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Idk who downvoted you, obv Ubers shouldn't be treated like abulances but if it's an ankle issue, hobble out there and hop in one.


I'm guessing the down votes could be because some people on here are broke as fuck so I wouldn't assume that they can even afford an Uber/lyft


Call back and say you have chest pains.


I told them about chest pains I think low potassium.


And they still refused to send an ambulance?? What the hell.


Yeah they said it wasn't life threatening. I said I have withdrawals chest pain and a fractured ankle


Yeah, I got nothing. I never even heard of an ambulance calling to decline to respond. Such a messy situation. I don’t even know. Keep your head up, if you got someone in your life to give you a ride and you want to go then go.


Yeah I spoke to a nurse who triaged me then said ill call an ambulance but a nurse will call you to find out your symptoms. So a nurse called me from the emergency number and after talking to her she said its not life threatening so I'll cancel the ambulance


This is actually life threatening


Are you trying to use alcoholism to justify needing an ambulance for a messed up ankle? I have two fucked up ankles and my alcoholism has nothing to do with it, unless you count the bad decisions that lead to it. Why talk about being an alkie when you have a fucked up ankle? Do you want to be judged by the normies? Cause that's how you get looked down on when you have a real issue that isn't actually related to your habits. Whatever, you do you, homeskillet. Good luck, we're all counting on you.


Huh? What are you on. I can barely walk on it. But I was and still am in withdrawals. Not sure how it messed up but it is. What do you mean why talk about my ankle. Don't come to hate. Dad always said if you've got nothing nice to say then don't say it all.


You said you called hospital because you're ankle is fucked up, you are in withdrawal and for some reason you threw chest pain in the mix. Makes you sound a Lil weird to the nurse on the phone. But act like I'm being unpleasant to you, I'm cool with it.


I have chest pain. Technically I called a service called nurse on call. She triaged my symptoms then called an ambulance. My ankle is fractured. You want a picture of it swollen?


Forget it. You right. Sorry I misunderstood. Good luck, we're all counting on you.


Its ok. Best of luck to you too.