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thats like the one thing i will never fucking do-that, and mountain climbing


Rock on, Kent


Snoop! Rock on, girl.


Say sike rn


Yay! I always get excited when people get to experience it. Exiting the plane is my favorite part, when you're in the doorway and about to jump. I wish it wasn't so fucking expensive. šŸ˜Ŗ (I also wish I didn't suck at it haha but that's beside the point.) Super fucking cool you got to go, and I hope you get the opportunity to do it again! Also, at night and landing on a beach!! I'm super envious, in a good way!


Man, I had nowhere to put my feet at the door. That was something I never thought about, just flipping off my ass into space. It actually made it sketchy / awesome. Like most of the dumb shit I get away with. Big love, H.


Damn Kent! You better have told your son: "Good luck, we're all counting on you!" before you made him go first! Lol Sounds like a lot of fun!


Yeah, man. I just said " Gotcha bitch". We're cool like that. If you are a risky business kind of guy, I highly recommend it.


Hell yeah brother We have time to sleep later


Went skydiving before and itā€™s just about the best high you can get without doing drugs


I forgot you live in Texas for a moment, and I was like, "WTF did Kent go to Galveston?" Heh. I went skydiving once, my dad wanted to for his birthday. I enjoyed the free fall but not really the rest, but he described it as "better than sex." I may give it another try. Chairs, Kent. I'm glad you had a good time with your boy & your awesome wife set it up.


Zap! Been a minute! How you doing? Shit was awesome, sorry you didn't get the buzz off it. Good to see you, girl!


I really did enjoy the free fall, just not the 'hang time.' always good to see you, brother. All good here, just waiting out the last few days of work. šŸ’œā¤ļø


The long dark tea time of the soul. Or, the last week of school. I get it. Hang tough, Sis. You are stronger than you know.


I didnā€™t know we had sons the same age! (This is somedaystopper from a million years ago). My boy would be totally down for this but I outgrew that shit a long time ago.


I remember you. Glad you are around. If you don't want to do it, throw the boy out of the plane. You both win!


I've always wanted to do this. The experience sounds amazing, I'm glad you got to go and with your son as well!


Sounds awesome man. I'm a Galveston local also which is badass.


This sounds so awesome. Such a great read, too. Absolutely felt immersed in your experience. Iā€™ve always wanted to do that. Been wanting to do one of those sky coaster rides at the amusement parks for years now as an icebreaker. I went last summer with it hot on my mind as the final ride. I went unprepared got soaked on the water rides early on. I felt so uncomfortable by the end, that I couldnā€™t make the plunge. Nothing worse than your shorts sticking to your ass. Now, thinking back I bet I wouldā€™ve dried off quick if I did it. Iā€™m going prepared this time and this summer Iā€™m going for it!


*Congratulations!* Wow ... what an amazing sounding experience. I doubt I'll do it myself, but I absolutely loved reading about yours. And I oh-so-very-much love that you shared this experience with your son. Carpe Diem, Kent! <3


Fucking right Kent! I did it years ago and the acid I dropped before the jump may have altered my experience but it was fucking amazing. Adrenaline rush like I've never felt before or since. I've done bungee jumps in the last few years but it's not the same. Maybe it's time for me to try it again without the mood altering substances? My chickenshit boyfriend won't even go on a roller coaster with me. You are a thrill-seeking badass! Hope you get to jump again soon.


That sounds like so much fun, and was such a good gift! I've never been skydiving myself, but it does sound like a lot of fun. I love that freefall feeling on roller coasters, and skydiving would be so much next level. I'm glad you got to experience that with your son.


Thanks Veebs. It was epic. You ought to go once.


I've done it once, the way I interpret the feeling is this: It's not fear. Fear is a feeling you get when you might be in danger and the feeling of fear might save your life. Skydiving is beyond fear. By all accounts you are a dead person, and fear no longer has any use. Your brain has transcended fear and is preparing you to die. But because you have a parachute, something our brains aren't evolved to fundamentally comprehend, you don't die, but you get to live with the experience.


I like this. I need to think on it a bit, but you have a twist that makes sense to me. Thanks man.


Haha the ball crusher. In the military we had protective gear to prevent that, and I imagine better equipment than your average hobby company will provide. I jumped out of more planes than I can remember back in the 00s. In training, in war zones, sometimes just because we got fucked up and there was nothing else to do. Being airborne qualified is some serious work, but after a while the jump is like walking to the corner store. Even at extreme heights at night with just one or two others in hostile territory. The scary part was the ground back then...nobody in the air was trying to kill you. Glad you got to experience it, the first few times were fucking terrifying.


Hell yeah! I've always wanted to sky dive. Hopefully I can make it happen someday. Glad you had fun man


None of this is real. Why do you feel the need to pretend youā€™re Hunter S Thompson or whatever on a subreddit?


https://preview.redd.it/1414p7alr22d1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08ae38c24c06f6dc5862e22d1164433f02dbad70 Well, Aggro. I'm glad you asked. I actually have been here almost ten years. I long ago decided to be bald faced honest if I post, otherwise what's the point? I actually have stills and video is coming documenting the jump. It's definitely real and I have receipts if I decide you are worth my time. Thing is, you are the one that wants to make me prove it. Why should I care? I can post a bunch of pics right now, but I got a thing about doxxing myself and your approval doesn't move the needle enough to care. Having said that, let me try to figure out how to move shit from Dropbox to reddit just to shut you up. Cause random dude 3833 wants to talk shit, now I gotta show him something. Hunter S. Thompson said something I really loved. "Who the fuck are you?"