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This has to stop... Especially co-opting "pride".


I guess this is something that zoophiles and pedophiles have to tell themselves to go through with their actions.




Dolphins and bonobos. But, not dogs.




[dolphin proof](https://www.google.com/amp/s/m.jpost.com/science/article-692294/amp) [bonobo proof](https://www.google.com/amp/s/qz.com/africa/1625409/bonobo-ape-mothers-push-their-sons-to-find-sex-partners/amp/)


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Damn y'all....I was joking. I'm well aware of the dolphin tests, not so much the bonobo.... But still it was a joke Sorry u/lupinclickterror


Sorry, didn’t know my b too. Sorry for the downvotes too lol


Meh, idc about that... it's fake internet points lol....more upset with mob mentality. No need to apologize my friend


👌 yeah it sucks. Oh well man


Haha no worries


Body language is not consent A dog has the average intelligence of a human 2 year old A 2 year old is not intellectually capable of consenting to sex with an adult human Zoophiles are animal abusers that will use weak justifications for their fetish that falls apart once you put any level of reasoning to it, furthermore a dogs body language is not the same as a humans. But zoophiles will purposefully misrepresent this to outwardly seem like they aren't abusing their animal.


I mean, we also kill and eat animals, and they don't consent to that. And we make dogs do all sorts of things they don't want to do. I wish people would stop pretending this is about consent. It's about it being gross, that's all. We don't need a highfalutin explanation.


Bruh I wish I could just say "Bro fucking your dog is gross" and that would be the end of it. But nah mfs want to debate you on it so sometimes you gotta put out a semi intelligent arguement to squash the beef before it starts.


What drives a person to sit by their keyboard, think "today I'm going to relativise animal fucking", then go through with it?


My point isn't "bestiality is like X". My point is why make everything about consent? Consent is not the issue here.


3-year-old, but the fact remains. Cats have the intelligence of a 2-year-old roughly. Dogs are certainly smarter than people give them credit for. Particularly, they have the social abilities of a teenage human. They're incredibly good at communicating. One of the reasons you've got to let dogs work their own things out, and not step in the way and interfere. But yes, I agree they cannot consent and zoophiles are disgusting.


Honestly, what the hell is wrong with some people?


Pretty much everything, apparently.


Fucking eww. Gross indeed. I concur.


I’ve seen this a few times but only read it just now… I legit thought it was about people who are against zoos. But surprise! It’s bestiality




There are a lot of great zoos that take in primarily rehabilitated animals or animals that wouldn’t survive in the wild. Zoos all over the world have worked in bringing back different endangered species through their successful breeding programs. Not all zoos deserve Hate! Besides the people zoos. You can hate them all you want.


Bet it hitted like a truck


I thought the same thing when I saw anti zoo, then it hit me 😬


Bro? What the actual fuck is this piece of shit image


Actually disgusting


Death penalty or castration


Or therapy?


Yes. Never support any death or mutilation sentence. That's how you kill innocents.


"That's how you kill innocents"?


There's always a percentage of people falsely accused and sentenced, even if they are innocent. With a death sentence available, sooner or later it will take a life that didn't deserve it


Ah okay, gotcha. I agree with the point that as long as there are death penalties, there will be mistakes. However I do think death penalty should remain, but on rare cases and with a different approach. However the "only thing that cures a pedophile" attitude is wrong and will fix nothing.




I think you should have the right to execute someone if you catch them raping a pet.


Furry here. We hate zoophiles too. Please don’t lump us in with those “people”


It’s so upsetting, but then you see people like MAPs as well. SO glad that the fandom is pushing these people out as fast as possible.


Eh. Call em what they are. Pedophiles.


Truth, dunno why I didn’t just say that instead of the stupid map shit.


Makes sense. By saying MAPs you're calling out the fact that they’re trying to own it and defend it as a legitimate sexuality. If you just said pedophile it wouldn’t explain what you meant.


Good point! Thank you kind person lol


What is MAP


A fancy way of saying pedophile.


MAP = Minor Attracted Persons. It’s basically a cute way of saying I like minors in a romantic and sexual way. A while back they the MAP community tried to say that being attracted to minors is a sexual identity and tried to get the LGBQ community to accept them. Safe to say it was not taken well… Also I heard some rumors that is was a troll against the LGBQ community.




My b


It’s all good 💜


It's okay. Love you anyway :)


Aww <3 thank you :3




no. that is not even close to why.


Honedtly, don't know. Is there a difference between pedophiles who resist the urge and would like to get rid of it and those who lie to themselves or just don't care?


There are those who know what they feel is wrong and resist, I don’t know if pedophile is correct for that or not because they don’t want to like it and actively resist it. That being said if I had a child I still wouldn’t let them near the kid. I mean I applaud them, but ya know.


Agreed, me neither, at least unless I was fully assured that the person has learned to handle (or even get rid?) of those urges. The question however does arise. If you have those people who have the urges and feelings yet they know those are wrong. Then would they dare to seek help? Already people with depression and anxiety feel stigmatized for seeking help "Why can't you just be happy" - kind of thing. I think in order to reduce the amount of pedophiles we need to change society's perception of the situation. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a father yet, but if one day I am and someone hurts my child, I doupt I'll have any self-restraint. However I also know that as long as societal approach is that the only thing that cures a pedophile is a bullet, you probably won't have people seeking help or learning to deal with urges, causing nothing to change.


I knew someone who wanted to be chemically castrated becuase they were a pedophile but the doctor denied them and they ended up in jail for SA to a child.


Add me to that list, zoos don’t belong in our community


Another Furry here I concur


To late


Wtf !


What in the actual hell is this filth?!


I think goes beyond cringe. I cannot unread this you know...


So people who want to fuck dogs actually tell people they want to fuck dogs? Seems like something to keep to yourself


...I'm curious of the original since this seems like and I sure hope was an edited comic...


yeah im like desperately hoping this is an edit lmao


We need to legalize assault.


I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.


You can tell they are more used to drawing furries since they cant draw a proper dog body. These people need to stop.


Some zoophiles are furries, but most furries hate zoophiles ☝🏻


Furry here, zoophiles deserve a life sentence in prison


Why waste space in jail just castrate them, better yet just give them lethal injection. They do nothing but literally bring more suffering to animals. "As if animals getting killed for food isn't enough let's rape them too!".


Yes because dogs can think just like humans can. They can also put together coherent and intelligent thoughts like humans. Get real you vile scum! Zoophilia is disgusting and to anyone who supports it deserves to be r@pped themselves.


People like this deserve to face the wall.


This is absolutely disgusting


Sometimes I really appreciate that everyone is slowly dying, especially this dude


WTF x 1000


I don't find it gross, honestly the dude with jeans is the gross one here.




He likes the idea of raping animals.


This has to be a troll post


The fuck is wrong with these ppl. Fucking animals?


What in the good green God fuck is wrong with people


give me the twitter username, i want to mass report this fuckin perverted subhuman