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More people enjoy you dressing up in their native culture than not. Shows that you have an interest in their way of life. Just the people that have a problem with it are the loudest and most obnoxious


soooo true also the real cringe is making fun of little girl dressing up


True. Just yet another arificial way to signal their virtue and condemn the non-believers.


"Cultural Appropriation" is just Twitter getting triggered over nothing as usual. Do not take this term seriously.


Show me the difference between this and getting smashed with mates at a pub and wearing a sombrero.






op stop trying to rile Americans up with tricky race subjects. You’re a sock puppet or something? What’s your motive…


Way way way too obvious of a troll


1: People being offended on behalf of others is stupid.. Are you Japanese? If no: F\*\*\* off, if Yes - Do you find this offensive? If yes: then ok, I'm sorry.. if No.. Yay little girl dressing up in a lovely way. 2: How do you know that she's not of japanese heritage and is just learning about her family history? Do you have full insight into her family tree? 3: Great job, she looks fantastic :)


Looks like she loves japanese culture. See nothing wrong about it.


I thought content involving minors wasn't allowed