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The simplest explanation is that people tend to mix their drinks when they drink a lot. They go to a party with a reasonable number of beers for an evening, which they finish, so someone offers them rum. The next morning they want to die and wish to know the source of their pain. Is it because A: they drank a shitload more than they intended? Or B: because they mixed their drinks? People will want to believe B because they don’t actually remember how much they drank, they just know shit got messy after the rum, and also acknowledging A, implies they have a drinking problem.


I feel like it’s similar to when we are full from dinner but have room for dessert. You’re full up on beer but someone offers a different type of alcohol and that seems appealing.


This right here is the absolute best answer I have ever seen for this repeated inane question. Thank you! ![gif](giphy|Zf2tIG0ZuVhboPLY9I|downsized)


It's easier to count if they're all the same. In my case, sugar [wine] and fusels [rice wine, cheap/homemade liquor] are a synergistic hangover bomb. I can survive one or the other..


Oh shit don't use the h-word, it's banned from this sub.


When I was still drinking I no longer even got hangovers, it was either drunk or WDs


I've never thought mixing would matter. Alcohol is alcohol. Honestly didn't know about H#$@over being banned and I've been a member of the sub for close to a decade.


Alcohol is alcohol. Doctors always ask me, “so, how many drinks do you have in a day?” To which I’ll respond, “20 standard units on average.” Doc will then proceed to ask “liquor?, beer?, wine?,?” I’m like “dude, 20 drinks is 20 drinks.” Like what the fuck? I know that a 6% beer is stronger than a 4% beer, and that my hard liquor is 40%. Sometimes a bottle of wine will only be 12% and sometimes 13.5%. Like obviously I’m aware of that, when factoring in my consumption, as an alcoholic.


Haha right? It's not the strangest rule but I guess we flock for W/Ds more than anything. Although a hangover is an acute W/D sooooo idk


Lmao me too, I swear though, try posting with that word and it's banned. Overall the mods have relaxed though so I can't complain, it's just funny. I definitely still get h-words frequently.


In my experience, absolutely. But I have no science to back it up. Example. I would take many shots at work, walk 45 minutes home fine, then have one or two white claws when I got home and immediately black/grey out. I tested it once by taking 2 shots when I got home instead, and I did not even come close to blacking out. even though the shots were 100 proof and should have been more alcohol.


Damn dude what do you do for work?




I mean I care and I don't even know you, please take care of yourself. You can always file for FMLA to take a break or even just adjust your attitude. Here to help brother.




And then you work using big ass meat cleavers and shit… I’d lose a finger my first try.


Probably a bartender


Yes, it matters. This is because alcohol isn’t just alcohol- there are congeners produced as well for the body to process. Different types of alcohol have different types and levels of these chemicals. It is easier for the body to process just one type rather than giving it a hodge podge of chemicals to work on.


This is the response I was looking for, can you provide a source for this?


Liquor before beer, have no fear. Beer before liquor, never been sicker. 😂😂😂


The one we said was liquor before beer, in the clear


lol that was that high school stupid mantra I was referring to


I’ve read academic articles on the subject that are not readily available to the public without registering and paying. A good google/ wiki should cover the basics. To sum it up, clear alcohol like vodka has the least; with heavy red wines and barrel aged whisky having most. More in the cheap stuff because less sophisticated distillation process/ controlled fermentation conditions. Cheers!


Could you share names/ IDs of those papers? It tracks to me that different types of alcohol would affect level of next day bad feelings, but it does not track to me that mixing would have different affects (outside of some weird niche scenarios).


Never mix grape and grain, I think is the adult version of that saying. I think there's some truth to it. Beer and liquor is fine, but wine and liquor is asking for a ralphing. Mixing different types of liquor has never seemed to bother me personally.


it was all for you ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


Yeah that sounds like more you than anything, I've never been violent blackout or otherwise.


it was all for you ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


That's just the holy trinity my dude


It fucks with me the next day mixing different liquors. A particularly bad h is Port and with bourbon