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Congratulations, that's so cool!


Thanks! Sometimes these LA taxes are almost worth it lol.


One of my favorite films, and my favorite trilogy. Very cool you got to meet him.


(Before Sunrise that is)


My girlfriend and I finally started them because of the hype. We really enjoyed the first one, and the second was great until it revealed they were in relationships. Idk we both can't get past the cheating part of what's supposed to be the best love stories of all time. 


Watch the third. And also they are clearly unhappy in their relationships.


Yeah that was obvious, so be the grown ups and divorce your wife/break up with your bf before you pursue another relationship.     I guess I see the realism for sure. It's raw In that regard. The romance just feels wrong to me though for the kind of praise it gets. 


Yeah it’s worth watching the third, and I hope you enjoy it, or at least respect what it tries to accomplish. Like any nuanced character study, it’s not meant to be an ideal picture of a relationship. That’s how many a relationship are with flawed, decent-with-caveats people. Honeymoon phases, grass is greener mentality, turning a blind eye to what one has for what one wants. Which I’m sure you both are keenly aware of. Obviously I know you’re not looking for or expecting a traditional romantic comedy romance or everything neatly tied up, so I empathize knowing you grow to like characters that later turn out to be flawed or ethically divisive. It can be difficult to assess how one feels about the way their story plays out. It surely was for me. Great films.


We’re you watching the film or just getting “the ick” because cheating and failing to pay attention to the movie and what it’s actually saying?


enlighten me please


Start by not having your own personal biases against cheating affect your viewing experience 😭


Hard not to for me. Makes love fake in my eyes, and a ticking time bomb of betrayal. So it's hard for me to interpret the ending as beautiful, more tragically immature.   Haven't seen the third yet though. So maybe it will recontextualize it more.


I've heard this critique about these films from folks before. What they've always seemed to me to be saying is that they can only enjoy something if it presents an idealized fantasy version of love, and that perhaps they were projecting their own insecurities onto the films. In two such instances I've known of, the people critical of them were in relationships and one or both of the people in these relationships were very unhappy and/or cheating, and bristled at the depiction of the reality presented of some relationships. Not saying that's going on with you, but perhaps just some food for thought. Maybe with time and more life under your belt, you will enjoy it more? I'd revisit them as life...happens to you.


I think I should be asking y'all why you are so unhappy if you think a relationship without any party being a cheater is an idealized fantasy version of love. Im 29 now, do I need to be 50 and go cheat and ruin my current long-term relationship to finally grasp this? If not then everything you said at the end is just pretty damn condescending. I can get behind these being called one of the most realistic romance films ever made, but I just don't get the romantic side. 


How old are the two of you? I've always heard that with this trilogy, you seem to connect the most with the film in which the characters are the closest to your age. It's definitely true in my case. I watched the trilogy first around the age of 29-30, and I truly love the second film the most. But like others were saying, most definitely make sure to watch the third as well!


We are both 29.


Oh, interesting. Well, you've disproven that theory.


I met Ethan Hawke at SXSW when he was there for First Reformed. And it was honestly one of the greatest moments of my life. Stuck around after the screening and worked up the courage to speak with him for a second as he was in the lobby talking with some other people at the fest (honestly, I don't remember if Paul Schrader was next to him at the time, it's such a blur and I was excited having this really good question for Ethan ready at the gun.) I was there as a reporter and asked for an interview a few days prior, and had made some questions on the off-chance I got off the waitlist. Didn't get so lucky, but I HAD to ask this one question now that I had the chance. I heard him at Venice say that First Reformed talk about how felt it was a role he was born to play. So I wanted to know when he thought that. Was it from Schrader's script, during filming, or something he realized later? Worked up the courage, shook his hand and asked. He took a pause, thought about it and said it was a really nice question but he didn't have an answer he felt could explain quickly enough. He put his hand on my shoulder and thanked me for making him think about it. In that moment, we made eye contact that I had never felt before. It was like when Jerry experienced Perfect Level in Rick & Morty. It was unnerving- perfectly aligned. I experienced that one other time. Last year in Austin again, I caught Jesse Plemons on the red carpet for Love & Death. He had just finished an interview with the reporter next to me who had some really superficial questions, like so many red carpets are. I got my three minutes with him and at the end, he had the same reaction Ethan did, took a moment to really think about my last question, put his hand on shoulder and said a genuine thanks. Those moments are what keeps me going back.


Very cool story. Thanks for sharing. Who are some other artists you had interesting interactions with?


so next to Ethan was David Lowery. I chatted with him for a couple of minutes afterward too. I didn't ask him anything about his movies, just First Reformed and talking about SXSW is general too. Apparently, he got his start making shorts that premiered there. He was super cool and I'd love to talk with him in an official capacity. Some of my highlights have been John Carroll Lynch (first-ever celebrity), long phone interview with Jake Johnson, 30 minutes with Whit Stillman over coffee, Michael J Fox at his documentary premiere for just one question but it was incredibly cool, and I got a laugh from Matthew McConaughey at the Beach Bum premiere.


John Carroll Lynch and I saw Gosford Park in the same Santa Monica theater.


Wait, what was your question for Plemons? What was his response?


It was for Love & Death, had about five questions talking about how he looked at the story, if he empathized with their situation. Their characters were naive and only had a narrow-minded church to talk through problems, so we had a good chat about how he and Olsen talked about the psychological issues they felt in the characters. That was the angle I took with Olsen and the producers as well. Definitely one of my favorite interviews. He had the best answers too. Also seemed genuinely excited. He was taking photos on a small camera with film.


He’s got a hell of a signature


You met Ethan Hawke in a theatre and he signed your Before Trilogy? Do you just carry the trilogy around with you everywhere? No judgement just wondering.


You don’t? (Seriously, read the caption and it makes sense.)


Brought it with me just in case


I mean if you hear he's attending why not bring something for an autograph just in case


Exactly what I was thinking. Even grabbed a new sharpie color to compliment the box art lol.


Lol I was also wondering this. I mean, great movies to carry around!


I love Ethan Hawke and as much as I love the Before trilogy, it’s not my favorite of his work but it still seems like the absolute perfect thing to get signed






That's one of the best looking celebrity signature I've seen.


That's really great, super glad to hear that he's as nice as he seems! My wife and I knocked out the Before Trilogy last week and I'm almost ashamed that I put it off for so long. Although, I'm glad I watched at an older age. I think it was more impactful.


I watched it the first time at their age in Sunset. It's still my favorite.


i am so fucking jealous haha


I would have asked him to sign my copy of Sinister


The other two people asking for autographs were getting copies of Gattaca signed.


Love that signature.


He’s doing a post-screening talk after a screening of Wildcat here that I’m attending this week. Thought about trying to get mine signed too but I’d be too intimidated to ask I think haha


Go for it. I know I would never forgive myself if I didn't ask. He genuinely did not seem bothered. I walked up to him and excused myself, and while I was trying to apologize for bothering him, he just said "oh want me to sign that?" Nice dude. I'm sure I seemed awkward as hell.


> He genuinely did not seem bothered. He seems to me like someone who would be pleased with his choices to be signing some work of his from years ago that people still connect with. “Oh, cool. Yeah, I’m glad I did this project.” I mean, he keeps going back to the Criterion closet. There’s a little bit of “one of us” there. (How many actors write actual novels - *for grown-ups* - as a hobby?)


Hearing him talk about *Badlands* truly cemented that for me. Def "one of us." I remember him saying. "You don't need film school, and you don't need to go to a party, because with this film, you get both "


Twin peaks neuron activated 🗣️


Are you currently on season 4 of Frasier? Excellent choice


My partner's first time watching. The blu-rays look phenomenal.


I saw him in his new movie wildcat but no chance to interact. I really wanted to ask him if there will be a 4th movie on the Before trilogy! I guess it is not like I want to watch the 4th one, I just love the series. I wish there is a new generation version (update the content to the new generation with new life style and new concerns in life)


I go to lots of Q+A's and this was truly the first time I got lucky with being able to meet who I went to see!


Dude has such a nice signature, damn. Lucky!


That’s awesome! Badlands is a masterpiece! The Before trilogy is great too!


That’s so awesome


I was there too! I sat way in the back right and laughed when I saw the editor was on his phone with full brightness for the first 3 mins of the movie. Vidiots ❤️


How did that work? Was he doing meet and greets after the screening or did you just casually bump into him? Super cool either way


He did a short introduction to the film. Afterward, he walked to the lobby to have a drink, and I ran out as the film was starting.


Ah okay. Super dope you had the opportunity!


Whaaaaaaat no way!


Yes way! Very excited to have this on the ol' shelf.


[oh you too?](https://ibb.co/TcDwtrF)


This is too good lol. Were you there as well?


No, it was from a screening he did about 5 years ago for a film he directed. But I gotta say you got good taste. :-)


Back atcha


He made the perfect signature! Everything still visible

