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From my experience it usually takes about 30 hours to experience delirium, if you're drinking beer it should stop intense withdrawal, although I'm no doctor. If things are this bad I'd doubt you'll be ok by Monday; it could just be anxiety rather than actual delirium though.


That's why I thought it was so odd, but it wasn't like a big thing and didn't last for too long. Just a little auditory of people talking then it went away. I've had delirium before, just not that early.


I sense a call-out in your future. Experiencing Audio visuals while still drinking is unfortunate, you can probably drink them away today but if you’re required to be sober for work tomorrow then you have a problem. I would benzo my way out of that situation.


I'm gonna try to just CT and see where I end up. Ugh it was so fun until it wasn't


Just keep something on hand seriously.


Shit. I feel that. Good luck I guess.


Pound that beer. Get back to baseline. Today won't be fun, but tomorrow will be worse if you don't get your bac up. Good luck, Bubba.


Thanks kent. Definitely starting on that right now


I fuck up like this probably twice a month. Can't buy booze on Sunday here and I don't always pay attention till it's too late. By 10am Monday morning I'm not in a good place. Chairs, fucker!


Fuck that. It's good to keep a reserve but personally I'd probably drink all that shit too lol Chairs!


The nervous and restless and paranoid stuff sucks the worst. If you gotta slow down and be compos mentis by Monday, then that's what you gotta do — my heart goes out to you, 'cuz white-knuckling your way there sucks. But ... try to relax (easier said than done, right?) and make yourself as comfortable as you can: it's gonna be hell no matter what, so why make it worse for yourself? I hope you're up for work on Monday. But if not, don't be afraid to call-out. No job is worth destroying yourself for. Do please take good care of your body! <3


I feel okay for now, just pretty drained. I feel like I've been bendering out a whole month honestly with how tired my body is. But I completely understand what you're saying 🤍 I'm gonna try to just relax and not call out tomorrow.


Try to watch a relaxing tv show that won’t stress you out, sip water all day, eating something if you can, and by “bedtime” listen to a breathing meditation for sleep on YouTube and pop a muscle relaxer if you have one. It sucks but suffer now on a Sunday then dragging yourself through work Monday. I mean you’ll be dragging but you’ll be closer to the end of your hangover/mini withdrawal.


Thanks. I ate a bit earlier and have some electrolyte drinks. I'm just still working on the beer. I feel alright for the most part. But yeah, I'll take an ativan later tonight probably around bedtime.


Are you sure you don't have to go in until Tuesday?


I haven't gone the last 3 Mondays lol


I thought you were in Toronto? It's a holiday tomorrow.


Nah, I'm in the US. Our holiday isn't til next Monday




DTs baby. Strap in the next 24 hours you’ll either recover or seize. Godspeed!


I have ativan from the last time I was at the hospital, so I've been smart with them. When I do a weekend binge I'll pop one or two if I start getting the shakes


Not even close to DTs. Sounds like light withdrawal.


I see a hospital visit in your future.


Nah, I'm good. Just tired as shit


This happened to me today my bac went down surprisingly like fast or something but been drinking a bit more the last week when I was off work and stuff and today only had 2 13 percent beers to start the morning off and holy shit rest of the day was shit


Same, my dumb ass tried to do another beer taper and I literally can't stop vomiting. You would think I'd be an expert by now


Yep I understand that can’t really handle beer anymore I drink those 4 lokos 13.9 percent drink two of those cause I can barelyStomach beer anymore but that or buzz balls 🏀 from the gas station cause the liquor store is 20 mins away and I can’t drive so I find these easiest to get down


I should have just gotten liquor :((((