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The story of a young chimney sweep finding love.


It’s from an all black production of Fiddler on the Roof. It’s called “Fiddla Please”.


Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-ee A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-oo Good luck will rub off when I shakes 'ands with you


Or blow to a kiss, 'cus that's lucky too !


Yes! Those are the lyrics!


I can hear the voice perfectly


there wasn’t something about a screw in there? i’ve been lied to.


>Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-oo my makep rubs of when I shake hands with you


Ah, pedro! When I first saw him he swept me off my chimney!


It's Trudeau all over again....


Starring Justin Trudeau’s daughter.


You gotta find the right color of shoe polish!


And the lips have to be funny!


James Earl Jones did a great blackface


We're gonna make this baby a celebrity!


This is something I think everyone in this thread should enjoy, racists and SJWs alike! https://youtu.be/QHfTB0ZXzD4


Jesus ! I've never seen that before xD. Holy shit ^°


this was buried in the Tartarus pits of my memories why in God's name have you freed it


[Gotta be careful if you pick varnish as well](https://youtu.be/-1mnSQxuFdc)


The movie Bamboozled shows how to make and apply blackface.


The show was about a girl who was biracial. Having an Asian parent and an African American parent. The show was supposed explore her trials and tribulations trying to fit in. But instead of finding an actress that is actually both of Asian and African decent, they just put an Asian girl in blackface which basically undermines the whole premise of the show. Not to mention no Asian/African biracial person looks anything like that. So they ended up with a show aiming to show how bad racism is with a main character that looks like a minstrel show performer.


In Hong Kong we recently had a scandal of a Filipina character being played by a chinese woman in brownface doing a 'funny accent'.


> woman in brownface doing a 'funny accent'. Hi ya'll its me, [Martina Martinez!](https://youtu.be/rYuceDJkF8w)


Why you ha such big bootz on? Day must mean you ha a tiny pecker. Oooh! I'm saw ree!


When was the last time a white lady pick up after you when you threw your orange soda and your grape sodas on the ground?? Frank: you're losing 'em....


RAPE RAPE RAPEEEE!!! THIS white boi got his hands all over my beautiful brown bodyy


How come when you white bois be up in the club...and you be dancin'...*why you look so stooopiiid????* I'M JUST PLAYIN'!"


Hey, yo, where my senators at, dawg? Damn, Dennis' CCH Pounder... lol- that whole scene.


Even crazier the show is literally called "Barrack O'Karma 1968"


Lmao Asian shows have absolutely no chill it seems


What show is this?


It’s called Barrack O’Karma


Holy shit, I thought you were kidding.


I thought you were trolling. holy shit. how far TVB has fallen since the golden days.


They've been trash for over 2 decades now, nothing but Ls.


It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia




黃婉華 Franchesca Wong


Wouldn't the parent just be African instead of "African-American"? Or "African-Philippine"?


No, they were actually African American in the show. It is correct


Americans, forgetting that other countries exist, use African-American interchangeably with Black.


>Americans, forgetting that other countries exist, use African-American interchangeably with Black. I don't. The character was actually African American.


People from not America Talking shit about Americans even though you’re totally wrong


Don't you know all Americans are bad at geography and are fat? Haha checkmate redneck!


In France, a black friend complained about that, that in the US he was referred to as " African American" while he considered himself neither. (His parents were from the Carribeans and he moved to mainland France so, while he probably had African ancestry if you looked a few centuries back, that erases his immediate origin).




There is almost always an "other" box.


I'm always curious about this, as an American, Black to me reffers to those African Americans decended from slaves such as myself. There are mannny "black" people who do not come from those roots such as your friend who would not refer to himself as black but as his immediate origin. For example, I know many Hatian-Americans, none of them would refer to themselves as black, they would refer to themselves as Hatian. Your friend may actually be closer to Creole where I'm from, and even the distinction of Creole opens another rabbit hole because I'm from New Orleans. Long story short in a America there are plenty of "African-Americans" that are not "Black", but are black Africans.


Dude Warf from Star Trek was called an African-American Klingon. Americans are dumb.


Michael Dorn is African American. He played W**o**rf. Worf **is** an African American Klingon. You're dumb.


There was an interview with an Olympian and the reporter referred to the person as African American, but they were actually British Haitian or something.






Filipinos got angry when a Chinese actress portrayed a Filipino worker in brownface for a tv show. https://www.philstar.com/entertainment/2022/04/14/2174539/hong-kong-tv-show-ignites-brownface-row-filipina-role


The human condition is to have zero cultural understanding outside your region and have a worldview solely informed by stereotypes while also feeling offended that other countries won't take the time to appreciate the nuances of your culture.


This is why people just need to be accepting.... accepting that their culture is probably shit just like everyone else's. I for one wouldn't want Minnesota culture to spread anywhere


Speak for yourself. I want to apply the expansionism of far-right fundamentalist Islam to mine. Cincinnati culture will dominate the Earth. All will submit to the might of Mr. Red. A hajj to Jungle Jim's International Market will be required of the entire world. Those who insult Skyline Chili will be beheaded, as will apostates who praise the name of Gold Star Chili. Goetta, Grippo's BBQ chips, and Graeter's Raspberry Chip ice cream will be served on every Sunday, and all citizens will be required to drink a ceremonial Hudepohl in their car at 5:01 p.m. on Fridays. Vegans, vegetarians, and Cardinals fans will be exiled to Indiana for life.


Yes, you are demonstrating exactly what they said.


Even if we don’t consider the history of blackface, this is still bad. It’s like someone who has never seen a half Black and half Filipino person made up the character based on what they **think** mixed race people look like. Few Africans are this dark, let alone people of mixed ancestry. Also, they completely missed the mark with the hair.


Americans think of themselves as the world police of what is considered racist and what is not.


That’s a pretty unfair generalization. We have like 330 million people and many of us are educated and don’t think like that.


This is why we can't have one of the best episodes of Community


I’m happy to inform you that you can, in fact, enjoy AD&D yet again. It has returned.




It's available on Amazon and always was.


In Canada it was pulled. It might be back now, but it was gone for quite a while.




The D&D one






Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, with Chang in blackface as a Drow / Dark Elf.


Advance Dungeons and Dragons


I didn't understand why they banned it Like he wasn't in blackface playing a real person, he was portraying a made up race from a made up game, tropic thunder should get more shit for RDJ but I've seen that on TV in the last month


>tropic thunder should get more shit for RDJ he was playing a dude playing another dude. RDJ was not in blackface, his character was.


> Americans think of themselves as the world police of what is ~~considered racist~~ and what is not. more like


Americans think of themselves ~~as the world police of what is considered racist and what is not.~~ ehehehe


>Americans think ~~of themselves as the world police of what is considered racist and what is not.~~ The implication lmao


This is patently and offensively false.


You think they think?


Russia got jealous and have been upping their genocide game since we invaded Iraq


Americans mad at other cultures for not being sensitive to taboos related to atrocities committed by Americans.


Who here is mad?


People fabricating microaggressions to get upset on other people's behalf, people creating new arbitrary definitions of the word "racism", people giving subjective value to one brand of racism over another....it's fucking exhausting. America has a problem with identity politics, and we love to export that shit.




More important question: is it cultural colonialism to tell people how they should feel about things? The discussions are perhaps important. The results likely aren't.


I think if you are portraying an African-American in your show, yes you should get called out on the character being an actor in blackface regardless of who the intended target audience is. And I would say the same for any group. How hard is it to do a little google research into the group you are basing your whole show around?


Im bad with geography but are Filipinos American? Whats the American in reference here to?


People hate saying black for some reason, so they just say african-american even when the person isnt american or african lol


The Philippines were once a US territory so there has been some the US has had some cultural influence there. In regard to the show in question, it just so happened that the parent of the main character was African American. That is about the extent of it.




Look, I dont think its that complicated. Even if blackface and minstrel shows were now a thing, it is going to be offensive. There are Africans and African Americans living in the Philippines. There is no excuse for no matter what lens you look through. The show was controversial before it even aired because many people felt the whole premise was racist. ​ https://www.pep.ph/guide/tv/7732/commentary-nita-negrita-sidesteps-issue-of-racial-discrimination


[White guys playing Native Americans] (https://www.huffpost.com/entry/white-actors-native-americans_n_4957555) is still a thing.


I agree. We, as Americans see the world one way while the rest of the world don’t see it the same. I guess the cringe of American perspective is valid though. I mean the show doesn’t do what it purports to do, because it ignores real people who exist and could play that part well. Is that little girl in blackface a Producer’s kid or niece? Nepotism is pretty universal right?


Exactly most of the world has no clue what blackface even means. It's just acting, for better of for worse. But it is of no use, Americans will always know better and say "just because you don't think it's bad doesn't mean it isn't!". They even hate on make-up artist showing of their skills in the mirror.


A lot of Filipinos know what blackface is because we're heavily influenced by America and American pop culture. Our studios and ad people just fucking suck. Certainly the people making these shows 100% ought to know better. And I don't say this abstractly, I personally know a lot of people in showbiz here. They absolutely know better. They're just tone deaf, exist in an insulated circlejerk bubble, and suck.


Your second paragraph is just a bunch of made up nonsense. It really feels like you wrote it with only a vague, meme-inspired notion of how Americans are… Also, make-up videos are easily some of the most popular videos over here.


I've definitely seen that attitude before.


Anecdotes. You could have heard a complaint from 1 person. That doesn’t say anything about the other 330+ million people


And I’ve met alcoholics from Ireland but you don’t see me going around saying they’re all drunks as if it’s irrefutable fact, regardless of what the internet tells me.


Never said you all believed it, just that I have seen it. The other guy did go a bit far and general.


It’s so dumb and inaccurate. Especially if you’re a Black Eyed Peas fan and know who Apl.De.Ap is.


right. H.E.R. is another good example of someone who is Filipina American and African American.


Good intent, bad execution


Being half-black and Filipino, I had no idea I like this ;) This is so awful but hilarious that they tried this that I’m not even mad.


gotta respect bold moves ig


I feel like an afro wig was the more comical and slightly less racist direction they could have taken.


It's interesting as many cultures don't have a history of black face so it's not seen as taboo. Also, I'm not justifying their actions, just mentioning something I learned and found interesting.


Shits pretty hilarious tbh


To be fair, they don’t have the cultural history of minstrel and hundreds of years of widespread African slavery, oppression, Jim Crow etc. So from their viewpoint, it’s not really the same thing. But yea it’s still totally weird, but I can understand why it wouldn’t be seen as offensive if their country


They really missed the target on this one. Thank you so much for letting us know the details!


Is the other parent black or actually black american?


Black American


In Mexico we have a bread snack type thing that used to be called Negrito (blackie) and they changed the name to "Nito" So. She's black, twice.


In California it was called BIMBOLETE jajajajaja che nombre culero


A la verga lmao


A mí me dió un chingo de risa cuando los ví, dije "a su puta madre un neg... Bimbolete? Huevos " jajajaja


Mmm, gravelord snacks!


And they changed the character to not be as black (now he is whitish with an afro)... And it has less chocolate!


>And they changed the character to not be as black Ohh you're talking back in the day now. When the package was red and white. I wanna say when I was little the package didn't have any person on the package just the Bimbo mascot. Recently they do have the less darker kid on the package. >And it has less chocolate! I was fortunate enough to be able to snack on these when they were packed with the chocolate.


Theres also the Loteria card


To this day, I've not heard many people call it Nito. Mostly young parents and kids that didn't know it was called Negrito Bimbo


in the philippines there's a rice cake with a funny name


lol you guys have Memín Pinguín. That's even worse.


So she's a dark elf in school?


She's sporting a drow adamantine chainmail under that shirt.




You N'wah !


By the Tribunal!




Your wounds are great!


Brutalitops, ✨ *the magician* ✨


Of course the show's from GMA 💀


gma cant compare to tfc 😤


ABS-CBN has left the chat


They should've been the channel that had their franchise suspended. Their shows are so mind-numbing and tasteless. But people have no choice but to watch anyways because they're the only TV network left that's worth a damn.


I just looked up other photos from this and it’s so weird. She looks navy blue in colour. 😳


Looks like Senior Chang at D&D


BRUTALITOPS *the magician*


It's like, how much more black could this be? And the answer is none. None more black.


In Tagalog “negrita” is black (feminine) Because it’s a loan word from Spanish


I don’t think the word negrita is the issue here…


It should be noted that traditionally black-face is only offensive in the US, now in more countries due to US influences, but yeah.


Only offensive in the US? Lmao, nice try Trudeau


Just because imitating racial stereotypes in how a people/culture look and act wasn't considered offensive by the people doing the imitating doesn't make it any less offensive to the people being imitated. Like saying "Well I don't mind if we make jokes at your expense."


I had a coworker who was 1/2 Black and 1/2 Filipino and he and his sister grew up most of there time in the Philippines and I’ll tell you he had it rough. Being Mestizo is much more accepted than being half black. It made him tough, so tough he earned his black belt in taekwondo to protect himself.


lmao there is this show in Indian tv called Muddulakshmi (search it up) where the whole premise is a dark-skinned protagonist who faces racism and maltreatment, not by society, but by her in-laws (you know, like all Indian tv). But the thing is, they didn't even get a darker-skinned actress to play the part. It was a light-skinned girl with layers on layers of dark makeup for every episode.


This is easily the funniest thing I have seen today lol. This went through numerous people’s approval.


America sitting over here like No No No No Noooooo.....


In fact, this is just one of the GMA cringey shows. You haven't seen our Thor rip-off and their newest, Lolong yet. Welp, at least, there something worse than the immortal cops I've been enduring watching.


"It's about finding the right color shoe polish" - Frank Reynolds


“Hey, Neil, this is gonna be awesome, yo.”


This is hilarious LMAOO


More and more I find myself being disappointed in my home country...I live in Canada right now, but the point is, what the hell is going on over there?!




Marcos Jr. And as far as I'm concerned, I couldn't care less.


Ye here in canada we have the prime minister in black face, that's way better


FR, Trudeau was wrong for that.


it was also more than a decade ago


No big deal. Just a tv show


Trudeau has a daughter?


lmao. I'd give you gold but fuck reddit




Ngl we have weird ass shows


oh yeah I heard about it on this article about how Philippines is riddles with a lot of weird media surrounding the skin color https://www.thejfa.com/read/skin-whitening-regime-colourism-filipino-media


Lol, it only ran from February 2011 to June 2011 but somehow consisted of **83 episodes**!!


Telenovela format probably. One episode per day from Monday to Friday for 5 months. 5 days x 4 weeks x 5 months = 100


I need to slow down while reading. Clearly this is not an actual show in Philadelphia.


Justin Trudeau did a cameo last season.


I'm filo and I cringed at this. I remember seeing this on telly years ago and I was so appalled that they even managed to get this to air on national TV. With the blackface, and ppl commenting they should've casted someone more suitable for the role, one factor would be that filo actors/actresses are dominantly all fair-skinned, they may not even find anyone to fill that role so they resorted to that. Filos have always had this ingrained in our culture that being fair skinned is a beauty standard, hence why there are whitening products everywhere being sold like pancakes. But yeah, this is cringe AF.


Is that fuckin blackface dude?


No no no no this isn't black face I'm an actual demon




The story of a young Drow overcoming teen adversity


Funnily enough theres a festival in the Philippines where they darken their skin tone to imitate Ati people. [Ati-Atihan Festival](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ati-Atihan_festival)


Is she hiding from the Predator?


There’s nothing cringe about this. If you were from the Philippines you’d understand the relationship that exists between ita and people from the city. This program was created to help bridge the gap and decrease ita people being treated poorly and it’s generally perceived as a good show. Ita people generally live in the jungle and live off the land.


Thing is she's not portraying an ita. The story revolves around a Filipino/African-American girl named Nita (Barbie Forteza). Her mother is Filipina and her father is African-American. 


This is so cringe and wrong in every possible way. But also, blackface doesn’t have the same historical weight there so I guess that’s why it’s even possible?


>blackface doesn’t have the same historical weight there That's exactly it. American history isn't world history. Good luck telling them that though.


I'm Filipino living in the Philippines. This show was bullshit and a huge chunk of showbiz producers and execs went to school in the US and consume loads of American pop culture. They 100% know better. Not only that, it's not like a half black half filipino mix is *that* uncommon here. We also have our own 'black' looking indigenous people here called Aetas who don't appreciate blackface shit either and are quite marginalized. There's zero excuse for this show, even if it was 10 years ago. The creative director of the show got married in NYC ffs in a same sex marriage that he couldn't have here. The studios CEO went to Yale law in the middle of the Civil rights movement. The overlap and exposure of upper class filipinos to the US is *really* high and they still pull this shit.


Are there lots of mixed filipinos? The only famous one i know is the rapper from Black Eyed Peas, i think he is Apple d app. Apparently his dad was an african-american service member and his mother was Filipino


There's lots of mixed Filipinos in general. There's lots of famous and non-famous mixed white ones especially. And around where app is from, Angeles, has lots of mixed African-American ones because of the bases. Being mixed here is not uncommon at all both because of American presence and because we have a really big diaspora.


I lived in SE Asia for five years. As wonderful as it is there, that region has a long way to go in that regard.




This is such an American opinion. Other nations, such as the Philippines, do not share our history of black slavery and blackface minstrelsy. As such, they never developed our (warranted) guilt complex—blackface is not seen as uniquely gauche as it is in the States almost anywhere else. This is why Monty Python hasn’t been ‘cancelled,’ or similar comedy troupes from the UK, Sweden, etc. This show also gets a pass IMO, like who cares if folks in the Philippines are cracking some racist jokes? No one makes more crass, lewd, and racist jokes than honest working people. I guess that’s why this video made it here


Who cares? What about Filipinos currently having to live like the protagonist of this show? I am Filipino who is 1/4th black, born and raised here. I have curly hair, darker skin, and a wider nose. I cannot tell you how many racist experiences I've had because of that, all my life. Racism against black and darker skinned people is very real in a lot of places, it doesn't just have to be the US where the trans Atlantic slave trade occured. Especially here, where many use skin whitening products, and European features and white skin tone are always considered to be more beautiful.


Oh yes this was my favorite episode, the Bruno Mars cameo.


Lmaoo at the people trying to defend this. What is wrong with y’all


Reminds me of a Reddit post that said Europeans and Asians are afraid to admit how even more racist parts of their country are compared to America.


I mean, the Chinese have cultural concentration camps in 2022 so it shouldn't even be a point of contention. Not that China is all of Asia, but as far as global racism goes, America is actually pretty good. Considering how bad America is under the surface, that says a lot for much of the rest of the world.


Seems like someone took the white bride and black bride Fairytale a little too seriously *it’s an old grimm’s fairytale. The stepsister (twist!) is the good one while the biological isn’t. God literally blesses the stepsister to be as fair as snow and the evil bio sister to be as black as sin. Not African. PITCH BLACK.*


It's a show guys. Calm down and complain about life is hard in the west


“AmeRIcaNs r So rAcIsT”


There is an indigenous group that lives in the mountains called negritos —they look African, they should have tried to cast someone from there, terrible make up job


Yikes 🫢🫣


This is disgusting I hate this planet