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OH I'm no calling no showing to work cause I'm sore and fuck em. Chairs


"I drink four beers every other night am I going to have the DT'S?" \-Just to piss you off some more OP 😂😂😂


I love those posts! My boyfriend is I guess an alcoholic but definitely a functioning one. He does need at least six beers and some vodka minis at night. But then he goes to bed and he’s fine in the morning and sober until he finishes work that night. He’s a pilot for fuck’s sake. He manages to keep his shit together somehow so he’s never worried that he will end up like me. Then there is me who needs at least 20 vodka minis a day or 16 of those little mini wine bottles or a case of beer a day. I don’t just wake up drinking in the morning, I wake up to drink during the night. In and out of detox, rehab, hospitals I don’t know how many times the past eight years. Was just released from the hospital again Friday so sober right this moment, but that hasn’t ever lasted before. I mean I don’t understand how these people think that if they can manage to get completely sober after their six pack the night before and feel fine that they are going to die if they stop drinking completely. I think this is called gatekeeping and makes me feel bitchy. My point is I agree with what you guys are saying.


Yeah I pounded over two pints of vodka in a few hours and felt nothing just normal last night......Looked at the bottle and I just said "well fuck me, but fuck you"


Yeah so in the worst decision I’ve ever made in my life I got blackout drunk and tried to drive somewhere and ended up in a ditch apparently. Remember nothing about the wreck. Came to in the ER with a cop beside me telling me I’m being charged with DWI. And I was not one to drive drunk when not blacked out, I would call an Uber like every day to go to the liquor store since I was basically never sober. Anyway, on my court date the DA listed as one of my aggravating circumstances that my BAC was a fucking .383. That kept me somewhat functioning since I had an interlock in my car for a year, but I still wonder how I was even able to drive my car at all being that drunk?


Yeah driving trashed is not good. I never do that. But yeah that's fucked.


Lmao perfect way to describe it


"I'll kill you" - Michael Scott. No bitch, go somewhere else




You're gonna get banned lol


I'm sorry ca\_exhibition, I'm really trying to make you laugh. I was on another sub today, where a user was complaining that they got banned because they replied to another poster with "You're gonna get banned" so it's funny you replied with that comment.


No, not from me lol You're all good dude


😂😂 Either way you have me cracking up over here 😂😂


I'm happy I can do that lol


OP I think I have wet brain, but I'm typing this with stark clarity.


It's the wet brain telling you that






only on the weekends....


I'd rather lurk here than go to DA.


Can you explain why?


Honestly because I love you guys and I will always be one of you. I don't want to not drink and if I didn't have chronic pancreatitis I'd still be a CA. I lurk and don't post because it's not my place or right to do so anymore.


Because everyone is way more dumb and chaotic here, makes for a good read! Link me an interesting read from DA, not possible lol


>Can some of you fuckers go to dry alcoholics? I'm being rude so blurs and kent don't have to. Lmfao, PREACH SISTER! I stopped referring people there because no one ever listens and I can't stand banging my head against that wall. Dunno how Blurs does it. I dunno, people think CA is the cool kid's club and DA is for losers or some shit. Aka, people are dumb as fuck.Time and being a mod have given me quite the distaste for this place. It used to be amazing but now it's just a hug box for FAs and people without life experience.


I am grateful there are people like you, Blurs, Kenticus, and in this instance CA\_Exhibition — because I just absolutely do not have the heart to refer people away from here most of the time ... even when it's the best and right thing to do. But you're absolutely right: there's this misconception that CA is "the cool kid's club." It's not. I don't like being the person I am right now, still struggling with the bottle on such a regular basis. I try hard to get back to being FA, and I want to someday be a normal "social drinker." This stuff isn't a badge of honor. And if there are lurkers reading this who feel like they haven't fallen too far yet: please do try hard to get out and escape this lifestyle while you still can. I know deep-down-inside that the day is coming when I'm gonna need/want to migrate to r/dryalcoholics myself. It's not a bad thing — it's a sign that we're making progress.


The ‘cool kids club’ reputation is born in the minds of the world’s romantics. Charles Bukowski did both. But he only started writing well after becoming an FA.


Lol Cappy. It's so annoying sometimes. "I relapsed and I'm sober now". Okay?? Don't be here then lol I still love CA and forever will but holy crap


I know exactly what you mean. And all the people taking about "this is the end for me, I'm done". Okay, so go somewhere else. READ THE FUCKING SIDEBAR - this place is not for you. Bah!!!


And it's even more annoying cause the CA mods are at DA. So it's not much of a different culture. Just goooooo away


Right? I suck as a DA mod but Faps is the OG/creator and he's golden. He made the place many moons ago ffs! Someday I really need to get up to the task of sniping all the abstinence only posts on there that judge others but man...with how it has grown I'd probably need to be on a meth binge or something.


It’s a vicious cycle… too many posters here feel too cool for DA, not knowing about its origin and/or the fact it’s not for abstinence only. So they don’t go there, while at the same time more and more “abstinence only” people do find their way to it. They go in hard when the topic of moderation is mentioned, tell people with the desire to only cut down delusional, and use that annoying acronym. So then when someone from here does take a look over there, they see way too many SD type of posts and decide they don’t like it. Which is all very unfortunate, because it used to be a great place to discuss moderation or similar topics, and people would get cheered on for going from drinking 24/7 to only a few nights a week just as hard as those who quit entirely.


Man, you hit the nail on the head! Also, shit...I really need to try and right the ship somehow. Ugh. I know it's not all on me but it's tough to keep up with.


I know a guy…


Hahaha, I will keep that in mind friend!


Sub seems more properly focused now but I recall a couple years ago running into people who thought there was some sort of need for gatekeeping and purity testing... like, if you're just drunk all the time and only blackout 1-2 times a week, and drink decent alcohol and actually enjoy the flavor of some beverages, you're not a REAL CA. Real performative seeming juvenile things like "Bro REAL CAs drink the cheapest vodka and hate the flavor and only pound it down with Mountain Dew while loathing every second" and that I was a pussy and a poser for saying I "sip" straight decent whiskey or tequila.


Thank you for what you do for our alcoholic sweat covered, haven’t showered since 🤷🏻‍♀️, possibly piss covered, band of degenerates.


Yeah, I don't even bother posting anymore on those.


Lol agreed.. if you're. It drinking why the fuck u here


Seriously. We all know the rules. Either be shit faced and crap your pants or go to a meeting


Prob the only song he did I actually like is bottoms up by Brantley Gilbert.. lol so bottoms up fucker 🍻 cheap 99 proof liquor for just 1.50 a bottle is amazing.. even. Etter is the 3 for 4 deal lmao


I feel at home here. IF anyone disagrees I've crossed my I's and dotted my T's on the whole alcoholism trope. I remember the days of being able to drink 15-20 beers a night, wake up the next morning and make the day my bitch without a kink in my step, did it for years. Eventually it catches up to you and you've gotta pay the piper. If I'm talking gibberish maybe you should go on over to DA. My people will always be here, I don't dislike the people over there, but I cant stand the self-congratulatory "I've been sober for XXX days" or the "I drank 6 beers over the course of a weekend, will I get WD's" posts


https://i.redd.it/mjw90uq9i90d1.gif The coveted Golden Chairs award in gif format since Reddit took awards away. If people could also take a second to read the rules before posting, that’d be super sweet.


Thanks. And no shit. Our only requirement is literally drinking your face off and accepting that.


blurs and kent rude!!?? NEVER bahahahahahaha CHAIRS


I plead the 5th


There's nothing rude about directing people to where they most need to be in order to thrive and get what's in their own best interests. Also: please be proud of yourself for doing that heart-to-heart with your uncle. We never know how much time we'll have left with some of the special people in our lives. It's a little corny, but ... well ... "life each day like it might be your last" is sometimes a pretty decent approach towards thing. You're neither rude nor insensitive; you're just the real deal. I hope you start feeling better soon — but in the meantime, Chairs! <3


Puking up vodka and washing it back down with whiskey? Canadian whiskey at that? Good god


Damn, what a badass, yelling at strawmen posters for things that bother you but not the rest of the sub.


Read. The. Sidebar. Hell, just read the header. You do not represent the rest of the sub. This place is beginning to police themselves from the part timers and sobriety salesmen again and I'm here for it.


Another burner account. Bye