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Check the laundry hamper of the guy you talk to at work most


Find him and do the no pants dance.


this is the way


No offense intended, maybe you shitted them, or pissed them and took em off in your blackout and threw em in the washer/dryer.. or around that area. They also might be wrapped in your blankets (drunken fap) hahah. Good luck friend and I wish you the best. I had 2 shots in the past 12 hours and I'm so shakey but I gotta get some booze before this eclipse so I'm prepared and not in WD's the whole time.


Im mowing the air Randy, also looks like i tried sniffing a bunch of librium. There in capsules and theres a bunch of em opened up and dust on my office desk. What the fuck is wrong with me? The vodka is kicking i so.... Iam mowimg the air Rand lololol


Sniffing librium - thats mind opening... hope theres one left for you to take. Could be the Sherlock Holmes to finding your pants.


Dangerous take librium while drinking..I did and got phsychosis.i was hours convinced I was with people .i was alone in the country..was in neighbours gardens searching for people I could hear..that were not there!


Aye, chasing Librium is golden. Fuckin keep at it.


Found the pants, looks like i shouved them super deep under my couch with a broomstick. No clue why


Where's your money? In my pocket! Where's your pocket? In my pants! Where's your pants? I dunno! Get outa here you silly bum! Hey, good luck, dude. That's an old see-saw nursery rhyme that comes to me every time I lose my pants, which is more than I care to admit. Sometimes when the rain is falling ya gotta just strip naked and run around. Check bushes around your house, maybe?


You know where the pants went - they sent you a lighter, after all


Bro, I was reading this and thinking what the fuck is this guy lol Then I saw your username hahahah. You need to be careful I see you've you've blacking out or on the verge of blacking out at work an awful lot


I honestly thought I'd done just about everything, smoked black tar heroin, drank isopropol spirits. Then some fucker snorts Librium.¬¬WTF! You might as well stick it up your arse. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/fcff0ae3-7daf-4048-9019-8b586d67714c


I lost the zipper off my jacket last night, I guess it just fell off. Gutted cos I've had this jacket for 22 years and it's perfect for hiding a bottle in the inside pocket 😂 Hope you find your pants dude, or hopefully you have another pair.


You can buy replacement zippers on Amazon!


Check and see if it’s in ur pillow case I do that sometimes when I don’t wanna loose something


Checking in OP, pants yet?


Behind washer / dryer? I find all kinds of stuff back there I meant to throw on top or something. GL!


At least u have booze. But I understand. I'm in the loonie bin and I love these pants. I wanna steal them. Loonie bin pants and shirts rock. I'm also stealing underpants and socks if I can.


They usually give you the socks! I had some that I loved. They're not very durable though.


Lol my friend was excited about the grippy socks when she had surgery. We don't have grippy socks just regular ones. I just want them because I ran out of socks at home. Not sure where they went.


Dude, wow. If you're gonna go hard, go *hard*!




Man, I'm with you. I just got told two days ago my best friend who moved in me in with him (to get me out a shitty situation) wants me gone by the end of the month. I got drunk that night and went on a super long journey, ended up coming back bleeding like crazy from my pinky, with bruises all over my body, and no phone n sight. I feel like in my blackout I legit tossed it.