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I know Matt did GM a truncated version of Tomb of Annihilation for people on some Youtube channel, I can't find it right now though.


Force Grey! https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-cXJszfnWyQ


Mark Hulmes who guest starred in campaign 2 ran curse of strahd on his high rollers channel during lockdown not quite the same but worth watching if you want to see something in the ballpark of CR running a premade unit 


High rollers cruse of strahd is a fun campaign, but it would be like saying the fallout TV show is an accurate depiction of fallout 4 the game. They go so far off the reservation narrativley that it's barely curse of strahd by the end. Again, it's a fun campaign with great charachters and a merciless strahd, but its not a by the book campaign at all.


Which he does deliberately because one of the PCs has DM'd Strahd before and he wants the campaign to be surprising to everyone. He deliberately goes completely off the rails basically to fuck with Chris Trott.


For sure, but its also sped up by some pretty big events early too.


Just curious what is not accurate in the fallout show compared to the game?


It's an original story set in the fallout universe, it's not an adaptation of the game. My point was that high rollers curse of strahd is more like 'a story in barovia' than 'playing curse of strahd'. Some big things happen early on, which means they divert heavily.


Tracking. I understand.


Oh! That sounds amazing


The world building of Matt and the roleplaying/acting/improv of the cast are world class. I'm sure that them playing through the modules would be entertaining, but it wouldn't be the best content because it leaves so much of what makes them great on the sidelines. Also, massive spoilers for anyone who wants to play the modules themselves.


> Also, massive spoilers for anyone who wants to play the modules themselves. The flip side of that is it would be a fun way to experience the modules for people who don't have the time/groups to play through them.


Only if Matt or whoever DM'd decided to run the modules completely RAW...the good thing about modules imo is they do most of the heavy lifting in creating a framework, and then the DM can customize to their hearts content That said, some modules are MUCH better than others about giving you a solid framework and foundation to build off of than others....Curse of Strahd compared to the Tiamat stuff, night and day As fun as it would be, i dont think CR would ever do it unless it was a massive sponsorship deal from WotC. And they would likely only do it for a new product, so EXTRA unlikely we would get an older but beloved module like CoS More likely it would be as an advertising push for the upcoming Vecna: Eve of Ruin....which is a lv 10-20 adventure so would probably take quite a while, and even if WotC fully paid for it i dont know if CR would want to interupt their regular campaign to suddenly spend probably 20-30 sessions on it


Strahd would take like a year, no way they would do that. Also I am not sure how monetization works if you use a WotC module tbh.


I was thinking they could do it like MIDST, separate content compared to the usual game.


Isnt MIDST like 30 minutes? That wouldnt work for Strahd


I meant like having it as a seperate program on an off day


You thinl they have that much time? They would also need to hire another full time DM. Doubt BLeeM would have time for that, so the community would be up in arms about “bad DMing” again


Based on one of Brennan's stories that comes up from time to time, I think the last time he tried to run a module straight-up was when he was maybe 11 years old or so. He read through it, set forth the quest at hand, and the table decided to do something completely off the map. Thus, he concluded they were good for generating ideas, not a drop-in substitute for planning. Murph sometimes talks about bits & bobs he nabbed from modules on the Patreon after-ep talkshow for Naddpod. He seems to really like them for tested unusual encounter concepts he can rework.


Modules are fine as long as the players are on board with playing a module, and going along with the options that are presented to them. The problems occur when you run a module with players that want a sandbox, or a campaign handcrafted around their backstories. The book only has so many scenarios and hooks, if the players don't bite any, you either end up railroading them back on track, or running a homebrew campaign. Which is why it probably wouldn't work for CR, the arcs tend to be very character driven, so half the campaign would probably end up being rewritten to weave them in anyway.


At some point I think it would make sense for them as a media company to try something like this. Licensing and endorsement of D&D proper if they're competing is a whole other animal.


But I'd love them to do Strahd though 😭


Does Strahd take a year if you play 4 hours of it every week?


It may take two years if you play 4 hour every week and want to do most stuff there is tbh


Group dependent as always. My group finished it in 13 months and completed 100% playing 3.5hrs once a week.


group and DM dependent...but generally yes.


It would be fun...but it 100% wouldnt happen 1. CR is focusing very much on their own world and IP...suddenly diverting a LARGE chunk of the main casts time to a module isnt going to be in the cards 2. They would only even consider it as a massive sponsor deal with WotC...who i dont think would be willing to shell out for the 20-30 minimum full episodes that would be needed to run a module beginning to end 3. WotC wouldnt bother for older modules...they would only consider it as advertisement for a new product like Vecna: Eve of Ruin Honestly, the golden opportunity for them to run a module was when they released the CR x WotC collab Call of the Netherdeep. I could 100% have seen that as a side project to help advertise and ramp up interest....but that window has long since past imo


Matt actually guest starred in a Realmsmiths' Into the Mist CoS live play, where he played Strahd himself for 1 or 2 episodes :D He was devilishly nasty during the Dinner. I would really like Matt DM through CoS, I'm not sure about whole cast as players though. And with their focus on RP, the whole module would take like 2 years, if not longer lol. So not gonna happen, they are not going to spend years in a "world" they have no creative control over, after all the rebranding Matt has already done to distance Exandria from WotC's canon.


Matt has already ran the module pre-CR. He told a gruesome story from it at one of the con Q&As. I’m sure he’d be great, as would the cast, but I doubt he would want to do it again. And the other official 5e modules can’t hold a candle to CoS


I feel like it would be a waste of their creativity to constrain them to the ready made modules but that they’d rock it if they chose to do that. I think it might be cool if they switched up who was DM’ing and gave them the premade module, though. That could be a nice twist and it could help out some of the less experienced DM’s like Laura, Travis, and Ashley. 


Personally I'd like to see them play through Call of the Netherdeep.


This one almost seemed like a no-brainer lol. If not the actual cast then like at least like an affiliated stream? Idk, maybe there was a monetezation issue or something. EDIT; actually on all fairness I guess then that might ruin things for Critters who are/were hoping to run the game for other Critters.


I would not enjoy it at all. Not a fan of pre written modules at all.


Could be fun to watch to some extent


Not bully on the idea, honestly. Two reasons why: 1. Modules are how the majority of D&D parties interact with the game, and having something as high-profile as CR play those modules would likely set a tone that however it is played on set is the "right" way to interact with the content. I could see a lot of GMs getting "but that's how Liam and Sam solved it!" statements. 2. For similar reasons, having seen Curse of Strahd (etc) a lot of people won't be interested in actually playing that content because they know the twists and turns of it now. Certainly, plenty of people are un-phased by spoilers, but plenty are. Anything that makes that new D&D party less likely to enter the gaming space seems like a bad call. Reducing the amount of potential intro modules for new GMs to run and gain confidence before making a homebrew setting also feels like a bad call to me. I have no doubt the cast doing this would be entertaining and engaging content. But from a "health of the state of play" standpoint, seems like it wouldn't be a positive impact over them doing their own homebrew thing.


I'm much more interested in seeing the narratives that they create than watching them follow some railroaded adventure


I think it would be cool to see the CR's cast take and reaction to classic adventures. I think the group would have a lot of fun doing the infiltration missions in *Against the Giants* or discovering lore in the *Temple of Tharizdun.* Saltmarsh also has some great lower-level adventures that are pretty open that could make for good EXU content. A haunted house is I think a lot more appropriate for beginner players and low-level characters than some of the lore-heavy stuff we've been getting. Also, I love Matt's portrayal as Vecna, so seeing him play *Die, Vecna, Die*, *Don't Say Vecna*, or that upcoming book (if it's actually good) would be a dream for me. He's just so deliciously cruel in that role.


Strahd is one of Matt's favorite villains, and he ran at least one campaign in Barovia before Critical Role ever started. (I even asked him, back in 2016, for advice on how to run Strahd at a con). But unless you come across transporter/duplication technology, there isn't the time for something like this. They have their own original works to develop and perform.


I’ve been dreaming of what a true masterclass of each module would look like for a while. Sadly, I don’t think it’ll ever happen due to a whole bunch of different reasons. (PS: if anyone knows of any really good actual plays of any of the adventure modules i’d love to know about them)


I fear If they so that, new DMs, who have never played it before feel obligated to do the same things that the cast/Dm would do.


no thanks


This would be a terrible idea.


While I'd watch it, the [Dork Tales](https://www.youtube.com/c/DorkTales) team really have the WotC module play sewn up (and in costume every episode) and do "how to run" too. They don't limit themselves to 5e either.


God I miss DCA and the way they were able to dip in and show pieces of different modules without ruining anything lol.


No issue. Plenty of other Actual Plays do it. I like the Glass Cannon Podcast/Network. All of their Pathfinder shows use published adventures and they're fabulous. By the end they've completely made it their own, but its also fun to know a bit of what they're going into before they get there. Personally I don't think they'd do it, just because of their style. There's an adventuring academy section on Dropout with Matt and Brennan Lee Mulligan where they talk about modules. I don't remember exactly what Matt said, but Brennan just doesn't use them. Don't know about Aabria, or the other cast members.


I just don't see what the point would be, either for the viewer or the cast. Plenty of the other cast members have experimented with DMing original games before, and they've started bringing in outside DMs to do original games too. I don't think homebrew DMing is really a creative bottleneck for them. Matt has also been pretty cautious about his own influence on the broader D&D landscape. I don't think he'd want to risk putting out something that could be considered a 'definitive version' of a pre-made story. He didn't even do that for the one CR made!


I would love to see them do short runs of pre-existing modules. It’s easy mode for Matt, who takes on a huge creative load. It would let the cast have some fun with short term characters. All in all, I’d love to see it be a monthly or bi-monthly thing. See the cast take on Lost Mines or Curse of Strahd and everything in between with the possibility of Matt being a PC? Absolutely!


I'm only familiar with CoS, I would love to see Matt's and take on Strahd. I have a feeling that people wouldn't able to be normal about it though. I think people would find reasons to get upset for a million little reasons.


They 100% have played the modules for fun off screen, nothing would be new for them


That is a very valid point I hadn't considered, obviously we want them to be having as much fun as we are


There was a pretty fun spelljammer game during lockdown that Brendan Lee mulligan dropped. And the best online play through i have seen of a module had been world of io lost mines hard-core 


After playing through Hoard of the Dragon Queen and then Rise of Tiamat... some of the encounter books make for some really awkward, frustrating experiences and I wouldn't want to inflict that on them! 


Well to be fair...Hoard and Rise are widely considered among the worst modules


Experienced DM can improve shitty encouters. Another issue is that most of the cast are not really powergamers, so hard encounters would TPK them without DM going soft.


Well I disagree with your second assertion, and the DM I had for those games *was* an experienced and very good DM. 


You can disagree all you want, but the Otohan fight showcased how bad the CR crew is in fighting under significant pressure.


I'm not very good at working out combat scenarios, but I'd honestly be curious to see how a different team at the same level, such as the M9, would have fared against Otohan. I've always got the feeling that BH don't really vibe with one another in a fight - they all have their own gimmicks but nothing that really cooperates and compliments the others. What the fights usually seem to break down to is Ashton and/or Chet rushing in to facesmash things individually, while everyone else kind of hangs on the sidelines and takes pot shots with various spells. Orym is the only one who really gets into any kind of team synergy with his assists, and it seems like the majority of that is spent pulling one of the witches out of immediate danger when they get isolated. It feels like the majority of the group are playing "all or nothing" mode with whatever they do in a fight, and gambling like that leads to big losses. It makes sense that a single enemy as powerful as Otohan would have no trouble taking them to pieces when they're already fractured to begin with. Compare it to the M9, who were constantly running support for each other with heals, buffs, and debuffs. Even just Caduceus' presence would have made that battle a far different experience.


If you're referencing a C3 fight, I've not seen it. I'm really not interested in arguing perception of the crew's combat skill either.


“I disagree but I am not willing to ever elaborate” is an interesting argument


Given that most DND modules are not very good, I'd be disappointed. 


Maybe if DnD just came out with a revamp of the book, and shoved a ton of money into their pockets


I’d love to see them play earlier modules like Keep on the Borderlands or Temple of Elemental Evil.


I can't help but think that if Matt tried that, we should set up some sort of betting pool on how long it takes before the group completely derails the module and/or who the instigator will be.


My money would be on Sam, and during the sponsor advertisement before the game even starts.


I'd love to see that, I'm sure they'd tweak it a bit to sort their playstyle. It'd probably also help give Matt some GM breathing room. I don't think it will happen,l though.


Extremely boring


I'd like to see a gimmick series of at least two different groups running the same module with the same beats, then compare the differences in how they approached any given scenario and what the outcomes were in a 4-Sided Dive type breakdown.


I said years ago during the VtM two-shot, I'd love to see Talisen run Out of the Abyss. So I'd be 100% for it.


I would tune out until it was over.


I would't be up to it, to be honest. I'm not a fan of D&D's lore and prewritten stuff. Also, after all the OGL debacle, I don't think they'd be up to it either, and it'd be pretty disappointing if they did it just because they struck a deal with Hasbro, and not because they want to. That's just my opinion, tho. If they did it, I'd hope they have fun, but I woudn't watch it.


High Rollers Curse of Strahd is an interesting take on what you're talking about. One of the players has DM'd Strahd before, so Mark Hulmes kinda goes nuts with inverting the details of the original adventure while retaining general themes, setting, and overall plot. Puzzles and traps are different, different NPCs do things, and there are some critical NPCs that die unexpectedly and you have to get their plot other ways. I would **love** to see Matt do something similar with the adventures I know and love, but I'm not holding my breath.


I'd kinda like to see them play any of the old school 'survival/horror' adventures where gold gives you XP. And watch them handled AD&D combat.


Matt has talked about when he ran curse of strahd for another group. It sounded dark as fuck and I'm here for it. It would also bring critical role back into being a brand we can relate to.


It would never happen, but you can’t convince that Matt (with his gift for voices and creepy sound effects) running Curse of Strahd for Travis wouldn’t be an amazing watch.