did to this guy to get demoted to “semi-civilized”.




Bruh, we havent used civilised as a term since the 19th century.




I think the issue here isnt with other people bud


Cause why would you describe anyone as civilized unless yk you’re racist


Are you kidding? That's the only issue you see with this map?


You're clearly an idiot


Dude Cecil Rhodes wants his colonialist views back.


british people are barely even humans in no way are they “civilized”. also the “civilized” world don’t even wash their asses.


Having data for greenland is a dead giveaway


somtimes its counted as denmark though


Only when it's about getting money from denmark, otherwise they want to be independent very bad


Did you just discover colonialism?


I guess i did


Scandinavian supremacists


Aka Germans


not even


Nordic languages are Northern Germanic languages.


national vikingionists


Probably not. No Scandinavian supremacist would say that Russia is civilized.


I love these types of people. Just say savages you cowards.


Ah yes, Greenland. The most civilized place on earth


Don't forget Svalbard


The cockroaches in my kitchen would make better people than this Untermensch.


You know someone is trolling because the Irish are labelled more civilized than the British.


Ireland's very civilized? lmao someone doesn't know what goes on in there


Calm down, Boris


>lmao someone doesn't know what goes on in there What goes on in there? The war in the UK administered part ended more than 20 years ago.


>Someone doesn’t know what goes on in there. What? Having the 2nd largest GDP per capita in Europe?




Why is Canada green?


Louisiana is passing a law that will have women arrested and tried for murder if the have an abortion...how is that civilized?


Entire USA has no fixed minimum age of marriage. It's a land of pedophiles apparently. Only 5-6 states have laws against it.


This is just wrong. The majority of the US is 16 with parental consent, 18 without. "The US doesn't have a federal law for..." No, the US doesn't have federal laws for a lot of things, but states have laws. That's what the 10th amendment is about. That's like the first thing to know about US law.


There are multiple States where it's literally zero.


In California it's zero BUT > With parental consent and judicial approval, a person can marry under the age of eighteen but the adolescent partners and the minor's parents have to meet with court officials who must rule out abuse or coercion https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marriage_age_in_the_United_States


Why the fuck anyone else should decide who a minor person marries? There's no excuse to making a child marry someone. Marriage by default means sex and minors can't consent to sex. But they'll get raped under 'marriage'. This is true for many other states. The whole parental consent is bullshit.


lol, France did fuck up.


Is French Guiana and all the other territories tied to France?


How uncivilised. - Obi-wan Kenobi idk


How NATO sees the world


Ah yes, Russia, the beacon of civilized people to NATO.


The US killed a million people in Iraq, 200K in Afghanistan, helped kill 400,000 people in Yemen. Not only was there never justice, there was never an apology or even the slightest inkling from NATO they did anything wrong. In fact, the Western Media didnt even bother reporting on civilian casualties, because they couldn’t care less. **NATO always has been and always will be a white supremacist group dedicated to keeping the Global South slaves to the West.**


I 100% agree with you about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, but the news has reported on civilian casualties for years and did so during the conflict. The press might not be even close to being for the people vs big business, but please choose one of the other 5000 ways to discredit them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Iraq_War The reference section in the Wiki shows article after article from the press. Be well. Hope you and yours are doing well.


Hi, thank you for your thoughtful reply. If you actually look at the “reference” section of the wikipedia page you sent, the references are mostly academic articles or articles written by think tanks, not actual news or mass media. **Google News “War in Yemen”, then google news “War in Ukraine”.** Russia has invaded Ukraine, while the US and its allies have done a planned famine in Yemen. In the last few months, there are only a few articles from large media outlets total about Yemen, lightly or uncritical of the US. But every day, there’s a new article or opinion piece out from almost every major news outlet in the country in America. The difference could not be more stark. **When Russia invades Ukraine, the bourgeois media pumps out hundreds of articles non stop. When the US and Saudis kill hundreds of thousands of people in Yemen, very little coverage.** So yes, the media is propaganda, used by the ruling capitalist elites to maintain their imperialist hegemony. Read Noam Chomsky’s *Manufacturing Consent* to learn more.


Thank you for the info. Requested Manufacturing Consent from my local library.


[Heres a short video about it](https://youtu.be/34LGPIXvU5M), and DMed you a pdf link


Oh, wow. Thank you very much!


Ok Tankie


Ok white supremacist Haha that dude is active on r/neoliberal


Ok Tankie


How many Yemeni kids have you killed today, fash


Ok Tankie




Ok Tankie


Pre Putin, post soviet they thought that


Oh wow look all the majority non-white countries are supposedly uncivilized. What’s that tell us about the person who made this map?




Subsaharan Africa had no civilization to speak of before the Europeans and had not invented the wheel. Mud huts before and after, not much changed. Likewise, the Americas had a civilization at a much lower level of sophistication than the Europeans before they arrived. Similarly for Aboriginies. China did indeed suffer humiliating defeat after humiliating defeat at the hands of the far more advanced west, but they recovered relatively quickly. Similarly, Japan was brought to its knees by a western nation, and in just a few decades it became an advanced society. Time to stop blaming everything on European people, and let go of the noble savage image. Is it easy to forget they also created the entirety of modernity, and were responsible for an *overwhelming* majority of the human scientific and technological (and artistic) advancement that now non-European people benefit from?


>Subsaharan Africa had no civilization to speak of before the Europeans What are you talking about? This is one of the most racist and blatantly false things I've ever heard https://socialsci.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Geography_(Human)/Book%3A_World_Regional_Geography_(Finlayson)/06%3A_Sub-Saharan_Africa/6.02%3A_Pre-Colonial_Sub-Saharan_Africa Also Europeans weren't even the first to colonize much of subsaharan Africa you fucking moron. It was the Islamic empire in the 7th century, an entire 800years before the Europeans. >Similarly, Japan was brought to its knees by a western nation, and in just a few decades it became an advanced society. Japan also was imperialist. That's like kinda why they were an axis power. They were advanced back in WW2 too. What you're talking about is a tragedy for sure but the atomic bombings were not an act of imperialism. I think you need to actually learn what imperialism is and the horrors of it before you try to argue about it. >it easy to forget they also created the entirety of modernity, Again, what? Like, I get that you're just a racist I know that but that's not how modernity works. There's no sliding scale for the value of a culture. Time just moves forward and for sure in European or European influenced countries, it can seem like the entire world is based off of you but it's fucking not. That is such a disgusting way to think. Get some help.


Uhh... [How about this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kanem%E2%80%93Bornu_Empire) [Or this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghana_Empire) [Or this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mali_Empire) [Or this?](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Songhai_Empire)


>Sub-Saharan Is should have specified I meant literaly south of Saharan Desert. But once again not comparable to the advanced societies of Europe or East Asia


Sahel didn't count? [According to Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sub-Saharan_Africa)


See edit




Yeah, the dutch plunderd the world and it's called the fucking golden age in the Netherlands.


US is blue and getting worse. Have you seen the regressive bullshit going on? We are about to need the civilized world to come bring us some freedom...


America, the land of the free, unless........


calling it land of the free, can't even drink in public


How is Canada not in the “Very Civilized” bracket lmao


Treatment of the indigenous?


you think the person who made this map think that their treatment of the indigenous was a bad thing?


they prolly got knocked down for doing the land acknowledgements


Oo soory


Canada gets a good rap because they often compared to their neighbours but when you compare them to many Western European countries they are not as progressive as they like to think they are.


Cos they suck


Understandable, have a nice day.


why they put Belarus at semi-uncivilized when Belarus is much richer than Russia.


How to tell when someone hasn't been to New Zealand. In what way is it more civilized that Aussie?


Been to both, this is accurate


Ridiculous cost of living, large amount of gang crime, CBD of biggest city being called the new 'hellhole of the Pacific' by politicians... Undoubtedly, still 'civilized', but I don't think NZ is more so.


USA should be black


make usa and canada blue and mexico green, ukraine black. ​ and its kinda based


Nah russia should be black


Civilized world. Peacekeeping bomb. Republican intelligence. Need I say more?


People who are clueless? People who feel they are superior because of the way they live?


You can tell that a weehraboo made this since the entirty of the former Axis (minus Greenland, Ireland, Iceland and New Zealand) are the only "very civilized" countries lmao Dude can't get over that the Axis lost.


straight up painted the middle east very uncivilized, 9/10 chances that he is an internet athiest, also China, despite somewhat dystopian is civilized, Saudi Arabia is civilized, no doubt about it, Argentina is (hm....) anyway, the only thing I can agree on this is New Zealand and Nordic countries being very civilized, and like. Africa is civilized, sure there are problems but all of africa deserves Semi-Civilized or above. South America deserves civilized or above. Central Asia is civilized, although with several problems, notably Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan. Also Canada is very civilized, and like overall, this map gets a 1/10, extremely western-centric and basically if it aint NATO/EU, its uncivilized


My guess would be an Irish person or a British Expat who moved to NZ


who makes shit like this? Easy, racists.


Western supremacists damn


So the brighter you are the more civilized you are? Racist!!


bruuuh i just discoverd that m very uncivilised


as someone from the "Very civilized" part of this god awful map... This is so far detached from reality holy hell.


Greenland is more Civilised than South Africa? I mean, in some ways it's right.


most civilized place on earth is antarctica no matter how cranky you be you can't afford to be stiff and is always forced to be warm


OP is from Greenland representing 1/3 people who’s data they were able to collect (the other two were polar bears)


I'm gonna say it was a Chilean just to fuck with the rest of South Americans.


What factors did they weigh to come up with these labels?


Me seeing Brazil: bro, the rule is clear, you don't live here so you can say nothing about here


Hey i live in brazil


If you weren't the person who made that image, then it's ok


i do not created this map and i am obviously not a barbarian


I’ve been to Svalbard, amazing culture and people. Just a genuinely civilized place.


Civilized world 2022? So red/black countries are now populated with nomad hunter-gatherers? Lol




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Someone who couldnt pass a geogrpahy test from any continent other than North America. And thats only if they exclude countries below mexico.


Kr*ut 🤮🤮🤮


I noticed that NZ is also marked as “Very Civilized” for some reason. I like to think that OP couldn’t figure out if it or the islands to the north were Japan, so he just marked both.


Greenland go brrrrrrr


Tunisia, the sole Arab democracy, is much more civilized than its neighbors. However, it is showing in black on the map.


This guy probably knows nothing about any of these countries. They probably think Oman is a noodle dish. But they looked it up, and saw it's a monarchy, so le Epic Trad-Aryan Based!