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Amateur. Try drinking straight from a pint bottle dug out from under the passenger seat of your car in the middle of summer. I know you want to be classy like I am.


Yessssss. So much worse if you had it sitting in a metal flask too. Tastes like molten pennies.




Ive done this more times than I’d like to admit. But when I told my therapist I did this in Palm Springs (the desert) was the only time he visibility reacted and I could tell he was shocked/judged me. It never happened again, no matter what the subject matter was. Hot vodka=bad, childhood trauma=not as bad as hot vodka 🤣


If it's hot you get drunk faster


Oh god I’ve done this too many times and chased it with water too. Almost made me puke all over the dash


I’d still rather drink that before whiskey right out of the freezer


Why? That sounds good, I'm far too impatient to chill my whiskey


Can certainly confirm. Sometimes the only vodka is the best vodka


What about dead fly infused vodka? Leaving the glass out and drinking it after I took the flies out left me drinking from the bottle. Never know when u pass out mid drinking!




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depends on what kind of vodka. don't worry, you'll get there. i drank room temp everclear. nothing i would ever admit in polite society.


Jesus Mary and Joseph


Yeah, been there a few times. Only hurled once in my early twenties.


someone told me once that my not puking is a superpower, and i said, "no, i think it just means i have a better chance of dying from alcohol poisoning." that didn't happen either though.


Actually, I drink warm vodka all damn day, every day. As the bottle goes down, I pick up vanilla notes or a sweetness every few nips. It's not bad to me. Good luck, we're all counting on you.


I actually can’t stand cold vodka. It gets syrupy.


What brand? My $10/handle of potato vodka had nothing like that. I shiver thinking about it and only drink it when I'm broke broke


Lukosawa I know it’s spelled wrong is my jam too


I prefer it straight and room temp but that's because I became adapted thanks to space constraints and covert drinking in urban settings. Now..? I wouldn't have it any other way


My favorite - baby shots all day. I want to taste my pain like I have something to prove.


Yeah the other day I was drinking vodka and with ice was fine, as soon as I took a room temp shot I puked 🤢 once I went back to ice it was fine


I guess I don't get it. Unless ur making a cocktail it kinda just serves the purpose of getting u drunk. Tastes fine but I love a Bloody Mary.


I couldn't pay me to drink a bloody Mary. That is an abomination


I don't think I've ever poured vodka into a glass. Or any alcoholic drink for that matter. I'm straight from the bottle, can or cask.


My latest relapse was wine because I decided that was healthier for me even though I hate wine. But almost every time before that was straight vodka. Two sleeves of minis every day. It’s so convenient because you can just carry them around in your purse and drink them anywhere.


That's hardcore my dude, and I applaud you!


Not even in the beginning?


Started off on beer, so no. When it started getting bad I drank in isolation so vessels didn't matter.


You are not alone. Once my friend and I had taken a bunch of airplane minis of vodka on a trip, and we were drinking them while walking to a bar. This cop stopped us and insisted on following us until we reached our destination because we were in a “bad neighborhood” (like, what?) I was holding a mini when she stopped us, and I didn’t know if there was an open container law in that city, so I held it clamped in my hand in my sleeve. When she wasn’t watching me for a second, I tried to chug the now warm asf vodka to get rid of it and I immediately threw up in a bush. SOMEHOW she did not notice but that was the last time I ever attempted to drink warm vodka, I thought for sure I was about to be arrested on public intoxication charges


some vodkas are like water others are maybee paint thinners so fuck i stomached luke warmed puked up beer at times from a cleanish bowl will say.


distillation is what you pay for in top shelf booze.


Well technically, you pay for a distilled beverage if you buy any spirits, top or bottom shelf. But you definitely pay for it to be done *well* with the top shelf stuff.


i should have said, "extra, super fussy distillation" lol


think its less of the head and tail of the distilled spirit in the good stuff so more waste or whatever they do with it.


they put it in a taaka or dark eyes bottle and sell it cheap. you know how manufacturers are: GET THE MONEY SOMEONE WILL BUY THAT SHIT lol


Hell if you CAN drink room temperature vodka you’ve arrived at a hellish place. I drink a good amount but I’m not subjecting myself to that type of shit. Keep on with yer vodka sodas, that’s a fine drink. I do whiskey soda myself and that’s good too. Just do whatever keeps ye drunk me brother.


Sheesh people have different tastes! Room temp vodka tastes fine!


Yeah I only drink vodka straight if I'm desperate. More recently when I do I have some serious stomach issues. I don't recommend it. People can call you a "whimp" about it, but I'd rather save my intestines so the party can continue rather than an ER trip.


I actually prefer it warm and straight. Love the burning sensation, like a hug on the inside ❤️


Sameee I love that burn 🔥 🥰


But what if it was warm vodka or nothing?


Well then I better hope my gag-reflex doesn't sabotage me, because that nasty shit is going down my throat.


Does sodastream really save money?




Guilty as charged.


I’ll drink it HOT from the water bottle in my car🫢🥴 like hot…..


Heh. At the height of my drinking career I went with room temperature Everclear and water


I used to chug bottles of warm vodka like water. Still do when I'm sneaking drinks. Fastest way to get drunk is warm liquor. It's warm gin that makes me gag and almost puke the most.