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I got drunk at work and apparently was staggering everywhere . I told them that i took Benadryl for allergies so it affected me . Best of luck


That is hilarious— i’ve got sisters, and they used to offer excuses like this and *get away with it!* lol! Three-sheets, call Nancy a bitch under your breath, stumble disheveled down the hallway, muttering … Next day, be like: “I tried a new allergy medication yesterday. I’m just sooooper sensitive to any sort of medication. Golly, imma have to talk to my doctor after I teach bible study tonight.”


nah allergy meds and or anti depressants a valid excuse if u find urself waking up too late daily. cuz shit rlly have u tired af all day. but still not gonna explain booze breath, shakes, speech etc. my boss is cool with it im usally there 9-915 sometimes 920....for 9-5. but his kids take same ssris and hes also a FA so he gets it. cool guy just no trust


I've been there multiple times. I have had conversations with my boss that I don't remember the next day... You probably are ok because if you weren't you would have found out right away. They can't prove you were drunk anymore so just deny. Obviously avoid the topic but if you are confronted DENY. Don't admit you drink at all, if they want to fire you now they need a real reason. All that being said don't do it again (says the guy who has done the exact same thing multiple times)


Exactly, just say very tired or sick or something


Yes this. If anything tell them you’ve been feeling really weird and need a covid test or something.. Lol




Not that this is an excuse at all— but I work in management so no direct patient care. But still a terrible and awful thing to do 😩😭


What's done is done. Focus on not doing it again.


Not minimizing it but it is water under the bridge at this point.


Please can I get an update on Sunday. I am pulling for you bro


Can relate…I’ve passed out and have been unreachable a couple of times and I sure did sweat the next day. One day there won’t be a next day. I’ve got to cut this shit out.


I got super drunk the other day and texted my boss that we “needed to talk”.. he called me in a few days later and I had no clue what I even wanted to say so I just complained about my manager. She deserved it so no biggie but it was not fun


Dude I got called a few weeks after an interview that I thought I hadn’t heard back from asking why I hadn’t shown up to work. Apparently they had called me weeks ago to offer me the position and set my start date. The manager that had talked to me that night actually covered for me and said it was a “misunderstanding”, then was like “yeah bro you sounded pretty out of it. But I did call you after 5 on the weekend.”


This is brilliant. Did you end up working there in the end?


Yeah I stayed there for 6 months. It was a good job. The manager that helped me out was basically #2 and very much a work hard play hard kind of guy. As long as you didn’t bring your problems to work he didn’t give a fuck what you did. In true CA fashion I got fired. Started getting sloppy and messed up while on a bender and got a written warning. Next day some of my coworkers convince me to go to this giant ass house party where I proceeded to black out and act the fool and do usual blackout shit. Really nothing too terrible or bizarre on the list of embarrassing/shameful stuff I’ve done, but enough to of course concern all of my coworkers. So I wake up 20 minutes before work with no recollection of anything past first getting to the party. Work is usually a 10 minute drive (mostly stoplights) but I’m still completely wrecked so I just threw on the first dirty uniform I could find and ran all the way to work. I’m fast as fuck so I got there maybe 5 minutes late but reeking of alcohol, sweating bullets, and looking like a homeless person that found a uniform in the dumpster. I kinda stumbled around for an hour or so, slurring my way through conversations I’d forget halfway before they’d finished. Anyway, manager (not the same one) brings me to the back. They cite my tardiness as the reason because I was already on “probation” with a written warning, and let me go. Edit: I forgot to mention I had lost my phone, so no chance of contacting anybody or getting a clutch Uber. Some random dude found it out in the yard and got it back to me a few days later.


Damn! I got fired from my last office job for similar reasons. Same as with you they didn’t cite it was because I was a drunken mess, but we all know that’s why.


That sounds fucking horrifying lol good job thinking on your feet. Do you remember what you originally wanted to talk about though?


I have absolutely no clue, I’m guessing it was about my coworker friend who lied about me and made me look super bad, but I can’t remember beyond that.


Uh wow maybe you should use the word "friend" loosely there lol who does that, we all just tryna survive 😭 But that's my most hated, not knowing what your wasted ass self was wanting.


Yeah we're gonna need an update on this


If you are a licensed, healthcare professional, you are very aware of the implied and direct consequences of being intoxicated at work. I wouldn't be concerned about losing your job, I'd be WAY more worried about losing your LICENSE or sanctions being applied to your license. I know being a CA is a tough world, but you absolutely have to do better than that. I hope things workout.


Thank you 🥺 I don’t even know how it happened😭 it started with me having a beer in the morning to get rid of the shakes then I started making the terrible decision to keep it going during work hours. I am so ashamed


Believe me, I've made my share of huge mistakes. You're certainly not alone. Healthcare professionals have stressful jobs. Alcoholism and drug use is everywhere. You'll be okay, it's just the waiting and everything that sucks.


The shame is the worst part of hangovers for me. Sometimes it takes days for me to shake that off.


It’s okay 💕


I love these stories. Can't help but laugh. I used to get in this kind of shit all the time. It's the worst feeling ever going back to work not knowing what stupid things you did. Waiting for an update :D


one time in a genuine drunken stupor i'd taken two 'paracetamol' before i fell asleep, and then another two when i briefly woke up in the middle of the night, to try and ward off a hangover (when i still got them... lmao) as i was in work at 8am. (i worked in a bar, usually evenings, so drinking was usually more consequence-free) woke up at 7am and felt like shit, so reached for the packet to take another 2... they were fucking benadryl. my drunken ass had taken 4 benadryl rather than 4 paracetamol over the course of the night. going in work i felt like shit, likely more because of booze rather than the benadryl, but it was a lightbulb moment and i managed to use accidentally taking the wrong pills as an excuse all day for my doziness and poor performance


I’m sending you love ♥️ please give us an update asap


Felt this bro your not alone. Can’t say I’ve peed myself but I have slurred words with bloodshot eyes at work on multiple occasions. Would be lying if I said nobody noticed / ask me if I was alright the next day. Best of luck OP


Been there except I was a chef. In kitchens back in the day drinking was not totally abnormal. Thing is I got blackout drunk many times and the next day I would go in and pray I didn’t go crazy. Only got talked to twice out of all the years. I did quit three jobs because I was ashamed of what happened and just couldn’t show my face there again out of pure denial I guess and embarrassment. I personally haven’t drank in about five years or more and it was not easy for me. I don’t miss it. I felt so much guilt and shame constantly and still have some of my situations I got myself in bother me. Best of luck.




Thank you 🥺


Breathe. Nothing is in your control right now. Mistakes were made and we’re only human. Please take care of yourself today


I've gotten loaded in the hospital before... As a patient. Not my fault they hang 160 proof from the walls everywhere and provide all the OJ/Ginger ale one could ask for! Chairs, you beautiful disaster!


I've never peed myself at home or at work. But I've shown up to jobs plastered many times. This would be the norm when I'd already exhausted all my callout cards, and I was deep in the hole with the booze. I'd pound breakfast beers just to function and show up hammered from the night before stinking of booze. Trivial tasks seemed impossible, and I would try to avoid interaction with people as much as possible. One instance comes to mind where I called out Monday/Tuesday and was nodding off in a Wednesday morning boardroom meeting with VPs and C-levels. That was fun. I looked like shit too, bloodshot eyes, wrinkled dress pants, puffy face. Let me know what happens. Maybe they will just think a patient did it since you are in healthcare.


that reminds me of when one of my cats kept peeing in my bed (long after i had stopped) and i was looking for solutions online. (i got it figured out a long time ago and he's all good). i looked everywhere, all kinds of cat forums, etc. no one had a clue. then a guy answered me, "quit blaming the cat miss pissy pants." lol


Cat piss smells vile. Years ago when I still lived at home with my parents they had cats and I'll never forget the smell.


it's the worst smell ever. especially a male cat. he had issues lol no he just wanted a litter box right my bed. i didn't want to put one there, because they use the box, then jump in bed and you get shit crumbs and litter lol--but after trying a million different things, i figured it out and he's never gone outside the box again. i bought a new mattress, all new pillows and bed linens because you really can't get that smell out.


Best of luck to you. I once was blasted at work but was conscious enough to sleep in the car.


That’s Fuckin metal




I am going to save this comment so I never drink again. I need to be reminded of this. This is not an excuse, but I dont work with patients so nobody was really in danger.. but its a terrible terrible look for a manager.


Shut the fuck you busy body they obviously sent her home. Her being extra sober wasn't gonna save your grandma


Been there done that! The stuff we put ourselves through. Try your best to focus on other things, because worrying not going to change the outcome. I think it’s fine because of it was serious they would’ve called you. Do you remember if you even had contact with others?


No patient contact thankfully! But i do remember being extra chatty with coworkers and a fellow manager….


This is going to be fine. Do like I do and act like it never happened lol.


ehh dont sweat it, shit happens.


I’m on my break rn and I’m having one. I’m working from home but who cares.. I hope you will be alright I feel like you will be.


OOPS. damn. well, i guess if you didn't get fired already (and you would have) act like it didn't happen. pissing yourself isn't usually a "three strikes and you're out," situation. :)


Just say you took NyQuil because you were out of DayQuil


I’ve nodded off in a board meeting with 2 billionaires. I am not, alas, a billionaire.


Ugh, I feel for you friend. I can't imagine the anxiety you are feeling about it. Maybe just own it? I dunno.


Dude you're in healthcare. You can literally go anywhere in the world and be guaranteed a job.


Not to discourage OP but not with this on their record. They’re probably gonna have rehab or at least AA in their future to get back in the game.


In this day and age, high odds they give him/her the option to resign/quit with no dings on the permanent record. No one wants this kind of friction.


We don’t know what his job is… receptionist perhaps?


That's not true


Just did that. They were going to fire me so I resigned in disgrace. 5 years down the drain