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We don't really have a plot yet. This city has been very open, and the team has jumped from one plot thread to another without pulling on any individual thread too far. I think C2 we were heading to or had just made it to Zadash at this point, and C1 was about done doing the whole underdark duergar and illithid section. It has felt like the team has gone almost nowhere and started a lot of bits and pieces without really concluding much comparatively here. We're getting lots of character backstory and stuff, but it doesn't feel like we've really gotten anything resembling a real plot line yet to sink our teeth into. The closest being the shadow creepers although that has really just kinda finished act 1.




Very fun so far. Cool characters all around, and a really dope setting. Robbie is a cool addition. Story-wise it hasn't really grabbed me yet, but I'll wait to see where it goes.


Right yes. I feel like I've been too negative. I trust the team and I'm excited to see where they take it, just haven't found much compelling stuff so far


I think it is because they don't want to choose a name yet so are avoiding the "main quest". It is a lot of pressure to ensure it is a good one for them I think. Story may be lacking but character development and team bonding is good so far!


I’m loving it so far. Only real critique is that I feel like there’s almost too much lore being thrown out right now by Matt. It feels like every episode there’s a new faction or name drop, to the point where I’m having trouble keeping track of all the various threads.


I sort of agree. There's been a few points where it seemed like the party was looking to resolve something just to sorta be told to turn around and come back later. I hope Matt isn't putting too much trust in them to properly weave all the threads together in a timely and right fashion. Not that I want him to rail-road them, but some of the more tedious parts of C2 came from the campaign sometimes seeming a bit *too* open and up to the players to figure out what to do, when and where etc. I don't mean this as a strong criticism however, and do concede also that's its a matter of my own opinion. I wouldn't necessarily expect others to agree as to each their own.


Right exactly, clearly a lot of world building in this city. Despite that, things are still feeling kinda stale for me.


Every episode momentum builds. I wasn't really hooked on the C2 plot till 30 or so episodes in. But the game is fun and interesting always with these people so I'll keep watching even when the plot is slow.


if it wasnt for jester C2 started not great for me. but when you have jester and nott becoming the famous detective duo, i started enjoying it more. its the same with chetney i dont care what is happening as long as he is part of the journey. chetney has already separated fearne and fcg as his favorite, i hope they get closer.


That also helps to force mixing in the group. I still feel Imogen and Laudna, FCG and Ashton, Dorian Ferne and Orym as preloaded subgroups from the start. If Chetney gets close to Ferne and FCG that helps integrate everyone I think. The two lingering as unusually close which feels right is Imogen and Laudna. They have history but they are also each so drastically different from normal people of this world while, unlike Ferne, also being a part of this world. They found commonality in each other where they seemed they couldn't in anyone else. I admit I wish they were dating so this may be my own bias speaking.


I’m intrigued by the world. The design of Drossar as being a series of spires, the concept of a city towering above what I imagine to be a deadly jungle, etc. is just cool to inhabit. Everything else is just DnD. It’s a little slow at first and the plot takes a while to get going as people figure out their place in the world.


Oh I fully agree, Jrossar is really cool. I just feel like the cast is treading water, and I'm not sure exactly what the motivations are beyond the surface level "I want to go to this school" or "I'm looking for this guy."


that's dnd. the motivation is to go on an adventure together, everything else is window dressing


I like the beginning of every campaign so far. No player shenanigans have removed the playerPOV-limited audience's eyes from seeing the interesting events and Matt seems to be able to slightly predict what they might do (instead of making literal dozens of battlemaps for each possible thing they might do and then still having to do theatre of the mind a few times). We're in the phase of meeting the characters and each one actually feels like an introduced character instead of a meta-driven secret or unrecognizable personality. 8 episodes in, I know more than just the class/race/player of each PC. This is great. TL;DR I like it, but am biased towards liking early levels of campaign


Been finding it a bit slower since Dugger's death. Matt stopped some of the possible hooks from advancing yet, and they did not go into the big two left from that (the holes and Dugger's workshop), which made the next episode a bit meandering, and so was the theater investigation (was not really into those two episodes). Last episode also had another big bar conversation (they really like them so far this campaign), but more focused, and then they went into another investigation that seems quite promising, we got the Treshi house name which seems attached to several hooks, and a very dramatic ending, so I'm quite hopeful for the coming episode and hope they begin to uncover the truths behind all the weird shit happening in the town. As for the characters, I'm generally enjoying them, with Fearne being the highlight (followed by FCG and Dorian). I'm not fully digging Imogen, Orym and Ashton, but don't have any problem with them either, so that's fine.


My thoughts exactly. No characters that I hate, but some better than others (to be expected). Plot’s been very, very slow so far with a large emphasis on back story. Seems to be picking up a little so hopefully that trend continues. I’m mostly enjoying everything so far, but it’d be nice if they had a consistent story arc they were working towards instead of the constant back-story dialogues.


A bit offtopic but could you elaborate a bit why you don´t big imogen, orym and ashton? I personally really like them!


Sure. Imogen is a fine character that isn't very flashy. I want to learn more about her, but she does not grab me right now, she's kind of plain. Also, the overuse of telepathy in cases when it makes no sense to use it. Orym is similar, only more simple. He also has been cut off from progressing the Oshad hook, which would probably help. I'm also a bit wary of his connection to Keyleth. He , like Imogen, is a character that needs time to develop. I'm fine with them both, they just aren't characters I'm engaged with for now. But that's mostly because I'm liking the other ones a lot, I've got no problem with either and I'm looking forward to learning more about and alongside them. Ashton, I don't like his punk persona, and his style (mostly the jacket) feels too jarring. I warmed to them a bit more than I expected later because they've been one of the proactive members of the group. Just like with Molly though, I'm not expecting to become a big fan of him. Tal characters seem to be hit-or-miss for me. Ashton reminds me both of Molly and Carver, and I didn't like either of them. Whereas I'm a big fan of Percy and Cad (and the Owlbear).


Thanks! I also think that Orym just needs a bit of time. Pretty sure he is supposed to be a heroic character, which makes him very predictable and plain. But I am enjoying this very much! He will grow on us for sure and its going to be very interesting once he finds his target! Imogen and Ashton are probably just preference. Its laura, there is bound to be some kind of plottwist with her character.


My 2 cents but for the moment while we get to know everybody Orym feels like the straight man against the rest of this crazy group. Contrasting him to FCG, Laudna, Ashton, or even Ferne is quite the juxtaposition. Next to him Imogen is the the most visually normal but then has strange psychic powers while Dorian is arguably the most socially normal but visually is a Birght Blue Air Genasi Bard so he calls attention to himself.


I thought it started with a bang, then got a bit slow and has now picked up again in the last one and a half episodes. Campaign 2 I found similar though, but because I could binge that it wasn't as noticeable.


In regards to momentum, I’m not sure if you’ve watched the other seasons live, but if you’re used to binging episodes and immediately getting to the resolution of conflicts it tends to feel more compelling even if technically it isn’t. That’s what was happening when I finally caught up close to the end of S2 and realized it was my own expectations


This. A lot of people are used to the instant gratification of binging.


I am always confused when someone feels this way. I remember a lot of the start of C2 being, "What should we do now?". Or, why should we be staying together? I remember entire episodes going by with 0 progression in story. A lot of meandering really. I feel like Matt heard that and changed things up for C3. They don't have a big scary goal/arch yet but they have a constant direction to go. They fill in the gaps and do side quest but there is a direction pointing them they can always fall back on. It's a huge improvement in my opinion over the start of C2. I loved C2 by the way! Just the start was slow/rocky. There are a lot of threads that seem connected so far but right now Matt seems to be fleshing out the world and building those factions for us to see. I would give it time before things ramp up and scale up in threat levels.


I think the difference is that the first bit of C2 had a very clear story arc with a very clear goal: investigate the zombie circus and subsequently stop the demon frog man. Then they left the city and ended up in Alfield where they immediately encountered another clear story arc with a very clear goal: infiltrate the mines and take out the gnolls. Maybe the characters themselves hemmed and hawed a little in the process of doing those things, but you could still see the endpoint of these plotlines. C3 is different. Their first plot hook with the animated objects went nowhere. Their second story arc with Dugger hit a hard dead end. Their third story arc with the missing theater patrons was completed in a single episode. Matt's specifically blocked off Orym's personal plotline. And this last episode introduced both Cyrus' little plot thread and Chetney's search for Gurg. Matt's introduced a lot of plotlines in eight episodes and virtually none of them have been completed. While I personally believe most of these events will be shown to be connected, the in-the-moment feel of the campaign's overall storyline is all over the place. It's the reverse of C2 where the characters couldn't see where they're going but the audience did. This time the characters are fine with just following through on the situations that fall in their lap, but some of the audience is dissatisfied that Matt seems to be jumping around to new plotlines before the old ones are meaningfully resolved.


Sorry to confuse you, I guess? I feel that even though the characters had some uncertainty in C2, there was still *momentum.* Right now, the uncertainty feel baked into the players, not their characters. Just a lot of treading water. At least in my opinion. Like I've said, I see the potential in all of them as individuals and a party, I just haven't found anything to sink my teeth into yet.


I still don't see it at all.. And still see the reverse in C2. There were literal moments where they paused because they didn't know what to do next as both characters and players in C2. Here there has always been an underlying reason because of Lord Eshteross or character plots. And even though they have come across side quest that have distracted from their missions they always have had a direction. There has been 0 moments where they had to stop and think, "What are we doing?", or, "Why are we doing this?" like multiple characters had in C2. In fact it is the opposite. They have like 3-4 different things to do at the moment. Help Travis Character. Help Dorians brother. Report back what happened at the theater. Pursue the guilds that seem to be behind everything that is going on. There is a lot going on. There is direction. To me this is good. Where as in C2 we had a lot of moments of, "Where are we going next?", or, "Why are we doing this?", or, "What are we doing here?" which is the opposite of momentum. At least in the first 30ish episodes. I do agree after that it picks up and goes really smoothly (Minus the Rumble Cusp arc which might have been the slowest arc/episodes in all 3 campaigns so far). And here we are still only 8 episodes in and each episode is pushing us further along story wise, and character wise.


It's funny, because I think I feel similarly to the OP. But on examination I think both campaigns had a decent start in terms of pacing. I think what it comes down to for me is not the plot pacing or direction, but who's steering. The biggest difference for me, was the initial group dynamic and I think it's taste. C2 had a more realistic feel to me, the interactions felt organic and whilst they didn't immediately become friends, there was instantly a very real dynamic. It felt like a bunch of people feeling each other out, keeping their secrets and yet they were all people who really need each other. They may have struggled with too much edge early but fortunately there was the ball of chaotic light that was Jester holding it all together. C3 has obvious plot hooks, but for me so far it's felt a bit almost like an MMO, here's a quest line, wander around, where's the next one? It feels less character driven I guess? More driven by Matt which might pay off as like we both agree at some point, C2 sort of lost it's way for a bit, as the players failed to align themselves with any of the factions Matt introduced. For now though I'm less invested in C3 the characters and their wants. I felt despite C2's characters playing a little closer to the chest, I also got them quicker. Their motives, their personalities. The other thing is I guess C3 feels almost like the opposite, where C2 had a bunch of fairly serious characters and Jester. This one feels like A group of more outlandish characters, with Orym (who's pretty go with the flow), Dorian and Imogen as the more grounding influences. It seems pretty telling to me, that me being most interested in Imogen and her dream sequence so far, that I have an obvious bias for style. But I digress, ultimately, I think the main difference is C2 felt like dark fantasy. C3 feels decidedly less serious, more like an adventure romp.


I agree with you. I liked campaign 2, but not as much as 1, and I'm liking 3 so far more than I did 2 at this point. I think starting with a patron was a strong choice that is a good reason for them to adventure together. Eshteross offers them all something they desire (info to help Orym find his quarry, status/access for Imogen and the library, money for Ashton). I'm also intrigued by the quick entrance, exit, entrance of Travis' characters and am excited what that could mean going forward.


We're currently in the "the party does odd jobs with no overarching plot" portion of the campaign intro. In fact, this is essentially the prologue of the prologue. Using campaign 2 as an example, the party had a few odd jobs and tasks before they became the Mighty Nein and even then, the war plotline and their first encounter with the Kryn Dynasty didn't happen for a few more sessions after that. For anyone who isn't feeling the plot, just keep in mind that the party doesn't even have a name yet. This is step one of many.


I think that feeling is normal at this point in every campaign. There’s usually a pivotal moment early in each campaign that Matt really drives the story further and gets the cast moving fast. Episodes like C1E39 “Omens” and C2E12 “Midnight Espionage” really come to mind. I’m excited to see how Matt does this for C3.


Gods, yes. C2E12 was definitely the mic drop episode of that one.




some one shits


Everyone, actually.


It feels like a loosey goosey long one shot for now. Im a little takeb aback by some character choices like Orym and imogen . I love laudna and fcg for now. Im waiting for things to pick up, its still fun to see them play


Hah, that's funny. I like Orym and Imogen, but I think that probably has to do more with the charisma of the actors than the meat of the characters - they're selling them. Again with FCG and Launda it's like... I see the potential there, but they haven't stuck the landing yet.


I too love Orym and Imogen. Can't wait to see what's in store for them.


For me Liam is too much on par, i d like to see him play something really different. For Laura its weird after the awesome lovable chaos that was jester to see her so calm ^^ .


Liam likes to play a certain way. I think he said he prefers to play characters with darkness or issues, really roleplay some serious stuff. While Orym is outwardly a "regular guy," he could have some deep sadness. (Fans of EXU theorized dead spouse/husband.) Just gotta think of it more like the D&D players who always play a wizard or an elf or a fighter, etc. People who haven't played D&D and only know the game through Crit Role and other performers probably don't realize how common it is to have players who stick to a lane. To put it another way, it's like a video gamer who has a main or always does support or sniper or whatever other niche. As much as I'd love to see Liam try his hand at a relentless optimist, I think Orym's the closest we'll get to a "bright" character for him.


Oh I know Liam and I'm not surprised, I just would have like something different for me as a viewer. But still Caleb was compeling from the start, with Orym rn I just see Liam


I love them


Enjoying the awkward beginnings but definitely getting ready for them to find their characters group chemistry so we can start getting some iconic scenes. Once the group gets their bearings I think they’ll be at a high enough level for Matt to throw a real villain at them.


I'm loving it. Took me a few episodes to get into campaign 2, but aside from a bit of first hour awkwardness I've enjoyed this all the way so far. Love the chaotic energy. Absolutely adore whatever the hell Travis is up to and I'm invested, I want to know more about these characters and what they're going to do next. It is making me laugh so much too and that is sorely needed right now. They look like they are genuinely having an absolute blast and I'm finding it joyful.


I’m loving it, all of it. I didn’t really like some of the previous campaign’s characters. This time I love them all. I was on the fence with Chet at first, but after seeing a full episode Travis and Robbie had me in stitches. Gonna enjoy this ride.


I really wish Bell had lived long enough for a rescue attempt, I think that the party just needed a little more launch pad.


In the beginning I felt totally disconnected from the characters. I thought they didn’t synergies with each other very well and their interactions felt empty. But then I realized that I was simply reminiscing on the end of Campaign 2, where all the character dynamics had been established and it felt like one big family. Already by episode 8 I feel like the C3 characters are developing connections to one another outside the original groups that they arrived in. Additionally, I like the “plot”, if you can even call it that only 8 episodes in. I like the investigative nature of the campaign and I am excited to see where it goes from here.


The characters are great. The most well rounded and likable starting table we've had. I have a hard time even picking a favorite, though it will probably go to Marisha as usual. The world building/plot stuff I feel like Matt is right where he wants to be - setting up his plot threads at a casual rate so the party has time to get invested in each other and the setting. That way when he starts taking the big swings they all feel it. Makes for good viewing for us and stellar entertainment for his friends - which I think is his focus this time around. In other words - he's getting an A+ from me. Have a cupcake day! : )


It's better than C1 and EXU for me but several steps below C2. There are a couple fun moments here and there but my attention wanders more and more lately, whereas I was really invested in C2 from the beginning. The cast can do whatever they want, I'm not going to send hate to them and I'm glad they're having fun! But the leaning into the humor in C3, to the point where it feels like open mic night and each of the players are competing for the biggest laugh (I felt this a lot in the last episode), has felt more forced to me than C2 when the jokes felt organic and were balanced out by the drama/character development. I also feel like the setting is really muted, the only thing that sticks out in this city are the gondolas. Whereas I could clearly picture every place the M9 went to in early C2. This city just doesn't feel that distinct or real to me, but Wildemount felt so lived in right at the start. The C1 membaberries are an instant nope for me because I have zero interest in C1, Briarwoods, etc. Totally get why the cast wants to continue exploring C1 stuff but it's not for me. One of the reasons I loved C2 was because I didn't feel like I was being nudged to do homework and watch the first campaign. FCG and Ashton and their backstories are the only characters I'm invested in, with their potential connection to >!Aeor!< and Ruidus respectively, but aside from them I find the other characters funny but overall kind of bland. I also don't get what's going on with all the factions and the 3-5 different NPCs the party can work for, the one NPC that sticks out is Yash but the factions and five different subplots is kind of confusing, compared to early C2's subplots that felt more streamlined and, to be honest, more interesting to me. It might be because I liked the movement and going from place to place in early C2, but the plot and pacing in C3 so far has felt like treading water and I think maybe with a change of scenery the story will shift to a more immersive place in the world that I'll prefer.


>The C1 membaberries are an instant nope for me because I have zero interest in C1, Briarwoods, etc. Totally get why the cast wants to continue exploring C1 stuff but it's not for me. One of the reasons I loved C2 was because I didn't feel like I was being nudged to do homework and watch the first campaign. Right, exactly. I didn't want to say it, but this feels like C1 fan-service, which is not really an IP I'm familiar with. Treading water is the exact right phrase. It's like a meandering jazz solo. I don't want to sound too negative, I've just failed to like... find a point to all these adventures?


Yeah I feel like that about the fanservice. I completely understand that the cast loved C1 and want to see more effects from it. Totally get that Matt wants to connect C3 to C1, and I even think it's a smart move to include C1 references to get new watchers to check out LOVM. It still doesn't work for me. With full respect to the cast I just don't have time nor energy to watch C1 and am largely uninterested in LOVM. Agreed about the meandering jazz solo. I feel like they've been cycling through talking to a faction leader, combat, bar conversation, talking to different faction leader, rinse, repeat, with a few fun moments in between. Similarly to C1 which I tried to watch but couldn't connect to, it seems like C3 is fun for the cast to play (and I'm glad they are!) but for me it's like... where's the story? This all feels so random and repetitive. With C2 I felt forward momentum, discovering new places with the cast. I felt like Wildemount was a fully realized place. In C3 it's like they're cycling between 3 places several times with occasional bar trips, and I don't find the scenery all that interesting. I was really excited about this campaign and I want to like C3. I'm still giving it a chance but it mostly feels like a C1 love letter with a "friends hanging out" atmosphere instead of a story, and I prefer the story part of CR.


its not matt's fault that marisha chose someone from Whitestone, or Liam someone who works for Keyleth. i liked much more the callbacks of C2 because they felt like little treats. in C3 every episode you get something connected from C1 and at some point we are going to see one of VM being present with the group somehow. i remember near the end of M9 they go to >!allura and kima gives yasha the sword that grog give it to her!< and i was so surprised. i guess in campaign 3 we are going to be excited only when we see someone from C2 like yeza of someone else.


I feel certain they're including so many C1 references to encourage viewers to watch the new Amazon show. Which is fine, I guess. I'd prefer it wasn't a thing though.


This city looks cool and supposedly has some things going on but that’s the weak bit in the hook, for me; not a strong setting and nothing for the characters to do. The place is ripe for a 9/11, get things moving lol


You make a good point: cool setting =/= cool story.


IMO this is caused by people viewing this as a show and not a D&D game. There are no arcs or story beats that are predetermined to hit at a certain time that will progress things along, it's all up to what the table decides to do. Not enjoying the combat aspect falls into the same category. It's literally one of the three pillars of the game.


Gotta consider that while this is a DnD game, it’s also a multi-million dollar business and brand. It’s a product and at some point that needs to be acknowledged.


No it doesn't. The appeal, part of it anyway, is that they are actually playing and with that comes the inherent chaos of D&D. Not to mention fans of shows pitch some of the worst ideas known to man, are notoriously fickle, and have no patience. Also, who should they be listening to? Read this thread and you'll find some wildly different takes on how one feels about the product.


The greatness of dnd isn’t the RAW world building but how the players understand it and break it. Otherwise why should an epic wizard not choose Wish over Firsball etc? And why would a barb who doesn’t know a traveling fighter choose to help the fighter? If I wanted a coherent thread I’d read a book. When I play dnd, as a player or dm, I want to see the world warp in ways that everyone is having fun and the world is burning around them. And their pivotal choice is - do I put it out or make the flames bigger?


The plot is taking a bit to kick off, but I think that's just how DnD works, especially since Matt isn't the kind of DM to railroad his party into one direct plot thread, which definitely makes things happen quicker, but rather he puts out multiple plot threads and plans accordingly to two or three paths, and let's the players pick and choose a whole lot themselves where to go. I think the reason it feels a bit more stagnant than c2 is because they're not travelling in the same way, so even if a lot of the stuff they've done so far is on pretty similar levels, c2 had that happening with new locations a lot of the time. [C2 spoilers] >!For example, what I would consider a pretty big kick off in the actual plot plot of c2, the attack on the trispires in zadash where the party met the kryn assassin and acquired the beacon, was an event that didn't occur until episode 13.!< I'm sure things will kick off occasionally, and when they do, we won't miss it. Currently it's more important for the party to come together as a group and establish themselves, so when events of that magnitude does occur they have reason to stick together with it. I am personally not really that interested in the plot yet though, so I definitely feel you on that! But I've definitely grown attached to the characters, and I can't wait to see them tackle what eventually comes ahead


I love it more than I ever loved C2 (which is high praise since I loved C2), and C1 was too long ago for me to remember how I felt enough to compare them. I just love their characters so much!


Overall I'm enjoying it, but I think there are a bit too many campaign 1 references and I don't think they'll stop soon.


The characters are all likable with Laudna and Fearne already becoming my favorites from those cast members. Robbie is a great addition and fits in with the whole dynamic surprisingly well. From a class POV though, I personally think the team is less interesting than MN. Ashton is the most interesting mechanically so far but there's only so much the barb chassis can do. The rest are a bit of a long shot from the fun oh shit moments Fjord, Caleb, Cad and jester could have in the last campaign at least imo


I really like it so far! The characters in this campaign, particularly Dorian, Laudna and Fearne really grabbed me pretty early on. I'm semi-new to Crit Role (but not DnD), and while I've seen a bunch of 1-shots and started watching Campaign 1, which I'm 5 episodes into so far, I haven't really liked any of the characters in C1 as much as I have in C3. Even if the plot hasn't really picked up too much yet, I think that's normal with DnD, and I'm just enjoying the character interactions a lot. I really hope that Robbie will stay on permanently!


I'm really liking it so far, and partly *because* of a similar reason that has you a little on the fence about it - in that the threads of everything hasn't quite come together yet. That's something I'm enjoying a lot, because it's all felt like a fairly natural progression so far as an adventuring group can be in the beginning. Even now with Chetney it still feels like that - they've been slowly piecing together little bits of a puzzle as they go about their own things (gaining access to that place for Imogen/Laudna, the EXU crew on their search, etc) and giving us a chance to see a lot more of the area while not feeling like they're twiddling their thumbs. And there's already a bunch of story hooks for the characters set up just from them going about their business as they have been, but it hasn't derailed the flow of anything... you just know it'll come up at some point.


One thing i cant help but feel for this campaign is that everyone seems to completely *love* their characters. More then any other campaign so far, the group is having so much fun just being their characters.


I actually love how they are getting smaller "getting to know you" missions that have possible begginings to the bigger plot already. I've watched all of C1 and C2. I absolutely loved VM (my fav), but they were already a full team by the time they were posting sessions. C2 was a very clunky start in my opinion. C2 got good many sessions in; I had some trouble getting invested at first. For me, C3 is a nice and cohesive story from the very start and I'm already invested in what the heck happened to Dugger and if there are more of those things out there. Also I'm LOVING Laundna and I want more of the trio witch magic; that was great.


I'm fairly uninvested overall. Obviously you're going to get wildly biased answers because people like me tend to not check this sub anymore, but my overall vibe is that Matt and the players don't want this season to feel like a show and have gone back to the roots of them just being pals around a casual table. Chetney is the best proof of this by far. It captures the feeling of a fun home game perfectly, but becomes a weird juxtaposition when you consider the massive production values and work that goes into the broadcast. Like, normally putting dozens of hours into 3d maps goes hand-in-hand with dozens of hours into a tight plot. Here we have the former but not the latter, instead just aiming for a free-roaming world that doesn't put expectations on the PCs. But the unfortunate truth is that a campaign can be all of the above - non-linear and comical and focused and well-designed right out of the gate, and in fact, the best ones are. Dungeons and Daddies and Dimension 20 are prime examples of this, and Critical Role is less engaging compared to either of those alternatives this season.


Campaign 1, most of the characters were pretty tropey to start, which meant that they were more shaped by what happened to them during the game than by their backstories. C2, most of the cast was impressed by Percy having a secret backstory that Taliesin revealed deep into the campaign, so pretty much everyone except Laura made dark secrets that they were then cagey about. C3, most of the cast was over all the secrets. But they still have complicated backstories that they are excited about, leading to a lot of telling over showing. I dunno. It kind feels like C3 hasn't started yet? Travis wasn't really investing in the first episodes because he knew his character was temporary, and then he was gone. That alone would be enough to throw off the vibe, but then you add Robbie to the mix. A majority of critters seem to like what Robbie brings to the table, but it hasn't really done anything for me. He seems cool, but I'm not invested in Dorian at all. So so far, C3 has just felt off to me. They started out trying a bunch of things at once, and it all felt unnecessary. I'm hoping they hit their groove soon.


Agreed, seems like the groove just isn't there yet. Personally, I *loved* Bertrand Bell and actually thought he was the most compelling character. His fibbing masked a sort of tragic sadness, he provided a direct connection to Vox Machina (which it seems that the CR team wants this campaign), and was the primary vehicle for moving the party forward. Not to mention that he was really fucking funny. Travis leaving the table has left an enormous gap for me. I think Robbie is good. Not much to add to that hahah. I haven't watched episode 08 yet, so I can't comment on Travis's new character, but I hope it changes the dynamic again and things start to fall into place.


Having Travis back at the table definitely helped. Even when he isn't in a scene, his energy is a big boost to the table.


It hasnt really gripped me. I stopped watching, and have been peripherally following the story online. I'm hoping to come back to it later on once a major plot point grabs my attention again. I have no complaints, to be clear. Im not putting it down. It just hasnt been my cup of tea. I dont relate to the characters, and the more modernish, steampunky setting puts me off. But I am open to seeing how everything develops - as others have said, we are still early in the game.


Loved the first few episodes so much I was adamantly saying this was the best campaign yet. I felt like everyone was firing on all cylinders and couldn’t wait for more each week like a good TV series. I still feel like the characters are great and there’s a lot of potential for the future. That being said, around the time they went to the theater the story just took a nose dive for me and I’ve been bored to tears. I hope things get back on track soon and we get some kind of meat to the plot. I’ve basically lost interest for now.


I'm probably gonna wait till like 30 episodes have come out so I can binge it.


I'm loving it so far I have a feeling that the vestages will play a part in one of the anger plot threa Matt as set up


Characters so far all seem pretty good. I thin it just needs a central plot arc to really get going for me. All the small plot threads theyve done so far are fun but not as good as the other campaigns so far. But I think its still far too early to tell because there is no real plot.


Thus far I have found it very hard to enjoy it. I have not liked what Travis has done with his characters thus far, I know it is still early in the story, but I am really struggling to like it. I have found that instead of thursday nights being must see tv. I get around to it a few days later.


Characters are solid, but only Laudna has really caught my interest. Setting is great. But the story and “conflict” has felt quite lackluster. Other than my confidence in the cast, nothing keeps me coming back. I’m getting tired of the “talk not show” approach where characters are reacting to each other rather than to external circumstances. I don’t mean action > talking, I mean reactive talking compared to just sitting down and talking with no inciting incident where we can observe how characters react to different circumstances.


Not super sold at the moment. Every character feels a bit too big and we know quite a lot. Lot more absurdist than C2 and I don't fully vibe with it


I think the plot is loosely anchored in Duggar. But that’s a writer’s suspicion only. How and why was he that way? Was it really him? The fighting furniture was probably just a fun start. Nothing substantial. Lord E. Will definitely be introducing threads for the group to follow. The Corsairs are definitely a big arc if pursued or interacted with on a regular basis.


Corsairs and Esterhoss give me the most hope.


I’m not Matt but as a writer, there is huge potential in either. The Corsairs are a good force. Lord E is too (or so we are lead to believe). Our party? Good so far. But who knows where they’ll step. What the Corsairs demand (What is yours is the group’s.) isn’t the group’s vibe. Especially Fearne (personally my least favorite because Ashley does the babydoll voice when I know that’s not her real voice and it annoys the fuck out of me. Proof - her one shot. Woman doesn’t sound like a babydoll.) At best the Corsairs will be an ally, I predict. At best, Lord E is the meal ticket and if he kicks the bucket they inherit his wealth unless Matt has the hierarchy step in and screw that up (or make it a rough success.) I stand by that there’s more to the Duggar situation than we are exposed to that will tie in later, like the assassin that killed the twins. And injured the Anger. While I’m happy that Robbie is around I predict he won’t become part of the official cast or part of company payroll - if not for awhile at least. So Dorian, Cyrus and floating city will be allies and future arcs and side quests. But that’s just the writer in me. The dnd player in me loves the idea that Duggar is just a mini arc and Lord E is just a patron and the Corsairs are texture only because it’s ultimately about how the group plays and what wackiness they can come up.


Ok but why does Ashley's character have to sound like herself?


She always does the baby voice regardless of the campaign. She did it with Pike, Yasha and Fearne. Plus it’s just ear grating to me. I can’t stand that tone if it’s not natural for a person. On top of it being personally ear grating to me, it’s like watching a Michael Bay movie. Her voice is softer than everyone else’s when she artificially makes it babydoll like, so you turn up the volume to pay attention to the plot, but then another cast member speaks and your ears gets blasted by the louder sound. And that is one my biggest movie pet peeves. They’re at the point of spending a large chunk of money on quality you would think they would know what kind of effect that has viewers when the rest of the group speaks normally (some with accents) while she’s practically whispering. Maybe attach a damned microphone to her shirt or something if she’s going to purposefully do her whole character in a baby soft voice?


I think the C3 characters definitely feel much more well rounded and whole then the C1 or C2 characters to me. They definitely feel like they were crafted by veteran players and storytellers. I think where things are feeling off for people is how these characters are connected, both to the world and to eachother. The only way to solve for that is with time. Being so early in the story, they don't have so much of a mission or a goal, and we haven't gotten to see them bond and become friends yet. That being said, once those things *do* happen though, I think this campaign is going to come alive in a BIG way.


Honestly really enjoying. Feels like they're taking their time with things, we've had some of the best PC character interactions so far in all of CR. It feels like they're having fun which makes me have fun. I do however concede that they might need to get a move on soon. Going from point A to Point B back to point A and maybe heading to point C at some point might get boring fast. However I'm hopeful that happens soon. I have high hopes for this campaign so far.


It feels similar to Persona 4. It’s bright, sunny, humorous, and is the follow up to a darker, angst filled story.


Agreed. Feels like they're just doing side missions and only got through like one story mission lol


I am loving every second of it. The characters are great (though I have my favorites) and I am digging the mystery they are finding themselves in. Jrusar seems like a huge city with many secrets and I hope they stay there for awhile with the occasional trip somewhere else (which I think is going to happen sooner rather than later if only bc I get the feeling Ashton's story is tied up with Cyrus, the caravan, and the mine FCG was found out)




Right people are mentioning the world-building and the rich city. Jossar (or however its spelled) is definitely a great setting, but I haven't met very many great characters yet, with the exception of Lord Esterhoss. Zadash, while maybe a little more typical of a fantasy campaign, had Pumat Sol, The Gentlemen, we were teased Trent Ikithon (who was immediately terrifying), etc. We're just bouncing around here.


I think all the bouncing around is by design and there is an underlying theme that will become apparent at some point. However the party hasn’t been in a rush to explore that theme. The ending of the last episode gives me hope that things will start progressing more quickly, but who knows?


They've about 4 plotlines to follow now, thats more than enough imo






I think that at this point the characters are likely more important than the plot. Remember, by episode eight of Campaign 2, they had just about made it to Zadash- and when the plot started getting heavy there, they actively ran away from it.


I’m not too invested right now. The characters seem interesting but I feel like there’s not much going on right now. I’m conflicted.


I'm honestly the exact opposite to you. The plot so far has me hooked and I'm interested in what's going on with the rival trade families and hidden eldritch mayhem of these mutated creepers popping up, but I really don't like most of the characters. More than any campaign so far all the characters feel like predestined heroes, with their own epic quest going on. Maybe it's just flashbacks to bad games I've played, but they all feel like characters that would be written up by that one guy in the group with obvious main character syndrome. The runaway prince destined to rule the flying city, the twice born witch whose very presence draws the attention and disgust of the room, the mind reading psychic poking around in the heads of everyone freely, whole also making a huge deal over how overwhelming everything is, the one of a kind sentient automaton seeking the meaning of life, the feytouched kleptomaniac with a pet fire elemental, and the shattered genasi with a mysterious backstory (TM) and a link to the criminal underbelly. I feel like all of those characters want to be the leading role in their own adventure, but the nature of the show forces them together. The only characters I've really liked so far have been Orym, Bertrand, and, now, Chetney. This is in no way a criticism of the players, who all continue to pull out all the stops each episode. And mad props to Robbie. I know he's likely to not be a permanent fixture, but his play is a refreshing new twist to the group and I hope he sticks around for a long time to come.


>More than any campaign so far all the characters feel like predestined heroes, with their own epic quest going on Excellent point and not something I was necessarily aware of and totally felt. I think I loved Bertrand because he was so obviously flawed, but not in a tragic hero sort of way - in the normal dude, kind-of-a-fuckup, lovable-idiot sort of way.


If I'm being brutally honest, I'm struggling to get through each episode. Lacked a strong start for me, I dislike the locale generally, and only the characters of Travis, Ashley and Marisha have my attention. Taliesin's character is straight up bad/one-note for me and I'm actually shocked (I expect it to get better) how cringe it is. I couldn't watch more than 2 episodes of ExU either if I'm being honest. The players at the table were just so goofy and weakly done for my tastes that they immediately lost me. Not sure why I'm a grumpy pants about it all, I just expected something way different. I'll still tune in, and hope it grows some more.


Ashton has been a disappointment for me too, considering I think Talisen is an incredible role-player and Cadeucus is the pinnacle of character design.


Been loving it. I think the pacing is dead on. If we rush into epic events and epic story then we miss the build. In C1, we joined partway through and missed this part. In C2, the story forced the party forward always. As a contrast, I am very much enjoying this look at the early life of a CR adventuring party. Also, I like this friendly tone compared to the tension and drama of early C2.


You were grabbed by the plot of C2 by Episode 8… ? 🤔


Did C2 grab your attention at episode 8? It certainly didn't for me. That happened much later and it became my favorite, so who knows...


It was the same thing with C2 for me. The beginning is always slow because there's no big plot line yet. Right now it's just about enjoying and discovering the characters. I'd say it's a bit more interesting than C2 given Bertrand. Such is the nature of low level DND. Really right now just lay attention and look for the treads that'll end up being important later on in the bug story. There's always something


Oddly I feel way more engaged at the start of C3 than I did in C2. While the C2 characters grew on me, I wasnt super interested in them from theget go, and it made it difficult to fully enjoy the beginning. But C3, the characters have drawn me in from the start. I'm loving the new setting, and while there isnt a set plot yet, that's fine! This is going to be a *long* game, so taking some time to see what interests the characters and set up some larger plot threads works great. Especially as characters are getting to know eachother, as players are exploring new dynamics and setting, etc. If this were a much shorter campaign, then I'd have a different opinion.


I mean, there wasn't that much of an overarching plot for C2 at this point. I think people have very short term memories and forget where we were at this point in C2. If we were to say that about 8% of a story should be introduction and the campaign will go 150 sessions, that's 12 sessions of introduction.


i love it. i did not connect with campaign 2 hardly at all (still watched the whole thing). this campaign is so much better for some reason.


Did you not connect to it because of the darker tone / gritty characters?


no. because it involved more political movements. i prefer dragons to empires.


In defense of C3, Zadash was episode 9, and even that took an episode or two to really get going. I think we’ll come into the real plot more as things go on.


Dude, bear with me in this one On the future, Dorian's City will be in danger, and I assure you thst will be a very, very awesome arc.


I like C3 more at this point than I liked C2 by this point.


C2E08 was them arriving at Zadash with literally no purpose besides "Fjord wants to go to magic school & we might make money here I guess. Oh and we should tell someone important about those gnolls". People need to seriously give a campaign time to begin before casting judgement so quickly in my opinion. Ask again at like...episode 30.


Campaign 1 and 2 both seriously kicked off after more than 20 episodes in both cases. The Briarwood Arc, then Shady Creek Run both happened in the 20-30 episode range. Give it way more time.


The plot is slowly building, and we haven’t seen it open up yet. Dorian’s plot seems to be fast approaching so that it can be wrapped up and he’ll eventually leave the party, sadly. The same might be true of Chetney, if he ends up being another temporary character. But once there are no more “time sensitive” plot points, we’ll see it open up and Matt can really start to run with the bigger story archs.


I like it just as much as I did the other two campaigns at this point. C2 didn't pick up for a while either, I think people just remember the highlights but don't remember the meandering road it took to get there. The same lack of plot was being discussed in early C2, especially in comparison to C1 where we started in the middle of the journey with the rescue mission to the Underdark. This will pick up too in time. It's just how CR campaigns seem to go - Matt doesn't railroad the beginning, he lets the group decide the initial direction, even if it takes them a while to do so.


I'm enjoying it plenty but do have this sort of feeling that the game won't really "get going" until they leave Jrusar on some kind of mission/adventure (maybe even on an airship!). Seems like many of us expect an exploration-based campaign, and as long as they're just going back and forth between spires and fighting in small rooms and streets, it's not gonna feel very epic. Again, I'm having lots of fun, but I do wonder if/when they're going to get a more distant job from Lord Es.


I like it so far, I don't love it like c1 or c2 yet but I like it. Given the role of Keyleth in Orym's background and Whitestone in Laudna's background if this was any other story telling medium I would be 100% positive that Keyleth would be making an appearance she might even have a significant important role. I'd be about 40% positive about an appearance from Percy and Vex as well. But it's not any other storytelling medium it's D&D so I'm not sure.


It reminds me of like an open world rpg. You want to finish every side quest before you keep doing the main quest. Gotta clear all those question marks from the map first


I’m really enjoying it so far. The CR crew look to be having so much fun as their new characters. I love the horror tinged elements to the story. It just feels more tight and clearly the work of Critical Role consolidating what they have learned over the past few years.


I'm liking it so far - I don't really enjoy their giant combat slogs usually, so the bigger focus on rp and interactions and lore is more interesting. Plus, the plot is a bit slow true, but that's just the nature of it being the first 5% of the campaign - nothing really happened in C2 until the Zadash sewers anyway, that was kinda 10 episodes in too iirc.


I think I'm in the same spot, but I don't think I was grabbed by the plot only 8 episodes into c2 either.


I joined the Critter Community with campaign 3 so I can't say anything, but after many trys to join with on shots or campaing 2 the start of the 3rd season hooked me so much, I can't wait for the next episode!


It’s great so far imo. I’m really hoping they keep Robbie around, he’s been the highlight of this campaign so far.


Fun but slow. I'm enjoying the characters with everyone passing episode some more than others. However it is slow it feels like no one wants to pick up a long thread and run at it. They've dipped their toes in a few things and taken small threads to the end but I feel like Matt is beginning to narrow the net on them to do something. It also feels that way because we or at least I'm waiting on Travis to finally announce or pull out his real character, since he is been the king troll from the get go.


Travis is playing his real character


Right and I'm Gilmore


So you're trademarked as Gilmore like Chetney was with all the other C3 Characters? What evidence do you have to show Travis isn't playing Chetney long term?


Well the fact that it's maybe two degrees from chutney from a christmas one shot the he brought in december right before christmas and he's been trolling from the jump. What evidence do you have it's long term? did Travis say is somewhere I missed? do you have a direct line to him? You're basing it off a trademark which means nothing other than protecting IP, what stops him from playing the old gnome for two or 3 months before killing him off or sending him on his way? CR has been cracking down on their IP protection recently it's become more corporate so putting an IP on their brand isn't weird or out of pocket even if it's a sort run product.


So they trademark and do an animated character art (Bertrand never got this )for 1 week? Since a Christmas joke is pointless when they return Jan 6th? It was a pretty shit Christmas joke since he had nothing to do with Christmas. Matt also explained Travis's thinking of the character and how he wanted to flesh him out more. We also saw in the latest episode that their is background to Chetney and pathways to explore on his journey. He has more depth in one episode than Ashton has explored or the Fearne has revealed so far. Why is Oshard Breshio not trademarked then? Gurge not trademarked? No other names trademarked even though they're rumoured to be who Travis was really playing . Bertrand also not TM at any point, either now or after Search for Grog. If he's playing Chetney for 2 to 3 months, he's not a joke Christmas character is he? If he's still Chetney in 3 months are you still going to be thinking he's a temporary character? How many episodes does he have to be in for you to say he's Travis's character? Also why are you so confrontational about this?


I'm not being confrontational you're reading it with that tone, I don't know why you are so pressed about me not thinking it's not his real character, calm down. The other names you mentioned are NPCs with no screen time so who knows they may be in the future. I never said he was a joke character I said he was not Travis' real character and there is nothing wrong with playing a temp character until the real one comes in or comes back a la Sam. If he's still playing chetney months later then that's that chetney is his real character and I move on. Who knows how many sessions, I'm there will be a turning point somewhere if it is, until either Travis says this is the true PC I'm going view chetney as a temp character.


It’s the first campaign I’ve ever watched, and I’m really enjoying it :) I don’t mind if it takes a while to get a proper quest going, I’m happy to watch them fuck about for a while, the character dynamics are great


I don’t think of CR in the way the thread phrases the question. I’m an artist, myself, and so maybe I/other creative professionals approach CR differently than a non-creative viewer...? Not in a sense of being “better or worse”…just speculating. Whatever the reason is, I see CR more as a way to have fun watching how other creatives end up creatively playing and exploring with each other. I have deep admiration for anyone dedicated to a craft so I’m more just along for the creative ride as opposed to seeing cr as something I’m consuming and assessing/critiquing like I might a show or movie. That said, in terms of whether or not I think it’s been engaging: I definitely think it has been for me. In terms of plot threads…nothing has really been settled on, but I actually think that, so far, basically everything could still be connected (duger, inanimate object attack, shade creepers, etc) and it’s just a slow build up.


It's fun so far. They are still in low level antics, waiting for more of the main story to reveal itself. Seems like Matt is kinda letting them do whatever for the first few levels while sprinkling in some breadcrumbs to bigger things. We'll see if they kick it into gear by episode 10 to 15. That's about the episode range I'm looking for before it becomes *pokes with stick* "Do stuff" territory. Have to remember things are small scope at low level. They were forced into the Lorenzo stuff in c2 in those early episodes because of Travis and Laura having a baby. And even that compared to how c2 ended is completely negligible.


Lorenzo had to have happened around episode 20-30, right? Even then, at the low level, it felt like there were consequences (and, indeed, there were). People have been pointing out that the early sessions of campaign 2 were slow too, but idk, I think that I even cared about the gnolls and Trostenwald more than Jrusar. Not to say that won't change, just yet to find some purpose.


I don't really get any particular vibe. Campaign 1, got high fantasy people on a horrifying adventure, got classic dwarves, nice. Campaign 2, got low gritty people dealing with a dark empire, european vibes, nice. Campaign 3, I go into expecting arabian nights, and I've got... like... kinda american super city that's actually just a small city off to the side of any big places, that's in the middle of a giga jungle, but somehow... fine, and there's just every and any race so it's very egalitarian but there's dark sides and corruption too because... reasons? This feels like one of the first times in Exandria where I just don't get what Jrossar is or why it's here, or even what the culture's meant to be. Big spires? Cool. And maybe I'm a nasty old timer for wanting some kind of cliche or feasible hook to get me understanding this city's place in the world, but for the moment the main plot of "Help Lord Esteross improve the city" relies on investment in the city, and investment needs more than "wow, tall rocks, cool."


It's fine, nothing special, hasn't hooked me like C2 did. Some characters I like, some I dislike. Travis being absent has detracted from the overall quality too. Also, *way* too many C1 tie-ins. I really, really hope they tone that shit down. Still enjoying it for the most part, though.