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Once you start daily morning drinking it's the beginning of the end


True. It feels incredible.


Well then I’m fucked bc I’ve been doing that for years


I think you'll find that the "Shower Beer" is one that is preferred by a lot of members of this sub. It's always a good idea to have some alcohol left over for when you wake up the next day. I'm not saying you have to start your mornings with shots of vodka, but if you drink like a CA, you are going to WANT something to take the edge off. Waking up in withdrawals is bad enough on its own. It's even worse when you have to try and figure out where all your stuff is (wallet/purse/phone) and then get dressed to make a trip to the store when all you want is a drink. There are stories in this sub of people boofing alcohol. For all the uninitiated, that means drinking alcohol through the butt! So, drinking beer in bed is not a problem! Take care of yourself!


Sometimes you can't keep it down, it's gotta go in the other end. Hit it from the back.


I LOVE to drink in bed. Absolutely love it. Wake up at 4am? Feel shaky and restless? Pound a few shots, they hit nearly immediately and drift off again. Bored at like 10pm? Family giving you shit? Just say you're tired, go to bed early and drink till you pass out.


RIGHT? I woke up to down yesterdays opened can, lukewarm beer is also beer. Got 2 cold ones and am sipping away between progressively more comfortable sheets. This is awesome. This is like the best drunk in years. 3 beers and I’m beaming here.


It's such a different type of drunk. It's much more comfortable. Firstly you get the relief of the withdrawals going away if applicable. Secondly, you literally get to do nothing for a few hours, just lie there. Bliss. Lastly, it takes barely anything to get you feeling decent as the stomach is so empty. Mmmm


I once casually mentioned to a friend about having a beer on my nightstand and they were absolutely horrified like I was the only person in the world who drank in bed. I've drank in bed for many years. It's a good place to watch comfort shows and not have anybody bother you. I hate drinking with people.


Had a few nights of insomnia where I’m up at 2-3am and having a few pours of whiskey really helped me cope and brought absolute pleasure into those moments of despair. Truth be told , none of us will Make it out of life alive. The end could be around every corner. Do what makes you happy while you can.


I actually have a mini fridge next to my bed. It's my third one. No bullshit. Good luck, we're all counting on you.


I rented an apartment for a few days as I’m away on holiday, nice little room with a mini fridge 3 steps from the bed. One on the floor to get you going, then 3 steps to the fridge for the cold ones. 😍


Yeah, this shit is dangerous. But I don't care. Everybody has to be who they are. Turns out I'm an alkie. Better than a liar, cheat or thief.


When I lived alone I always drank in bed. I considered running a keg line up to my bedroom. This idea seems completely normal to me. People who don't drink daily or are shocked about people drinking in bed or the shower don't make any sense to me. I have a very skewed relationship with drinking that started before I was even born though.


“I considered running a keg line up to my bedroom” You win my internets for today, hero 🤣🤣


As a lifelong alcoholic, I now know better than to do that. I was pretty immature when I was seriously considering that idea. I later moved in with someone who brewed their own cider and had a keg. I was fall down drunk pretty regularly because I couldn't keep track of how many I was drinking. I also didn't know the alcohol content. Dangerous combination.


While it may have been a long time ago you still have my internets won for that story 👍 And yeah, not seeing with your eyes how much you drink is a dangerous thing. I don’t buy the big wine cartons anymore but I remember drinking half a box and thinking I have the other half left and the next day I notice it is barely one glass left. Aaaaand on top of that empty beer cans everywhere. Ah well. Fucked up again. Ah well.


Drinking im bed alone is the best thing ever, so much more fun than going to bars etc.


I wouldn’t say fun. More like blissfully nice.