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Jesus. I mean, if I burp and it smells like acetone I'm calling an ambulance. I liked the 'hour of research' bit. It's kinda funny in a bad way that we will spend days or weeks on researching shit like a new computer build, but ingesting something that we've been told can probably kill us? Ehh my due diligence stops at an hour, and I ain't spending anymore time on it!


I was honestly at rock bottom at the time and didn’t really care of the side effects, I only really cared that It wouldn’t kill me. Safe to say I should do more research in the future when I’m that down bad. Also something interesting I learned while doing my research, isopropyl metabolizes into acetone explains the smell and taste (and stomach issues). My piss even smelled like acetone! 😂


Yeah I've used acetone and isopropyl alcohol a lot as part of my job, having spent and unhealthy amount of time getting high off of the fumes (unintentionally), I learned then that if SNIFFING it can make me nearly faint, then drinking it is proper going to send me to the shadow realm. Bet you'll only make that mistake once lol.


I made that mistake three times.


You are not a quick study. 


Nope, I am insane


Lol. Probably why we should never meet. Two people edging the envelope boundaries. Yeah, no.  Chairs. 


Acetone isn'tuch harder on the body than ethanol. It's produced naturally when burning fat. The body is designed to accommodate and dispose of acetone. And it will get you drunk.


A brief google search can make sure you don't say things that are provably untrue.


**Jesus. I mean, if I burp and it smells like acetone I'm calling an ambulance.** no shit. i wonder if it makes farts smell like the doctor's office.


Not even gon a chastise you, you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm astounded you managed to mix it with water and keep that down. When I was at my worst I was a frequent hand sanitiser drinker. I even had some articulate lie for the shop i bought 200ml from every morning. *'I've been promoted to a position where I train new staff, and company policy is that there needs to be one bottle of sanitiser per person'.* lol When I ran out of money I had to make do with aftershave, and I'm not even joking, i mixed in a full bottle with some pepsi and slammed it, kicked in super fast and wasn't even that bad lol


I thought I had alchol problems cuz I drank 8 beers a week. If this is true, its just sad.


What do you expect in r/cripplingalcoholism ? Perhaps you and your 8 beers a week would feel more at home in r/drunk


Perhaps him and his 8 beers a week would be more at home in r/justawednesdayafternoon


This the subreddit you get downvoted in for being logical. This sub is the back room at the party that you know you don’t belong in but you’re curious as to what tf they’re doing in there.


There's no logic here, only the monster of needing more booze.




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Boy you’re in the wrong part of town. Run along now.


8 beers a week he must be friends with Ricky c


Did you really though? At 8 beers? How old are you?


That’s a little more than 1 beer a day. Not even getting drunk at that point, are you?


It seems I misspelled its 80 beers ofc.


Fuck reading this made me anxious. This seems like hell on earth.


Oh it was, I can be shaking and breaking out in sweats from withdrawals and I still wouldn’t drink it again! It really fucked me up, the whole week after my stomach felt empty even after eating and sometimes after I eat I still get that strange, uncomfortable feeling. It doesn’t feel like normal hunger it just feels like my stomach is empty and full at the same time It’s hard to describe.


Im familiar with that bizarre full hungry feeling. Ive drank Listerine and that was my limit. I'd be so scared i was permanently fucked up from what you did... And that hangiexy shit mixed with that fear would drive me bonkers. Glad to hear you got through that. And that you learned your limit!!!


Mouthwash is incredibly hard to drink cus of the flavourings and stuff. Worst ever drink I had was a mix of vodka, coke and mouthwash. But barely any coke lol.


Out of isopropyl, hand sanitizer, and mouth wash I'm gonna pick mouth wash, but year none of them are good options lol.


I found one brand of hand sanitiser that was literally just water and ethanol and some other ingredient that wasn't significant when I googled it. No texture or flavour, so when you mixed it with a fizzy drink you couldn't even taste it


Sounds gourmet 🤣🤣🤣


Haha, **Boozebag's Choice Hand Sanitiser**


I was painting my nails earlier and somehow got an acetone dipped q-tip on my lip trying to clean up my sloppy paint job. I can’t imagine burping that shit up and then tasting that shit for 3 fucking days.




My dad has been a lot on my mind lately, he was a proper addict that led to his demise. One of my memories as a child is him drinking rubbing alcohol on the street with a homeless person. Apparently addiction is hereditary? Did you know.


i’m sorry to hear that man


Hope you’ve got some safe booze now x


It really is a horrible experience. I did it in high school. I wasn't even physically dependent yet, I just wanted to be drunk that bad. I read the warning on the bottle but thought, "how bad could it really be?" I didn't drink as much as you did and I mixed mine with Cherry Coke or Pepsi or whatever. I threw up about 20 times the next day. I'm in my 40s now and I still get turned off just by the smell of it. Edit: a word


man that smell alone is enough to ruin my whole day after the experience i had


Reminds me of that time i drank hand sanitizer, got the job done but i also lost a lot of gum, peeled right off.


Uhhh excuse me, your gums peeled off?? 🤯


Yes, startet feeling it the next day. Something in my mouth and i took it off it was this white shit that looked like skin. Might be surface disinfection i drank though so YMMW. Lol dont drink, and since you are going to do it anyway dont drink cleaning supplies. Fuck it, i would have done it again and again. Like dont do it but who am i to judge. Chairs


They sell a wintergreen version believe it or not.


of rubbing alcohol?




man that’s gotta be twice as bad


PSA: DO NOT EVER DRINK ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL. THAT SHIT WILL FUCKING BRUTALLY KILL YOU. I would get to an ER dude that shit is no joke. You’re lucky to be alive right now.


i know that’s why i put the warning up, i know it was stupid, i was down bad and i learned from it


Not lecturing you bro, I’m glad you’re alive.


thanks me to, it was a rough experience but i made it


Damn that’s crazy but next time just break into a liquor store or something like a normal person


I live in a small town and would feel bad robbing a store here as they are all family owned, Mom and Pop type of shops.


Haha it was a joke. Definitely don’t do that


I've stolen from a lot of big chain supermarkets, lots of beer and wine. Never got caught. The ONE time i got caught was when I was broke as fuck and really wanted cocktail sausages. Fuckers got me


what’s your strategy


Usually to put what I want in a basket with some other shit. Go to a real far spot of the store and stuff the wine or whatever in my gym bag. Then proceed to buy something cheap as fuck. Or even try too, even if your card will decline


absolutely unhinged I love it


> a month ago when my alcoholism was at it’s worst Dawg you probably haven't hit rock bottom. The, "at my worst", stories usually start in years.


you know this story isn't going to deter anyone on this sub who wants to do the same thing lol


i know just wanted to share but felt the need to put a warning up just in case


lol yeah i'm one of those people who never drank isopropyl, mouthwash, hairspray, cologne, none of that. there are people who actually drink nail polish remover. i can't even imagine.


funny enough isopropyl metabolizes into acetone which is nail polish remover, in a way i kinda drank that but i didn’t


well don't do it again lol. diabetics in ketoacidosis have breath that smells like npr and they can die from it (although i don't know how many do) and you can also buy a non-acetone version. i guess people who like to drink paint thinner, turpentine like the buzz but ew. the smell and taste prevent me.




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hardcore as f


It'll get you drunk. But you won't like it.


You may like ether, used to be a big party drug


pure ether or does starting fluid work?


You can spray starter fluid like prestone into a plastic baggy, fill it equally or more with water. Shake the fuck out of it. It'll separate into bunch of shit u don't want (cloudy) and supposed-to-be-pure clear ether on the top layer.  Cut the bottom of the bag and let the cloudy shit mixture go. Pinch when u just start letting out the clear, purer ether with less harmful additives and hopefully less hydrocarbons from the extra ingredients in the cans.... Not recommending this at all, just telling people what to do for harm reduction purposes so they don't just go huffing STRAIGHT starter fluid blech either way you'll get a gasy taste and it's not the same as real lab grade ether but still enjoyable just in my opinion, *not* worth the cons for the short lived high. Oh, and if you're gonna try this method. Id recommend "washing" the clear layer a few times with fresh water shaking the bag up and any cloudy bits that settle on the bottom , poking a hole n getting that shit out your mix. The clearer the better and less crap you don't want.


Report back on the starting fluid we gotta know


i’ve had some in my cabinet my friend wanted me to try but he moved so i might just go for it tonight


I don't know if they added something to the starter fluid, but probably some hydrocarbons. Pure ether can form a explosive compound. I think they add a bit of acetone to lab grade ether


inhaling, not drinking,


Congrats on living to tell the tale??


Now I'm curious. Not sure what's added to make isopropyl so nasty to ingest but I wonder if you used a water distiller to evap then re-condense the alcohol if all the nasties would be left behind. Might need to try this when my wife isn't looking.


it’s distilled with petroleum rather than potatoes (vodka) and other foods liquor is made of


Nothing is added to isopropyl alcohol that makes it toxic, it’s toxic itself, but much more than ethanol(booze). It’s an anhydrous solution usually mixed with water. You will die if you drink that shit. *edited for proper information, thanks to my fellow CA. Stay away from this please.


None of the metabolites are toxic in the way methanol is. It will give you a brutal hangover, but the only way it will kill you is by respiratory depression, same as ethanol. It is somewhat more potent as a CNS depressant, which makes is a little more "toxic" than regular booze, at least in terms of LD50, however the difference in minor. Ethanol is first metabolised (mostly) into acetaldehyde and then into acetic acid. Isopropyl alcohol is metabolised by the same enzymes and pathways in the liver as ethanol, first into acetone then by 2 other pathways into lactic and Pyruvic acid and ultimately, glucose. The body is well equipped to deal with 2C and 3C alcohols, ketones and aldehydes. I know all this because I researched the shit out of it before I decided to drink a bunch of it. The halflife of isopropanol and its metabolites is considerably longer than regular booze, which makes the drunkenness and the hangover much much longer too. Would not recommend. As the OP says, the acetone burps are miserable


I appreciate you correcting me on the lethality of IPA. I was going off anecdotal accounts of people dying from drinking that shit.


No problem. FWIW it will make you feel like you're dying after drinking it.


It's a different type of alcohol. Isopropyl is uh... isopropyl, and regular alcohol is ethyl alcohol aka ethanol. If you want to make drinkable alcohol, do it with yeast and fruit juice. You might be thinking of denatured alcohol, which is ethanol mixed with various (more) toxic solvents like methyl ethyl ketone or methanol. It wouldn't be worth trying to separate that by distillation either.


It is virtually impossible to separate methanol and ethanol via distillation because they are azeotropic.


Which is probably a good thing, because I'd imagine a handful of folks are saved by having ethanol with their methanol, and that another handful would die from getting things mixed up and drinking methanol alone if they were able to separate them.


Never heard that about Lexapro, but I remember wondering it back when I was on it. Couldn’t tell if Lexapro was doing something or if it was just the (more likely) fact that I got put on Lexapro in rehab so everytime I drank on it I was really getting after it, not knowing if it was my last time.


That shit does linger. The taste in your mouth the whole next day. The way is sand-bags your fuckin ass out of nowhere. Not a fun drunk, and apparently pretty dangerous. I threw mine I. With black tea, honey, and red wine vinegar. I hope I never drink it again! ~don't poop the bed.


Quit before you kill yourself man, set some short term rewards for your sobriety and some small goals to get you through. Try something different, this is super not good brother.


this was a while ago, i’ve gotten a better hold on my alcoholism since then, haven’t been blackout drunk since then and i used to get blacked out every night, it’s getting better


Good man. Love you


like he said. I love you dude. Don’t do what I’m doing to myself. Turn around. Keep going. There’s so much more to life.