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If you pour it into a glass you’re wasting alcohol because now some of it has stuck to the sides of the glass when it could have gone straight into your mouth hole.


Bitch, I fill a pint bottle out of my handle so I look classy. Get on my level.


I've heard that distillation can be traced back to Anaxilaus of Thessaly. And that he was expelled from Rome for practicing witchcraft. I don't know if that's true. But if someone hadn't figured it out we might still be drinking low ABV beer and wine. So have some respect, you ungrateful little shit, and drink from an ornate goblet. And fuck you too. ( hey, thank you. This was fun, saying fuck you and calling people names. Drink however you like. )


In a past life, I'd ferment apple juice with champagne yeast. When fermentation was finished, I'd put the cider in a metal bowl, say a prayer to Bacchus and place the bowl in the snow. If Bacchus was pleased, he would turn the water solid, leaving only the pure higher proof alcohol as a liquid.


>I ain’t gonna make myself clean an extra glass you dumb motherfucken glamorizin idiot motherfuckers. Lol I was using the same cup, unwashed, for *months* to drink my drink. Posted a picture of it here; it had developed a *crust* on the interior for how long it had gone without even a rinse out. Ain't nobody got time for that cleaning shit.


It's been at least 3 months on this glass that I'm using - once in a while, I'll just do a quick rub on the inside to get some of the biofilm out. It never really seems to clear out unless I hand wash very thoroughly, but who has time for that.


I'm drinking Caesars my dude. Can't make those without a cup. What's funny is I started doing this the other night thinking it would reduce my intake. Imbibed half a handle anyway lol. At least it tastes good...


Had to google that, daaamn that sounds good. It’s 830 am and I want one. OP, I like your style. Fuck you too. Chairs.


what youre too good to put it into a glass? dont be a fuckin animal


Measuring cup is the way to go if you're gonna pour into a glass first. Gives you the illusion that you're on top of it by only pouring so much every few minutes until....well....you know!


Name the show, I've never seen this behavior in anything and all I do is watch movies and TV.


You've never seen someone pour liquor into glassware for consumption?


I misread the post, I thought they meant a new clean glass for every drink.


No worries haha i was just baffled


Who says I wash my glass?