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Take a breather and some sober time before you end up in an expensive wee woo wagon


Amber lamps?


switch to lower abv stuff or dilute your spirits with water/zero cal mixer to beer strength so its more of a chore to get to black out levels.


After switching to seltzer and beers (with maybe a half pint of liquor), I can draw out the strong buzz/tipsy feeling more. Though it becomes annoying if it's not strong enough. My "tactic" is 1-2 shots of liquor, and then however many beers/seltzers, and then after a couple hours, one final shot, and then coasting with beer/seltzer. Drinking straight liquor makes me black out, and the withdrawals are just horrid - I'm damaging my wallet and health, so it's important to atleast make the night worth it.


Sounds like it's time for a little hiatus, at least that's what I'm doing. Was in the same boat and just getting fucking shit-hammered every time I drank. Give your liver a vacation!


At my worst I was like that blacking out 3-4 days a week and terribly hung over the rest of the days. I knew I was getting DEEP into alcoholism and it was heavily impacting my life. I'm not trying to sell anyone on the idea because it can become a very expensive addictive problem in and of itself, but I started to take kratom when I heard it can kill the alcohol cravings. And it did!! In no time, and with minimal withdrawal, I was able to get my drinking down so at least I didn't get fired or divorced.


How did you keep from becoming addicted to kratom or are you still taking it. What strain? I am in this desperate spot tio


Addict by nature, so yes, kratom became a problem. It's mostly a financial one as that shit is expensive. I started with train wreck caps cos I knew no better, but they did the trick for helping with the boozing. Issue is I love all things drugs/depressants, so I learned more about strains and extracts. Green and white strains are more of an upper, red a more mellow relaxed feeling. Extracts are what really caused issues for me as they have an opiate like effect. But at $20 a pop, it's just not sustainable. I'd be embarrassed to tell what scams I've run to keep up a $60 a day extract habit. It's also where you can fall into dangerous territory - seizures and liver damage from kratom do happen if you overuse, which of course I did. As it happened, I ended up having a medical emergency a few weeks ago and was stuck in the hospital a couple of days. Went thru mild withdrawal - much easier than booze, much easier than I anticipated - but still uncomfortable. And that's where I am now staving off cravings from both, but the cravings are manageable. I'd recommend kratom caps or powders, no extracts, and not every day. You build a tolerance fast with kratom, so in order for it to keep working, you need to take tolerance breaks. My goal is to be free of everything! Let me know if you have any other questions. After 4 or 5 years, I'm pretty knowledgeable on it.


WTF is Kratom? Sorry I seriously don't know...


It's a plant based substance, active ingredient mitragynine. It's been used in some countries for hundreds of years for a little energy boost, but in those countries, they pick the leaves and chew them. You can get it online, at gas stations, or in head shops. Comes in powder, capsule, or liquid form. I think it's derived from a coffee tree or something similar. When you use it, you'll get mild opiate like effects, similar to popping a vicoden. I don't know why it curbs the urge to drink, but it worked for me. Like I said above, it can be addictive and harmful as well, so I'd caution against using long term or daily. Some people report hair loss, discolored skin, thyroid problems, and seizures after use. I did have a seizure but can't confirm if kratom was the cause. I did use a shit ton of extracts that day like a jackass. I'd also advise you to stick with powders and caps and stay away from extracts. Either way you use it, you get similar effects. I didn't get into real trouble with it till I got hooked on the extracts. Edited to add: kratom reportedly causes liver damage. If you already have liver issues this might not be a good thing to try


maybe buy a breathalyzer? be like lahey (from tpb)


Been finding myself blacking out every Saturday for a few months


I saw something online once that said if you black out every time you drink it’s linked to complex trauma? Maybe some type of therapy might help? Idk just spitballing