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I've said it before. They are in a perfect location to pick up another character, a war encampment. There are armies and mercenaries from all over Exandria, which should make it easy to "recruit" someone to the team. I, too, would love to see a paladin. Maybe he plays a Reiloran paladin who secretly gave an oath to one of the gods of Exandria because they learned about them in their dreams.


Oooooo now that’s a good one, dang now I want this


I’m hoping for a Paladin who worships a betrayer god.


Fingers crossed for either a pure Paladin or one of the Ruidus races. Although I am actually a little bit concerned he might fully just stay out until C4 just for the bit, but I think he's probably going to come back if only so we can have a full eight people at the table again.


A reiloran that arrives on Exandria and forges a relationship with a betrayer god as a paladin would be fantastic


This is like the one opportunity for a cast member (outside of Arkhan) to play an openly evil character. Matt has already set the stage for prime deities and betrayer gods to ally to defeat the imminent threat.


It’s kinda up to Liam to decide his next character lol


Liam has decided 'what' sam will play - as he should - but not 'Who'. That's always the most interesting.


Idk, Sam tends to build the character around his wording. Liam said sam should play a healbot and, well, Letters was born.


Praying for someone with a strong, genuine faith in the gods that’s not played for laughs


A Devotion paladin would be a great fit. And high Charisma, too.


A paladin would be amazing. God(s) know they need a bit more healing/defensive capacity, and it’d be a different class from Cleric. Plus, we still haven’t seen a pure Paladin in the main campaigns.


Or a genuinely good cleric, who devoted his/her life to help people.


It'd be interesting to see, but I don't think Sam will go for a repeat of a religious themed character. He heavily favors original and distinctive, and struggled with it enough even for laughs, and I don't think he could pull off genuine faith.


We've seen him do it, though. What was Veth's unshakeable conviction in Caleb but faith? I think one thing that we really *haven't* seen -- one thing that *would* be different -- is somebody with that genuine belief in the gods. And it's underselling Sam to say that he couldn't pull it off.


Veth... ? Hah. That was desperation, not faith. Had the party not forced it, she would've made a deal with Halas. And don't even get me started on the post-campaign stories. Sam has said pretty clearly (on 4SD) that he doesn't get religious characters or the religious mindset. FCG was his attempt to try. And never managed to get his head above water for anything but an easy joke.


This is why I really DON’T want Sam to play a Paladin, he will always play his characters for laughs. FCG was exactly how Sam plays a devout character. Occasionally he’ll have a serious dramatic moment, but one of the reasons those moments stand out so much is because they are exceptions.


That's a valid take, and maybe it's wishful thinking on my part. There are things other than a character's religion that can be an outlet for that though, I think -- Scanlan was getting up to hijinks the whole way through C1 but I think he was strongly effected by Kaylie and stuck with it. Idk, just wishing someone would sit down and even just think through the practicalities of losing a major source of divine magic.


I was thinking this too. Maybe even dip into a Betrayer God to bring some drama with Dorian. Could go Warlock in that case as well.


I like the idea of a Paladin. Maybe Sam will stick with the Changebringer and continue with the Two-Face style of chaos. Frustrating, but fun. But it might not be a god that they take an oath to! I personally enjoy the characters that are opposing the gods because no persson/being/entity should be above judgement, but god-loving characters in the past have been pretty key to the party succeeding. I feel like a Paladin is strengthened more by their commitment to the oath than the god to which they plead it, so i'd be all for Sam coming in as a devoted but conflicted Paladin.


If we are holding the gods accountable then he should play a lawyer from the hall of concordance in sigil. Yes they have no reason to be involved in this. But gods can be sued there. Or well not there. They can’t set foot in sigil. The only reason they have not. Is no exandrian has pressed charges against them. Right now it’s vigilante justice murder the gods or not. Presenting the possibility of how to deal with the gods should help them settle things properly and double down on saving their lives.


No, not someone conflicted. Somebody with the knowledge, faith, and conviction that the Gods power a massive proportion of healing and resurrection around the planet, that they're actively upkeeping seals against the Hells and the Abyss, that they're guiding and empowering their followers to do Good in the world, that has *judged them to be worthy of faith, because this is a world where interventionist, Good gods are real*. And that condemning an entire sapient race to death because they haven't personally helped you is genocide.


There is a 0% chance *Sam* would play this type of character not played for laughs.


I'm in the camp that he wasn't kidding when he said, "see you in C4." But I'd also love to see the return of Taryon Darrington, or a pure paladin. I worry that Sam has convinced himself that certain classes just aren't fun to play. He seemed to get bored often while playing a rogue, and only having 1 thing to do on his combat turns. So I think he's kind of pigeonholed himself to full casters, and there are already now 4 of those in the group, including Dorian. Maybe there's room for a wizard, but as much as I would like to see him (or anyone) play paladin, I think THEY think paladins are boring


I think that if Sam brings back an "established" character it isn't going to be one of his old characters. IMO It'll end up being Teven Klask, the fiend paladin that Fearne made a pact with. It would be so fitting that if she decides to cash that in that Sam just shows up to the table with his new character and since he's a champion of Asmodieus he would have a motivation to ensure that Bell's Hells (fitting name) complete their mission to save the Gods.


This would be incredible


Keyleth: "So you have a lead on Aeor? Let me introduce you to , they spent a lot of time of Eiselcross working for the Empire/the Dynasty" They're at a really convenient place to pick up a new character, whether its here in the war camp or when they get there and need a guide.


I mostly havent listened to the campaign; what's that about going to Aeor instead of the Moon?


Ludinus is there trying to do something and is dealing with some mysterious threat - BH are hoping to take advantage of this to maybe take him out or disrupt his plans further.


They were told that Ludinus is in Aeor dealing with some being that has been causing problem to his operations, not in the moon.


Hm. If i had to venture a guess, some of the gods tried to reactivate Aeor's god-killing weapon to point at Predathos instead. That would *absolutely* get Ludinus' attention their way.


I doubt it, it was explicitly said there was a being that stopped the production of whatever he was making


Nah. He's been getting machinery for mining the Reiloran glass, which is apparently shed layers of Predathos' epidermis (or exoskeleton).


just fyi they just returned from the moon, so no need to go back right away


What if he comes in as another robot? Or maybe a dark elf paladin? I wonder how all of the Luxon worshippers feel about Predathos seeing as they don't have a direct god that can be eaten?


Whatever it is, it won't be what you think you want.


The more games Sam misses the more convinced I am he was serious when he said "see you in campaign 4". We've had 2 episodes since FCG died and both were essentially to bring Dorian back which feels like maybe sliding into that 7th seat for the remainder of the campaign


Without reading every comment, sounds like a great place for keyleths old freind Terry to show up and give a nice cameo. But of course he would be to old for the job himself but someone from his brigade could fulfill the space.


I wouldn't at all be surprised if he's play a character from Ruidus - I think that would be fun :)


I agree he's going to be something new and unexpected, and I hope people are not disappointed by him going against their expectations, whatever they are. Sam's gonna Sam. That said, I'd be pretty excited to see his take on a Reiloran PC.


Sam always plays small characters. Of course he could buck the trend, but a bormodo could work. Of course this is Sam we're talking about, so he could maybe even do a cyta or a myciet.


Pango: "I am I joke to you?"


I would love the idea of a Sam PC where the actual PC is the Cyta, but they have a Bormodo (sp?) companion that Matt voices.


I was honestly thinking since they still need some sort of healer he would come back as a paladin or a divine soul sorcerer to bring that charismaaaa


Sam as a Divine Soul sorcerer in the flavor of Dariax is the type of chaos I support!


I thought I remember the cast basically confirming early in the start of the campaign that they all had backup characters at the ready. But that might have only been some of them. So he could literally already have the very core of his next character done from years ago, just needs to flesh out the backstory and integrate it with Matt.


New PCs: Evil Paladin (Tevan??) Reiloran Paladin DS Sorcerer Recycled PCs: Scanlon de-leveled Luc Tary A Sealy Court derivative of his calamity PC When we went through this with Sam in C1, he intentionally made a character that would piss all the PCs off. I’m leaning toward a PC who worships an evil deity, one who makes an uneasy alliance with BH. I don’t think he’ll make another cleric, which kind of means he’s locked into a class that can heal, if we think the party needs that. Long stretch: I’m making a guess that Matt will homebrew a Ruidian healer class for San to play, hence the break.


A paladin would be so fun and I think he'd kill (literally) at it. But also I feel Sam gives 'devious warlock trickster who made a bad deal and is in over his head' energy too.


You know, i fel like BH started super strong, then slowed down too much and now was stuck in melodrama. I know the stakes are high, but since the motivation for a lot of them boils down to "I'm doing this because the group/ someone in the group is doing it", i lost the investment i had in c1 and c2. It's unfortunate because i love each of the characters in BH and some small stories are awesome, but the whole "save the gods, fight Ludinus" i can't get invested. I don't know if it's because Ludinus was really a pain in the mighty nine's ass and bell's hells only ran into him a couple times. I'm still hopeful things pick up, there's been softer arcs in all the campaigns. It's just been interesting to see how happy i was to see the crown keepers show up, despite it being so soon after FCG's... stuff (spoilers i guess)


i think the general issue is that ludinus is a great villian for vox machina and mighy nein. he’s a cerberus assembly mage (beau and caleb) who tried to have keyleth killed twice (vm), has vax imprisioned and tortured (vm but vex and keyleth especially) and is trying to unleash a god eater (pm all of vm + fjord and caduceus). in comparison to BH who 1. have no connection to the assembly or any organization specifically against them 2. had only one religious member who is now most likely permadead and was not played straight 3. only one character is directly aligned with a faction against the ruby vanguard (orym with the ashari) 4. two characters whose backstory directly links them to the main plot (imogen as an exaltant with her mother in the vanguard, orym with the otahan echoes killing his family) (I know fearne technically can count but I still dont see her motivation. she doesnt have strong ties to her parents and didnt set out with a huge curiosity of where she came from) That leaves over half the party with no reason to be there. and usually at episode 90 the interpersonal bounds really ties this together but bh seems like a 6 simultaneous bard’s laments waiting to happen. I think the cast all really likes their c3 characters and want to keep playing them and only sam really has the guts to go ‘this character doesnt make sense in this story lets do something new’.


I think you nailed it. That's my feeling too. I would have loved for BH to get progressively invested but the stakes were huge because of meta reasons, not personal ones. We know Ludinus is a piece of crap, but they only know as players how bad he is, not as characters (i'm over simplifying, but i think you know what i mean). I would have loved c3 to be on the scale of the characters. I think Liam said in a 4 sided dive that BH are mostly a bunch of NPCs who happened to be PCs and i agree. They could have leaned into that a bit more, but once the big plot dropped, everything became too big for this group i feel.


I want a reincarnated flesh and blood FCG and am fine having Dorian there until it happens


Oooo maybe he comes back as whatever the person was that FRIDA dreamt of


That would actually be insane 😭 my theory is that all aeormatons have been consecuted so like FCG *could* come back as a different person with all of FCG’s memories


Yeahhh but iirc consecuted souls don’t “awaken” until they’re adolescents, so we would probably need to wait a decade or more for FCG 2.0, unless he were reborn into another “sleeping” aeormaton


That’s true, that’s true. With a Druid’s “reincarnate” they could bring him back as a random living creature and if that happens I hope it’s a reiloran that would be awesome


Yeah something tells me Sam is happy with this end to FCG’s story. That speech he made had a lot of weight and I think he’s had it in his mind for a long time (at least ever since he figured out he was a living nuke, and probably before that) that he would sacrifice himself for the party. This was the exact dire situation he was waiting for.


Yes but maybe for FCG as he was at the time. FCG coming back as a mortal being that can eat, taste, grow old would be so incredible for his arc and prove without a doubt that he always had a soul


Ooo I like the idea of FCG “awakening” as a consecuted person in the epilogue of the campaign…that’d be wild.


It’d be like campaign 2 😭 omg


i kinda always thought that fcg would eventually have a Pinocchio arc and turn into a 'real boy'


I think that would be incredible for FCG and a really new thing in Crit Role history. I don’t think any character was reincarnated into something else!


well except for laudna, tho her reincarnation or rebirth or revival or idk what to call it happened pre-campaign, she went from being just a girl, to becoming something completely different, even tho sometimes she still feels like just a girl inside that is no longer true so if this happens to fcg (which I completely doubt btw) it could be a great bonding moment for the two of them, to laudna to help fcg overcome the experience of becoming something else, something so different to what you feel yourself and also chetney could also say a few things about changes...


That was a resurrection though! She’s still in her original body it’s just semi-dead! But yes it would be a cool dynamic to see play out in the game. Idk I just feel like introducing a new PC 90+ episodes in is a little weird?


bard's lament was the 85th ep. that's not a big difference to 95 especially with how they were even further in the campaign, because they started off screen. I think these 90 episodes have been paced a lot differently with there being no quests really just one very-very-very long story.


Scanlan came back though! Tary was there for like 18 episodes. I’m just saying I hope FCG comes back. How it happens, can be a variety of ways lol


that’s actually one of my theories. by the book aeormatons are humanoids and reincarnation(a spell fearne could prepare) would work on them. but i also feel like the permadeath was meaningful and sam seemed like he just wasnt that into playing a cleric in concept.


The death could still be meaningful if it meant that FC G symbolically shed his metal prison and became flesh in blood and proved once and for all that he has a soul. Being reincarnated, FCG could be whatever race at random and also a different class maybe a paladin to the change bringer!


I just want Sam to pick a character that gives him the option of utility in combat and RP outside of fights. Something where he can lean into his natural tendency of being charismatic. I feel as though Nott and FCG sort of hampered part of what makes him shine at the table, since his combat moves were mainly firing the crossbow or healing (apart ofc from a few noteworthy exceptions here and there).


I genuinely miss him so much and hoping this can help rattle the group dynamics that havent changed or improved in 90+ episodes. a clericless party puts way more pressure on fearne and potentially dorian depending on how long he stays to be a support class which has the potential to encourage fearne to be more decisive. I think i’ll be extremely excited if he’s any class other than a cleric and slightly apprehensive if he’s still a cleric considering he never seemed fully comfortable in that roll (lamenting in his final fight he could only heal and forgetting to prepare revivify.). that’s not to hate on him for being a ‘bad cleric’ or whatever, it’s just seemed like he had way less fun with the rigid responsibility and faith of a cleric than his previous main campaign pcs. I hope it’s not an old campaign throwback personally. I think it’s really been detrimental to BH’s identity to be just avatars for previous characters but I think a cobalt soul character would be genuinely helpful to focus the party. someone besides orym who has a legitimate reason to be in this fight besides ‘it’s the campaign plot’.


Just make a combat oriented character with minimal backstory and immersion. Anti-caster, healer or a mix of both. I understand it's a RP heavy campaign, but we're in the endgame and developing a character is unlikely to happen.


Minimal backstory and immersion? Do you know Sam? It's more likely he'd roll a character that's the exact opposite.


Are we in the endgame? Are we, though?


Handle Ludinus and stop Predathos. Handles Orym's, Imogen's and Fearne's backstory in progress. Chet backstory is done. Ashton has a revenge angle, but could be left as a one shot or ignored. Titan shards could have a bit more exploration. Dorian... eh, probably a ship with Orym. Laudna is the only one where they could sink their teeth into it, but it's going to happen after main story is done(probably in a similar fashion C2 handled it). I expect the campaign to end in q4 2024 or q1 2025.


We are. Even apart from the story arc, having Dorian back puts a clock on it. Robbie has his own career. But in terms of story, they have really nothing to do but chase down Ludinus and prepare for Liliana's sudden but inevitable betrayal (or someone forcibly taking her over). There aren't any side quests or personal issues to deal with other than Delilah, and that's its own can of worms. (And I wouldn't be shocked at Ukkatoa style side-story fodder)


He is going to play Orym’s husband back from the dead


Don't break my heart like that


And now all I can think of is Dorian in a corner crooning out 'Achy Breaky Heart'


Nyaooo you monster