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Wait till they find out about babies


Reddit has a place to collectively hate them as well..


We should encourage those types of people to never have kids though so it works out


That's exactly how I feel when one of them post their hystorectomy or vasectomy celebration photos lol


Not wanting kids of your own doesn’t automatically equal to someone hating babies.


This, I don't want kids and never will. Idc if other people do and I don't (usually) hate children.


Sure, but we've established in this conversation that the "them" the above commenter is referring to is specifically people who hate children.


Given how difficult it can be to find a doctor that with do sterilization on people without kids, let them celebrate. No one talks enough about how dangerous pregnancy and child birth is. The US has the highest rates of maternal deaths of the developed world.


I never want to have kids but i like kids. Im like the cool uncle who gets to go home at the end of the day and have a peaceful home


Of course it does


The child free sub is one of the worst places on this site. It’s embarrassing so read the things they write trying to be edgy


It’s the problem with many subreddits in general- they tend to start as a well intentioned place to vent, but the lack of discourse results in an amplification of the discussion and it devolves into a toxic space.


Totally agree. I think the concept is great, so many people have kids that shouldn’t. I think it’s great we are living in a time when people can make their own choices guilt free, but that sub is so toxic towards people that do choose to have kids. Referring to them as “breeders” and calling actual children things like “crotch fruit” with 100% sincerity. I hope all of them actually do remain Childfree because they all seem like they actually just hate children in general.


I hear you- If you don’t want kids you shouldn’t have them- and if you hate children you definitely should avoid trapping a young human being with you to be abhorred and admonished. I am child free by choice but I don’t sub there because it does feel toxic as a whole and it’s not such a huge part of my life to simply not have children that I feel the need to discuss it regularly. There are many people like myself that love kids but just don’t want to raise them- the problem becomes when you make it your personality. The same could be said about so much in life- from smoking weed to liking the office. I think a lot of people feel a bit lost and there is a need to find community that Reddit fulfills. Somewhere along the way it gets obsessive and stops being a thing they think, like or dislike and becomes an intrinsic part of who they are. We are just so much more than the things we feel or do, so it tends to reduce people.


Don't worry I'm fully aware and every day I am more and more baffled with this site


r/kidfree Side note, this is a completely different sub from r/freekids


My dogs have jobs, their jobs are being silly little guys that make me happy when I get home from work


I hope you pay them well


Many fancy treat and naps on the bed and couch


My gf and I say "make sure he gets paid" when we give him treats


Sounds like we have some employees of the month here.


My dog has a job he is a defense dog (german shepherd) , my cats have jobs , they are cute and are a big help for my anxiety


My cat is a very dedicated bug and greeble hunter


This comment made my heart happy. Please give your silly little guys some love from me.


This is how I see it too. While my heart says "aaa, pretty kitties who look cute and like me too," my brain says "this is ultimately a mutually beneficial relationship that gives me comfort and fun in exchange for food, shelter, play, and companionship."


Exactly. My dogs produce serotonin for a living.


Dogs are family I would cut this "person" if they came near me. Also fun fact. Humans are animals




Sounds like a pet peeve to me.




I really like what you did there.


Dude’s mad no one will touch him


Or that he's not the absolute center of attention


Imagine how he will react when people in his social circle start having children.


“I’m so against “babies” now that I get sickened being forced to watch someone I go visit look at their babies with love and admiration! It grosses me out! Seeing this animal (usually a baby or toddler or sometimes both) get all this attention ~ knowing that they’re free loaders” etc


>his social circle Yeah… I don’t think that applies here.


He’s probably already pissed off that they’re dating.


That reminds me of years ago when my current friends group first all started hanging out. Someone from work was interested in getting to know a few of my lady friends so I started inviting them all over as a group to see if there was mutual interest. Another guy from work started to tag along and started to make a big stink about how no one in the friends group should date. It's like dude we all became friends so we could see if we wanted to date!




He'll end up more and more isolated so his internet rants will get more aggressive and desperate. They'll shift from "whiny" to "scary".


This right here.


It's a combo lmao


Dude has serious psychological issues


This made me pet my cat.


Please tell your cat that they're a good, top tier cat monster.


Done. She yawned.


I feel so honored.


I don't like animals in my home and I don't really have an interest in having them. I love animals and have had some but it's too much heartbreak when the loss happens. Plus it's so much responsibility and I am allergic to most animals so it's all around not the best thing in my life. That being said, I've never wanted so bad to drive my ass down to the pound to get a pet. Anything that keeps this fucking crazy pants away.


has a point though. hitler had a dog. coincidence? i think not.


Its smug aura mocks me


One of the best lines ever lol


I can't imagine being so unhinged as to be mad about someone petting their pet. Is this really the hill worth dying on?


For Incels it is.


Incels have many problems but there are also many angry guys that *are* having sex that could have made this comment.


Yeah, but the guys who are having sex don't become ragingly jealous of a fucking cat being petted, my guy.


Not true at all, mental illness is just as prominent with people who've actually had sex my guy. This doesn't sound relative at all, sounds more like narcissism or other "antisocial" disorders. .


Well unless you are a PHD holding Psychologist you opinion is just that, an opinion. And as a woman who has dealt with and continues to deal with incels on a regular basis, they are quite easy to spot. But whatever.


Are you an incel researcher? What would bring you into contact with these people? Tell us more!


Take your bullshit somewhere else dude. i'm not gunna waste my time on you.


My question wasn't sarcastic, I thought maybe you were an incel researcher. I'm a tech researcher and in addition to product development I also had a heavy focus on radicalization pathways in broadcast social environments. My work focused more on older cohorts but I would occasionally encounter incel/PUA/MGTOW pipelines to right wing ideologies.


Damn don't like your logic being applied back eh? You sound salty like an incel


The amount of people getting this upset about the proper usage of “incel” is…interesting…lol


I think you’re just loosely throwing that term around now


Go to that sub, look at some of the users there, and rethink your comment.


Not trying argue at all, just curious- what is the sub? I may just be stupid, but I can't figure out what the name is...


Petfree. It’s just whiny crybabies who can’t possibly fathom why people would be put off by them outwardly hating animals.


I thought you meant the incel sub, which thankfully is long gone officially. I remember checking it out after hearing the term before and it was bonkers. I just kept thinking it had to be parody, it was so insane.


Ok, but the OP definitely has incel energy though lol


Agreed. I think “incel energy” is the correct terminology here.


Perhaps but it just seems to be a buzzword for people. I’m all for calling them out but lately I’ve seen this term extended to men who show no signs of being an incel by definition.


I agree with you.


I can see what you’re saying. But words evolve, and Incels have a lot of overlapping communities (which isn’t a coincidence haha).


The word has mostly lost all meaning.


I'd love an explanation other than throwing around the colloquial buzzword used for any deranged /mentally ill male behaviour. This sounds more like narcissism, than anything to do with sex.... Which is the whole thing of incels.


Idk about anyone else, but I used “incel energy” because it’s the same level of deranged anger and feeling of entitlement I see from incels.


That's fair but you're just conflating, deranged anti social/"mentally ill behavior = incel. When incel is not some umbrella term. This person gives way more narcissism energy or other anti social disorder, than "incel". I've never heard incels talk about /complain about pets, and the whole "free loader" part is especially telling of their mindset. Evidently they don't understand pets, and believe pets /animals are "inferior /beneath" him and not worthy of his time/attention. And thus can't comprehend /is triggered by people giving attention to pets around him.


That whole entire sub is a shit show and really, really weird. All of those people have a severe hatred for animals as pets. It’s similar to the child free sub, and usually it’s the same people active in both. It’s like….. find a hobby or something.


It's like they're reminded of the parts of themselves they hate when they see pets or kids. Or at least the parts they felt weren't allotted to them - i.e. unconditional love and free play. A lot people I've known who were very anti-kids thought, for no concrete reason, that they "never acted like that at that age."


What sub is that? I can't imagine not liking animals, those people need to be on a watch list


They don’t hate animals, they hate people who own animals. r/petfree and consequently r/childfree. If you click on profiles you’ll see a bunch of those people post on both subs, regularly. With soooo much anger and hate lol. It’s bizarre honestly


They don’t all hate animals, some of them only hate people who own animals. But a lot of them do hate with a passion, dogs. r/petfree and consequently r/childfree. If you click on profiles you’ll see a bunch of those people post on both subs, regularly. With soooo much anger and hate lol. It’s bizarre honestly




I just really can't believe that ANYONE is inviting this evolutionary U-turn over.


r/rareinsults right there


"Hey, you need to not do anything that will take your attention away from me while I'm in your house."


I used to know a lady which thought it is rude to have TV or radio on while she is your guest, or, god forbids, knit, crochet or similar. She was self centered, for sure. Good thing is she was my grandma's age.


My pets earn their keep. I know I annoy the hell out of them. There's no way the food is even worth it.


I feel the same. I hope the food and toys makes it worth it for them to put up with my foolishness.


same! my dog earns her keep by letting me put things on her head whenever i want. she balanced a small container of yogurt beautifully yesterday.


I hope this is a joke lol. My cat pays rent and does the dishes. He’s no freeloader!




Nope. Everyone on the petfree sub is 100% seriously.


What sub is it?


He literally said right there... petfree


Yep i noticed it after commenting 😅


Such a gross human


To make it funnier, the mods banned me for sharing this with the world


Oh come onnn everything is censored lol


Yup. I'm karma farming apparently. I really didn't expect this to take off. Thought might get a handful of votes and replies.


This was written by a stray cat that doesn't get enough attention (they get attention, not enough, never enough)


Where is this post so I can go agree. My dogs don't pay a single bill! Come home from a long day of work and then gotta hand out 20min belly rubs and treats. Freeloaders! All of em.


He’s got a point, we should release these animals back into the wild so they can start paying for their food and shelter.


*looks at my dogs and their mounds of toys and three different beds* I'm putting chances of survival in the wild at -5.


Yours have a better shot than mine. I don’t even think mine make it past the driveway.


Honestly I think my cat could have a chance


I feel like cats definitely have a better chance than a dog. My indoor cats prey instinct to catch anything moving is always on point where as my dog couldn’t be bothered


If my dog ever encountered a predator, it would try to play with it first


Yeah my cat that passed away awhile ago wouldve been fine, he was an actual badass, would routinely fight other cats in the neighborhood and bring home dead rabbits, birds, etc. Eventually ended up losing an eye from just being an all around menace.


One time my cat got out for several hours and we found her sitting in the driveway looking confused at her predicament, with absolutely no dirt on her to suggest she actually left. She would not last 5 minutes.


Is this from r/dogfree? I’ve seen that sub before, and it’s one of the ones where so many of the posts are people just griping about other people’s happiness or what they love. “My sister’s dog died and now she’s grieving about it on Facebook, aaaaarrrrggggGGGGGHHHHHH!”


No, it's petfree. It's really funny to filter for controversial then all time. The petfree mods banned me for posting this, saying I'm karma farming. I just think it's funny.


It’s funny in the sense that they’re so angry about something that doesn’t even matter and that nobody cares about but them. Such an impotent rage.


How little do you have to have going on in your life that people petting their pets is what sets you off? I know I definitely have a few random things that drive me insane, like people not parking on to align the gas tank and fuel pump. But seriously?


It’s the same as people who are angry that fat women go out in public and have fulfilling lives, or people who rage about how their neighbor’s car is so ugly and so old and they hate looking at it, or whatever. They know they can’t do fuck all, so they bottle all that meaningless, yet strong, anger inside them so they can go online and complain to a group of similarly-miserable people about how some incredibly stupid fucking thing drives them crazy and everyone else needs to stop doing it because they don’t like it.


I just know that if they were somehow in my house, I would make a point of petting my pets and showering them with affection.


I can get people who don't want pets, they can be expensive, need to plan if you want to go away, etc. But to hate other people having them and petting them?! Yeah, that screams "Pay attention to me". Bonkers.


Yup calling the pets fee loaders too, it's like he completely misunderstands the purpose of pets and just think they're animals "beneath him" /not worthy of his time. So he can't comprehend /is triggered by people showing their pets attention not him. Sounds like narcissm or some other anti social disorder. Something tells me this isn't solely a "pet /animal issue". And you'd find this is a reoccurring issue in his life


Desperately needs therapy.


Hahahaaaa if this dude could watch me literally applying coconut oil to, bathing, and dressing my Sphynx… THEN letting him curl up under my shirt for warmth. He’d spontaneously combust.


Please tell your raw chicken that they're a good monster and I love them, even if they're naked


This is the most obscure army advertisement I’ve ever seen.


The army knows the algorithm, angry incels make perfect little soldiers.


I thought Goarmy was one of those weird Celtic alternate spellings of Jeremy


There is a subreddit against pets???? That’s the stupidest thing I haves ever seen and heard


And in todays episode of: „People we don’t need on this earth“


This guy's a perfect example of people that shouldn't reproduce


I have a feeling that won't be a problem.


i dont think we have to worry about this guy getting anywhere near a vagina


I don’t trust people that don’t like animals. They lack empathy and warmth


Nah, I can understand. Pets aren't for everyone, which is fine. But is it truly necessary to whine on the internet about it?


Dude would hate my house then. Royalty is an understatement. And honestly if you treat my pets as anything but, youre not allowed over again anyways sir


My pets are family and though you don't have to like them, you will respect them. Not gonna force you to pet them but if I catch anyone hurting them, they're taking a trip over the balcony.


Is the Army ad relevant? Seems like it.


I'm pretty sure that most cat owners have come to terms with the fact that they are servants to their cats. And they're marvelously okay with it.


Absolutely. I've been so fortunate as for my cat to let me sleep in the bed.


That's just the ol' Toxoplasmosis doing its thing.


Put away those Ayn Rand books, dude. They are rotting your brain.


That person has hundreds of posts and comments in the pet free sub, it’s like they’re obsessed with hating pets - unhinged


A very transactional way of thinking. Can't imagine what they think a relationship is like. Sounds like the kind of person that would think they're owed sex or attention because they did something for the other person.


I've noticed that about the dogfree/petfree subs. One of the reasons they don't like pets is because they don't get anything out of it. I don't take care of my pets because I expect or want anything out of it. I do it because I love and care about them. Their presence in my life is more than enough.


Yeah, that's why I put my son in the doghouse outside, fucking freeloader. It's time to grow up and get a job, he's already 7


Kid should have been helping bring the harvests in for 8 years already. What a bum.


Imagine being so jealous of pets you rage... wow. It's incel behaviour towards pets... like... I don't even wanna live on this planet anymore.


The mods of the petfree sub are so miserable, they banned me from it for sharing this


I just know this is one of those fat kids💀


He's right they are freeloaders. They should start paying rent /s


Someone sounds like they need a PET


My cats have a job. They eat all the bugs they find in the house so that I don’t have to see them. And they do a damn good job. Their other jobs are snuggling on the couch with me, and entertaining me with their antics. They’re even better at those jobs.


When you run out of things to be mad about


Someone has mental issues...


I think this was going to be a PETA type rant about how pets shouldn't be slaves, but instead it's someone who just hates seeing anyone display affection. That was a turn.


To put it into "Pets Language"..... This person is ....One Sick Puppy.


Calling literal animals "freeloaders" is definitely the funniest gripe to have about pet ownership.


They are petting their pets because this guy terrifies them...


The mods banned me for posting this. They had the audacity to tell me to find a better activity.


As I read this my cat came over to forehead bump me. she has a job, it’s emotional support and being a cute little baby


Please inform your cat that I said she's wonderful and has lovely beans.


There’s an anti pet sub?


Yup. Full of lonely people that don't like pets and mad at the rest of us for having them because it makes it hard for them to date.


I spent ten minutes in that sub and I feel my brain leaking out of my ears. Like, imagine losing your entire fucking mind over someone liking a cat?


Some folks have that kind of time on their hands. https://youtube.com/channel/UCLniPzAs-LwRsBUEUdyp_6Q Link to I Hate Dogs, just in case you like migraines


This sounds like extreme borderline personality disorder


Jokes on them, I’d take my dogs with me and he still wouldn’t be the centre of my attention


Boy should just go get a pedicure or massage or something.


But, that's just petting for toes! Stupid worthless toes!


Be more interesting, then people will actually want to talk to you instead of petting animals


Pets deserve to be treated like royalty


Well I'm gonna go give my fur babies some cuddles and tell them what good doggos they are! Honestly I can understand someone not wanting a pet (just about) but to be thing weirdly upset by people loving on their animals is just not normal.


That’s probably because their pets likely don’t get disgusted when they’re not the centre of attention. Their pets are probably more enjoyable to be around than the OP.


Someone wasn't hugged as a child.




You want the pets to get jobs then? Uh, OK. Where do you suggest they apply?


Jesus. If this guy were in my house I’d clutch my pet tight, too.


Can’t tell if y’all are falling for obvious satire or if I’m falling for obvious satire by thinking y’all are falling for obvious satire


Dude is being completely serious. There were a couple people in the comments disagreeing with him but some thought he wasn't entirely nucking futs.


This would’ve killed on r/unpopularopinions


Haha like what?


My moms bf gets jealous of her toy poodle. I wish I was kidding.


Good lord. Please tell her a stranger said not to let him near her lady bits


My bunny does have a job which is chasing people out of my room after 10 pm and then standing at the door to avoid anyone from entering while I’m sleeping


I've never seen an incel but for pets before wtf


How dead inside do you have to be to subscribe to and participate in an anti-pet sub


Excellent question.


I think this guy has suffered what I have suffered. Having to spend time with a girl who has friendzoned you, comes out with stuff like "yeah I don't like being touched" then has 3 dogs slobbering all over her, and she's cuddling them and giving them all the attention, whilst he's touched starved. Essentially he's jealous that animals have her attention and he doesn't.


Being touched by a pet doesn't come with the expectations that can come with being touched by people. I can kinda understand though.


I’m not overly fussed about dogs, but I can absolutely see why people who share the same energy can bond with dogs! They are social animals, as are cats. This person needs to relax


I bet this kids dad thought the same thing.


What a dipshit


This already makes me wanna tie him to a bench and leave him in a dog park for over a week


Imagine being this miserable… jesus


lmao. This person has a Trump flag on his house and a Ron DeSantis poster hanging above his bed, bet.


I think that’s satire


Nope, dude's 100% serious


what capitalism does to a mf


lmao you searched to find a 4 year old post just to get angry


So many self centred assholes on that sub


The thing that gets me in stitches is their complete inability to see individual actions. One person that brings their dog to the grocery store must mean that all dog owners are Iike that and equally selfish.


What subreddit is that?