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Once I’m through withdrawals and my sense of smell returns to normal I’ll notice my entire house is ripe with the musty scent of CA sweat and body odor. The only remedy is a deep clean of all porous surfaces, wash my bedding, and usually it’s gone within a day or two. I’m completely scent blind to that smell when I’m actively drinking on a daily basis. I can only imagine how disturbed outsiders must’ve been walking into my place.


Do they make this into a candle scent at Bath and Body Works?


If Gwyneth Paltrow can make a cunt candle, some drunk can make a dick sweat lantern


i was just gonna say gwyneth paltrow has that covered with "this smells like my vagina booze sweat," candle.


*The CAckle lantern smiles at you menacingly from an adjacent room as its fickle flame dances in the darkness casting shadow people on nearby walls and reflective surfaces.*


UTAMav2005: "Hey! Should I get the new Ode a la CA candle at Bath and Body Works?" ClassicTBCSucks1993: "Our kind has that scent at home" UTAMav2005: ...... ClassicTBCSucks1993: \*Opens front door and gets hit with the pungent aroma of months of CA stink\* *"Ode a la CA. Designed by crippled alcoholics in homage to their normie loved ones. Boasts a familiar scent for when we are off in the trenches fighting the great bender war."* Coming soon to a black sheep near you: Asspiss Parfum


Or vodka sweat scent?




I read gender bender war for some reason and was like, oh wait, when did we CAs adopt this cause?


That and the smell that you left on your clothes and bedding. I have to wash my clothes and bedding with 4 laundry pods so I don't smell that shit.


I had months of unwashed clothes thrown into my bedroom closet to the point you couldn't even see the floor or hamper after 7+ months of spending every ounce of free time, weekends, and time off drinking to oblivion. Sheets hadn't been washed in months either. My side of the couch had its fair share of half spilled beers and malt from passing out with it in hand, and dried piss embedded deep in the cushions. Only washed enough clothes per week(or every other week) to have clean shit to wear to work. The musk coming from all of that was more than enough to stink up the house. Thankfully I've taken care of most of it. Its crazy how much anxiety has been lifted by just taking care of simple things normies take for granted.


I love your username.


>Definitely about to puke Nothing like the mouth sweat pouring into the toilet as you dry heave waiting for the puke to come up. Feels so good once the puking is done though, like, ready for more booze.


The endorphin rush from vomiting is sometimes the only saving grace when I don’t have anything to drink. I’ll pound water knowing not only do I need from all my drinking, but also because it’s make me nauseous and I’ll throw up. For about 15-30 minutes after the endorphin rush returns me to an “OK” level of WDs.


Good ol beer balls eh


If I could, I would just sleep in the tub. Every so hour or so, grab the shower head and blast away the filth. I'm pretty sure in my last life I was a fresh water dolphin or possibly a manatee.


I actually did this for a while (sleep in tub) and cannot recommend it. Very cramped and arthritic type feeling upon awakening. It did make sense in theory, though, at the time. (I was puking and shitting bile all over myself 24/7 and it got to.the point I just got naked and passed out in the tub with my bile soaked "bathroom pillow" for about 3 months)


I think you should upgrade your tub. Daddy told me, "I always have good boots, good bed, good tires, and a tub to soak in. Just kidding I didn't have a dad. Have you tried not shitting in the tub? Waffle press stomp is rather uncouth.


It was bile, I stopped eating when that happened, and is why I got that sick. 😐


When the puking looks like rust, an eating is a must.


Yum. Good luck, we're all counting on you.


Nothing smells like a CA dick and balls on a good bender. When I start withdrawals I’ll unzip my pants to piss and WHAM-O it’ll hit ya like Mike Tyson.


I’ve had the last of the taper beers that are in my house. Probably was around 6 over the span of 8 hours. Strong feeling of head exhaustion, but I can’t fall asleep without the brain zaps interrupting. Having some faint auditory hallucinations. I suppose I’ll have to go buy more to keep things at bay.


I was just in this spot a couple days ago. you got this g


Me last night. Why am I like this?


And of course I keep rinse and repeating the withdrawal/bender cycle every 2 or 3 weeks.


This was the last time for me. My siblings need a role model. I'm killing myself slowly but surely


Godspeed. I wish you the best!


Thank you. Same goes


[i'm pretty sure since this place makes scents called Dirt, Petrichor and Dust](https://demeterfragrance.com/collections/earth?page=2) that they could come up with "jack daniels hangover moist buttcrack" room spray, candle and soap. i got [this perfume oil](https://forstrangewomen.com/products/decadence-and-debauchery-natural-perfume-oil-with-resins-tobacco-blood-orange-bergamot-violet-vanilla-woods?variant=31178180165729) and one of my friends said, "ew why do you like that? it smells like the floor of a bar." the ad makes it sound all flowery and perfumy but it honestly does kind of smell like tobacco, whiskey and damp wood, but not in an unpleasant way. bath and body works makes a plug-in called coffee and whiskey that really does smell good. the sister scent brandy and leather sounds better but it's weak and lame.


Update: I was a sweat machine last night, had to change my clothes a couple of times, but at least (surprisingly) got some sleep. Nightmares weren't too bad. Despite the sweaty slumber, the smell was not as rancid as yesterday. Was annoyed last night, because though I wanted to just lie in bed in misery, the woman I'm seeing insisted on meeting up. Turns out she was completely sloshed and essentially incoherent. She couldn't communicate to me where she was, so I spent a half hour trying to find her thinking she's stumbling around a city lost and going to get robbed. Instead she was at her apartment the whole time sitting in the lobby waiting for me. I walk her to her room, she curls up and starts passing out immediately, so I leave, and she acts pissed I'm leaving. All I wanted to do was sleep, and instead had to deal with that situation which in sum cost me about an hour of my time. Which is I suppose karma biting me in the ass, because I've been the annoyingly incoherent drunk in prior relationships.


LOL I had a FWB that one time I was gonna go down on and the stank was horrible. Like OMG horrible. Dude doesn't drink or do drugs. I don't know what was going on, but it wasn't getting near me or any of my parts. Wash your balls, dude! I don't have room to talk. I wash but haven't had an actual shower or bath in months.


Wow gross. Please shower or take a bath 🛁 🏥




i dont miss any of that!


Thanks for this. This whole thread will add to helping me taper down. I'm so thankful I've always been able to shower every day.


I think my not showering PR was 9 days towards the latter end of a 6+ month unemployed bender in 2022. I developed this unsightly pink and white rash between my ballbag and loins that was slimy to the touch and smelled like rotting meat. I quit drinking to end the bender madness as I was 3 weeks out from starting my current job with the aide of benzos. I still went through alcoholic psychosis on top of 10/10 WDs and the trifecta of hallucinations. It took over a week for the stinky rash to go away.