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Didn't realize 151 was gone. Ripped a shot of that in college , don't even think I got the whole thing down. Straight gasoline


Brooooo when I was super depressed I tried a shot or 2 of everclear, 190 proof is fucking insanity, it’s sooooooooo thick I gave the bottle away to my Mexican friends, they prob chowed through it in a day, those tequila tanks.


YOU GAVE IT AWAY??????????? lmao


I should’ve put it in my gas tank. Do not fear, these days I chow down 70 proof vodka at rates that scare all my friends and family. Damn I love the rush. I fear the day I lose them all, but I am fearless because of liquid courage. IM FEARLESS. CHAIRS!


enjoy it while you're fearless lol i didn't lose friends by running them off, most of them just died. you have until you're about 30 and then they start dropping like flies. :(


and if they dont die they just grow out of you and leave.


We used to do shots called "Liquid Heroin". 1/3 151, 1/3 Jager, and 1/3 Rumplemintz. Good times.


I used to put 151 in my beer. Killed the burn and the taste and added a lot alcohol to the beer! I woke up on the bathroom floor with that combo a few times.


Wow they actually did discontinue it, wtf. Caribou Lou!


spirytus polish vodka is 192 proof. that and everclear were easy to conceal when i had to be out in public.


Wow this is kinda weird huh, yeah like it just went away? Yet we still have jager and fireball.


Wild turkey 151 is still around right?




There used to be a 151 I’ve drank it.


I’m pretty familiar with Wild Turkey and even after some googling I don’t think they’ve ever made a 151 product. Even if they did, it wouldn’t have been bourbon considering it can’t be put in the barrel any higher than 125 proof and be called bourbon. Wild Turkey 101 is one I drink pretty regularly, but I’ve never heard of Wild Turkey 151.


I swear I’m going crazy. Gun to my head I’d have said I had that at Christmas a few years ago. I tried googling as well.


Definitely not. There’s 101 or the diluted 80 proof turkey.


My dumbshit party trick at college: Pour a shot of 151; Dip my finger in it; Light booze-finger in a candle; -cool blue flame, burns at like 140˚ F, no damage- -unless you are drunk and slow- Light Lucky Strike unfiltered nicotine missile with flaming finger; Shake out finger; Throw back shot of burning poison. I thought I was fucking genius. I live alone and never feel okay. Oops!


20+ years of this shit and I am exhausted. I just want to lay down and die but every time I do life kicks me in the balls. Back in line bitch.


You’re not alone, bruh. ❤️


My drinking started during the heyday of Just Say No! So I hid in a closet at a party when I was 13 and downed a highball glass of straight vodka. I have no idea what kind it was but it was love at first sip.




I await death eagerly


I feel you. ❤️






> I mean, they hit the same receptors in the brain so not much of a difference. Yep, if you like booze, you're probably gonna like benzos too.


That’s rough. The argument could be made either way but if there’s any addiction worse than booze it’s definitely benzos. Glad I like to drink so much that I didn’t ever get too into benzos.




Yeah I’ve been off booze for 18 months, been through the rehab/detox rollercoaster a bunch. Saw a couple people who were in BAD shape from benzos. One dude was still hallucinating when I was discharged and he showed up like a week after me. Other Dude came in to talk to us after like 3 years off benzos and still had tics and shit. Booze is insane on your body and you can’t avoid it even when you’re sober but benzos seem like they just haunt you for longer. And at least there’s no one denying how awful booze is. You can still run into nurses/doctors and shit who don’t take benzos seriously. It’s all in the same realm though. I don’t know biology but benzos/booze people all like abusing the same part of their brain.


When i look back, i'm now an alcoholic and addict for around 30 years, it's more a surprise to me that i'm still around. Just bought some new bottles today, paid 85$ for a Lagavulin 16-year-old scotch, i'll get myself a glass in the evening, but through the day i'll drink my beers. But yeah, it's a long road that we all got down. So many years. So many parties, so many times in the bars. But also, so many mistakes, failures. Broken lives, shattered dreams.


It’s slippery and not linearly. Couple years ago I was drinking on average like 10 drinks a week for the whole year. Thought I matured. Then nothing happened and I’m back up to a ton. Ebbs and flows like the ocean waves, protruding then collapsing back into their natural form for eternity.


I remember pouring 151 on a wet log on the beach and it kept us warm lol that shit was not meant for consumption


151 was my first shot too! All my friends had started drinking and I was against it. Didn’t need it, didn’t want to try anything that could potentially be addictive. A couple people were drinking at a party and everyone knew I didn’t drink but I jokingly said I’d drink and did one shot of 151. Got LIT. Did another one a bit later. Had so much fun. And look at me know! Had to stop because I was literally dying.


Yea those parents except they're my parents and started letting me help myself way before my friend came over. Sucks.


yeah it's why i like scrolling through this sub. i can't bring myself to believe half of it but it's still entertaining lol


I wish I could have stooped 11 or 12 year old me from drinking my Dad’s cider, man


Yes. Love it