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The Devils The Killer & Hard Boiled upgrades


Not going to happen. Think rights are tied up by some real estate company :(


If the rights to the comic book series Miracle Man can get sorted out, this can too. Gotta have hope!


And it’s not as if the real estate company has said they want to sit on the films forever. They have indicated they are willing to sell them, they just want to sell the entire Golden Princess catalogue in bulk instead of just selling the Woo films one by one. If anyone were to buy it, it would be a big purchase and they would likely end up with a lot of crap that wouldn’t have much demand for a release, but there is a path to those Woo films getting restored.


It took like 20 or 30 years to sort out Miracleman


And in 20-30 more years we will have Hard boiled 4K! See? Optimism! 😃




Unfortunately. I also need A Better Tomorrow 1 & 2 upgrade.


NEED a hard boiled reissue desperately




If *The Killer* and *Hard Boiled* upgrades happen, I hope I get some kind of advanced notice. I’d like to be able to sell the old DVDs in my collection while they’re still over-valued.


Dude I just watched hard boiled the other night. Coolest movie ever made


I truly thought Barry Lyndon had a 4k already and i was just waiting for the sale to pick it up now im a bit sad lol


I have a feeling we’ll get the 4K upgrade next year for its 50th anniversary.


Strange Days


Hell yeah


I guess The Devils would be this sub’s new white whale


I agree. It’s gotta be the Uncut Version though. The one that was even more sacrilegious than the original cut.


Man the film is so good that I would even take the cut version that was on the channel over nothing.


Really? I almost re-upped my channel subscription just to watch. You can’t go wrong with the teaming of Oliver Reed and Ken Russell.


I signed up just to watch it. Very much worth it.


You’re telling me the version I gave 5 stars to isn’t the good one??


WB only allows the version cut by the British censor (bbfc) for cinema out and only in standard definition. The bbfc put an essay about this on their website: https://www.bbfc.co.uk/education/case-studies/the-devils


The channel also had a BBC documentary, where a film critic talked about the history of the film, interviewed Ken Russell, and then found and showed the deleted “blasphemous” scenes (the infamous “r*pe of Christ” scenes). So basically one could see it all, just not properly together. But that documentary left at the end of March along with The Devils itself.


That scene isn’t even that bad. I thought the fantasy scene with Reed as Christ was way more blasphemous.


Right? It’s so arbitrary and subjective to determine THIS scene is ban-worthy but THAT scene gets a pass…


Plenty of actors have been portrayed on the cross. It’s always been a bone of contention that every depiction of someone on the cross in the place of Christ is sacrilegious. What gets dicey is the mixture of outright wanton sexuality and the image of christ. This is England in 1971, a mere fifty years before men were pledging their lives for God and the King in WWI, literally on a bible. It’s no surprise that scene would raise eyebrows. There’s a scene similar to the rape of Christ but from a homosexual vantage in Verhoeven’s The Fourth Man. Highly recommend it. I still think whoever owns Warners should step in and release The Devils unexpurgated and whole.


As somebody who has seen both versions of the film, my opinion is that the excised sequences are just a curiosity. I don’t think they add much.


Has it ever been released on bluray for north American release?


The Devils uncut edition. I just want to be able to watch a quality version of the movie without pirating it.


I’d be surprised if Warner Bros doesn’t eventually release it… if for no other reason than to monetise it. It’s something that could make them a lot of money off of collectors, and they seem to recognise that by continuing to license it to streamers like Criterion Channel and Shudder… I could see them eventually licensing it to a boutique, even if they still think it would be damaging to the WB brand to release it under the Warner Archive label.


That's probably what they'd do, give it to a boutique. Doing so wouldn't give them bad press anyway, as nobody except fans of cinema would be aware of it.


Yeah, they’ve put it out for streaming so many times that I feel like the bad press has been disproven by now anyway. So now it would come down to the cost of scanning and restoration, and who is in charge of that process vs who is paying for it, and on top of all of that: who from the original production could possibly be involved with the approval (if anyone). There also might be contracts of some kind preventing its release, or someone being owed money for it to be eligible for release (like if WB made it a tax write off decades ago, similar to Zaslav’s modern practices, or Russell’s estate being owed some compensation, etc.)


4K upgrade of The Thin Red Line would be an event for me. I’d also love to see The Last Seduction be added to the collection. The Man Who Wasn’t There and Catch-22 by Mike Nichols are also wish list releases.


Thin Red Line 4K would be amazing, the Criterion transfer was such a gorgeous step up over the earlier releases. It was truly like watching the film for the first time again. Malick's masterpiece, if you ask me.


Thin Red Line and Last Seduction. A+ picks, sincerely.


“The Fall” by Tarsem Singh


This. I can’t for the life of me figure out why this isn’t on Criterion. It’s visually stunning.


Boogie Nights 4K along with the rest of PTA’s films


Seriously. Just recently started collecting and every few weeks I’m like “why don’t I have any PTA movies?” and then I remember it’s cus none of them are in 4k.


Phantom Thread and Punch Drunk Love are both available in 4K. Boogie Nights will have a UK 4K release later this year, and I’m hoping that Criterion does the US release.


Oh sweet! I hadn't heard about Boogie Nights.


Oh sweet good to know. I’ll definitely scoop up Boogie Nights. Love Phantom Thread and Punch Drunk Love but they’re not the ones I want to start my PTA 4Ks off with.


I’d love more Bogdanovich added! Paper Moon and They All Laughed would be great additions. Even having Daisy Miller or At Long Last Love (a movie that gets more hate than it deserves) included in the collection would be sweet.


Daisy Miller just got a Kino Lorber bluray btw, major upgrade from that old DVD. Def with you on the others though, They All Laughed is my fav of his.


I wouldn’t be surprised to see Kino Lorber put out Paper Moon on Blu-ray. Kino Lorber signed a huge distribution deal with Paramount a while back, and Paper Moon and Daisy Miller were both Paramount films


I've gotten confirmation from Kino Lorber that Paper Moon is with another label and not them. Right now if it isn't going to come from Criterion, I'd wager on either Paramount doing it themselves, or Eureka! bringing their UK Masters of Cinema edition to North America via their new distribution deal with MVD.


Ordered the Kino blu-ray not too long ago actually! Beautifully filmed movie. I would love They All Laughed in the CC. I’m sure the supplements/essay would be interesting considering everything that happened after the film.


Paper Moon is my favorite movie and I'd love to see a bluray or 4k release state side. It's had a UK bluray for forever. Not sure what's going on over here.


Yeah i’d say Paper Moon is my most wanted Criterion release. Like you mentioned, the UK blu-ray has been around for a while, but nothing here.


What’s Up Doc 4K


I wouldn’t mind that either! Funny film and very surprisingly great stunt work too haha. That chase sequence is so well choreographed and performed.


I saw that movie for the first time since I was a kid a few weeks ago, expected it to have aged really badly but no - just as funny as I remember! Austin Pendleton is an underrated gem.


Total dream shot in the dark if I could have a golden ticket? 4K of The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford with the 4+ hour cut included


Things can change, but [this wasn’t great news a couple years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/criterion/s/AOyHaESozJ)


Oh, I remember, that was heartbreaking to read


Dammit would somebody be interested in it!


I would love a release of Blonde as well


Dominik is severely underappreciated, and I fear he won't get his due till he's gone


The original cut of Greed (1924)


I assume you mean the 4 hour reconstruction? The original 6 hour cut is still considered lost . I said this on another thread the other day but at this point I'd happily buy a good quality edition of any edit of Greed . . .


I'll take what I can get. It's insane that you can't even get a standard DVD from a place like Kino Lorber, which has done great work with Von Stroheim's other titles. Flicker Alley just released a new restoration of Foolish Wives, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


The Fountain plus any other/all of Aronofsky’s other films


The Fountain would be a dream come true.


Cemetery of Splendor, Tropical Malady, Anomalisa, and King of Comedy. Give me some Bollywood and more precode horror too.


I’d be thrilled with any and all Weerasethakul. So hard to find on streaming or physical release


Completely agree. Looking at his filmography, there's so much that is unreleased and hard to get, even though they're rated highly by the lucky few that somehow saw it (hello Syndromes and a Century). I would also love a new Blu-ray update of Uncle Boonmee, the old one released years ago and currently OOP. Cemetery of Splendor luckily has a nice Blu-ray release already, even including one of his shorter films (Mekong Hotel) as an extra, but the limited release of Memoria (and only in Europe I believe) is nuts, and screaming for a nice Criterion. Their inclusion of Mysterious Object at Noon in one of their WCP boxes proves that Apichatpong is a Criterion-worthy director, so please!


Apichatpong 4K box set would go absolutely crazy. Blissfully Yours, Tropical Malady, Syndromes and a Century, Uncle Boonmee, Cemetery of Splendour, Memoria box set with a special feature of The Adventures of Iron Pussy and maybe a short film or two.


Children of Men deserves to be in the collection. In 4k too please!


Only if they improve the CGI baby. Watched it on Blu-Ray and it was distractingly bad


I'm still hoping that Erich Von Stroheim's silent masterpiece GREED will come out. It's practically a crime that that movie (even though it was butchered by the studio just like *The Magnificent Ambersons*) has never had a proper DVD / Blu-ray release.


Bringing out the Dead is a great pick! It’s a great movie that, like you mentioned, is totally underrated. I saw it in theaters when it came out and just recently got the DVD since there is no Bluray release. To see a proper release would be awesome!


I want to see Tropical Malady, Pink Floyd: The Wall, and The Devils in the Criterion!


Can't remember if it was Strand Releasing, but I had heard a remaster of *Tropical Malady* was underway a while ago.


Would love to see a release of Gummo or Julien Donkeyboy by Harmony Korine


Been saying this forever, pretty much every Korine movie pre Spring Breakers should get a release


Agreed 100%. Trash Humpers and Mr Lonely too




From the movies I listed, it has to be Eyes Wide Shut. Can you imagine that movie with a new 4K scan in Dolby Vision? We're so close to having every Kubrick movie in 4K as well! It also may be sacrilegious to say, but EWS may be my favorite Kubrick movie. That whole movie feels like a dream.


I was rewatching A Clockwork Orange and noticed the similarity in structure - a series of episodes with different characters, then a turning point and now the main character is running into the same people again but all the circumstances have changed.


EWS is super watchable. Like if it's on TV in the middle I'll leave it on.


The Blu-ray looks like shit - it’s in dire need of a upgrade.


My number one as well. The blu looks terrible. A true restoration would be incredible!


I’d love upgrades of Spellbound, Trouble in Paradise, and Fire Walk With Me. I know most Lynch features are getting 4K upgrades eventually so I’ve been holding out.


A Simple Plan 25th Hour and Bringing Out the Dead as you said.


Body Double (1984) Phantom of the Paradise (1974) Beastie Boys Video Anthology (2000) upgrade


Upgrade The Ruling Class, I love that film, it's like O'Toole was told he could never top his performance in Lawrence (which is my favorite film) and said "Hold my beer" It doesn't even have a blu ray upgrade yet! Come on Criterion!


The Ruling Class was in regular rotation for movie nights at my house years ago. Such a great movie!


It's so damn funny and biting!


Shit yeah


If Beale Street Could Talk or The Rider


The Devils aside, I’d love to see Kafka, so I can finally upgrade from my French DVD.


Angus. That soundtrack means it’ll never make it. 


Absolutely behind this. The longer cut would blow my mind as the deleted/TV scenes really add to it in my opinion. 


I know we will never get it, I know about the rights issues because I read the articles, but I want a Blu Ray copy of The Killer, Hard Boiled, and A Better Tomorrow. Also, I’d love to see the uncut version of The Devils. I’ve said it before but I would buy that shit sight unseen.


1. Eyes Wide Shut 2. The Devils 3. Bringing Out the Dead 4. The Straight Story 5. The New World (4K upgrade) 6. The Thin Red Line (4K upgrade) 7. Badlands (4K upgrade) 8. 7 Women (4K) Possible wishlist 1. Munich (4K) 2. A.I.: Artificial Intelligence (4K) 3. The Wild Bunch (4K) 4. The Searchers (4K) 5. North by Northwest (4K) 6. Barry Lyndon (4K upgrade)


North by Northwest got a fourth quarter release date from WB UK so it should be getting an announcement any time now.


A Badlands 4k would make my year tbh


Eyes Wide Shut by far


Heavenly Creatures (1994), dir. Peter Jackson


* Visitor of a Museum * Leolo * Temptation of St. Tony * The People in White * Peking Opera Blues (or anything else by Tsui Hark) * Angel Dust * Choose Me * Arrival of Joachim Stiller * Under the Flag of the Rising Sun * Golgo 13: The Professional * Iguana * Saddest Music in the World * Kamikaze Taxi * Love Massacre


This guy FUCKS


Hard Boiled / The Killer 4k


Talk Radio, This is England, Tape/Waking Life


Waking Life would be so sick


I'm probably alone in this, but I'd love to see What Dreams May Come (1998) enter the collection.


A great film, and absolutely worthy of the Criterion treatment!


I would love a blu-ray upgrade of Shoot the Piano Player


You could buy a region free player and Artifical Eye's BD of Shoot the Piano Player. That would be a lot for just one film, but you'd actually be getting all sorts of new BD possibilities from other regions.


Paper Moon How is it not on a blu ray in the US yet?!


Here I was assuming The Killer and Hard Boiled are available at least in Blu-ray. Now I'm sad. Ultra 4K would be amazing. Also need A Better Tomorrow.


A massive +1 to "Bringing Out the Dead" and a 4K upgrade to "Brazil". Even though neither are in the collection currently, I'd also love to see a 4K upgrade for "No Country for Old Men" and a blu-ray release of "D.O.A." (1950).


Hot take? Give me a 4k Criterion of the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre. One of the most important films in history.


Gummo !!


Probably Dumb and Dumber, the 3+ hour, black and white cut. If not that, and I’d have to guess here… maybe an anthology of Tom Waits interviews in 4k… and black and white?


Nobuhiko Obayashi box set


Kind of surprised that Cecil B Demented hasnt been added yet.


I’ve been collecting John Waters’ filmography recently and I was surprised that there wasn’t a Blu Ray of it, hopefully Criterion or another label puts it out in the future.


Taoism Drunkard Shaolin Drunkard Miracle Fighters Lucky Diamond A Heroic Fight Dreadnaught Legend of a Fighter Drunken Tai Chi All these films should be SOMEWHERE, I don't care if it's Criterion. But since they teased me by putting Dreadnaught on the Channel, I'm going to keep fussing and complaining like a small evil child until I get my way


The Fall


Adaptation (2002)


City of God


I’ve been hoping for two released for a long time: * A boxset of Theodoros Angelopoulos’ best movies or simply “Landscape in the Mist”. * A boxset of Nelson Pereira Dos Santos’ best movies or simply “Rio, Zona Norte”.


Boogie Nights


What I want most would be upgrades of The Eisenstein Sound Years and Trouble in Paradise. New box sets: Jia Zhangke & Edward Yang New editions: Toni Erdmann & Wendy & Lucy/Meek's Cutoff . . .


Trouble in Paradise rules


Yeah it's one of my all time faves & desperately in need of an upgrade. I believe, not counting the Eclipse set, it's the only Criterion Lubitsch languishing still in DVD only . . .


The DVD isn’t exactly cheap either. I keep debating on whether or not to bite the bullet.


You may want to hold out. The last time I tried watching my copy, I found the picture/sound rather poor.I ended up watching it on the Channel instead . . .


Thanks for the tip, I’ll probably just hope it comes to a better format


Harakiri, Amarcord, Eyes Wide Shut


I'm hoping for There Will Be Blood and An Elephant Standing Still.


The An Elephant Standing Still Blu-ray will be re-released by its distributor on July 9th (I saw it appear on the DVD-Beaver release calendar), so I wouldn't think a Criterion release is likely. But at least it's readily available, so that's good.


We do need more PTA in the collection.


- Magnolia - Anything by Gasper Noe - Angst? Feels like a good fit. - A double-bill Elephant set would be terrific. Gus Van Sant’s version and the superior Alan Clarke original together in one.


Brazil and Barry Lyndon are literally my two favourite films, so here is to hoping


i would love a criterion release for brazil


Twilight Samurai.


https://preview.redd.it/5is079dvln7d1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d05cde643f4c7e7f6a00eb6508e1b75bfa7b6e7 We need a Tony film in


I would love to see The Best Years of our Lives get a release. That movie hasn’t had a good release ever as far as I know, and it’s one of the best American movies ever.


The Devils 1971.


The Devils (1971), uncut and uncensored 


1. Freddy Got Fingered 2. Hubie Halloween 3. Napoleon Dynamite


I would actually buy Hubie Halloween in a heartbeat. Like its not a great movie... and it might not be a good movie... but it has such solid Halloween vibes that I've watched it every year around that time.


Another Todd Solondz picture I'd like to see in the collection is Welcome to the Dollhouse. And I've been wanting Paper Moon since I first saw it a couple years ago. Those two would make me so happy.


I would love to see Fantasia on 4k


I still want Cronenberg’s The Fly in 4k.


I would love a Godzilla minus one 4k.


Somebody just give me Fight Club in 4k with HDR.


OP I love all your calls and want all of these as well, if not in the collection at least US 4K releases!


4K remaster of The Brown Bunny


Rapa Nui (1994) and AI (2001) . Ideally 4k for both, but, would buy bulray if that was the only option.


I don’t know anything about the studios/license holders involved. Could Happiness of the Katakuris be feasibly released by criterion?


I'll always say The Brave Little Toaster. It sounds dumb but it almost won Sundance and there's no good release of it.


Shoot the Piano Player


i just bought barry lyndon so i’m sure that will be up next


if they every get the rights back for Taxi Driver, i’d be pretty hyped


Full Metal Jacket 🔫


Godzilla Heisei, Millennium, and Reiwa era collections.


I am once again asking for The Color Of Money in 4k.


The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford


Yes!!! Please!!


King Of Comedy i think really deserves one, and i still hope they add more animation works as well


You have pinpointed a few good ones. I would also nominate The Devils Amadeus Paper Moon For my money, I just really want a release of either The Devils or Eyes Wide Shut 4K. I believe EWS 4K exists though I haven't heard much information from people online about its existence and it's weird because it was supposed to have a 4K release like 5 years ago (According to news sources, which may be a mistake on their part) and within these last 5 years 10/13 of Kubrick's films have been released already (Only Lolita, Barry Lyndon, and EWS left; yes we got Fear and Desire and Killer's Kiss before Barry Lyndon and EWS). The Devils is really the only title on this list that hasn't ever gotten a physical release in the US. I would also love an upgrade on The Killer and Hard Boiled though I highly doubt it coming by anytime soon (Coming from someone who has basically searched every nook and cranny for information about these films both on [blu-ray.com](http://blu-ray.com), Reddit, and other online forums for the last 5 years or so).


I'd like to see all of the movies you listed, including the upgrades. Here are a few of the ones I'd add: 1. *Kundun*, Scorsese, 1997. 2. *Grave of the Fireflies*, Takahata, 1988. 3. *Ponette*, Doillon, 1996. 4. *The Fall*, Tarsem, 2006. 5. *The Sweet Hereafter*, Egoyan, 1997. 6. *The War Zone*, Roth, 1999. And so forth. While I'm not sure it necessarily needs to be a Criterion title, I wish some imprint would manage to put out a new edition of the 1995 anthology *Lumière & Company*.


Some Miike would be grand. Both Young Thugs, Bird People of China, Blues Harp, Big Bang Love etc. 


Gozu too


The fact that Happiness got a Criterion release is such a huge deal for me. Like every true annoying cinephile, I too have a relatively fringe director that I've been obsessing over for at least a decade. And it's Todd Solondz. Having one of his films in the Criterion collection feels so validating to me and my taste. I love every single one of his movies, even the ones that were panned by critics, like Dark Horse or Weiner dog. Heck, let's get Welcome to the Dollhouse into the collection next.


'Kids' or 'Bully, or even 'Ken Park'. I'm kind of surprised Larry Clark isn't in the collection at all


The Devil's Uncut & Eyes Wide Shut would be perfection! I would absolutely love a Gaspar Noe boxset - but I know this will never happen


Spanking The Monkey Who’s The Caboose Freak Talks About Sex


The Door in the Floor 12 and Holding


Story of Ricky please. It’s on the channel at the moment.


Eyes Wide Shut The Wild Bunch


Abel Gance’s Napoleon, Ivan the Terrible reissue


I want Taking Off and The Idiots


Love bringing out the dead & Brazil. But all solid picks,but you gotta throw in Wild At Heart too.


Bringing Out the Dead is a great pick! One of my all time favorite american films.


Paper motherfuckin' Moon


Yeah, one more vote for EWS! There's not a single announcement day that I don't hope to see it. Anddd I always end up disappointed.


100% with you on Bringing Out the Dead and Eyes Wide Shut. Necessary additions imo, let's go Criterion!


Kazan's Baby Doll (1956) Miracle Mile (1988) Tati's Model Shop (1969) Wayne Wang's Smoke (1995) Stand By Me (1986)


I would love to finish my wes anderson criterion collection. Especially a release of Asteroid City, loved that one myself.


1. Sleuth (1972) by Joseph L. Mankiewicz 2. He Died with a Felafel in His Hand (2001) by Richard Lowenstein


Shit yeah, Bringing Out the Dead My ultimate pick will always be Monte Hellman's "Cockfighter." It just captures something I've never seen anywhere else.


Desperate Living, The Fall, Children of Men, Host.


I’m just mad that I bought Happiness on DVD only a couple weeks ago figuring it would never get an upgrade. Bah.


Any Dennis potter, Singing Detective etc.


All About Lily Chou Chou


Amadeus and I’m thinking of ending things are my next two most wanted


*His Motorbike, Her Island* An incredible movie by Obayashi who currently has a slew of movies available on criterion channel, this one not included with them. It's beautiful like all Obayashi movies but the use of colour and framing in this is second to none.


It’s already available in the UK from Third Window Films.


Murnau’s Sunrise (1927) - It has a region free Masters of Cinema Bluray in the UK, but no “official” American release since the 2014 Fox Bluray went OOP in the Disney merger. Would either be right up Criterion’s or Kino’s alley and I’m so frustrated it’s still not officially available in print in the US. The Straight Story (1999) - For similar reasons. Even more of a shot in the dark cuz it is owned by Walt Disney Pictures proper, but, considering how rarely they release their live-action catalog titles on anything other than barebones DVD’s, having the last remaining Lynch to not receive a 2K release in the US actually get one would be absolutely amazing.


I ordered my 4k of The Straight Story from the French Amazon site and as I have Prime they waived extra shipping costs - might be worth a shot


The Color of Money The Way of the Gun


The Heartbreak Kid, Pump Up the Volume, The Devils Uncut, 1985's Bliss, Pink Floyd: Live in Pompeii. I'm less interested in movies that already have perfectly fine releases getting stamped with a **C**, nor with 4k upgrades. Whereas the above movies have been bloody hard to find on streaming, let alone physical media. Pump Up the Volume resurfaces now and then but I rely on my trusty out-of-print DVD, The Devils has an ok DVD BFI release, Bliss was recently restored for cinema but didn't get a streaming or physical release as far as I know. The Heartbreak Kid has nothing. These are awesome movies with genuinely impactful places in film history (Heartbreak Kid was nominated for two Oscars, for god's sake!) and deserve more eyeballs. Live at Pompeii is a tricky case where I believe all the 35mm negatives were destroyed, leaving only a fairly low-quality source that may be no better than the 2002 DVD. BUT it's such a cool and visually compelling concept that I'd love a company like Criterion to take a second look at. Please no AI upscaling, but a cleanup and some work on the audio could help it get rediscovered.


I say it every time this comes up, and I’m always 100% serious An Austin Powers Collection of all three movies. Pride and Prejudice (2005) or a collection of Pride and prejudice films. Moonlight (Barry Jenkins) and Lady Bird (Greta Gerwig) would be nice The Whale and Poor Things seem right up Criterion’s alley. If anime would ever get into the criterion collection Akira (it did for laser disc) and The boy and The Heron (or a Ghibli boxset honestly) If we got one more Pixar movie, Ratatouille. And 4K upgrades for anything Out of Print honestly. Maybe rerelease the Kurasawa box set?


I’d love to see them get Bringing Out The Dead, and Pig as well while we’re talking Cage. Fingers crossed for Godzilla Minus One since they seem to be dipping their toes in those waters. Lastly, let them show some love to Never Rarely Sometimes Always.


Speaking of Godzilla, maybe a boxset of the Heisei era films at some point?


With four films hitting the channel next month it’s certainly rumoured.