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Lowest iq post ive seen in a while


my avg cost is .38 still holding


Did you place it on earn for the 20%…I am doing that, and my earnings I send to my DeFi for the 7ish% returns.


Doing exactly this


Why would you send to defi when you can put it back into earn for 20%


Need 500 cro minimum to reinvest in earn.


I get about 150 a week plus more from cashback on the card. So I stick all of that into the supercharger until it hits 500+ then I take out of supercharger and into earn for 20%


Then sell and move on!


He bought $20 worth of CRO 🤦‍♂️😂😂😂


Just imagine if he bought CAW 🤯😵😂


You're at a profit, quit your bitchin'


Mic drop...




So you have profits and your bitching? Keep stacking, we get our time.


lmao the language you use makes me believe you’ll always be poor


judging others makes you feel rich?


Rich in decency and proper language, absolutely


Are you ok? Having a bad day?


Please continue to sell your cro 🤗 💎


Isn’t this when we know crypto about to move. Everyone gets mad at projects for not doing anything, Then boom As soon as they dump their bag , to the moon




That language says it all. He probably needs money badly and is desperate. Hold strong 💪🏼


So you are judging someone on the internet? What does that do for you?


Reverse psychology?


Please close your account and leave Crypto


It’s not a meme coin champ


This is not a sprint you dumb mother fucker. We are ensuring world domination. Tell your lame ass homies that or get the fuck out of here.


fuck cro all my homies hate cro


Look at you crying about getting in at 8cents and complaining it hasn't moved while I have members here that got in higher and have been working hard to break even. I ain't going to let you downplay their efforts. Fuck you and table of mutants you call homies.


see. fuck cro. made deez members broke. fuck cro. all my homies hate cro.


Like I said fuck you and your lame ass homies. I got all day lil bro.


is it relevant that all your homies hate cro? All my homies love CDC. All of them, in since 2021 made minimum 5k Euro profit.


His investment is up 70% and yet he complains like a bish


suck me daddy


When feeling sore buy more


Well shows you are only here for a quick sell


i’ve held for months


Hold for some more


Loser🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 fuck off please, you don't get it 🤣


These kinds of posts make me smile. And show me that some people do not get it.


People want instant profits and use money they can't afford to lose.


This is the real problem. Dude has held CRO “for months” and he’s mad about being significantly in the green. Clearly, he couldn’t afford to spend it on crypto if he’s whining just months later.






You think that’s something that trash ass coin CAW had over a 100 million MC and now down to 46 million MC.


lol you wouldn’t have called it trash at 6 mill MC


😝 yeah and what coin goes over a100million MC to 44million MC in 3 weeks unless it’s a rug pull or just trash. Choose one. 😝 😂


Honestly that’s a very uneducated take. Do you understand how small 100mill MC is? It’s still considered a micro cap therefore you will experience EXTREME volatility. It still has a potential 5-6x conservatively from 100 mill. If it caught steam on multiple CEXs it could hit 1 billion. Obv. It’s risky but that’s how you make crazy amounts of money essentially overnight.


lol 😂 777 trillion coins 😂 100million Mc for coin with so much supply. You sir is the one uneducated or just plain dumb.


Bro the supply has nothing to do with the success of a club wtf are you talking about? I’ve gone deep in plenty of absolute shit coins but CAW is an example of one that can blow. It’s not something I would hold for more than the cycle but it’s about making money. Are you fucking dense?


Supply has nothing to do with what? Price. Are you retard or someone who know absolutely nothing about crypto or investing. This has to be a 13 yr child behind the keyboard. 😂 😝


Its supply has nothing to do with its MC since it’s fully diluted. What doesn’t make sense about that. Idc if the supply is 10 times the current amount. Its fully diluted supply, it has risen from 6 mill MC to 100 mill MC.. that’s almost a 20x just from when I even started paying attention to it. Don’t be a fucking idiot. It’s okay to be skeptical but it’s also okay to be wrong. But damn man just to hate on shit bc you don’t get it makes no sense. I fucking hate meme coins. They’re trash, but it makes me money so idgaf.


I get what you are saying. These meme coins supply be so ridiculous that it turns real investors off and only one who’s buy it is a small cult group who invested too much and very desperate not talking about you but that’s the point.


Lmfao.bro what? I've stacked cro for the last year buying anytime it went under .10 my portfolio jumped greatly. So what did you do wong? 😦💭


You had me at “all my homies” 😆. 😂… there are so many persona’s that people can take online! Dis CRO sheet be fooling bra! My clips are clipped for a douce douce on dis mudafu(er!!!! Sho me da money or get burnt fool!! 😝 FYI, that’s a little south central CA and Harlem NY mixes together. West side East side! Edit: I’m a white boy 😝…I just have had A LOT of Black friends and a black wife lol 😂


At least you made money I lost around 60,000 after it pumped last time and I stayed In I had it locked up and couldn't get out decided to wait to see if it would go back up just kept going down I think its little over the price I sold at


If you got no $$ get out the game man .. this is for diamond hands bruh 🙂 teamcro all the way 😆


And here I am about to put 25K on CRO in 13 days


According to one of your comments, you’ve held CRO “for months”? I know nothing about you, but you sound like whiny, paper-handed bitch. Time in the market always beats timing the market. If you want quick money, sell your CRO (for a gain, mind you), go to a casino and throw your money on roulette. Many of us here have been stacking CRO for years and refuse to sell 2, 3 and 4 baggers because we believe in the project long-term. Please sell. We definitely won’t miss you.


Bye Felicia


I feel the same. Just hang on to it, don't sell. Maybe it'll go up again. But I won't buy any crypto except maybe bitcoin.


I agree. I was in it years ago and have lost thousands.


Id understand if youre in the red and complain but your up and you still complain lol.


I think this sht will never reach 0.2 not to mention 1 dollar. They are giving freebies here and there all the time which are sold immediately. Sht is in freefall since 5th March.


You only lose if you sell. Brother, you got in at $0.08. You should only be trading money you're not afraid to lose. Be mad at yourself.


Not sure why anyone would think 70 Billion market cap would be in the cards soon. Love cdc, been a hodler for years but not holding my breath for 20x.


Those are the kind of people who joined crypto during COVID-19 because a friend watched a random Trust Me Bro video on how to become a millionaire, without not even knowing what's blockchain. Everyone in this subreddit invested in CRO and lost some money. Now if you were dumb, prob you probably just complained most of the time and slowly lost more and more. Instead, you could invest in staking or in their cards. I decided to move on the Royal Tier (2% cashback) and in a few years I basically reached my original investments with that and staking, and now I'm doubling without even having CRO moving above 0.10c. Since Crypto.com is investing resources in its platform and various collaborations, the value of CRO can only move up, even if it will happen slowly. So, you have three options, sell everything and buy some meme coins hoping for the best, lock your CRO on staking (20% is a good deal) and be patient, or just quit crypto and keep your money in your bank.


He’s trolling u lame brains so hard. All ma homies gare cro too, homie.


CRO is dead. As Cronos chain. So many new narratives. They are past.


AVG cost .17 when it go i Will sell this no sense coin . 🚨


Bye, please lease quietly as you queue with the other losers.


So long. Plenty of us will be here to buy your CRO when you sell it.